Sunday, October 29, 2017

414: Obtains the favor

On Jan­u­ary 16, night early morn­ing.
In Shuanghu First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal Ad­vanced Ward, Shi Lei close Note­book Com­puter, sat to the sofa in hos­pi­tal ward on, has had a yawn, looks at Ouyang Xiang on hos­pi­tal bed.
Time one minute one sec­ond of out­flow, the Shi Lei's dou­ble-fold eye­lid, as if thou­sand jin (0.5 kg), fi­nally gath­ered in one.

Beiyu Dis­trict, Bai Qiang cur­rently an­swers the tele­phone, can tele­phone to Bai Qiang in early morn­ing, and per­son of Bai Qiang con­nec­tion, iden­tity ab­solutely is not sim­ple.
„Mayor Meng, hello!” In the Bai Qiang eye re­vealed has wiped the sur­prised look, what called him was Shuangqing City First Vice-mayor Meng Xun.
In the seat of town coun­cil, Bai Qiang iden­tity sta­tus and First Vice-mayor Meng Xun, is al­most al­most the same. Be­sides duty high­est Mayor, ex­actly as stated First Vice-mayor, as well as the mem­ber of each First Grade hall bu­reau. For ex­am­ple Po­lice De­part­ment Bai Qiang, Bu­reau Chief of ju­di­cial bu­reau.
„Bu­reau Chief Bai, hello. Sorry that such late also dis­turbs you. How­ever the mat­ter, in­deed needs the Bu­reau Chief Bai help.” In the Meng Xun ex­pres­sion, is bring­ing help­less say­ing.

In Bai Qiang heart cu­ri­ous, in the Shuangqing City bound­ary, be­sides Mayor, Meng Xun sta­tus is the­o­ret­i­cally high­est, is it pos­si­ble that does he have the mat­ter that what could not solve?
„Mayor Meng, does not know that what you do need me to help?” Bai Qiang in­quired. He and Meng Xun re­la­tions not salty are not pale, can only say the nod­ding ac­quain­tance.
If the Meng Xun mat­ter not dif­fi­cult of­fice, Bai Qiang not to mind that sells a face to him. But if the mat­ter is too thorny, Bai Qiang cat­e­gor­i­cally will also re­ject.
„Bu­reau Chief Bai, heard that you and Dream En­ter­tain­ment Shi Lei, are the re­la­tions very good?” Meng Xun has hes­i­tated, asked.

‚Shi Lei? Is it pos­si­ble that Shi Lei this has Brat, an­noyed Meng Xun?’ In the Bai Qiang heart con­sid­ers se­cretly, if Shi Lei an­noyed Meng Xun, what to do he should.
Re­la­tions be­tween he and Shi Lei, are more like a ben­e­fit al­liance. In ad­di­tion after Mu Shuang fac­tor, re­luc­tantly a lit­tle true friend­ship, but is not ab­solutely deep.
Be­fore not the clear Meng Xun in­ten­tion, Bai Qiang not ex­plicit state­ment, slurred say­ing: „Should be good, has seen sev­eral. Does Mayor Meng, what mat­ter have?”

The start to talk that Meng Xun is prone mak­ing ex­ag­ger­ated , sen­sa­tion­al­is­tic state­ments said: „Bu­reau Chief Bai, heard that Shi Lei is your Nephew-In-Law!”
Bai Qiang some­what is at a loss for words, Shi Lei and Mu Shuang, al­though walks a lit­tle tightly, the re­la­tions is a lit­tle il­leg­i­bile, but when has Shi Lei be­come his Nephew-In-Law?

News that „Mayor Meng, where you must come? This was hits ab­solutely said care­lessly!” The re­but­tal of Bai Qiang right­eous­ness words.
The Meng Xun forced smile said: „Bu­reau Chief Bai, no mat­ter Shi Lei is your Nephew-In-Law. This time you must help me! Cal­cu­lates that my Old Meng owes you a favour!”
In the Bai Qiang heart moves, al­though Meng Xun this fel­low says Old Meng, but in fact Meng Xun has Forty three years old. The so young age, then be­came Shuangqing City First Vice-mayor, his fu­ture fu­ture is lim­it­less.

More­over, the Meng Xun moral be­hav­ior is very good, mak­ing him owe the next favour, is not ab­solutely easy!
„Mayor Meng, where words you spoke! Needs me to help? Said that looks!” The Bai Qiang ex­pres­sion is warm. As for Shi Lei that side, Bai Qiang has means to con­vince him.
even though Bai Qiang can­not con­vince him, Mu Shuang can al­ways con­vince Right?

