Monday, October 30, 2017

418: YM Medical changes name

Dream En­ter­tain­ment Press Con­fer­ence, al­ways likes is­su­ing in Emer­ald Lake Guest­house. Al­though Emer­ald Lake Guest­house is not 5★ Guest­house, is only 4★. But it is away from Dream En­ter­tain­ment to be re­cent, more­over is in Shuanghu Dis­trict best Guest­house.
Emer­ald Lake Guest­house Press Con­fer­ence Room, Shi Lei stands in the chair­man's podium, on the face reap­pears the ex­pres­sion that is wip­ing to re­call.
CCTV Wang Qiuju, fol­low­ing the Shi Lei's words, in­quired: „Mr. Shi, what mat­ter are you going to an­nounce?”
Shi Lei puts out doc­u­ment data, launched later to lift, en­abling all Re­porter to pho­to­graph.

„About YM Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany, will change name of­fi­cially is YuMo Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany, and AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic tech­nol­ogy, be­longs to YuMo Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany.” The Shi Lei look is pro­found, the ex­pres­sion has been full of the fondly re­mem­ber­ing fla­vor.
Ini­tially, Ling Yumo in­quired that YM Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany name, is ac­tu­ally any opin­ion. Shi Lei gives Ling Yumo to ex­plain in­ten­tion­ally care­lessly that ex­actly as stated wants to give a Ling Yumo pleas­ant sur­prise.

Now had pleas­antly sur­prised, but Ling Yumo al­ready not in side. But Shi Lei be­lieves that Ling Yumo in some place, the at­ten­tion of silent he, is cer­tainly pay­ing at­ten­tion to his en­ter­prise.
‚Yumo, this is gives your gift, [Hope] you likes!’ In the Shi Lei heart dis­cussed.
Wang Qiuju closely is star­ing at the Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion, sud­denly opens the mouth to ask: „Mr. Shi, why can change name? Please for­give my un­rea­son­able guess, ‚is Yumo’ your girl­friend name?”
Shi Lei has not given the ac­cu­rate an­swer, the re­sponse of for­mu­la­tion, „busi­ness se­cret, no com­ment.”

Wang Qiuju does not know that ‚Yumo’ opin­ion of this name, does not rep­re­sent other peo­ple not to know. Shuangqing Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion trump card news Host Hu Ke, raises hand to in­di­cate that must speak.
Shi Lei looks at the Hu Ke ex­pres­sion, then knows that Hu Ke will say any­thing, „Great Host Hu, you must ex­pose short­com­ings Right?”
Hu Ke cracks into a chuckle, „Shi Lei school­mate, as far as I know, ‚should Yumo’ be your same class school­mate Ling Yumo Right? I says right?”
Shi Lei is only the forced smile, has not re­sponded.

„Shi Lei school­mate, YM Med­ical Com­pany and Dream En­ter­tain­ment are the same, be­long to Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Wholly Owned Sub­sidiary. Ex­cuse me, what method you have used, YM Med­ical Com­pany change name? Changes a view, the Pinyin ab­bre­vi­a­tion of YM ex­actly as stated Yumo, at the be­gin­ning of YM Com­pany was es­tab­lished, then has been doomed today's name change Right? that Shi Lei school­mate, ac­tu­ally you are any iden­tity, some en­er­gies de­cide the name of Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy sub­or­di­nate Child Com­pany.” In Hu Ke won­der­ful, is hav­ing a faint trace cun­ning vi­sion, says mat­ter that she has an­a­lyzed.

Re­porter on the scene, is strik­ing with force the photo to Shi Lei. In their hearts raises a thought that is it pos­si­ble that wrapped in a shroud of ob­scu­rity does Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, be­long to Shi Lei?
In the Shi Lei heart sighed, the in­quiry of Hu Ke, has not made Shi Lei be at a loss, this was the sit­u­a­tion that Shi Lei es­ti­mated ahead of time.
„Great Host Hu, I have say­ing that your news sense of smell is too sharp!” Shi Lei dis­guises to smile bit­terly, then said: „My iden­tity, be­lieves that every­body is in­ter­ested very much Right?”
„Nat­u­rally is in­ter­ested!” Hu Ke is hav­ing an ex­pres­sion re­sponse of an­tic­i­pa­tion.
Al­though other Re­porter have not spo­ken, but nod silently, has also in­di­cated their man­ner.

