Monday, October 30, 2017

430: Code number: [Hellfire]

Angel Par­lia­ment, al­to­gether has four World Sum­mit Grade Hacker. And [Blaz­ing Sword Raphael], frames by Shi Lei and [CPX­Jazz] to­gether, was held by Li Jian Na­tion FBI, but did not have the news to pass on.

Shi Lei clear [Raphael] some back­grounds, after per­haps FBI holds, [Raphael] will not have any too big trou­ble. After all, the Angel Par­lia­ment en­ergy is very big, but the [Raphael] fam­ily, has the huge en­ergy sim­i­larly.
Shi Lei in the pic­ture that EA Com­pany Of­fi­cial Web­site leaves be­hind, is the iden­tity mark of Angel Par­lia­ment an­other Giant, the code num­ber is [Hell­fire's Uriel]!
[Uriel] in tech­ni­cal as­pect, is slightly bet­ter than [Raphael], but does not have Shi Lei to be so for­mi­da­ble. After all Shi Lei has been in the lead for six years, as World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, six years is not a small digit.

Under of Hell [Flame Angel] pic­ture, Shi Lei also dan­ger­ous has left be­hind a para­graph of writ­ing.
‚Li Jian Na­tion and FBI, I of­fi­cially issue the warn­ing now. Lim­its you within 24 hours, puts [Raphael]. Oth­er­wise next time, not only then falls 18 web­site to be so sim­ple black!’ [Hell­fire]. [Uriel]
Li Jian Na­tion is en­tire World most for­mi­da­ble Na­tion(s), FBI is one of the en­tire World strongest in­tel­li­gence sum­mary or­ga­ni­za­tions. Al­ways only then Li Jian Na­tion and FBI bully oth­ers' truth, any­body has not dared to bully Li Jian Na­tion and FBI!

Triv­ial Hacker, even if World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, can­not threaten Li Jian Na­tion, threat­ens FBI.
World Sum­mit Grade is Hacker also what kind of?
So long as dares with Li Jian Na­tion and FBI op­poses, World Sum­mit Grade Hacker must be grasped, [Raphael] ex­actly as stated learns from an­other's mis­takes!
Shi Lei pre­tends to be Angel Par­lia­ment [Uriel], threat­ens Li Jian Na­tion and FBI, will let Li Jian Na­tion and FBI ab­solutely is scared. Does the solemn World First great na­tion, how pos­si­bly lower the head to triv­ial Hacker?
The ad­van­tage that Shi Lei so makes are many, First, solves the [Raphael] po­ten­tial threat. If dis­re­gards to [Raphael], Angel Par­lia­ment and [Raphael] fam­ily back in­flu­ence, pos­si­bly res­cues from FBI [Raphael].

Sec­ond, looks for trou­ble to Angel Par­lia­ment, mak­ing Angel Par­lia­ment ap­pear in the Li Jian Na­tion view ahead of time, brings to the at­ten­tion of Li Jian Na­tion.
Third, launches a big lay­out, to then tidy up For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency is ready!
Li Jian Na­tion, Cy­ber­crime Unit of FBI sub­or­di­nate, As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor named Bruce Camp­bell, he also has an­other iden­tity, Angel Par­lia­ment [Uriel]!
Li Jian Na­tion time around 12 : 00 am, when Bruce at home, re­ceives the ur­gent re­port of sub­or­di­nate(s) per­son, se­lects EA Com­pany grafted Of­fi­cial Web­site, ex­am­ines the spe­cial de­tails time, he was al­most ir­ri­tated!

‚! Which pros­ti­tute this is. Child dog. Mother. In­ex­pen­sive of rais­ing. The goods, dare to pre­tend to be me un­ex­pect­edly, more­over does such cer­tainly, this is must frame me!’ In the Bruce heart is fu­ri­ous with in­ter­weaves de­pressed.
Orig­i­nally, the mat­ter about [Raphael], under ne­go­ti­a­tion pro­cess­ing of [Raphael] fam­ily, in ad­di­tion Bruce is well dis­trib­uted, must drop the cur­tain, lets out [Raphael].
But passed through such one nois­ily, even though FBI must re­lease peo­ple, in the face of the op­po­si­tion of Li Jian Na­tion par­lia­ment, is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to let off [Raphael].

