Saturday, October 28, 2017

393: Closed Testing Invitation Code value

Jingya Gar­den, Shi Lei through keep­ing Beiyu In­ter­na­tional Air­port Sys­tem Back Door, looked up Xu Wenyang and Lin Xi­antong flight in­for­ma­tion, de­ter­mined that they rushed to Shuangqing City in yes­ter­day in the evening at the same night.

This in­for­ma­tion, is con­ceal­ing many other in­for­ma­tion!
Xu Wenyang is ASUS High Grade Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral, Lin Xi­antong is Mi­cro-Star CEO, they are the se­nior man­age­ment of re­spec­tive Com­pany. By their iden­tity, must catch up at the same night, seeks the Dream En­ter­tain­ment co­op­er­a­tion, that ex­plained that two Com­pany ATI Graph­ics Card equip­ment, after the «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code match­ing sale, has ob­tained the huge suc­cess!
Only by doing so, these two Com­pany se­nior lead­er­ship, at the same night will catch up, [Hope] and Dream En­ter­tain­ment widen the co­op­er­a­tion range, ob­tains many «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, then co­or­di­nates the sale with all prod­ucts of their.

Shi Lei through flight in­for­ma­tion, then an­a­lyzes ASUS and Mi­cro-Star Com­pany goal merely, from this can guess that Shi Lei re­gard­ing the all kinds in­for­ma­tion sen­si­tive de­gree, is ac­tu­ally high!
„Mr. Xu, I come Emer­ald Lake Guest­house im­me­di­ately!” Shi Lei has not felt em­bar­rassed Xu Wenyang again, after all Xu Wenyang treats the lamb that butch­ers now, can be the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Cre­ate enor­mous value.
Shi Lei also [Hope] and ASUS and Mi­cro-Star, the reached(an agree­ment) con­sis­tent co­op­er­a­tion plan, from ASUS and Mi­cro-Star there, fishes a cash, with arrange Dream En­ter­tain­ment next Plan.
Hung up with the tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion of Xu Wenyang, Shi Lei has di­aled the Emer­ald Lake Guest­house Lobby tele­phone, Emer­ald Lake Guest­house Lobby Man­ager Xu Jiayi, the at­ten­tive de­light­ful sound con­veyed, „Chief Shi, hello!”

„Lit­tle Xu, sends for prepar­ing Pluck­ing Stars Pavil­ion, makes pot most Top Level tea, I must come to dis­cuss the mat­ter im­me­di­ately! More­over pre­pares a next noon mid­day feast, pre­pares one table!” Shi Lei spoke thought­lessly the in­struc­tion to say.
Pluck­ing Stars Pavil­ion is Emer­ald Lake Guest­house sec­ond floor near small pri­vate room of lake, is the same to Seize Clouds Pavil­ion, has used the en­tire win­dow de­sign near the lake at the same time, the scenery is pleas­ant.
„Un­der­stood, Chief Shi!” Xu Jiayi sound de­light­ful re­sponse, but Shi Lei di­rectly has ac­tu­ally hung up the tele­phone. Shi Lei does not like the Xu Jiayi this makeup too heavy fe­male, but is not re­pug­nant, after all every­one has the life style of every­one, Shi Lei does not have priv­i­lege to go to the in­ter­fer­ence oth­ers' life style.
Locks Num­ber One Server Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, Shi Lei takes up car key on com­puter table, hur­ries to to­ward Emer­ald Lake Guest­house.

Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Gamer Forum, in Of­fi­cial Trad­ing Sys­tem, buys the «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code post are more, the high­est price rose to the Fif­teen Thou­sand de­gree!
Such high price is by Cap­i­tal Coun­try Money-bags Gamer [Thun­der­bolt (Awe­some)], in sky-high price that Forum opens. With the aid of such sky-high price, Coun­try Money-bags [Thun­der­bolt (Awe­some)], re­ceived Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code once more.
Sells that Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code Gamer, Of­fi­cial Gamer Forum ID is Lit­tle Cater­pil­lar, walked un­ex­pected suc­cess Low-end Player, the age was only 16 years old merely, a pur­chase AMD sin­gle nu­cleus dodges dragon CPU, on 1 / 1000 odds of win­ning, has se­lected «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code un­ex­pect­edly.