„Good, since every­body is in­ter­ested, I give every­body to con­fess! Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy in Xia Na­tion, al­to­gether four Wholly Owned Sub­sidiary, thinks that every­body knows Right? I am Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany CEO, is an­other three Com­pany Dis­patched Su­per­vi­sor. Mean­while, I am also grasp­ing the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy 9 stocks. Is Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Third big in­di­vid­ual Stock­holder, in Board of Di­rec­tors, has cer­tain right to speak.” Shi Lei had Fake to say.

He in­deed is Dis­patched Su­per­vi­sor, is Dream En­ter­tain­ment CEO. But he not only then Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy 9 stocks, but has the com­plete stock!
The Hu Ke right hand has cov­ered the small mouth, has called out in alarm one, „Shi Lei school­mate, you un­ex­pect­edly are Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Third big in­di­vid­ual Stock­holder!”
Wang Qiuju pur­sues asks: „Mr. Shi, is Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, be­sides you, who other Stock­holder?”
Shi Lei smiles hē hē say­ing: „Re­porter Wang, these are the busi­ness se­crets, can­not dis­close. Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy reg­is­ters in the Cay­man Is­lands Off­shore area, ex­actly as stated to keep se­cret need. There­fore, your issue, I can­not reply! Good, mat­ter one side about YuMo Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany, places tem­porar­ily. About AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, you doesn't have issue?”

Wang Qiuju took ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity to shift the topic, asked again: „Mr. Shi, in just Pro­mo­tion Video, about AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, had the in­gre­di­ent that what ex­ag­ger­ated?”
„Has!” Shi Lei was say­ing very much hon­estly.

„kā kā kā ~”
The cam­era flash keeps ex­poses, Re­porter as if like smelling the shark of smell of blood, pho­to­graph of Crazy.
Shi Lei's replied that is too ridicu­lous!
Most man­u­fac­tur­ers, when was asked so thorny issue, gen­er­ally will shift the topic su­per­fi­cially, or is not the pos­i­tive reply.
Re­porter have com­pleted, prepa­ra­tion that Shi Lei did not reply. After all Shi Lei just re­peat­edly had used ‚busi­ness se­cret, no com­ment’ ex­cuse.
But they have not thought that the ac­knowl­edg­ment of Shi Lei poised and calm has the false pro­pa­ganda un­ex­pect­edly, this stems from Re­porter was un­ex­pected!

The Wang Qiuju ex­pres­sion stares slightly, af­ter­ward im­me­di­ately re­stores, „Mr. Shi, con­crete is the in­gre­di­ent that what ex­ag­ger­ates?”
Shi Lei is break­ing off the fin­ger, started to count.
„First, the time of in­stal­la­tion process, is not short, prob­a­bly takes about 15 min­utes. In Pro­mo­tion Video, 30 sec­onds! This is very se­ri­ous ex­ag­ger­at­ing Right?”
The Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion is quite earnest, was sel­dom say­ing, as if is re­ally mat­ter that he said. But in fact, this is just is teas­ing.

„Sec­ond, wants to take down AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, is not an easy mat­ter. At least AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic of basic ver­sion, the time of tak­ing down sim­i­larly takes over 15 min­utes.” The truth that Shi Lei this told ac­tu­ally, AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic of basic ver­sion, does not have Mod­u­lar De­sign, does not have the func­tion of fast re­place­ment.
„Third, the AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic re­serve elec­tric quan­tity, and is not enough to sup­port a soc­cer game of stren­u­ous ex­er­cise. To at­tend a soc­cer game, at least needs to re­place a bat­tery backup!”

AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic of basic ver­sion, wants to re­place the bat­tery backup, needs to take down Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, then after re­plac­ing the bat­tery, in­stalls again. This process, at least takes a half hour.
„Prob­a­bly tem­porar­ily only then such pro­pa­gan­das of three ex­ag­ger­a­tion!” Shi Lei smil­ingly was say­ing.
Wang Qiuju says with a smile: „Mr. Shi, you will crack a joke. These can cal­cu­late that empty Fake does pro­pa­gan­dize? Can Mr. Shi, ac­cord­ing to your view, AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, in­deed ac­com­plish kick soc­cer such mat­ter? That in other words, Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, al­most and human own thigh, does not have what dif­fer­ence Right?”
„It is not! The dif­fer­ence is very big! AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, can in­deed ac­com­plish play the soc­cer the be­hav­ior, but the skill in ball games will be very pos­si­bly rot­ten. More­over AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, with­out any sense of touch.” Say­ing that Shi Lei ex­plained.

