Tuesday, October 31, 2017

436: Guided Missile, explosion!

ps: Each chap­ter 6-9 cents of money, re­quested earnestly the able broth­ers sis­ters, to the cur­tain moun­tain lit­tle sup­port, «Hacker» stood in the cliff edge, fur­ther sea and air sky, drew back step ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) Abyss. The broth­ers sis­ters who more than 35000 views read, the cur­tain moun­tain re­ally needs to sup­port re­ally! Can the broth­ers sis­ters of legal copy sub­scrip­tion, se­lect ‚to ap­prove’, our high praise in­dices are too low.
Ok­i­nawa Pre­fec­ture al­to­gether has 2249 square kilo­me­ters, above al­to­gether de­ployed that has three mil­i­tary bases.
Futenma Base be­longs to Li Jian Na­tion, mainly de­ploys fight He­li­copter, at pre­sent has pro­vided over a hun­dred fight He­li­copter in the base, can the high speed con­trol pe­riph­eral sea area, form the ef­fec­tive coast de­fense with pur­su­ing Task.
Naha Base, sub­or­di­nates in the Wo Sang Na­tion use, mainly has de­ployed f se­ries Fighter, as well as few fight He­li­copter, for guard­ing against the Xia Na­tion mil­i­tary power. After all Ok­i­nawa Pre­fec­ture his­tor­i­cally, be­longs to Xia Na­tion to have, Wo Sang Na­tion was con­stantly not wor­ry­ing, if Xia Na­tion wants to take back Ok­i­nawa Pre­fec­ture, what to do they should.
In ad­di­tion, the last most for­mi­da­ble base, that sub­or­di­nates in Li Jian Na­tion Kadena Air Base. In Kadena Air Base, Li Jian Na­tion has arranged var­i­ous over 200 kind of Fighter, mean­while opens to Wo Sang Na­tion, this is Li Jian Na­tion in the Far East area biggest air force base.
Ge­o­graph­i­cal po­si­tions be­tween three bases are quite close, the whole pre­sents the ge­o­graph­i­cal po­si­tion that ‚eight’ left char­ac­ter one casts aside. And Naha Base sit­u­ated in east lon­gi­tude °, north lat­i­tude °, Kadena Air Base sit­u­ated in east lon­gi­tude °, north lat­i­tude °.
Ac­cord­ing to com­pu­ta­tion. The lon­gi­tudes of two bases dif­fer °, is zero de­gree one point of Forty-eight sec­ond. Can sketchy being counted in same lon­gi­tude.
The lat­i­tudes of two places dif­fer °, is the zero de­gree very Forty-eight sec­ond. Ac­cord­ing to the same lon­gi­tude , the lat­i­tude dif­fers 1 sec­ond of dis­tance 1 into the sea al­go­rithm, dis­tances be­tween two places are the nau­ti­cal miles.
One into the sea equal to kilo­me­ter, then sea Rio equal to 20 kilo­me­ters. Futenma Base, the mid­dle sit­u­ated in Naha Base and Kadena Base, ba­si­cally is in the same lon­gi­tude, in other words most dis­tance more than ten kilo­me­ters.
In Futenma Base. the at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile Sys­tem fir­ing dis­tance over 120 kilo­me­ters, launch from Futenma Base, can kill to be­long to Wo Sang Na­tion Naha Base eas­ily, as well as Li Jian Na­tion Kadena Base.
Third tar­get of Shi Lei choice, sit­u­ated in Kadena Base due east about 15 kilo­me­ters Gi­nowan Sea Large-scale Oil stor­age Fac­tory, the total value of this oil stor­age fac­tory, has sur­passed 100 Mil­lion USD. Is the foun­da­tion safe­guards of Ok­i­nawa Pre­fec­ture area all oil used.
If this sea Large-scale oil stor­age fac­tory pre­sented issue, gaso­line and diesel fuel of sup­ply that Ok­i­nawa Pre­fec­ture area, will then have the stopped chain ef­fect, Wo Sang Na­tion wants to guar­an­tee that nor­mal order of Ok­i­nawa Pre­fec­ture, that must trans­port the fuel oils to come from the na­tive place.
Ok­i­nawa Pre­fec­ture is some­what far from the Wo Sang Na­tion na­tive place, the fuel oils cost of trans­porta­tion is very back and forth ex­pen­sive. Ships the per­sis­tent con­sump­tion of fuel oils, will make the Wo Sang Na­tion might as well se­ri­ous!