„Bu­reau Chief Bai, you turn on the com­puter, Signed In Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site, then looks at their hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem.” Meng Xun has not spo­ken frankly, but is choice makes Bai Qiang ex­am­ine.
Bai Qiang turned on the com­puter, Signed In Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site, is ex­am­in­ing hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem.
„Mayor Meng, this is a good pro­ject!” Bai Qiang does not un­der­stand that Meng Xun opin­ion, had not guessed care­lessly, but praised one at will.
„In­deed is a good pro­ject! Just, wants to ob­tain a quota, very is not very easy.” Meng Xun forced smile.
„How can?” Hasn't the Bai Qiang some­what sur­prised rhetor­i­cal ques­tion, by Meng Xun iden­tity, been able to get so far as a quota?

Al­though hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem, only then triv­ial ten sets, but re­lies on Meng Xun is Shuangqing City First Vice-mayor iden­tity, he is im­pos­si­ble un­able to at­tain a quota.
„Bu­reau Chief Bai, if so good to at­tain the quota, I do serve a need to ask you?” Meng Xun re­minded: „Bu­reau Chief Bai, you have a look at bot­tom­most state­ment in­for­ma­tion.”
Bai Qiang de­fers to the prompt, knocks it off web page most bot­tom, ex­am­ines the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial an­nounce­ment(s) note.
hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem stated:

1 st, par­tic­i­pates in user of hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem pro­ject, must sub­mit my real iden­tity pa­pers. In­clud­ing Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Cer­tifi­cate, as well as the ex­pla­na­tion of dis­abled, and pic­ture that at least sup­ple­ments over dis­abil­ity, if not my real pa­pers, Dream En­ter­tain­ment has the right to elim­i­nate qual­i­fi­ca­tions.

2 nd, par­tic­i­pates in user of As­sis­tance Sys­tem pro­ject, can only reg­is­ter an ac­count. If multi- ac­count reg­is­tra­tion, au­to­matic can­celled qual­i­fi­ca­tions.

3 rd, gain hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem qual­i­fi­ca­tions, only lim­its me to use, does not allow the trans­fer, to sell and be­stow. Oth­er­wise can­celled qual­i­fi­ca­tions.

4 th, this pro­ject is only ap­plic­a­ble to hav­ing the Xia Na­tion iden­tity cit­i­zen to apply, tem­porar­ily does not ac­cept the For­eign user ap­pli­ca­tion.

5 th, Dream En­ter­tain­ment has final right to in­ter­pret.

Five stated in­for­ma­tion, was clear af­fir­ma­tive has blocked Ticket Scalper Gang road, all de­pend­ing on luck ac­quired qual­i­fi­ca­tions. Meng Xun does not be­lieve that he can ob­tain qual­i­fi­ca­tions.
Meng Xun is not hand­i­capped per­son, but is a heavy­weight char­ac­ter is hand­i­capped per­son, needs the hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem help of Dream En­ter­tain­ment.
„Did Bu­reau Chief Bai, look?” Meng Xun anx­ious ask­ing.

Bai Qiang re­sponded: „Looked! Shi Lei this Brat is good, knows that only the Xia Na­tion per­son uses to us!”
The Meng Xun forced smile said: „Bu­reau Chief Bai, hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem, only then ten quo­tas, but ac­tu­ally faces na­tional all hand­i­capped peo­ple to open, mak­ing every­body de­pend on the luck ex­trac­tion. My Old Meng does not think that luck, there­fore needs Bu­reau Chief Bai you to help, looks for Shi Lei to ask for le­niency, gives us di­rectly a quota!”

Bai Qiang in the mind, pon­ders Meng Xun to be going this quota, with where. But he has combed a Shuangqing City power. Ex­pen­sive. The char­ac­ters, dis­cov­ery has not ac­tu­ally met the con­di­tion.
„Mayor Meng, I try as far as pos­si­ble!” Bai Qiang has not said def­i­nitely the words.
But Meng Xun said: „Bu­reau Chief Bai, Shi Lei is your Nephew-In-Law, this mat­ter asked you! I waited for that your good news, we when the time comes to­gether to drink! I in­tro­duced that a se­nior knew to you!” Meng Xun in­di­cated that mak­ing Bai Qiang re­al­ize.

So-called se­nior, ex­actly as stated su­pe­rior. To Meng Xun higher su­pe­rior, in the heart of Bai Qiang, pal­pi­tates with ex­cite­ment!
„Mayor Meng felt re­lieved that this mat­ter does not have issue ab­solutely!” Bai Qiang has taken re­spon­si­bil­ity on one­self di­rectly.

