Sunday, October 29, 2017

411: Reason with killing!

In a Yun­shan not well-known pitch, Ouyang Xiang orig­i­nally wheat color face, flood a faint trace pale color.
In her nearby Chen Hao, stared Feng Yukun, cold -ly snorted and said: „Yukun, you shut up to me! Do not dis­turb the rest of Ouyang! We in­sisted again, City Bu­reau have sent out [The Steel and Iron], most only took ten min­utes, we were saved!”
Fan Yuan this hon­est and good-na­tured per­son, ac­tu­ally sud­denly opens the mouth say­ing: „Group Leader, [The Steel and Iron] by one group of fel­lows, had been dam­aged in pre­vi­ous time Task prob­a­bly, at pre­sent has not ser­viced good Right?”

Chen Hao in great sur­prise, „re­ally?”
„Prob­a­bly real. It is said is bu­reau's Re­mote Op­er­ated, in the sit­u­a­tion of op­er­ate miss, mak­ing [The Steel and Iron] run upon the high ten­sion wire, burnt down in­ter­nal con­trol to elec­tro­plate Right?” Fan Yuan to say se­ri­ously.
Feng Yukun on fair fresh-faced cheek, be­comes was paler. He usu­ally only col­lects the in­for­ma­tion in each Bar, will di­rectly not par­tic­i­pate in Drug En­force­ment mov­ing.
But this time, he re­ceived the ac­cu­rate mes­sage, Drug Lord that their cur­rently copes with, knew his Po­lice Force iden­tity, the prepa­ra­tion must cope with him. There­fore, while com­pelled by cir­cum­stances, Feng Yukun also joined the Drug En­force­ment mo­tion, more­over to the First line.
„Group Leader, I just con­tact Friend.” Ouyang Xiang was say­ing worn out.
Chen Hao is tak­ing the med­ical ban­dage, con­tin­u­a­tion is the left arm wrap of Ouyang Xiang, „Ouyang, do not speak, saves a strength. Even if no [The Steel and Iron] to res­cue, City Bu­reau will also dis­patch spe­cial ac­tion Lit­tle Group, rushes to res­cue us.”
The Feng Yukun in­op­por­tune start to talk said: „Group Leader, waits for spe­cial ac­tion Lit­tle Group to catch up, at least takes over one hour. Cur­rently the op­po­site party 12 peo­ple, we have five peo­ple, per­haps our 15 min­utes could not in­sist Right?”

„Shut up!” Chen Hao wicked is star­ing Feng Yukun.
Feng Yukun this pretty boy ef­fem­i­nate, in balls color as­pect, in­deed small lit­tle.
Ouyang Xiang shows a re­luc­tant smil­ing face, „Group Leader, does not need to blame Yukun. We in­deed could not in­sist for 15 min­utes. I just had sent out seek for help in­for­ma­tion, [Hope] also with enough time!”
Chen Hao look slightly one bright, „Ouyang, your con­tact who?”
„Shuanghu Dis­trict, Shi Lei.” The Ouyang Xiang brief re­sponse, the blood out­flow of nu­mer­ous, mak­ing Ouyang Xiang feel that the con­scious­ness is fuzzy.
In the Chen Hao eye the none re­main­ing dodges, „Shuanghu Dis­trict Black King?”
„En.” Ouyang Xiang nod­ded.
„Are you good Friend?” Chen Hao can­not bear asked that looks like in Chen Hao, this re­la­tions are re­ally strange, one is Po­lice Force, one is Black King, how will be­come Friend?

„It is not. But that fel­low, can save me.” Ouyang Xiang pale com­plex­ion, slightly flood red.
In the Yun­shan jun­gle, Shi Lei is dri­ving the [Dawn] cur­rently full speed ad­vance.
Po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion that Ex­plor­ing soft­ware cal­cu­lates, is only straight line po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion. But dis­tance in fact, es­pe­cially in Yun­shan, com­plex such wooded moun­tain en­vi­ron­ment, the dis­tance is much more cal­cu­lates in­for­ma­tion.
„Hasn't [Izual], sur­veyed any hot In­duc­tion in­for­ma­tion?” Shi Lei anx­ious ask­ing.
At this mo­ment is evening's close nine points, the tem­per­a­ture fell, in wooded moun­tain, if there is a body warm­ing up ra­di­a­tion of hu­man­ity, under the search of hot In­duc­tion sound­ing set, very ob­vi­ous.
„[Sir], has not dis­cov­ered human hot In­duc­tion in­for­ma­tion.” The [Izual] re­sponse said.

