Monday, October 30, 2017

425: Capturing of Jedi Strikes Back!

For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency is a huge in­com­pa­ra­ble in­tel­li­gence sum­mary or­ga­ni­za­tion, in the en­tire World in­tel­li­gence re­lated ac­tiv­ity, al­though is not Top, but also cal­cu­lates very pow­er­ful.
If they set firm re­solve to process Shi Lei, then in Re­al­ity, Shi Lei ba­si­cally does not have the strength of re­volt.
But, Shi Lei is World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, in net­work, has the en­ergy of con­trol­ling the forces of na­ture. If Shi Lei has un­shack­led, must in net world, reck­less goes all out, will cause the ex­tremely se­ri­ous de­struc­tion ab­solutely!
Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany, the Shu'an Vil­lage train­ing base, in spa­tial Room of attic, Shi Lei has stood from the chair slowly , help­ing up Li Kun per­son­ally, and has pat­ted Li Kun dust.

Li Kun also thinks that was his tempt­ing with the promise of gain has pro­duced the re­sults, mak­ing Shi Lei change the mind, pre­pared to lower the head to For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency. On his face flood light smil­ing face.
‚I re­ally *** is Ge­nius! In sit­u­a­tion that un­ex­pect­edly in this type must die, mak­ing me dump tray suc­cess­fully! This can be writ­ten down the case of teach­ing ma­te­r­ial ab­solutely!’ Li Kun is boast­ing in the heart.
„Shi Lei, dereg­u­lates to me! Relax, that side For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, I will con­vey the sin­cer­ity for you, in­di­cated that you are will­ing to co­op­er­ate with us!” Li Kun was say­ing ar­ro­gantly.

Shi Lei to re­treat one step, looks at Li Kun that pitied, ex­tended the right hand to pat the face of Li Kun, „was sorry that I had not planned co­op­er­ated with For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency! Rea­son that holds you to get up, but to let you dies has a dig­nity point. After all, you are the Xia Na­tion per­son. Al­though has hired one­self Wo Sang Na­tion, but you as be­fore are the Xia Na­tion per­son.”
„Why! Shi Lei, you told me, why! For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency is so for­mi­da­ble, you sim­ply do not have the least bit pos­si­bly to re­sist with them!” The Li Kun mood, the flash drops Hell from Heaven.

Shi Lei both hands are grasp­ing the head of Li Kun, with one type only by the sound that they hear, mut­ter­ing sighed one lightly, „, be­cause, I am [Mr. M]!”
In the Li Kun eye shows panic-stricken de­sire look cer­tainly!
Shi Lei un­ex­pect­edly is [Mr. M]!
Such an­swer, has stemmed from For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency com­pletely is un­ex­pected!
„kā chā ~”
The sound of skele­ton break re­sounds to­gether, Shi Lei has wrenched apart the neck of Li Kun, then went out of Room, in cor­ri­dor told to Li Zifeng and Liu Dazhuang: „In­for­ma­tion data ob­tained, an­other per­son does not need to re­main, let them re­unites in Hell!”

Li Zifeng and Liu Dazhuang nod, en­tered in Room of next door, then spreads to­gether the fa­mil­iar skele­ton break sound.
„Boss, how do they process?” Li Zifeng look firm ask­ing. He is a smart per­son, on the Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany ship, that sim­ply has done well, won higher sta­tus for one­self.
„The Leng River fish was hun­gry! Zifeng, an­other three [Dawn], de­liv­ers to my fam­ily com­pletely!” After Shi Lei said that de­par­ture that does not re­turn, he also has very im­por­tant mat­ter to process,
Li Zifeng said to Liu Dazhuang: „Cap­tain Liu, do these two peo­ple you process?”
Liu Dazhuang nods to re­spond: „Does not have issue, Cap­tain Li, you felt re­lieved that de­liv­ered [Dawn] to Boss in the past!”
Shi Lei dri­ves Audi A4L to re­turn to Jingya Gar­den, in Build­ing Ten 2003 door, he looked to have the blood­stain place sub­con­sciously, now al­ready did not have the trail.