If there is put [Raphael], that not did lower the head on be­half of Li Jian Na­tion and FBI? Li Jian Na­tion has the pride of Li Jian Na­tion, how can lower the head?
„dīng dīng dīng ~”
The Bruce Camp­bell fam­ily's tele­phone has rung, he looked at Caller ID, the face darken is in­com­pa­ra­ble, but con­nects the call time, the ex­pres­sion is very re­spect­ful, has formed the sharp con­trast with the gloomy ex­pres­sion.
„Bruce, comes Head­quar­ters im­me­di­ately, my Of­fice!” What calls is FBI Head Di­rec­tor Simon Baker, ob­vi­ously Simon also saw EA of­fi­cial web­site ‚[Uriel]’ threat!
The Bruce look twin­kle, the cor­ners of the mouth are twitch­ing, „good, Di­rec­tor Simon!”

‚Damn mas­quer­ader, I will make you live to might as well die!’ Curse of Bruce Crazy in the heart is pre­tend­ing to be his Shi Lei.
Hangs up the tele­phone, Bruce deeply at­tracts two tones in gulps, has ad­justed the de­pressed in­com­pa­ra­ble mood, then to­ward the FBI bu­reau, Simon Head Di­rec­tor Of­fice hur­ries.
In Head Di­rec­tor Of­fice, be­sides Simon Head Di­rec­tor, a blond mid­dle-aged per­son, Bruce knew that this mid­dle-aged per­son, he is Li Jian Na­tion Pres­i­den­tial Of­fice spokesper­son, named Robin Den­nis.
After see­ing Robin Den­nis, in the Bruce heart raises an un­lucky pre­mo­ni­tion.
„Hello, Mr. Robin, sees you very much hap­pily!” Al­though in the Bruce heart is not feel­ing well, but on the face is hav­ing the bright smil­ing face.

Robin Den­nis re­sponded with a smile, „hello, Bruce As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor.”
Simon Baker Head Di­rec­tor has coughed, „sits down, we chat­ted about EA Com­pany by the black mat­ter.”
In the Bruce heart thump, is wait­ing for Simon as fol­lows.
„Bruce, your Su­per­vi­sor Cy­ber­crime Unit, was tam­pered about the EA Com­pany Of­fi­cial main page, the pub­li­ca­tion threat­ens our opin­ions, what view do you have?” Simon looks to Bruce, the ex­pres­sion light in­quiry said.
Re­cently, the For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency se­cret in­ves­ti­gate Bruce mat­ter, Simon re­ceived in­for­ma­tion, but Bruce ac­tu­ally does not know. In ad­di­tion in han­dling the [Raphael] event, the Bruce at­ten­tive man­ner, mak­ing Simon start to sus­pect Bruce.

The Bruce mood sinks, „Di­rec­tor Simon, that Hacker that called [Uriel], we can­not let off him ab­solutely. I pro­posed that trans­fers Cy­ber­crime Unit, unites the in­for­ma­tion re­sources de­part­ment, com­mon in­ves­ti­gate [Uriel]. Since he dares to threaten us, that makes him with [Raphael] same, ac­cepts our sanc­tions!”
Pres­i­den­tial Of­fice spokesper­son Robin Den­nis sec­onds the mo­tion say­ing: „Di­rec­tor Simon, opin­ion of our Pres­i­den­tial Of­fice, is so. Our Amer­ica, will not lower the head to Evil!”
Simon non­cha­lant has swept the face of Bruce, the Bruce ex­pres­sion na­ture, place that has not suited.

„Such being the case, Bruce, you lead Cy­ber­crime Unit, unites the in­for­ma­tion re­sources de­part­ment, to­gether in­ves­ti­gate [Uriel]!” Simon ex­pres­sion in­dif­fer­ent start to talk.
„Yes!” The Bruce nod should be.
„Was good, gets down, im­me­di­ately at the same night han­dles this mat­ter!” Simon waved, hints Bruce and Robin gets down.
Bruce and Robin have stood, went out of Simon Of­fice. After they leave, in mo­ment, an­other is bring­ing the eye­glasses, the vi­sion as­tute white man walked.
„William, in­ves­ti­gate how is it?” Man who this comes, named William Gray, Crim­i­nal In­ves­tiga­tive Di­vi­sion As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor.
„Bu­reau Chief, For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency that side per­son­nel passes on in­for­ma­tion, a while ago Wo Sang Na­tion ‚the earth­quake event’, the ev­i­dence has aimed at Cy­ber­crime Unit Bruce Camp­bell Bu­reau Chief fi­nally, there­fore they in­ves­ti­gate Bruce.” William Gray has not blended the pub­li­ca­tion per­sonal opin­ion, but ex­plained the in­ves­ti­gate re­sult.
„Earth­quake Hacker [EQ]?” The Simon look is swift and fierce, „William, you these days, closely mon­i­tor the in­ves­ti­gate Brosses. hēng hēng, I sus­pected that Bruce has issue!”
„Un­der­stood, Bu­reau Chief!” The William Gray nod re­sponded, does not have many lan­guages, he knows that should make any­thing.

