Monday, October 30, 2017

429: Jedi Strikes Back expands the War fruit!

Cyber Se­cu­rity Agency West­ern Head­quar­ters.
In the Ling Yuguo mind, emits the Shi Lei's name sud­denly, ‚is it pos­si­ble that are all these Shi Lei do? Is un­likely, Shi Lei called [Black Stone] in Hacker World Sock­pup­pet, he did not have such big en­ergy!’
Al­though Ling Yuguo thinks that the Shi Lei's pos­si­bil­ity is very low, but he picks up the phone, has di­aled the past to Shi Lei.

The tele­phone was put through quickly, even if the re­la­tions of Shi Lei and Ling Yuguo are some­what awful, but Ling Yuguo after is the Ling Yumo fa­ther, Shi Lei does not want to re­late to make too stiffly with him.
„Bu­reau Chief Ling, good af­ter­noon!” Tianyue Hotel six six­teenth floor, in ad­min­is­tra­tive suite, Shi Lei does not have the eva­sion in the face of the Bai Qiang three peo­ple, has con­nected the call.

„Shi Lei, you now where?” The Ling Yuguo ex­pres­sion se­ri­ous in­quiry said.
Shi Lei has ac­tu­ally smiled say­ing with a smile: „Bu­reau Chief Ling, I as if do not need to re­port where­abouts Right? to you”
„Is the Li Jian Na­tion mat­ter, you are done?” The Ling Yuguo straight­for­ward in­quiry said that ap­pear­ance that has not con­cealed lit­tle.
„What Li Jian Na­tion? Bu­reau Chief Ling, Li Jian Na­tion what hap­pened?” Shi Lei does not have the per­for­mance to re­sult in the in­ter­est to lack, does not have the per­for­mance to re­sult in the in­ter­est to be thick. But just right has an in­ter­est, but in­ter­est not big ask­ing.
„Don't you know re­ally? You now where?” Ling Yuguo is hav­ing the in­quiry of sus­pi­cion.

Shi Lei to Meng Xun help­less shrug­ging, was hand­ing over the tele­phone to Meng Xun, the mouth mid­dle course: „Mayor Meng, where oth­ers asked me, but also please help me tes­tify!”
hā hā of Meng Xun good in­ten­tions laughs, „girl­friend in­spec­tion?”
Shi Lei had not replied that is only shak­ing the head of forced smile, ex­pressed that is not the girl­friend ca­sual in­spec­tion.

Meng Xun took the tele­phone, the ex­pres­sion has one to say se­ri­ously: „Hello, I am Meng Xun.”
Tele­phone that head, the Ling Yuguo com­plex­ion is very strange, who Meng Xun is, he very clear. But Meng Xun why and Shi Lei stirred about one, this made Ling Yuguo feel strange!
„Hello, I am Cyber Se­cu­rity Agency West­ern Head­quar­ters Ling Yuguo!” Ling Yuguo power and in­flu­ence and po­si­tion, to a cer­tain ex­tent, but also is higher than Shuangqing City Mayor.
Meng Xun stares slightly, then po­lite [say / way]: „Bu­reau Chief Ling, hello!”
„Mayor Meng, Shi Lei and you in the same place? You now where?” The Ling Yuguo di­rect ex­am­i­na­tion said.

„Bu­reau Chief Ling, our cur­rently Tianyue Hotel eats meal, can you come?” Meng Xun cu­ri­ous looks at Shi Lei, is not dif­fi­cult to guess cor­rectly from the Ling Yuguo ex­pres­sion, Ling Yuguo and Shi Lei knew, more­over re­lates is not per­haps or­di­nary.

Ling Yuguo de­nied: „Not! You con­tin­ued, have dis­turbed, Mayor Meng.”
„Bu­reau Chief Ling, you were too an­noy­ing!” Meng Xu re­sponded.
After Ling Yuguo got the an­swer, has hung up the tele­phone di­rectly. Meng Xun gives back to Shi Lei the tele­phone, cu­ri­ous ask­ing: „Buddy Shi, I am also same as Bu­reau Chief Bai, pull rank call you Buddy. Did you and Bu­reau Chief Ling know?”

Shi Lei shriv­elled mouth, had not replied.
El­derly Liu in­quired in side: „Cyber Se­cu­rity Agency West­ern Head­quar­ters Ling Yuguo?” Can let the Meng Xun re­spect­ful des­ig­na­tion Bu­reau Chief Ling, has West­ern Head­quar­ters Ling Yuguo.
„En, El­derly Liu, is Ling Yuguo Bu­reau Chief.” Meng Xun was re­ply­ing re­spect­fully.

„Lit­tle Meng, you may prob­a­bly hit to re­late with Bu­reau Chief Ling.” El­derly Liu knows when to stop has se­lected one, ac­tu­ally fully ex­plained Ling Yuguo priv­i­lege in a big way.