Lit­tle Cater­pil­lar does not want to sell «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, but the Lit­tle Cater­pil­lar fa­ther, forc­ing him to sell Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, has gained Fif­teen Thou­sand thou­sand!
Lit­tle Cater­pil­lar Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, is Third in Of­fi­cial Trad­ing Sys­tem. 15000 Yuan high price, mak­ing «Brave's World» once more Myth in net­work.
Some game Stu­dio, have aimed at «Brave's World», after all «Brave's World» has not opened of­fi­cially, has de­ter­mined so the Gamer com­mu­nity of high-end, then after «Brave's World» opens truly, but also feared that couldn't find the Xia Na­tion Yuan sol­dier to spend in in­side?
Shuangqing City, Shuanghu Dis­trict, Shi Lei dri­ves to ar­rive at Emer­ald Lake Guest­house, tele­phoned to in­form Xu Wenyang and Lin Xi­antong, then ar­rived at Pluck­ing Stars Pavil­ion to wait for them.

Xu Wenyang and Lin Xi­antong, how long have not made Shi Lei wait, prob­a­bly is less than three min­utes, they then to­gether enter Pluck­ing Stars Pavil­ion.
Al­though Pluck­ing Stars Pavil­ion is one slightly re­serves a room, but did not mean that its area is small, but said that in it has a din­ner table. In Pluck­ing Stars Pavil­ion, be­sides a din­ner table, a Small-scale busi­ness meet­ing area.
This busi­ness meet­ing area, by three der­mis sofas, as well as a solid wood tea table con­sti­tu­tion.
Emer­ald Lake Guest­house Lobby Man­ager Xu Jiayi, is stand­ing by the tea table per­son­ally makes tea, she is draw­ing the micro thick cos­met­ics, ap­pears some makeup too over­bal­anced.
Shi Lei and Xu Wenyang and Lin Xi­antong, sit on the der­mis sofa re­spec­tively, Xu Jiayi hastily is on three peo­ple of but ac­tu­ally tea.

„Lit­tle Xu, you get down first! Has any need, I will call you!” Shi Lei coughed lightly, opens the mouth to say to Xu Jiayi.
„Good, Chief Shi!” Xu Jiayi clever nod, how­ever re­treat left Pluck­ing Stars Pavil­ion.
Xu Wenyang is crack­ing a joke to say at the same time: „Yo, Mr. Shi, this was your” he has not said that but he was wink­ing to Shi Lei one, ob­vi­ously was not the good idea!

Shi Lei shakes the head say­ing: „Mr. Xu, we dis­cussed proper busi­ness!”
Re­lated to the proper busi­ness, Xu Wenyang is earnest im­me­di­ately, he shot a look at Lin Xi­antong, after see­ing Lin Xi­antong nod­ded slightly, opens the mouth to say di­rectly: „Mr. Shi, our ASUS and Mi­cro-Star, want to co­op­er­ate with Dream En­ter­tain­ment, pur­chases «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code from Dream En­ter­tain­ment!”
Xu Wenyang has not talked cir­cuitously, said their ASUS and Mi­cro-Star goal di­rectly, this made Shi Lei some­what sur­prised but ac­tu­ally.
Al­though in Shi Lei heart micro star­tled, but on the face is hav­ing the smil­ing face: „Mr. Xu, Mr. Lin, does not know that what con­di­tion you can give?”
Dream En­ter­tain­ment is the same with Shi Lei, be­sides money, any­thing does not lack!

Xu Wenyang and Lin Xi­antong had al­ready reached an agree­ment price, opens the mouth to say by Xu Wenyang: „Mr. Shi, our ASUS and Mi­cro-Star, are will­ing by each Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code 1500 Yuan price, to pur­chase Hun­dred-thou­sand Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code!”
1500 Yuan price, merely is at pre­sent newest Of­fi­cial Trad­ing Sys­tem price 1/10!

The Shi Lei shak­ing the head re­jec­tion with­out hes­i­ta­tion, 1500 Yuan price is too low, „sorry for the in­con­ve­nience, Mr. Xu, you have not paid at­ten­tion to our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Trad­ing Sys­tem Right?”
Xu Wenyang shakes the head say­ing: „Mr. Shi, we have looked at your com­pany Of­fi­cial Forum, in Of­fi­cial Trad­ing Sys­tem, ex­am­ined the «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code newest price. Re­gard­ing the cur­rent high price, we are clear, that is only a vir­tual height price! Once the Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code large in­vest­ment mar­ket, such price nat­u­rally can fall. Es­pe­cially AMD Com­pany has pur­chased 100,000, our ASUS and Mi­cro-Star pur­chase 100,000 again, «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code in mar­ket, large scale will per­haps de­pre­ci­ate!”