Sud­denly, Shi Lei that cur­rently dashes about wildly rapidly, stopped, on a bough, Shi Lei has dis­cov­ered the un­usual cir­cum­stance.
On a branch of trees, pre­sented some blood­stains. Through HUB Mon­i­tor, con­firmed blood­stain sit­u­a­tion.
„[Sir], ac­cord­ing to the blood­stain air sea­son­ing phe­nom­e­non con­trastive analy­sis, the blood that in this blood­stain con­tains, prob­a­bly be­fore 12-15 min­utes, was ad­hered to stick co­here on the bough.” [Izual] pro­vides the re­sults analy­sis to say.
Al­though Shi Lei slightly sur­prised, [Izual] also has ‚blood­stain analy­sis’ un­ex­pect­edly Ex­pert Sys­tem, but can­not give a thought to the in­quiry spe­cial de­tails, searches other blood­stains in the sur­round­ings.
As­cends the sky does not lose the per­son with high as­pi­ra­tions!
Shi Lei suc­cess­fully had found other blood­stains, and an­a­lyzed to at­tach the time. Ac­cord­ing to ad­her­ing to stick co­here time de­ter­mine, Shi Lei had de­ter­mined a di­rec­tion, pur­sued im­me­di­ately.

After sur­mount­ing a small soil bank, [Izual] prompts to say im­me­di­ately: „[Sir], hot In­duc­tion sound­ing set dis­cov­ery hu­man­ity ther­mal im­agery char­ac­ter­is­tics. The cur­rently com­pu­ta­tion quan­tity, dis­cov­ered that the tar­get heavy quan­tity 17 peo­ple, are away from be­tween 340 me­ters to 560 me­ters.”
Just the hot In­duc­tion sound­ing set, had not dis­cov­ered the rea­son that human ther­mal im­agery, should be pre­vented by the small soil bank. After sur­mount­ing small soil bank, with­out ex­is­tence of im­ped­i­ment thing, im­me­di­ately has then dis­cov­ered ther­mal im­agery In­duc­tion of hu­man­ity.

Shi Lei re­veals an ex­cited color, told: „Turns on the ex­te­rior loud­speaker in a big way, sound ad­just­ment.”
„[Sir], ac­com­plish in­struc­tion!” [Izual]'s re­ac­tion rate, when com­put­ing ser­vice can sat­isfy, for­ever is that rapid.
„Ouyang, I came!” Shi Lei loud ex­claim­ing.
Rea­son that the choice bel­lows, ac­tu­ally to frighten these Drug Lord drug dealer. Through the image of hot In­duc­tion sound­ing set, Shi Lei has been able to af­firm that Ouyang Xiang was meet­ing with be­sieg­ing of Drug Lord or drug dealer.

Hid in cliff pitch big Stone fol­low­ing Ouyang Xiang, on the face has re­vealed the happy ex­pres­sion, she said in a soft voice: „Group Leader, Shi Lei came!”
Chen Hao ac­tu­ally re­vealed has wiped to worry about the color, speed such rapid­ness that Shi Lei caught up with, per­haps was he comes. Is a per­son use­ful?
The op­po­site party is 12 has firearm(s) Crazy drug dealer!
„[Sir], ac­cord­ing to the hot In­duc­tion image analy­sis, the out­side pre­sents sur­round­ing 12 hu­man­ity, is the at­tack side. Has locked 12 tar­get po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion.” [Izual] is an­a­lyz­ing bat­tle­field sit­u­a­tion in­de­pen­dently.
Shi Lei does not care about these Drug Lord or drug dealer, even if quan­tity again many ten times, what re­la­tions can also have?

In Xia Na­tion this state, Drug Lord and weapon in drug dealer hand, broke through the day at­tacks rifle. Light ma­chine gun is im­pos­si­ble to have, let alone any heavy snipe rifle, or is RPG rocket launcher and so on east and west|thing.
So long as does not have heavy snipe rifle, or is RPG rocket launcher, these Drug Lord and drug dealer to the [Dawn]'s de­gree of threat, ap­proach in zero in­fi­nitely.
Dri­ves [Dawn], Shi Lei fast is ap­proach­ing, these want to sur­round Ouyang Xiang Drug Lord drug dealer.
Be­yond en­cir­clement ring, drug traf­ficker, is tak­ing im­i­ta­tion 54 Black Star Pis­tol, he to nearby part­ner, in­quired: „Did you hear?”

„What hears?” His part­ner, has not re­sponded.
„Our be­hind strange sounds! Haven't you heard?” This look as­tute drug traf­ficker, strange ask­ing.
In­quired drug traf­ficker, stopped the foot­steps, closes the eye to lis­ten at­ten­tively.
„dōng dōng dōng dōng ~”
In the woods, has heard an in­ter­mit­tent sad sound of foot­steps, as if has shut­tle of any heavy item in the woods to be the same.
Closes one's eyes drug traf­ficker that lis­tens at­ten­tively , the com­plex­ion changes looks at the woods, Black Star Pis­tol in hand has lifted, loudly ex­claimed: „Who there!”
How­ever, re­sponded to his stone that was one came from out of the blue. The [Dawn] for­mi­da­ble power, the speed that stone ejected, pro­moted to the con­sid­er­ably large de­gree.