Bai Qiang was say­ing at the same time: „Mayor Meng, I told you se­cret. yes­ter­day Dream En­ter­tain­ment Press Con­fer­ence, that YuMo Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany lead­ing lady Ling Yumo, ex­actly as stated Ling Yuguo Bu­reau Chief fam­ily's rich|daugh­ter. My such say­ing, you un­der­stood Right?”

Meng Xun ac­tu­ally can­not feel the brains say­ing: „Your niece what to do?” Mu Shuang iden­tity is not sim­i­larly sim­ple, her fa­ther is Shengjing City Mayor.
Bai Qiang com­plex­ion one black, „Mayor Meng, I had said to you were in­fe­rior, Shi Lei is not my Nephew-In-Law!”

Shi Lei com­plex­ion awk­ward ridi­cul­ing, hastily said: „Elder Brother Bai, Meng Old Bro, you a bit faster eat the dish!” Say­ing, Shi Lei one on the left and other on the right to Bai Qiang and Meng Xun, made an ef­fort to clamp many veg­eta­bles, wanted to shut their mouths.
Meng Xun looks at the Shi Lei awk­ward ex­pres­sion, has ges­tic­u­lated a thumb to Shi Lei, then hā hā laughs.
Li Jian Na­tion, net world.

Short a half hour, al­ready 17 web­site down­cast, more­over three web­site issue an­nounce­ment(s) ur­gently, their web Server, Data Server and Ap­pli­ca­tion Server, were not only cleaned up data, but also Hard Disk in disk array 'cab­i­net', has dam­aged very large part, and was de­stroyed in­clud­ing CPU and mem­ory!
Along with three web­site ur­gent an­nounce­ment(s), Li Jian Na­tion In­ter­net World major web­site in abun­dance ter­ri­fied rest­less, for fear that they be­come next by at­tack tar­get.

Some Li Jian Na­tion pa­tri­otic Hacker Ex­pert, start spon­ta­neous Or­ga­ni­za­tion to get up, in­for­ma­tion of search trac­ing at­tack. How­ever, [Izual] uses Black Magic Soft­ware, through over ten thou­sand Zom­bie Server at­tacks, so is can it be that easy to be traced?

The Hacker at­tack of Or­di­nary, lit­tle sev­eral, many over a hun­dred Zom­bie Server, rarely have the con­trol to sur­pass over 1000 Zom­bie Server.
After all con­trols Zom­bie Server with using soft­ware builds Corpse Net­work not to be com­pletely dif­fer­ent. Builds Corpse Net­work, can only the im­ple­ment sim­ple op­er­a­tion, but does not con­trol Zom­bie Server, can carry on the Free­dom op­er­a­tion.

The en­ergy of hu­man­ity is lim­ited, con­trols over a thou­sand Zom­bie Server, was too re­luc­tant. Tech­ni­cal in­cor­rect Hacker, could not con­trol that many Zom­bie, tech­ni­cal high Hacker, dis­dained in con­trol­ling that many Zom­bie.
[Izual] is ac­tu­ally Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence, under con­di­tion that in the es­ti­mated per­for­mance per­mits, can Par­al­lel Com­put­ing con­trol many Zom­bie, Ten Thou­sand multi- Zom­bie under the [Izual]'s con­trol, fight of ac­com­plish­ing a task with ease.

After cap­tur­ing 17 tar­get, [Izual]'s Eigh­teenth tar­get, has cho­sen fa­mous Elec­tronic Arts Com­pany.
Per­haps said that Elec­tronic Arts Com­pany ap­pears some­what strange, it also has an­other name, is called EA Com­pany. For ex­am­ple clas­si­cal Need For Speed, The Sims, Medal of Honor, Bat­tle­field and FIFA soc­cer and Mass Ef­fect, even is Cr­y­sis, has the EA Com­pany re­lease!

As en­tire World fa­mous Game Com­pany, EA Com­pany Of­fi­cial Web­site, about daily brows­ing quan­tity close 1 Mil­lion, hap­pen to card in con­di­tion of Shi Lei set­ting.
[Izual] de­stroyed 17 web­site Server con­tin­u­ously, locked tar­get on EA Com­pany, was con­trol­ling Zom­bie Server of huge quan­tity, started to at­tack EA Com­pany Server.

How­ever, EA Com­pany of­fi­cial web­site is dif­fer­ent from other cap­tured web­site, EA Com­pany as spe­cial­ized Game Com­pany, be­longs to IT In­dus­try, they have pro­vided the for­mi­da­ble Cyber Se­cu­rity strength.
When [Izual] first uses DDOS flood at­tack, pre­pares to con­sume EA Com­pany Server sys­tem re­sources time, EA Com­pany Server sim­ply does not have the least bit sound, be­cause they have spe­cially the hard­ware Fire­wall fil­tra­tion of de­fense DDOS.