In Futenma Base weapon Con­trol Sys­tem, Shi Lei has used High­est Au­thor­ity of mas­ter con­trol com­puter, has launched the at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile Sys­tem sight­ing de­vice, starts to lock tar­get.
As a re­sult of at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile Sys­tem. With ring laser gy­ro­scope in­er­tial guid­ance Sys­tem, can there­fore not con­nect the satel­lite di­rec­tion. Pre­vents to be ex­am­ined by Li Jian Na­tion satel­lite Sys­tem.
In three tar­get, dis­tance far­thest sea Large-scale oil stor­age fac­tory, only then less than 20 kilo­me­ters straight dis­tance, com­pletely in the at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile Sys­tem cov­er­age scope!
Long-dis­tance aims in Sys­tem, Shi Lei has locked choice three tar­get, Wo Sang Na­tion Naha Base, Li Jian Na­tion Kadena Base, Wo Sang Na­tion Gi­nowan Sea Large-scale Oil stor­age Fac­tory.
On Mon­i­tor, at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile Sys­tem long-dis­tance aims at Sys­tem, feed­back fixed.
‚tar­get has locked, launches?’
Looks at the final prompt, Shi Lei slightly has hes­i­tated, af­ter­ward has pressed down the enter con­firmed but­ton!
„Sir, dis­cov­ered that forces in­for­ma­tion to prompt, has the hard­ware pro­tec­tion, has spe­cial sup­poses route, has not pre­vented with enough time, at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile Sys­tem, launches the Guided Mis­sile sit­u­a­tion, has trans­mit­ted in­for­ma­tion out­ward. Elim­i­nates in­vades record in­for­ma­tion?” [Izual] has sent out the prompt sud­denly.
„[Izual], cleans up im­me­di­ately all records in­for­ma­tion!” Shi Lei stares slightly, told hastily, af­ter­ward is fast to rap on the key­board, elim­i­nates the all kinds trace to­gether.
„Sir, dis­cov­ers to trace in­for­ma­tion, at pre­sent the quan­tity is: 3 rd, in­creases to: 7 th, in­creases to: 16 th , to con­tinue to in­crease, the cur­rently sta­tis­tics” [Izual] has re­ported not too won­der­ful in­for­ma­tion to Shi Lei.
de­fense in mil­i­tary use net­work is very strict, once has re­vealed a wee bit clues, that is pre­pared to ac­cept the traced risk, more­over trac­ing Spe­cial­ist of mil­i­tary, the tech­no­log­i­cal strength is very for­mi­da­ble.
Be­cause Shi Lei has con­nected merely only Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] through Num­ber One Server, if Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] were bro­ken through, that Shi Lei's real ip ad­dress will ex­pose im­me­di­ately!
Futenma Base, when Shi Lei has pressed down enter con­firmed that flash, three flames shoot up to the sky. Al­though the Wo Sang Na­tion time, is 1 : 00 o'clock at night, but has the sol­dier of duty as be­fore.
These sol­diers look that three grad­u­ally change the small flames in night­time sky, im­me­di­ately has sounded the warn­ing. The grat­ing alarm sound, re­sounds through the world in the silent night, the Futenma Base sol­diers, as if ran­domly be­came pot gruel were im­me­di­ately same!
From Futenma Base re­cent Kadena Air Base, be­cause is a huge air force base, was sta­tioned in all kinds mil­i­tary use air­plane to be over 200, there­fore Kadena Air Base re­gard­ing Air De­fense de­fense this Ex­tremely Ad­vanced.
Time when Futenma Base at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile, flies to them, the Kadena Base Air De­fense radar, has dis­cov­ered at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile, and de­pends upon the mas­ter con­trol com­puter in base, cal­cu­lated the final tra­jec­tory un­ex­pect­edly is their base!
The Kadena Base Air De­fense warn­ing re­sounds fiercely, the en­tire air force base re­volves high-speed, Air De­fense Sys­tem in­ter­fer­ence Sys­tem, as well as anti- Guided Mis­sile De­fense Sys­tem, cur­rently locks at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile.
How­ever, the dis­tance of both sides is too close, the at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile speed is also too fast, when at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile ar­rived in Kadena Air Base, Kadena Air Base has not made ef­fec­tive de­fense.
at­tack tar­get of at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile choice, is not very im­por­tant com­man­der's cupola, if in the state of war, def­i­nitely First must de­stroy the com­man­der's cupola.