Meng Xun re­sponded with a smile: „That all asked Bu­reau Chief Bai! Right, the quota that Bu­reau Chief Bai, I need is Knee Sec­tion Ver­sion of thigh.”
„En, does not have issue!” Bai Qiang def­i­nitely was re­ply­ing.
Hung up with the Meng Xun tele­phone, Bai Qiang has given the Shi Lei dial im­me­di­ately in the past.
„Sorry, the call you have just di­aled is switched off. Sorry” in tele­phone re­ceiver, has trans­mit­ted the prompt of tele­phone turn off the ma­chine.
Shi Lei's tele­phone, ac­tu­ally not true turn off the ma­chine. But be­cause he must con­sider the Ouyang Xiang rea­son in Ad­vanced Ward, he made [Izual] shield the tele­phone ac­cess sig­nal, his call in the night any­body, then prompt of au­to­matic feed­back tele­phone turn off the ma­chine.

Ad­van­tage that so makes, lies in can re­spond with the turn off the ma­chine con­di­tion all dials the per­son of tele­phone, and is not true turn off the ma­chine, can re­ceive [Izual]'s in­for­ma­tion.
Bai Qiang has di­aled con­tin­u­ously sev­eral times, is the prompts of turn off the ma­chine. He gives the Mu Shuang group, sim­i­larly is the prompt of turn off the ma­chine, this makes Bai Qiang quite de­pressed, even has had not the good as­so­ci­a­tion.

‚These two are up to mis­chief, how close cell phone. Is it pos­si­ble that are they fool­ing around to­gether?’
Has say­ing that the Bai Qiang imag­i­na­tion is very rich!
In the morn­ing, around 7 : 00, lie down Ouyang Xiang on hos­pi­tal bed, has opened the eye slowly. She some­what con­fused is siz­ing up ceil­ing, then wish dili­gently sits.
But how the body to lose blood too much, even if has input the same blood-group blood, not such quick restora­tion.
Dili­gently after sit­ting, Ouyang Xiang has then dis­cov­ered Shi Lei on sofa, in this flash, eye of Ouyang Xiang moist.
The Ouyang Xiang fa­ther dies young, mother re­mar­ries, Ouyang Xiang and her mother's re­la­tions are not quite good. Also in other words, when Ouyang Xiang is weak, can only a per­son shoul­der.
Even if has fallen ill, no­body cared!
But at this mo­ment, Shi Lei ac­tu­ally ac­com­pa­nies side her, pro­tects side her, takes care of her, cares about her, this makes in the Ouyang Xiang heart pal­pi­tate, mak­ing Ouyang Xiang be moved.

‚Shi Lei, why can you be good to me so?’ On the Ouyang Xiang face re­vealed has wiped the light happy smile.
Shi Lei in sleep, as if woke up In­duc­tion to Ouyang Xiang, he has also opened the eye, looks to Ouyang Xiang.
When dis­cov­ered when Ouyang Xiang sits, Shi Lei walked to­ward her hastily, re­veals wipes the care the look, „did Ouyang, sit? A bit faster lies down the rest!”

Ouyang Xiang vi­sion gen­tle looks at Shi Lei, is hav­ing light love, „Shi Lei, I was lying down tired!” In her ex­pres­sion, had not dis­cov­ered in­clud­ing her un­ex­pect­edly has an act­ing like a spoiled brat fla­vor.
Shi Lei is slightly sur­prised, af­ter­ward re­turned to nor­mal, he put on a se­ri­ous face in­ten­tion­ally, pre­tends the omi­nous evil ways: „Ouyang, Doc­tor told that you should bet­ter lie down the rest.”
Cat that Ouyang Xiang as if being wronged, piteous looks at Shi Lei, „, but, Shi Lei, I was hun­gry!”

Shi Lei has pat­ted the fore­head, is hav­ing the apol­ogy, then plays to say with a smile ajar: „Awful, Ouyang, I rested ex­ces­sively! I planned that goes to the kitchen to you per­son­ally. Now looks like, has to exit to buy!”
Ouyang Xiang white Shi Lei, ten­der snort, „a bit faster goes, I re­ally hun­gry!”
Shi Lei makes an ef­fort to nod, „Ouyang, when my meet­ing, I buy im­me­di­ately.”
„Shi Lei, can I eat the hot soft bean curd?” The big eye of Ouyang Xiang is wink­ing slightly.

What a pity, Shi Lei di­rect re­jec­tion!
„It is not good! The body did not have, can only eat the nu­tri­tion the light food.” After say­ing, Shi Lei walks to­ward Ad­vanced Ward.

On the cor­ri­dor, on the Shi Lei face re­veals pleased smiles pale. Is the Ouyang Xiang pre­sent man­ner, fa­vors to him?.


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