The FBI Head­quar­ters de­tain­ing area, around 1 : 00 am, the ma­jor­ity guards pa­trol per­son­nel, the spirit was lax. Guard pa­trol per­son­nel, in the dead angle place of cam­era, has forced in a paper a guard sin­gle room.
Guards in the sin­gle room, a blond young man, looks at the paper under crack in a door, has picked hastily. This blond man, held [Raphael].
After he opens the paper, fast read­ing.
‚Plan pre­sents the change. Some peo­ple pre­tend to be [Uriel], threat­ened Li Jian Na­tion and FBI has put you, oth­er­wise the con­se­quence was proud. If some peo­ple in­ter­ro­gated, you com­piled in­for­ma­tion. More­over, Simon started to sus­pect, I not fla­grant con­ceals for you.’

[Raphael] looked at the con­tent on paper, im­me­di­ately places in the paper the water moist, then re­peated rub­bing, after the whole piece paper rubbed the paper pulp, from the wash­ing trough washes away.
‚Pre­tends to be [Uriel]? Is it pos­si­ble that is [Mr. M]? It is not right, does [Mr. M] know [Uriel]? If not [Mr. M], who that is?’ [Raphael] racks brains in the mind.
Xia Na­tion, Shuangqing City.
Shi Lei sits in front of Num­ber One Server, is con­nect­ing Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low], ex­am­ined that the Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] im­ple­ment map pro­duces Task.
The «Brave's World» map, Shi Lei uses Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low], car­ries on the ana­log com­pu­ta­tion, auto-build­ing ini­tial form.

From the Task list of Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] im­ple­ment, with­drew the map to pro­duce Task, dis­cov­ered that ap­proached the ac­com­plish de­gree. How­ever, ac­cord­ing to the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, this map has not met the re­quire­ment.
Shi Lei plans to make a map, is based on the Xia Na­tion An­cient Era map, and changes, se­lects sev­eral to have the char­ac­ter­is­tics dy­nasty, mak­ing them have the same place.
For ex­am­ple Ming Dy­nasty, Tang Dy­nasty and Song Dy­nasty, let these three dy­nasty three points of world, and sur­round­ings co­ex­ist the all kinds other fam­i­lies state, for ex­am­ple An­cient Era Wo Sang Na­tion, as well as An­cient Era Nan­chao Na­tion and Be­ichao Na­tion.
Re­al­izes such map de­sign plan, is not the dif­fi­cult mat­ter. Mainly is be­cause has [Izual]'s to exist, so long as Shi Lei has stip­u­lated the de­tailed con­di­tion, [Izual] then can very good ac­com­plish Task.
„[Izual], re­trieve Song Dy­nasty, Tang Dy­nasty and Ming Dy­nasty map, de­fers to the small­est con­trol area search.” Shi Lei was telling [Izual] through the voice.
A mo­ment later, on Mon­i­tor, is demon­strat­ing three small­est con­trol area of dy­nasty, and has made the con­trast. Some area over­lap in the same place, more­over is com­pletely dif­fer­ent to the pre­sent Xia Na­tion map.

„Uses the newest Xia Na­tion map as the main source, ac­cord­ing to the min­i­mum con­trol area pro­por­tions of three dy­nasty, as­signs three dy­nasty au­to­mat­i­cally the con­trol area.” Shi Lei told the order again.
The pic­ture on Mon­i­tor had the new change, the newest Xia Na­tion map, had been di­vided into three size dif­fer­ent area from right to left.
And right the biggest red re­gion is the Tang Dy­nasty con­trol re­gion, what mid­dle blue re­gion is the Song Dy­nasty re­gion, what left cyan is the Ming Dy­nasty re­gion, the Ming Dy­nasty re­gion is small­est.
In out­side, has Jin Na­tion, Yuan Na­tion, Qing Na­tion, Dali Na­tion wait / etc..
Shi Lei order one after an­other, is [Izual] was de­ter­min­ing the de­tails of map, in Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low], pro­duce rule re­stric­tion(s) of map fi­nally, ex­tracted in [Izual]'s Sys­tem, then or­dered the [Izual] pro­duc­tion map.

In the af­ter­noon close six o'clock, Shi Lei hur­ries to to­ward Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal. In First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal, this mo­ment cur­rently per­forms a good play


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