[Izual]'s First step mo­tion is de­feated, it takes Low Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence, not, be­cause the dif­fi­culty trades a logic of tar­get, has re­placed the Sec­ond Set plan di­rectly, adopts Black Magic Soft­ware at­tack of force­fully.
Black Magic Soft­ware is very for­mi­da­ble, after [Izual] has con­trolled over ten thou­sand Zom­bie Server, the at­tack of Black Magic Soft­ware is sharper, to EA Com­pany non- weapon, has adopted the un­dif­fer­en­ti­ated at­tack force­fully.

EA Com­pany is the pride of Li Jian Na­tion game player, some game player are also Hacker Ex­pert, join­ing up that they call peo­ple friends read­ily im­me­di­ately, de­fends EA Com­pany Server.
As Li Jian Na­tion Hacker Ex­pert joins, the [Izual]'s at­tack and Li Jian Na­tion Hacker de­fense, has grad­u­ally formed basic bal­ance.

Tianyue Hotel, after a lunch fin­ished eat­ing, Shi Lei dri­ves Audi A4L to de­part hur­riedly. Sits in the dri­ving seat, Shi Lei used the Blue­tooth ear­phone and [Izual] has ob­tained con­tact.
„[Izual], re­ports the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion.” The Shi Lei cor­ners of the mouth re­veal wipe the faint smile the curve, Ling Yuguo guess right, the Li Jian Na­tion mat­ter in­deed is he is play­ing dirty tricks from be­hind the scenes, but draws sup­port from [Izual] now, Shi Lei has the per­fect ev­i­dence not on the scene.

„[Sir], cap­tured 17 web­site, broad­casts Com­pany in­clud­ing the CBS Colom­bia” [Izual] 17 Com­pany lists, 11 telling have given Shi Lei, then said: „[Sir], cur­rently at­tacks EA Com­pany at pre­sent, but meets the in­tense re­sis­tance, it is ex­pected that is un­able ac­com­plish to at­tack Task, please give fur­ther in­structed.”

On the Shi Lei's face has shown the as­ton­ished ex­pres­sion, „EA Com­pany? Li Jian Na­tion Elec­tronic Arts Com­pany?”
„Yes, does [Sir], con­tinue to at­tack?” [Izual] in­quired again the order said.
In the Shi Lei eye re­veals the vi­sion that has wiped badly smiles, Li Jian Na­tion Elec­tronic Arts Com­pany, it may be said that is the Dream En­ter­tain­ment col­league, as the say­ing goes the col­league is an enemy, how likely to con­tinue to at­tack?

„Con­tin­ues to at­tack, trans­fers Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] 30 idle re­sources au­to­mat­i­cally.” Shi Lei ex­panded [Izual]'s au­thor­ity, let­ting [Izual] can Free­dom trans­fer not over 30 idle re­sources. The at­ten­tion is idle re­sources, but is not over­all sys­tem re­sources.
If trans­fers 30 over­all sys­tem re­sources, that is to ex­pose Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low], the court­ing death rhythm!
„[Sir], cur­rently con­nects Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low], cur­rently in­spects Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] idle re­sources. Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] idle Sys­tem com­put­ing re­sources 14.2 TFLop /s, cur­rently es­tab­lishes to con­ceal in­for­ma­tion at pre­sent, cur­rently trans­fers 30 Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] idle re­sources. Ob­tains Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] idle re­sources suc­cess­fully!” [Izual] a se­ries of re­minders re­sound.

On the Shi Lei face the smil­ing face won, dri­ves Audi A4L to re­turn to Jingya Gar­den, un­tied Num­ber One Server Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine fast, through Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low], Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der], started to at­tack EA Com­pany per­son­ally.
After [Izual] trans­ferred Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] idle re­sources, is con­trol­ling the Black Magic Soft­ware at­tack, oc­cu­pied the win­ning side once more. After Shi Lei's joins, EA Com­pany Of­fi­cial Web­site, less than five min­utes, fell to the enemy thor­oughly.

EA Com­pany to safe­guard the data im­por­tance, was being bro­ken through the Server in­stance, EA Com­pany has sep­a­rated three big Server net­work Phys­i­cal Con­nec­tion di­rectly.
Shi Lei has sneered, sub­or­di­nate(s) Zom­bie Server, tem­porar­ily graft­ing is EA Com­pany Of­fi­cial Web­site Server, once glances over EA Com­pany Of­fi­cial Web­site, then au­to­mat­i­cally will skip on data to Branched Server.

In Branched Server, Shi Lei is EA Com­pany Of­fi­cial Web­site, has man­u­fac­tured a main page.
A main page ex­actly as stated pic­ture, the base of pic­ture, is burn­ing some black flame. The black flame cir­cles to twine a lower part of Angel, above the waist is not hav­ing the black flame, wears the pure white cloth­ing.

In the Angel hand grasps a sword, on the sword blade is cir­cling sim­i­larly is burn­ing the black flame.
This Angel, named


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