Saturday, October 28, 2017

403: Maliciously devastation!

[Dawn]'s ac­tual per­son live round test, is frus­trated!
Shi An that in­sti­gates the goods, un­ex­pect­edly fell one to fall flat on one's face greatly!
Al­though [Dawn] falls from three me­ters high place, but [Dawn] for­mi­da­ble ma­chin­ery Shock Ab­sorp­tion Sys­tem, the rub­ber shock layer, as well as in the sponge the cabin, is pro­tect­ing the dri­ver.
„Group Head Shi, when you must feign death, a bit faster get up!” Shi Lei in the Blue­tooth ear­phone, is bring­ing ex­claim­ing of roar­ing.

In [Dawn] dri­ving the cabin, the Shi An com­plex­ion is red, he crawled hastily, said awk­wardly: „Shi Lei broth­ers, sorry for the in­con­ve­nience, sorry for the in­con­ve­nience, just op­er­ate miss!”
„Was good, Group Head Shi, ac­cord­ing to the way that you train, in check­out area, first ac­com­plish foun­da­tion test!” Shi Lei said in the Blue­tooth ear­phone.
„Good!” Shi An re­sponded to one, the wild horse that then [Dawn] as if runs away is the same, the speed has sprinted ex­tremely quickly. Al­though the ground in check­out area is not smooth, but [Dawn]'s foot, has used the hu­manoid kind of de­sign, will not be baf­fled by such lit­tle bar­rier!

Lu Qiang sur­prised looks, if fast [Dawn], opens the mouth to ask: „Lit­tle Shi, how many are [Dawn] cur­rent speed?”
„17.2 meter / sec­ond!” Shi Lei from the Ares Sys­tem PC ver­sion Soft­ware Sec­tor sur­face, looked at the con­crete value, then re­sponded to one.
‚17.2 me­ters!’ Lu Qiang shouted in the heart darkly, in the check­out area, the Or­di­nary re­cruit, the quick­est speed can be about 6 m per sec­ond, but well-trained Vet­eran, can be about 7 m per sec­ond ap­prox­i­mately. If wants to be quicker, then suit­able dif­fi­culty. After all the check­out area is not the ath­letic field, ground is the putty land, more­over is not smooth.

Shi An is op­er­at­ing [Dawn], has at one's com­mand, smooth!
‚Is the [Dawn]'s Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem prin­ci­ple, ac­tu­ally a mat­ter? This ab­solutely is not the nerve con­nec­tion op­er­at­ing mode. At the cur­rent Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy de­gree, even if can re­al­ize the nerve con­nec­tion, but is im­pos­si­ble the so smooth op­er­a­tion!’
Shi An is dri­ving [Dawn], ar­rived at the sim­u­la­tion bog re­gion, his with­out hes­i­ta­tion tread­onned in the spate, the spate of Mo Guo knee, sim­ply has not af­fected to [Dawn]!

‚Wa­ter­proof­ing de­sign?’ Shi An is pon­der­ing, the di­rect whole jumps into the water. In the real bat­tle­field, the war is fast chang­ing, some­times in­deed needs to enter in the water to bat­tle.
The [Dawn] or­gan­ism sinks to the water, Lu Qiang is ob­serv­ing the sit­u­a­tion through the tele­scope, he opens the mouth to ask: „Lit­tle Shi, [Dawn] fell into the water!”
Shi Lei hēi hēi said with a smile, „did not need to be wor­ried!”
In the spate, on [Dawn]'s HUB Mon­i­tor, was demon­strat­ing in­for­ma­tion, Ares Sys­tem Vocal Sys­tem has also given the prompt.

„Ex­am­ines the or­gan­ism to enter the wa­ters, close nat­u­rally breathes Sys­tem, cuts to in­ter­nal ven­ti­la­tion Sys­tem. In­ter­nal ven­ti­la­tion Sys­tem max­i­mum sup­ply time is 62 min­utes, please as soon as pos­si­ble re­turn to Land War­fare.”
[Dawn]'s in­ter­nal ven­ti­la­tion Sys­tem is di­vided into two Mod­ule, pro­vides the oxy­gen for the dri­ver, an­other pro­vides the oxy­gen for two Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine.
Stayed in the water for about ten min­utes, [Dawn] as be­fore all nor­mal, Shi An ‚being un­will­ing’ from spate.
Shi Lei in­structs to say through the Blue­tooth ear­phone: „Group Head Shi, do not play, car­ries on the ac­tual com­bat. The place two kilo­me­ters away in your dead ahead left 11 °, pre­pared the color to shoot firearm(s) for you, but after one minute, two [The Steel and Iron], as well as three fight pla­toons, will enter the check­out area. [The Steel and Iron], is the fight pla­toon, com­plete use live round! The friend­ship prompt, you should bet­ter give up Alloy Heavy Sword, that east and west|thing too Dan­ger, so as to avoid waits a while to test to pre­sent the ca­su­al­ties not to be good. As for Alloy Shield, is keep­ing de­fense!”