Said like Xu Wenyang, if ASUS and Mi­cro-Star, pur­chased 100,000 Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code again, put on the mar­ket, then «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code price, will also col­lapse re­ally!
Shak­ing the head that Shi Lei smiles said: „Mr. Xu, Mr. Lin, you have not made clear a mat­ter, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment, has own plan. Even if in­creases 100,000 Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code again, I also dare to say Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, will not break your bot­tom line prices.”

About «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code many issue, Shi Lei may not only then com­pen­sa­tion plan that move. The com­pen­sa­tion plan merely is the First move, then Shi Lei also has the big move­ment not to erupt!
Once erupts these big move­ments, «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code many issue, then com­pletely will not be any issue!

Xu Wenyang was pon­der­ing Shi Lei's replied, is sud­denly silent.
Each Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code 1500 Yuan, this was Xu Wenyang and Lin Xi­antong dis­cussed very long re­sult, after all the large-scale Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code in­vest­ment mar­ket, will cre­ate the con­sid­er­ably large vari­able, let the «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code match­ing sale plan, the prospect be­came con­fus­ing.
Lin Xi­antong face calm drink­ing tea, as if has noth­ing to do to be the same with the ne­go­ti­a­tions.

About after 15 min­utes, Xu Wenyang looks up Shi Lei, „Mr. Shi, our ASUS and Mi­cro-Star can raise the price, but we need Dream En­ter­tain­ment and we sign the agree­ment.”
„What agree­ment?” Shi Lei asked.
„With the AMD sim­i­lar agree­ment!” The Xu Wenyang look is swift and fierce, ASUS Com­pany has the in­former in AMD, AMD and Dream En­ter­tain­ment co­op­er­a­tion agree­ment pro­vi­sion, ASUS Com­pany al­most com­pletely knew!
Shi Lei faint smile looks at Xu Wenyang, „said your con­di­tions!”
„Mr. Shi, our ASUS and Mi­cro-Star con­di­tion is very sim­ple, refers to the AMD Com­pany con­di­tion, our two Com­pany, «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, with our other prod­uct mix sales. For ex­am­ple our Note­book Com­puter and com­puter moth­er­board, nVIDIA Graph­ics Card wait / etc., we need all our prod­ucts, the sales vol­ume in­creases 100!” The Xu Wenyang am­bi­tion was say­ing huge.

Shi Lei is pon­der­ing the Xu Wenyang con­di­tion, at pre­sent the com­puter moth­er­board in mar­ket, brand great va­ri­ety \; The note­book is also same as nVIDIA Graph­ics Card, not like CPU, only then Intel and AMD, can only two choose its one.
„This con­di­tion can dis­cuss! How­ever, since you know that our Dream En­ter­tain­ment and AMD agree­ment, that should know that we and in AMD agree­ment, there is a time ef­fect.” Shi Lei kept a se­ri­ous look said: „I can ac­cept your con­di­tions, but can only com­ply with your prod­uct sales vol­ume to in­crease 100 time, merely is 30 days!”

Xu Wenyang turns the head to look to Lin Xi­antong, ASUS and Mi­cro-Star were the grasshop­per on same strip string, Lin Xi­antong had con­sid­ered at pre­sent, in­quired: „The sales vol­ume that Mr. Shi, we said in­creases 100, is the rep­re­sen­ta­tive World­wide sales vol­ume, but is not only only Xia Na­tion!”
Shi Lei stares slightly, ASUS and Mi­cro-Star strength is strong, the prod­uct sells en­tire World, he has con­sid­ered, be­cause ini­tial pe­riod «Brave's World» merely is only the game of Wuxia Cat­e­gory, wants to start the mighty waves in West­ern World, some dif­fi­cul­ties.

„If the World­wide sales vol­ume, then our Dream En­ter­tain­ment, is only merely will­ing to com­ply with the sales vol­ume to in­crease 50 . More­over the time is only 15 days merely!” The Shi Lei re­sponse said.
Here, Shi Lei asked back: „The offer of your ASUS and Mi­cro-Star is too low, might as well said your max­i­mum of­fers!”.


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