Wants with human own thigh, achieves the ef­fect of being al­most the same, in the tech­ni­cal as­pect dif­fi­culty, meets pro­moted not to have the sev­eral fold. For ex­am­ple a sim­ple mat­ter, human own body has sense of touch. The foot of hu­man­ity, even though has worn the shoes, if steps in the sand, or steps in the goose warm stone, will have unique Touch Feed­back.
But AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, will def­i­nitely not have such Touch Feed­back!

To re­al­ize this sense of touch tech­nol­ogy, quite suit­able dif­fi­culty. The First step needs with the nerve con­nec­tion, this to in­volve Life Sci­ence, the do­main that Shi Lei does not un­der­stand com­pletely.
„Mr. Shi, you have been say­ing basic ver­sion Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, what is the basic ver­sion?” Wang Qiuju asked once again, this was the CCTV Re­porter priv­i­lege, they had not asked the time, other Re­porter will not rush to ask.
issue that even though Hu Ke takes the host, in­ter­pos­ing, is the back­ing up strong po­ten­tial.

„This issue is very good to un­der­stand. So-called basic ver­sion, ver­sion of ex­actly as stated most foun­da­tion. For ex­am­ple same funds au­to­mo­bile, has the foun­da­tion dis­po­si­tion and lux­u­ri­ous dis­po­si­tion is the same. AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, there is a such clas­si­fi­ca­tion. High Grade ver­sion AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, will have some more con­ve­nient es­tab­lish­ment.” Shi Lei smil­ingly was ex­plain­ing, then said: „As for any con­ve­nient es­tab­lish­ment, you do not in­quire, busi­ness se­cret, no com­ment.”
„Mr. Shi, I have last issue.” Wang Qiuju frowns was ask­ing, „please ask that the AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic price was ex­pen­sive?”

The AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic price, in Lin'an Un­der­ground Base, Dong Guoguo handed over a cost to make the price list to give Shi Lei, has not at­tached the ar­ti­fi­cial fac­tory ex­pense, has not at­tached Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, soft­ware re­search and de­vel­op­ment ex­pense.
„Ex­pen­sive! Very ex­pen­sive!” The Shi Lei af­fir­ma­tive re­sponse said.
„Then the AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic final re­tail price, how many big date does achieve?” Ask­ing that Wang Qiuju does not lose heart.

Shi Lei re­gret­table sigh, „about issue that sells fi­nally, per­haps must post­pone some time. This is be­cause the AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic craft de­mand is not low, cost price too high rea­son. At pre­sent tem­porar­ily only then ex­tremely few AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, can only through Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site, fill­ing in apply for data, then waited for Dream En­ter­tain­ment final draws an item at ran­dom. The ex­tracted lucky fel­low, will ob­tain AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic free.”

After CCTV Re­porter asked that Re­porter of other media, started to ask. Most issue, the Shi Lei even for­mu­la­tion in­di­cated that be­longs to the busi­ness se­cret, the no com­ment.
To­ward noon, Shi Lei shows unique skill that es­capes, dri­ves Audi A4L to de­part, lets Xie Hui and Hong Xiang, re­mains to deal with these media Re­porter.
Al­though many Re­porter re­main in Emer­ald Lake Guest­house, ac­cepts the lunch en­ter­tain­ment of Dream En­ter­tain­ment, but also some Re­porter, im­me­di­ately the in­for­ma­tion up­load to net­work.

Wo Sang Na­tion, For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, they have listed as key in­ves­ti­gate tar­get Shi Lei. Be­cause they from aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany, re­ceived the pre­lim­i­nary news, Shi Lei is [Mr. M] in Xia Na­tion agent.
When For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency in­ves­ti­gate per­son­nel, had dis­cov­ered Dream En­ter­tain­ment newest Press Con­fer­ence, the prod­uct of issue has in Robot Plan un­ex­pect­edly, shadow of Metal Ex­oskele­ton tech­nol­ogy, as­so­ci­ated to [Mr. M] again stole Robot Plan, they have af­firmed the re­la­tions of Shi Lei and [Mr. M] thor­oughly


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