Saturday, October 28, 2017

405: True powerful!

[Dawn] First Round ac­tual per­son live round test time, Shi Lei in Ares Sys­tem of PC end, through Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Su­per­com­puter, is cal­cu­lat­ing the [Dawn]'s lim­it­ing per­for­mance.
The re­sult of com­pu­ta­tion showed that Shi An just test, has prob­a­bly dis­played the [Dawn] 28 per­for­mance. This con­crete per­for­mance data per­cent­age, has used the multi-fac­tor prob­a­bil­ity arith­metic, the re­sults com­par­i­son that cal­cu­lates is sci­en­tific.

For ex­am­ple two Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine pow­ers, Shi An sim­ply com­pletely has not used, placed about 75 power op­er­a­tions on av­er­age.
Shi Lei has picked the Blue­tooth ear­phone on ear, places on the note­book key­board, has re­ferred to not far away mil­i­tary use truck, in open style goods ware­house, an­other two [The Steel and Iron].

„Group Head Shi, the Sec­ond Round test, I go on stage per­son­ally. That two [The Steel and Iron], give you and Li Yuan. You can use [The Steel and Iron], starts to me at­tacks will­fully. Wrapped just me to the sui­cide at­tack that you launched, you can also a tooth for a tooth!” Shi Lei said with a smile.
The Shi An look has glit­tered slightly, fi­nally nods say­ing: „Good!”
Li Yuan wor­ries looks at Shi Lei, „Shi Lei Brat, you have not gone crazy Right? [The Steel and Iron] self-ex­plo­sion, felt that [Dawn] can't block?”

Shi Lei smiles not to speak!
Weather grad­u­ally tar­nish, around 6 : 00 time, Dong Guoguo had shouted, „Boss, [Dawn] re­pair fin­ished!”
„Came!” Shi Lei re­sponded to one loudly, then turns the head to look at Shi An, re­vealed has wiped the faint smile the strange ex­pres­sion.
Ar­rives the pack­ing con­tainer that the mil­i­tary use truck opens wide, Shi Lei has not taken off out­side one, today what he puts on is the cot­ton ma­te­r­ial T-shirt, the cot­ton ma­te­r­ial trunk, is very small to the fet­ter of body.

In en­tered [Dawn]'s to drive the cabin, Shi Lei first tells: „Shuts off with the PC end voice shares.”
Shi An sits, in car­ry­ing PC has car­ried in front of the Ares Sys­tem note­book, after Shi Lei's or­ders ac­com­plish, Ares Sys­tem of PC end, has given a prompt.
‚The [Dawn] Main Sys­tem change, in­ter­rupts with the [Dawn]'s voice com­mu­ni­ca­tion.’

Shi An has sneered, turns the head to look at Li Yuan say­ing: „Li Yuan, waits a while you not to turn on the water in­ten­tion­ally Right?”
Li Yuan and Shi An do not sat­isfy the need, he sneers to say sim­i­larly: „Turns on the water is not my style!”
In the open style goods ware­house of mil­i­tary use truck, in [Dawn]'s dri­ving the cabin has sealed up, in dri­ving in the cabin, Shi Lei said in a low voice: „Did [Izual], pre­pare ac­com­plish?”
„[Sir], has taken over con­trol of Ares Sys­tem, [Izual] at your ser­vice!” The [Izual] ice-cold sound, re­sounds in [Dawn].

„Re­lieves the junc­tion de­vice, re­lieves the at­tach­ment sys­tem, en­ters the bat­tle con­di­tion!” Shi Lei has drunk one lightly, after en­ter­ing the bat­tle con­di­tion, takes up Alloy Heavy Sword, as well as Alloy Shield, jumped down from the mil­i­tary use truck di­rectly.
Shi Lei dri­ves [Dawn], jumps down the move­ment that from the mil­i­tary use truck, with Shi An com­pletely is two lev­els. [Dawn] under the Shi Lei's op­er­a­tion, the safe both feet is well-grounded, the left hand holds the shield to keep off be­fore the body, the right hand grasps the sword to point at the check­out area tem­po­rary ob­ser­va­tion area, is the re­gion that Shi An is.

Turned on the ex­te­rior loud­speaker, the Shi Lei's sound passed on, „Group Head Shi, you mo­men­tar­ily can pur­sue me! How­ever for your Safety, pre­vents to be hit by the stray bul­let, there­fore should bet­ter be­yond one kilo­me­ter, launches the fight again!”
Shi An snort, has been con­trol­ling [The Steel and Iron], de­scends be­fore his body, had in­di­cated agrees with the Shi Lei's propo­si­tion.