But at pre­sent is not the state of war, but by as far as pos­si­ble De­stroy more has the unit of value, as the sneak at­tack of goal.
What Shi Lei choice is the oil ma­te­ri­als store­house!
Al­though Shi Lei wants to choose the am­mu­ni­tion depot very much, but the am­mu­ni­tion depot is lo­cated in the bot­tom, and there is a strict pro­ject bunker pro­tec­tion. at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile is not an earth pen­e­tra­tor, is un­able to at­tack bot­tom tar­get, there­fore can only choose the daily fuel depot sit­u­ated in ground.
Kadena Base high­est Com­man­der, hid in the Un­der­ground bunker, looks in­for­ma­tion that Air De­fense Sys­tem fed, he could not bear nu­mer­ous fought with the fists on the wall.
Kadena Base, the daily fuel depot was hit by at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile, the flash that Guided Mis­sile and oil ma­te­ri­als store­house ex­plodes, the in­tense flame il­lu­mi­nates en­tire Kadena Base.
Sev­eral Large-scale hangars near daily oil ma­te­ri­als store­house, in shock-wave that in the oil ma­te­ri­als store­house ex­plodes, changed into the ruins com­pletely, as for in­side Fighter, nat­u­rally does not need to know!
ex­actly as stated that is worth re­joic­ing only, at this mo­ment is late at night, Kadena Base does not have the per­son­nel ca­su­al­ties.
„Shit! That side is Futenma idiot, ac­tu­ally doing! Were they in the brain en­tered bull­shit, un­ex­pect­edly used at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile at­tack we!”
Nearby radar troop has not in­ter­posed, but is search­ing the sit­u­a­tion from the radar.
„Se­nior Of­fi­cer, dis­cov­ered that Sec­ond at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile, is fly­ing to Gi­nowan Sea Large-scale Oil stor­age Fac­tory at pre­sent, ac­cord­ing to the tra­jec­tory com­pu­ta­tion re­sult, prob­a­bly after 3032 sec­onds, hits Gi­nowan Sea Large-scale Oil stor­age Fac­tory.”
Kadena Air Base high­est Se­nior Of­fi­cer was nearly ir­ri­tated, Gi­nowan Sea Large-scale Oil stor­age Fac­tory, not only sup­plies the POL con­sump­tion of Ok­i­nawa Is­land, in­clud­ing Kadena Air Base, the POL sup­plies of three mil­i­tary bases, came from Gi­nowan Sea Large-scale Oil stor­age Fac­tory.
„bull­shit! Im­me­di­ately gives me con­tact Futenma Base, I must have a look at Kar­ran that old dog, ac­tu­ally to be think­ing any­thing!”
The radar troops as if have not heard roar­ing of Kadena Base high­est Se­nior Of­fi­cer, but con­tin­ued to re­port a more painful news.
„Se­nior Of­fi­cer, is un­able on con­tact Futenma Base!”
Mean­while, Futenma Base South­ern, Naha Base takes the Wo Sang Na­tion air force base, their for­eign pro­pa­ganda is the de­fense Xia Na­tion mil­i­tary de­ploy­ing troops for de­fense strength, but in fact, hasn't never mon­i­tored Futenma Base and Kadena Base opin­ion?
When Futenma Base at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile, launches after Naha Base, Naha Base Air De­fense Sys­tem, is slightly back­ward than Kadena Air Base Air De­fense Sys­tem.
In at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile en­ters in a Naha Base five kilo­me­ters range, Naha Base Air De­fense Sys­tem has dis­cov­ered the at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile where­abouts.
the at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile speed just broke through the speed of sound, has ex­ceeded 340 meter / sec­ond, the triv­ial 5 kilo­me­ters straight dis­tance, only re­quires less than 15 sec­onds of time merely!
Naha Base Wo Sang Na­tion high­est Com­man­der, only with enough time com­plained sev­eral merely, and has sounded the Air De­fense warn­ing, is­sued dis­persed the order of per­son­nel ur­gently, then saw the flame in dis­tant place sky.
The flame of dis­tant place sky, nat­u­rally is the at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile tail flame, in the early morn­ing jet black sky, that daz­zling, that beck­on­ing.
Shi Lei silently looks at gps map in­for­ma­tion on com­puter, looks at at­acms-2 army tac­tic Guided Mis­sile, soon will hit Naha Base, in his mouth talked to one­self in a soft voice.
„Guided Mis­sile, ex­plo­sion”


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