Uses the com­pu­ta­tion of Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] through [Izual], ahead of time has sim­u­lated tra­jec­tory in­for­ma­tion, that anom­alous stone, un­ex­pect­edly suc­cess has hit the chest of drug traf­ficker, hit to fly up­side down drug traf­ficker, in the mouth the blood spurted crazily.
That as­tute drug traf­ficker, calls out in alarm: „Every­body pays at­ten­tion, has the sit­u­a­tion, care­ful be­hind!”
Hides Drug En­force­ment Group above pitch, sim­i­larly heard shout­ing of drug dealer, Ouyang Xiang com­plex­ion com­plex light to sigh one. She knows that Shi Lei def­i­nitely will not let off these peo­ple.
Shi Lei is what dis­po­si­tion, Ouyang Xiang is very clear. Azure Dragon Gang two hood­lum, after en­ter­ing Shuanghu Dis­trict, then the mys­te­ri­ous miss­ing case, in Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice De­part­ment, Ouyang Xiang also has looked.

Re­ly­ing on the in­tu­ition of woman, as well as grat­i­tude and grudges be­tween Azure Dragon Gang and Shi Lei, Ouyang Xiang guessed that two hood­lum, have per­haps en­coun­tered Shi Lei's Black Hand.
At this mo­ment, these drug traf­ficker be­siege her, she un­der­stood the fates of these peo­ple.
„Ouyang, that does Shi Lei have the (spear|gun)?” After Chen Hao heard shout­ing of drug dealer, is hav­ing an ex­pres­sion of probe, in­quired.
„I do not know. But de­pend­ing on him and Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict re­la­tions, should have (spear|gun) Right?” Ouyang Xiang to have a in­def­i­nite tone to reply.
Chen Hao had not asked again that about Shi Lei's data, is High Grade keeps se­cret in­for­ma­tion in Shuangqing City Bu­reau. By Shuangqing City Bu­reau Bai Qiang, per­son­ally se­cu­rity Grade of set­ting, only then sur­passes Bai Qiang iden­tity, can ex­am­ine Shi Lei's iden­tity data.
In the jun­gle, Shi Lei flushed, in the hand pro­poses one to have the lip thick bough fully, as if wields the base­ball stick to be the same, beat with a club on that shout­ing drug dealer.

Sound of skele­ton break, con­veys from drug dealer, the blood that in his mouth over­flows, as well as the lax look, in­di­cates shortly after his ob­vi­ous life!
Slaugh­ters, re­gard­ing Shi Lei, does not have the bar­rier. Es­pe­cially Drug Lord drug dealer of Shi Lei ha­tred, these should under Hell dreg!
After slaugh­ter­ing, how should con­fess to Shuangqing City Bu­reau that this issue does not use Shi Lei many ex­pla­na­tions. After all this is help­ing Shuangqing City Bu­reau process trou­ble­some.
If must give an ex­pla­na­tion, Shi Lei will in­di­cate that he takes a walk in Yun­shan, dis­cov­ered that one group of armed hood­lums, threat­ened his life, he was only nor­mal de­fended.

Stip­u­lated ac­cord­ing to law when threat­en­ing life, any de­gree of self- de­fense, cal­cu­lates in the cat­e­gory of jus­ti­fi­able de­fense.
Had this rea­son, any­one, is un­able to ac­cuse Shi Lei any­thing. If must in­quire Shi Lei, why goes to Yun­shan to take a walk, Shi Lei will say ab­solutely: ‚Where Daddy likes going to take a walk, where takes a walk, with doesn't need to tele­phone spe­cially to you re­ports one?’
In the Yun­shan jun­gle, for­mi­da­ble [Dawn], in a short less than two min­utes of time, has then adopted var­i­ous means that had fin­ished 12 drug dealer Life Char­ac­ter­is­tics.
Dares per­son who threat­ens him to care about, Shi Lei will never be soft­hearted. Said that his cold blood is also good, heart­less, to pro­tect one­self even­tu­ally, as well as pro­tects the per­son who one­self care about.

If gives a Or­di­nary per­son, the enough for­mi­da­ble strength, who can guar­an­tee that Or­di­nary per­son, won't be sim­i­lar to Shi Lei will be the same?
In each in­di­vid­ual heart, has fierce tiger!
The dif­fer­ence is, fierce tiger of some peo­ple, be­cause the strength is in­suf­fi­cient, but was locked in the shack­les \; fierce tiger of some peo­ple, were put!
Shi Lei is con­trol­ling [Dawn], walks to five hot In­duc­tion tar­get that pitch has, [Izual] sounded a warn­ing to prompt sud­denly.


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