Sits in front of Num­ber One Server, Shi Lei first gave Xie Hui a call in the past.
Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, on 18, al­though al­ready around 10 : 00, but Xie Hui and Hong Xiang they, are lead­ing the Epic Chap­ter de­vel­op­ment team as be­fore , to con­tinue to de­velop the «Brave's World» set­tle­ment.
„Chief Shi, good evening!” After Xie Hui con­nec­tion tele­phone, first gave re­gards.
„Old Xie, our Su­per­com­puter, cur­rent sit­u­a­tion how?” Shi Lei wants to give For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency to look trou­bles, must reply on the Su­per­com­puter strength.
Sole Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low], is ab­solutely in­suf­fi­cient!

Al­though Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] Ranked en­tire World Ninth, but it does not be­long to Shi Lei to have after all, if wants Safety to use Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low], must con­trol in cer­tain range , can only trans­fer about 20-25 per­for­mance ap­prox­i­mately. If there is sur­mounted this value, will then pro­duce Dan­ger. Sur­mounts many, Dan­ger is big­ger!
The Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] com­pu­ta­tion speed has achieved 47.4 TFLop /s, if only trans­fers 20-25, ap­prox­i­mately also on equiv­a­lent to 9-12 TFLop /s. The AMD Com­pany ex­change to Dream En­ter­tain­ment Su­per­com­puter, the per­for­mance achieved 10 TFLop /s, equiv­a­lent to Shi Lei grasped two Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low]!

„Chief Shi, Su­per­com­puter is still in­stalling. Ac­tu­ally the Su­per­com­puter main body has in­stalled, but re­lated sup­ple­men­tary equip­ment, but also is de­bug­ging. Es­pe­cially ra­di­ates and Power Sup­ply this, Emer­ald Lake Build­ing does not meet the con­di­tion, our cur­rently car­ries on the im­prove­ment pro­ject ac­cord­ing to the re­quest that AMD En­gi­neer set. The trans­for­ma­tion of ra­di­a­tion as­pect, can ap­prox­i­mately to­mor­row ac­com­plish. But elec­tric power as­pect issue, needs elec­tri­cal power of­fice in­de­pen­dent to pro­vide the sta­ble power sup­ply, that side the elec­tri­cal power of­fice does not know how long time must delay.” Xie Hui was say­ing re­luc­tantly.

The Xia Na­tion in­land gov­ern­ment, is very big with the Trea­sure Is­land Province gov­ern­ment dif­fer­ence, some pol­icy issue, the pro­cess­ing speed is more dif­fer­ent.
„Elec­tric power as­pect issue, I will process! Old Xie, su­per­vises AMD as­pect, ad­just­ment good Su­per­com­puter as soon as pos­si­ble, I to need to use Su­per­com­puter re­cently!” Shi Lei replied, then has hung up the tele­phone.
‚If the Su­per­com­puter de­ploy­ment of Dream En­ter­tain­ment fin­ishes, then the fol­low­ing mo­tion, will be smoother!’ In the Shi Lei heart was pon­der­ing copes with For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency Plan.
Sits in front of Num­ber One Server, Shi Lei has taken Wire­less head­set, fa­cil­i­tates and [Izual] mo­men­tar­ily com­mu­ni­ca­tion.
„[Izual], ac­ti­vates all on­line Zom­bie, the prepa­ra­tion starts to take ac­tion.” Shi Lei moved to point, pre­pares to launch First step Plan.

The mo­tion of Hacker, is di­vided into the ad­vanced prepa­ra­tion work and spirit [Light­ning] at­tack gen­er­ally, as well as the final se­cret evac­u­a­tion.
Shi Lei wants to cope with For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, must be fully pre­pared. Be­cause this time, he does not plan to sneak at­tack, did not plan that other at­tack tar­get, ha­rass the line of sight of For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, but plans Chia Tai Light at­tack For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency!
For Chia Tai Light at­tack For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, serves own some pur­poses, Shi Lei must have many Su­per­com­puter to take Zom­bie, more­over can get rid of that Zom­bie at any time!

Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] and Dream En­ter­tain­ment Su­per­com­puter is in­ap­pro­pri­ate, these two Su­per­com­puter can­not get rid.
Shi Lei can only pro­ject in other Su­per­com­puter the idea, but under Shi Lei care­ful plan­ning, has des­ig­nated ex­cel­lent tar­get fi­nally.
Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der]!
[Raphael] for­merly con­trol Zom­bie, but after by the mys­te­ri­ous [CPX­Jazz] ex­po­sure, by its Safety On-duty Per­son­nel, was cleaned up [Raphael] Con­trol­ling Right.
If Shi Lei has con­trolled Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der], that is a very in­ter­est­ing mat­ter!

„[Sir], all on­line Zom­bie ac­ti­vate, Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] is dur­ing the in­de­pen­dent pro­tec­tion, No. 2 Server is in the sec­ondary pro­tec­tion \; Has cho­sen Li Jian Na­tion First Grade Zom­bie, as De­fend the Server, in­stalls [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem \; Has es­tab­lished self- dele­tion ad­vance­ment to [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem!” [Izual] ac­cord­ing to plan that Shi Lei es­tab­lished in ad­vance, ac­com­plish all work.

So-called De­fend the Server, is pro­tects Zom­bie Net­work not by the es­tab­lish­ment of flash com­pletely pen­e­tra­tion. For ex­am­ple, For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency wants to trace Shi Lei's IP ad­dress, must ac­cord­ing to link­ing IP ad­dress, through Zom­bie trac­ing.
When they trace De­fend the Server, will be stopped by [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem, thus was in­ter­cepted, mak­ing Shi Lei have the time to han­dle other mat­ters, but has not been pestered, until was held.
„[Izual], scans this IP ad­dress, def­i­nite op­po­site party open in­ter­face, as well as whether has flaw to exist.” Shi Lei con­tin­ues to tell.

[Izual] is gov­ern­ing Black Magic Soft­ware, nat­u­rally has the in­ter­face scan­ning and flaw scan­ning, in Zom­bie Net­work of [Izual] con­trol, uses under the as­sis­tance of spe­cial Clus­ter Sys­tem, is scan­ning Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] open­ing in­ter­face fast.
Su­per­com­puter open­ing in­ter­face, has are more, after for about one minute, on Num­ber One Server Mon­i­tor, is demon­strat­ing the nu­mer­ous re­sult.
Shi Lei is an­a­lyz­ing once more one by one, al­though [Izual] can scan in­ter­face, even can con­trol the Black Magic Soft­ware in­va­sion, but [Izual] will be dis­cov­ered ab­solutely, be­cause it does not have True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence, is un­able the au­tonomous de­ter­mi­na­tion at­tack way, to by­pass De­fense Sys­tem.
In the link of hid­ing in­va­sion, [Izual] can only help Shi Lei do some prepara­tory work!

‚Hēng! Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] de­fense, low­ered that many com­pared with Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] un­ex­pect­edly! Even if I do not know that its Sys­tem Flaw, by Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] in the hand, the in­va­sion en­ters Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der], is not the dif­fi­cult mat­ter!’ Shi Lei ob­serves the Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] sit­u­a­tion, in the heart is pon­der­ing se­cretly.

Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] and Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] have cer­tain dis­par­ity, after Shi Lei has clar­i­fied the sit­u­a­tion, im­me­di­ately from not com­monly used in­ter­face, tries data to pour into.
in­ter­face is sim­i­lar to en­ters the Room gate, if chose the gate, has copied the key, entry Room that can suc­ceed!
Al­though in­ter­face of Shi Lei choice is not com­monly used, but is ac­tu­ally nor­mal open­ing in­ter­face, more­over is not used to place Hon­ey­pot trap in­ter­face.
Has con­sumed Gongfu (ef­fort) suc­cess­fully, Shi Lei has gone round Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] Fire­wall, en­ters the Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] in­te­rior.
How­ever, en­ters Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] merely, but also is far from enough, this is only the First step!

Then, Shi Lei also needs in the Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] in­te­rior, to an­a­lyze Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] over­all Sys­tem, thus finds the way to enter the au­thor­ity group, ob­tains the au­thor­ity group High­est Au­thor­ity, and hides own High­est Au­thor­ity, was ac­com­plish the con­trol to Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der].
Just, this is the most dif­fi­cult process!
But, re­gard­ing Shi Lei, is very dif­fi­cult?.


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