In [Dawn] dri­ving the cabin, Shi Lei told in a soft voice: „Ad­just­ment power over­lay bal­anced Sys­tem, [Izual], opens the power over­lay bal­anced Sys­tem asyn­chro­nous bal­ance pat­tern!”
[Dawn] ob­tains the au­tho­riza­tion of Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Su­per­com­puter, can trans­fer the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Su­per­com­puter re­sources di­rectly, in other words, [Izual] through [Dawn]'s Ares Sys­tem, can trans­fer the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Su­per­com­puter re­sources sim­i­larly.

Be­cause [Izual] can trans­fer Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Su­per­com­puter com­put­ing re­sources, Shi Lei opens the power over­lay bal­anced Sys­tem asyn­chro­nous bal­ance pat­tern.
[Dawn]'s two Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine, under the man­age­ment of power over­lay bal­anced Sys­tem, can dis­play more than 80 points pow­ers ap­prox­i­mately, is more than 40 horse­pow­ers a wee bit. But after open­ing the asyn­chro­nous bal­ance pat­tern, two Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine, can be at the bal­ance con­di­tion of not syn­chro­niz­ing, power fur­ther pro­moted, at least can be over 45 horse­pow­ers.
45 horse­pow­ers for­mi­da­ble power, mak­ing [Dawn] move, if fast, has sprinted di­rectly, the speed reaches as high as about 20 m per sec­ond, com­pared with 17 m per sec­ond of Shi An test, was once more quicker.

After Forty sec­ond, [Dawn] prob­a­bly rushes to more than 800 me­ters, Shi An said to Li Yuan good im­me­di­ately: „Prepa­ra­tion, we start to pur­sue!”
The [The Steel and Iron] air­borne speed, has ex­ceeded 40 m per sec­ond. If ac­cord­ing to 40 m per sec­ond ve­loc­ity cal­cu­la­tion, and [Dawn] and [The Steel and Iron] are in the trans­la­tion, then ac­cord­ing to the math­e­mat­i­cal for­mula com­pu­ta­tion, [The Steel and Iron] most takes 40 sec­onds to over­take.

If [Dawn] ad­vances by a cir­cuitous route, or is the [The Steel and Iron] speed sur­mounts 40 m per sec­ond, then [The Steel and Iron] over­takes the [Dawn]'s time less.
After [The Steel and Iron] just lifted off, [Izual] re­minded Shi Lei.
„[Sir], dis­cov­ered that moves tar­get high-speed, after Log­i­cal Analy­sis, this tar­get has 90 pos­si­bil­i­ties is [The Steel and Iron] Small-scale Re­mote Con­trol fight He­li­copter, has not ex­am­ined to be hang­ing Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile.” [Izual]'s Basic Logic Ap­pli­ca­tion Mod­ule, has been far in ex­cess of Ares Sys­tem, after un­der­go­ing the con­trast, [Izual] di­rect de­ter­mine left trac­ing, al­though this sit­u­a­tion Shi Lei knows ahead of time.

In sit­u­a­tions of two [The Steel and Iron] pur­suit, Shi Lei has not been sim­i­lar to Shi An is the same, run­ning all over the place of being able choose the exact way be­cause of flurry, but has cho­sen a broad ter­rain, stopped.
Shi Lei first in­serted Alloy Shield in the ground, both hands has gripped Alloy Heavy Sword, the sword sharp down­ward pes­tle on the ground, waited for the ar­rival of [The Steel and Iron].
Prob­a­bly waited for more than ten sec­onds, in the sky pre­sented two sunspots.

„[Izual], locks two tar­get fully, sec­ondary con­trol or­gan­ism counter-at­tack!” The Shi Lei calm analy­sis said.
The so-called sec­ondary con­trol or­gan­ism, de­pends on Low Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence [Izual], with the aid of the Su­per­com­puter per­for­mance, to the [Dawn] or­gan­ism au­to­matic con­trol , help­ing to drive some per­son­nel ac­com­plish high dif­fi­culty Task. For ex­am­ple, the dy­namic vi­sion of pilot, is un­able to fol­low to move tar­get high-speed, then can con­trol [Dawn] by [Izual], im­ple­ments the at­tack to tar­get.
Two [The Steel and Iron], Lev­i­tate in a twenty many me­ters upper air, Shi An turned on the [The Steel and Iron] pub­lic ad­dress sys­tem, laugh­ing of pleased said: „Dis­cov­ered you!”
Shi Lei keeps silent, but through car­ry­ing Bul­let­proof Glass of HUB tech­nol­ogy, was watch­ing two [The Steel and Iron].
„[Sir], locks!” [Izual] has heard the re­sponse sound.

In Shi Lei heart one happy, right hand pulls up Alloy Heavy Sword, ex­tended the left hand to make a move­ment of provo­ca­tion to Shi An, sim­i­larly turned on the pub­lic ad­dress sys­tem, was hav­ing a satire fla­vor, said loudly: „Dis­cov­ered that I was also what kind of? I make you have a look, you and my dis­par­ity!”
Re­mote Op­er­ated [The Steel and Iron] Shi An, was mad slightly by Shi Lei trem­bles, in the mouth loudly ex­claimed: „This is you brings upon one­self!” Say­ing, he is con­trol­ling [The Steel and Iron], over­ran to Shi Lei!

