Friday, October 27, 2017

3217: Still in controlling

„Oh, under re­ally also has great for­ma­tion, what to do, that thun­der, if hits us, feared that must die with­out doubt.”
At this mo­ment, the peo­ple in en­trance, is myr­iad thun­der that pays at­ten­tion to ar­rived under them to fol­low to come, at once, the scared mean­ing fills the air.

Be­cause peo­ple in that thun­der, feels, ex­tin­guishes the strength of killing.
If were hit, feared that must die.

„Ha Ha, sees not to have, you see not to have.”
„I have said that do not fol­low that Chu Feng to go, now did you be­lieve me?”

„His triv­ial Chu Feng, why and Linghu Ce­les­tial Clan fight, why and An­ces­tral Mar­tial Prac­tice World main for­ma­tion fight?”
Sees this one, hap­pi­est is Puyang Han, at this mo­ment he not minces mat­ter his mood, crazy laughs, even his smil­ing face so fierce.

To the Chu Feng's ha­tred, is dis­con­tented with Chu Feng's, that all the mood of back­log, in this mo­ment, erupted fi­nally thor­oughly.
His in­ner­most feel­ings, smooth crisp in­com­pa­ra­ble.

But at the same time, Puyang Ce­les­tial Clan peo­ple, is face fear, looked to Puyang Han, in that un­ex­pect­edly was the deep grat­i­tude.
Al­though, for­merly be­cause of the threat of Puyang Han, they had not en­tered Holy Spirit Light For­ma­tion.

How­ever they re­joiced now that re­joiced Puyang Han has threat­ened them, the threat of pre­cisely Puyang Han, makes them avoid a tribu­la­tion.
„Is only, in An­ces­tral Mar­tial Prac­tice World, does not have to pro­tect for­ma­tion tech­nique, is here, can not refuse stub­bornly to ex­tin­guish?”

When re­joices, there is a Puyang Ce­les­tial Clan clans­man to ask.
„Re­ally is stu­pid, other places can not refuse stub­bornly to ex­tin­guish, but that is main for­ma­tion, main for­ma­tion con­trols all, he wants to make you die, is dif­fi­cult to be in­ad­e­quate you also to live?” Puyang Han said.

„Then, can they die with­out doubt?” Hears this words, the Puyang Ce­les­tial Clan face color on fear, is get­ting stronger and stronger.
„Snort, that is also they brings upon one­self.” But Puyang Han, is think­ing oth­er­wise of face, he looks for­ward to Chu Feng they, ruins com­pletely there.

Al­though, Puyang Han hopes that all of them die.
But many peo­ple, do not hope that these peo­ple die.

But does not hope that they die, nat­u­rally is these clans­men of in­flu­ence.
„Sir Tiemian, they are young, is in­no­cent, ask­ing you to by­pass them.”

„Sir Tiemian, ask­ing you to show mercy.”
At pre­sent, in the square, the sounds of var­i­ous beg­ging for mercy re­sound un­ceas­ingly, peo­ple's hope not only base and low, even some peo­ple were Linghu Tiemian have knelt.

In order to was lived by own Brother kin, some peo­ple have put down the dig­nity.
How, fac­ing beg­ging for mercy of peo­ple, Linghu Tiemian ac­tu­ally does not fluc­tu­ate, spoke a few words su­per­fi­cially:

„Op­por­tu­nity I have given them, is they do not trea­sure, this then no won­der my Linghu Ce­les­tial Clan Wúqíng/Heart­less.”
How­ever, Linghu Tiemian has also sup­ple­mented one: „But that great for­ma­tion has not writ­ten off them now, if they are tact­ful, best to stim­u­late to move­ment the key, leaves An­ces­tral Mar­tial Prac­tice World, later do not come back, oth­er­wise... Only can ruin in this.”

Hears this words, the peo­ple all are ashen-faced, be­cause of Linghu Tiemian these words, had de­ter­mined guesses in their heart, that thun­der great for­ma­tion, can write off the peo­ple un­ex­pect­edly.