After say­ing, Shi Lei nod­ded to Lu Qiang, Lu Qiang puts out an in­ter­com, told: „Pla­toon 1, Pla­toon 2 and Pla­toon 3, enter Train­ing Field, pays at­ten­tion to form the fire!”
„Does Lit­tle Yuan Zi, want to play [The Steel and Iron]?” Shi Lei looks at de­pressed Li Yuan, opens the mouth to say.

Li Yuan look one bright, „does not know that Swift Arrow B Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, does [Dawn]?”
Lu Qiang said in the fierce cough at the same time: „Li Yuan, [The Steel and Iron] has not car­ried Guided Mis­sile!”
Shi Lei some­what is also speech­less, if there is Guided Mis­sile to go into ac­tion, per­haps [Dawn] must kneel Right?
„Oh!” Li Yuan some­what is slightly dis­ap­pointed, but is di­luted by Shi Lei's a few words im­me­di­ately, „Lit­tle Yuan Zi, [Dawn] will not fly, we can use [The Steel and Iron] dev­as­ta­tion [Dawn] heartily!”
In the check­out area, Shi An cur­rently runs fully.

„Ares Sys­tem, is away from the tar­get po­si­tion, is far?” Shi An ad­mires to Ares Sys­tem more and more, it just the au­to­matic record­ing Shi Lei's voice in­for­ma­tion, then had pro­duced the Co­or­di­nate po­si­tion of cor­re­spon­dence un­ex­pect­edly, and on HUB Mon­i­tor, has com­pleted the in­for­ma­tion mark.
„Ac­cord­ing to the cur­rent speed, after prob­a­bly takes 117 sec­onds, ar­rives in the tar­get po­si­tion. But hot In­duc­tion Sys­tem, ex­am­ines be­yond the tar­get po­si­tion 220 me­ters po­si­tion, pre­sents 30 ther­mal sources, and cur­rently moves to us. Ac­cord­ing to ther­mal im­agery out­line pre­lim­i­nary de­ter­mine, 30 ther­mal sources have 86 prob­a­bil­i­ties are hu­man­ity.” Ares Sys­tem re­ports.
„After FUCK! has reached an agree­ment for one minute, three fight pla­toons in­vest Train­ing Field, un­ex­pect­edly has been ahead of time the time!” Shi An com­plained low voice.

Shi Lei hears through the Blue­tooth ear plug im­me­di­ately, his hēi hēi said with a smile: „Group Head Shi, this is called there can never be too much de­cep­tion in war! Right, told you a good news, that three fight row of bat­tle ef­fi­cien­cies were very strong, their Equip­ment Ex­tremely Ad­vanced.”
Shi An is prepar­ing to speak, but the voice prompt of Ares Sys­tem, has in­ter­rupted his words.
„Dis­cov­ery high-speed mov­ing body, the trav­el­ing speed ex­ceeds 200 km per hour, cur­rently pur­sues from us. Ac­cord­ing to ther­mal im­agery out­line de­ter­mine, the high-speed mov­ing body is the spa­tial Medium to Small-scale flier.” Ares Sys­tem Dis­tance-mea­sur­ing Radar, not only ob­vi­ously range finder is so sim­ple, this clearly has to con­trol the char­ac­ter­is­tics of radar.

„[The Steel and Iron]!” Shi An clenches jaws to say. „Shi Lei broth­ers, this [The Steel and Iron] has not car­ried Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile Right?, if has Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile, I admit de­feat now!”
Shi Lei hā hā said with a smile: „Relax, does not have Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile!”

„Does Ares Sys­tem, have the means to im­prove the trav­el­ing speed?” Shi An priv­i­lege runs at the same time, asks.
„Ac­cord­ing to the com­pu­ta­tion, gets rid of Alloy Shield, the speed pro­moted to 22 m per sec­ond. Rear two flight tar­get, the speed has ex­ceeded 50 m per sec­ond, we will be over­taken after 46 sec­onds. Front 30 doubt­ful human heat source tar­get, will con­tact with us after 58 sec­onds. The Sys­tem analy­sis sug­gested that re­tains Alloy Shield, stand­ing by!” Ares Sys­tem is not only only Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, but also has cer­tain Log­i­cal Analy­sis.
Al­though can­not be the [Izual]'s de­gree, but sim­ple quan­ti­ta­tive analy­sis, can achieve.