The [The Steel and Iron] speed is in­deed quick, but from the Lev­i­tate sta­tic con­di­tion, pro­moted to 200 km per hour, needs a process.
When [The Steel and Iron] hits to [Dawn], the Shi Lei half minute does not fear, not only does not have re­treat Half-step, in­stead aimed at the op­por­tu­nity to rush.
Both sides are dis­tanced merely the twenty many me­ters, Shi Lei are con­trol­ling [Dawn], Alloy Heavy Sword on right hand, a sword cuts to strike in the [The Steel and Iron] cen­tral po­si­tion, has avoided the fuel tank, hits [The Steel and Iron] crashes, but has not ex­ploded!
„hā hā hā, Group Head Shi, sui­cide is at­tack also what kind of? De­feats you eas­ily!” Shi Lei pleased was say­ing loudly, his sound passed on after the pub­lic ad­dress sys­tem, by [The Steel and Iron] of Li Yuan con­trol, was col­lected the sound, re­turns to orig­i­nal state in the note­book.
Shi An [The Steel and Iron] was shot down, in heart is ex­tremely de­pressed, hears from the Li Yuan note­book, after trans­mit­ting the Shi Lei's words, he is more de­pressed.

„Shi Lei, you have the skill not to use Alloy Heavy Sword!” Shi An is roar­ing loudly, just his Alloy Heavy Sword, then pro­posed to dis­card in Shi Lei's. At this mo­ment was de­feated by Alloy Heavy Sword, in his heart re­fuses to ac­cept.
Re­sponse that Shi Lei smiles: „Lit­tle Yuan Zi, mak­ing Group Head Shi op­er­ate your [The Steel and Iron]. Group Head Shi, gives you again an op­por­tu­nity of re­veng­ing, I do not use Alloy Heavy Sword, does not use Alloy Shield, un­armed with your duel!”
Li Yuan did not want at­tack Shi Lei, after hear­ing the Shi Lei's words, is very glad made way the po­si­tion.

Shi An re­ceived the U ma­nip­u­late pole, through [The Steel and Iron] 360° No-Dead-An­gle Cam­era Sys­tem, sees Shi Lei Alloy Heavy Sword, in­serted by Alloy Shield, ex­tended the left hand to can­cel the index fin­ger to him.
„Come, Group Head Shi!” In the Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion, is hav­ing a con­tempt fla­vor.
The Shi An fool, just got up one time to work as ac­tu­ally, ac­cel­er­ates at zero speed to [Dawn] over­runs, was killed by Alloy Heavy Sword with ease. This time, he first was con­trol­ling [The Steel and Iron] re­treat a dis­tance, then used this dis­tance, ob­tained enough ac­cel­er­a­tion, over­ran to [Dawn].

In dri­ving the cabin, Shi Lei uses Voice Com­mand say­ing: „[Izual], the sec­ondary con­trol, shunts the im­pact of [The Steel and Iron], then holds the [The Steel and Iron] land­ing gear, falls it to the ground!”
„[Sir], the order ac­cepts!” Even if [Izual] is only Low Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence of most foun­da­tion, but its func­tion is also very pow­er­ful.
When [The Steel and Iron] to ex­ceed a Forty meter speed of every sec­ond, to time that [Dawn] clashes, by the Shi Lei's dy­namic vi­sion, and is not enough to re­spond com­pletely.
[Izual] as­sists Shi Lei, has evaded the im­pact of [The Steel and Iron] from the left, then the keen out­stretch right hand, held the [The Steel and Iron] land­ing gear, and falls it to the ground!
„hōng ~”

[The Steel and Iron] by the [Dawn] tremen­dous strength, was fallen to the ground, has cre­ated the ex­plo­sion. Ac­cord­ing to the nor­mal con­di­tion, Shi Lei sim­ply does not have the means avoid­ance to ex­plode, but [Izual] al­ready counted the pos­si­bil­ity that for­get about it ex­plodes, when falls [The Steel and Iron] to the ground, [Izual] is con­trol­ling [Dawn], with the aid of the re­act­ing force, as well as own power, has fallen back on be­hind Alloy Shield, both hands have gripped Alloy Shield, kept off in front of the body.

The ex­plo­sion of [The Steel and Iron], sim­ply has not caused any dam­age to [Dawn]!
Shi An through Note­book Com­puter on, PC ver­sion Ares Sys­tem, is ex­am­in­ing [Dawn]'s in­for­ma­tion, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that the [Dawn] con­di­tion is in­tact, he was shocked im­me­di­ately!
„This is how pos­si­ble!” Shi An ex­pres­sion shock­ing call­ing out in alarm!.


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