At pre­sent they are help­less, can only hope in the in­ner­most feel­ings that is hop­ing their Brother kin, can un­der­stand pre­sent en­dan­ger­ing, stim­u­la­tion of move­ment as soon as pos­si­ble en­ters the An­ces­tral Mar­tial Prac­tice World key, leaves An­ces­tral Mar­tial Prac­tice World on own ini­tia­tive.

Oth­er­wise, that thun­der great for­ma­tion, re­ally will pos­si­bly kill them.
But in fact, these are in the peo­ple in dan­ger, in­deed re­al­izes ar­rived this dan­ger.

„This great for­ma­tion is un­usual, fears is pro­tec­tion for­ma­tion tech­nique in An­ces­tral Mar­tial Prac­tice World, is un­able to pro­tect us, we re­ally could die.”

„At pre­sent has no way out, we stim­u­late to move­ment the key, leaves this An­ces­tral Mar­tial Prac­tice World.” Has the Peo­ple sound to say.

„But, we just en­tered An­ces­tral Mar­tial Prac­tice World, that many cul­ti­va­tion re­sources we have seen, if like this leaves, to waste in the clan to give our op­por­tu­nity in vain?” But many peo­ple, do not hate to leave here.

Does not aban­don, nat­u­rally does not aban­don, after all each fam­ily, can ob­tain to enter this An­ces­tral Mar­tial Prac­tice World op­por­tu­nity to be lim­ited.

Can have this op­por­tu­nity, even many peo­ple have torn to pieces the fa­cial skin in the clan, the kin broth­ers and sis­ters, turned into the stranger.

Has taken that big ef­fort, fi­nally en­tered here, every­one hopes that can treat one, no one wants de­par­ture eas­ily, even if bears some pain, hopes that can keep here.

Why this is also, some peo­ple rather souls by un­ceas­ing smash­ing, mor­tal body by un­ceas­ing de­stroy­ing, even does not hes­i­tate to brave, was suf­fered to the in­sane risk liv­ingly, is not will­ing to stim­u­late to move­ment that key, leaves this An­ces­tral Mar­tial Prac­tice World rea­son on own ini­tia­tive.

„Every­body lis­tened to me say­ing that this for­ma­tion tech­nique was dif­fer­ent from com­mon for­ma­tion tech­nique, that was main for­ma­tion, if were hit by him, we re­ally could die.”

„Now Linghu Ce­les­tial Clan, has not writ­ten off our plans, that thun­der does not ap­proach, is giv­ing us the op­por­tu­nity, but we, if con­tin­ues to get down hes­i­tant, when Linghu Ce­les­tial Clan lost the pa­tience, we re­ally must die with­out doubt.” Some peo­ple an­a­lyze to say.

But hears such bean noo­dles, the peo­ple also thought that is very rea­son­able.
„Every­body, if be­lieves my Chu Feng, then do not stim­u­late to move­ment the key.”

But when the peo­ple are in­de­ci­sive, Chu Feng ac­tu­ally slowly opened the mouth.
„Method that Chu Feng, is it pos­si­ble that you have deal­ing?” Li Anzhi asked to Chu Feng.

„All still in con­trol­ling.” Chu Feng said.
Heard Chu Feng such say­ing, peo­ple im­me­di­ately the look­ing un­fa­mil­iar happy ex­pres­sion.

All still in con­trol­ling, dis­closed that the peo­ple so are why flur­ried, but Chu Feng is se­cure through­out.
Orig­i­nally, method that Chu Feng has deal­ing.

„Good, all still in con­trol­ling.”
Chu Feng ac­tu­ally does not know that his these words, were ac­tu­ally caught by that mir­ror sur­face, was looked by Linghu Tiemian in the eye.

„Trans­mit­ted or­ders, lets cul­ti­vate clearly stim­u­lates to move­ment for­ma­tion tech­nique, writes off them com­pletely.” Linghu Tiemian said.
But he such re­marks, the peo­ple in square, is the anx­ious ar­rived ex­treme.

Linghu Tiemian wanted under the pain the killer, method that but Chu Feng had deal­ing re­ally?
Method that even if Chu Feng has deal­ing , is the method that but that deals with ef­fec­tive?

Liv­ing that re­sists, that main for­ma­tion of­fen­sive?

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