„How to fight? We do not have weapon!” Shi An is bel­low­ing ask­ing.
„[Dawn] brings taser.” Ares Sys­tem has given the reply.
Shi An help­less forced smile, full speed to sprint.
„Warn­ing, Dan­ger!” Ares Sys­tem is­sues the warn­ing sud­denly.
Shi An has held up Alloy Shield sub­con­sciously, kept off be­fore the body.
A light sound, Shi An felt that both hands shake slightly, he gets angry asks: „Damn! What was just?”

Shi Lei smiles say­ing: „QBU09 type 5.8 mm light snipe rifle! Just did not tell you, three fight row of fire­power con­fig­u­ra­tion Ex­tremely Ad­vanced!”
„Shi Lei! Were you in­sane? Makes sniper rifle par­tic­i­pate?” Shi An bel­lows an­grily.
„calm down calm down, ac­cord­ing to you from the fight row of per­son­nel po­si­tion, has ex­ceeded 800 me­ters at pre­sent, but QBU09 ef­fec­tive range only then 500 me­ters, more­over is only 5.8 mm small cal­iber light snipe rifle, even though in 50 me­ters, hit Alloy Shield not to be im­pos­si­ble to pass through!” Shi Lei is hav­ing one one of the not car­ing.

„bull­shit!” Shi An has bel­lowed, im­me­di­ately has adopted the anom­alous S shape ad­vance way, avoids being vis­ited by sniper rifle again.
The small cal­iber light snipe rifle might, is well below these medium cal­iber, even the heavy Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle might, dis­tance 100 me­ters away, [Dawn] de­fense can re­sist.
Lu Qiang said hes­i­tant: „Lit­tle Shi, uses snipe rifle, hasn't re­lated re­ally?”
Lu Fang re­places Shi Lei to ex­plain in side: „Di­vi­sion Head Lu, relax! The [Dawn]'s ex­te­rior de­fense armor piece, has used high strength con­fi­den­tial for­mula alloy. small cal­iber light snipe rifle of 5.8 mm cal­iber, will not pose the threat to [Dawn]. Can threaten [Dawn]'s truly is 12.7 mm heavy Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle!”

Lis­tened to the ex­pla­na­tion of Lu Fang, Lu Qiang to feel re­lieved slightly. After all Shi An is his sub­or­di­nate(s) will do ef­fi­ciently, if had any ac­ci­dent, in his heart will not be happy.
Shi Lei in one side, said to Li Yuan: „Lit­tle Yuan Zi, Group Head Shi will soon enter fir­ing dis­tance. [The Steel and Iron] MP7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun, the at­tack might is too small, is un­able to in­jure [Dawn]. There­fore, both of us hit the at­tack [Dawn]'s right leg, should bet­ter make [Dawn] throw down, then gives three fight pla­toons!”

„Yes!” Li Yuan ma­nip­u­late [The Steel and Iron], is pur­su­ing Shi An with Shi Lei to­gether.
„Count­down, three, two and one, open fire!” Shi Lei is op­er­at­ing [The Steel and Iron], the at­tack [Dawn]'s right leg.
„dīng dīng dīng ~ ~”
Sim­i­lar to the steel ball falls the sound on sheet iron, through the [The Steel and Iron] sound col­lect­ing de­vice, in car­ry­ing the FCH Sys­tem note­book, re­turned to orig­i­nal state.
„Damn!” Shi Lei cold snort, [Dawn] is tak­ing 350 KG Alloy Shield, lets [Dawn]'s sta­ble very high, even if by two [The Steel and Iron] at­tack, has not been sim­i­lar to Shi Lei ex­pected that same loses bal­ance.

Shi An hā hā laughs, ex­pres­sion pleased start to talk, „Shi Lei Brat, [The Steel and Iron] at­tack, no mat­ter uses!”
Shi Lei snort, rea­son that makes Shi An First go on stage to test [Dawn], then must to Shi An demon­stra­tion of au­thor­ity, that be to clar­ify his man­ner.
He told Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict in this man­ner, he rather died hon­or­ably can­not live dis­hon­or­ably, if wanted to ob­tain [Dawn], that must co­op­er­ate with him fairly!

„Right? Group Head Shi, you taste this!” Shi Lei hēi hēi sneers.


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