Friday, October 27, 2017

3218: Linghu Mingye

When the peo­ple guessed un­ceas­ingly, under that myr­iad thun­der, started in­tensely surged.
That where also likely is the sim­ple thun­der, sim­ply looks like, fe­ro­cious beast that is only in­nu­mer­ably big and hun­gry, im­pa­tient wants to tear own game.

Fi­nally, that myr­iad thun­der, flicker to fire, carry are ex­tin­guish­ing the strength of killing, has killed the past to Chu Feng and oth­ers.
„Just right that comes.”

At this mo­ment, Chu Feng's an­other hand, then touched to the golden com­pass above top of the head.
His wipes, from the golden com­pass, has fished out a golden bril­liance un­ex­pect­edly, af­ter­ward loses to below.

That golden bril­liance, changes to to­gether the golden com­pass un­ex­pect­edly, under stub­bornly, the thun­der that these at­tack, kept off out­side com­pletely.

Under a bang, that myr­iad thun­der rum­bled com­pletely above the golden com­pass.
That golden com­pass, is sim­i­lar to the above com­pass is the same, trem­bles does not trem­ble, so is easy, then that myr­iad thun­der keep­ing off.

Sees this, that heart has hung in the peo­ple of throat, fi­nally re­laxed.
„Young Mas­ter Chu Feng, you may re­ally be too bad, since you al­ready had such method, we who why a morn­ing use, does not harm so are afraid.”
„Yes, oth­ers for­merly, may be scared.”

At this mo­ment, many fe­males, in the pretty ex­pres­sion, blamed Chu Feng.
That ap­pear­ance, where blamed likely, that was clearly act­ing like a spoiled brat.

Al­though, is act­ing like a spoiled brat, but also said the as­pi­ra­tions of many per­son, bright to­mor­row morn­ing will be pre­pared, why will not use ear­lier, is it pos­si­ble that will be is fright­en­ing them to be in­ad­e­quate re­ally in­ten­tion­ally?

Said that Chu Feng in­ten­tion­ally so, mak­ing these not be­lieve his per­son leaves as soon as pos­si­ble.
But these be­lieve that his per­son, will enjoy achieve­ment at this mo­ment with him to­gether?

„Is the speed.”
How­ever, when the peo­ple are puz­zled, Li Anzhi ac­tu­ally sud­denly opened the mouth.

Re­gard­ing a few words that Li Anzhi said sud­denly, the peo­ple as be­fore were puz­zled of face.
„Chu Feng is uses under that the at­tack of thun­der , to pro­mote the speed that we prompted for­ward.”

„In this case, he more late uses the method, speed that we ad­vance, in­stead is quicker.” Li Anzhi said.
Heard Li Anzhi such say­ing, peo­ple ob­served, this dis­cov­ered speed that they prompted for­ward, if re­ally quick many.

„Oh, un­ex­pect­edly is re­ally this, Brother Chu Feng, you were re­ally too wise.”
At this mo­ment, the peo­ple were ex­cited fully, si­mul­ta­ne­ously once again that are the vi­sion of ad­mi­ra­tion went to Chu Feng.

„So, Young Mas­ter Chu Feng can also tell us ahead of time, does not need, wants us to feel alarmed and anx­ious.” Some fe­males said.
„Yes Chu Feng Lit­tle Brother, you can tell us di­rectly, passes mes­sage in se­cret also good, you do not know that the feel­ing of that feel­ing alarmed and anx­ious, does not feel bet­ter.”

„Right right, must know for­merly, I al­most, have stim­u­lated to move­ment that For­ma­tion key, left this An­ces­tral Mar­tial Prac­tice World on own ini­tia­tive, the nar­row squeak nar­row squeak, has not stim­u­lated to move­ment for­tu­nately.”

The words of fe­male, has aroused im­me­di­ately the res­o­nance of peo­ple.
„I, if with you to­gether, you then so will not fear ahead of time, that was Linghu Ce­les­tial Clan that if not for so, how I de­ceive swin­dled?” Chu Feng light say­ing with a smile.

But heard his such say­ing, the peo­ple have closed the mouth, they who fi­nally un­der­stood the Chu Feng in­ten­tion, not only did not have to blame the mean­ing of Chu Feng slightly, in­stead looked to the Chu Feng's vi­sion, the color of ad­mi­ra­tion was get­ting stronger and stronger.
„Was swin­dled?”

„This Chu Feng, but is re­ally wild.”
Hears Chu Feng these words, at this mo­ment in that square, ac­tu­ally heard one to be full of the spunk the sound.

Is Linghu Tiemian, he was en­raged by Chu Feng thor­oughly.
At this mo­ment, in that mir­ror sur­face ray Sheng, that was built on void above the mir­ror sur­face then to van­ish greatly.

Crossed shortly, Linghu Xi­um­ing then grazes, fell be­fore the body of Linghu Tiemian.
„Waste, can't this mat­ter com­plete, wants your what to use?” Saw Linghu Xi­um­ing, Linghu Tiemian has sent out roar­ing of ex­ceed­ingly in­dig­nant.
Re­sound­ing of that sound, the side day of vi­bra­tion fiercely shiv­ers, many peo­ple above square, have re­vealed the color of pain.

Even has the per­son, the eardrum ex­plodes un­ex­pect­edly, blood flow­ing from every ori­fice.
Sixth Rank Mar­tial Im­mor­tal, this is now An­ces­tral Mar­tial Prac­tice World most pow­er­house, the Linghu Tiemian strength.

„Is I am in­com­pe­tent, ask­ing big brother Tiemian to pun­ish in me.”
At this mo­ment, Linghu Xi­um­ing fright­ens partly hur­ries to kneel in the place, his not only cold sweat again and again, trem­bles.

„Pun­ishes you to have what using, pun­ishes you, can pre­vent them?”
„Do you have to hear, words that Chu Feng spoke, he is using us, for­ma­tion tech­nique that you use, not only has not ti­died up him, in­stead has helped him, quicker entry Holy Spirit Light For­ma­tion.” Linghu Tiemian points at Linghu Xi­um­ing to roar an­grily.

But Linghu Xi­um­ing low­ers the head, was say­ing words and ex­pres­sions that is sorry.
„Was good, not to men­tion you re­proved him to be use­less, how even if you did hit him one to be able?”

At this mo­ment, the sound re­sounds to­gether sud­denly.
Hears this sound, all peo­ple are the heart shake, does not un­der­stand that acts reck­lessly, dares to in­ter­rupt at this time un­ex­pect­edly.

When puz­zled, the peo­ple have cast vi­sion, wants to have a look, the fel­low of this act­ing reck­lessly, is ac­tu­ally.
But this looked that the peo­ple are the vi­sion move.

That is a young man, is long quite del­i­cately, a binoc­u­lar pupil is fills gen­tly.
This male not only ap­pear­ance an­other fe­male heart move­ment, that mild-man­nered and cul­ti­vated mak­ings, are wish­ing one could make the per­son want to en­trust life­long.

What is most im­por­tant, this per­son is also fa­mous ex­is­tence.
He is An­ces­tral Mar­tial Ten Stars fourth, Linghu Mingye.

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