Monday, October 30, 2017

428: Burns the beginning to accrue interest firm beacon-fire!

Shi Lei and For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, have been in the as­pect of po­ten­tial with water and fire, pos­si­bil­ity that ba­si­cally has not rec­on­ciled.
For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency wants from Shi Lei, the sit­u­a­tion of in­ves­ti­gate about [Mr. M], in order to take back Robot Plan data. Had bet­ter be able through [Mr. M], have it all Earth­quake Hacker [EQ].

Be­cause of such rea­son, in ad­di­tion Shi Lei is [Mr. M], he with the For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency rec­on­cil­i­a­tion?
Tianyue Hotel, six six­teenth floor top lay­ers, 6606 Room.
Shi Lei the ap­pen­dix in boast­ing paper box, took com­pletely. AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, pack­ing time, very sym­pa­thizes all ap­pen­dices, in­stalled in a small Num­ber One paper box, info clerk who fa­cil­i­tated the all kinds standby unit.
The AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic ap­pen­dix, in­clud­ing Dy­namic Be­hav­ior col­lec­tion cam­era four, sep­a­rately is two op­ti­cal glasses and two brooches \; Spare recharge­able bat­tery two, re­place bat­ter­ies in two pros­thetic sep­a­rately \; In­struc­tion book­let \; Main­te­nance card \; Fi­nally also di­rec­tor com­pact disc, in­struct­ing user to in­stall the en­tire pro­ce­dure de­c­la­ra­tion of AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic.

„El­derly Liu, this com­pact disc, you arrange re­lated per­son­nel to study, as­pect takes down pros­thetic to you every night, in the morn­ing in­stalls to you again. Right, if Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic broke down any, please di­rectly defer to the tele­phone on in­struc­tion book­let, ob­tains con­tact with us, do not dis­as­sem­ble Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic se­cretly. Be­cause we gar­risoned in ad­vance the dis­as­sem­blage mea­sure, needs the spe­cific pro­ject pat­tern, can open Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic.” The Shi Lei final in­junc­tion said.

Ac­tu­ally, Shi Lei has not said that the AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic against dis­as­sem­blage mea­sure, has very strict pro­tec­tion. If no spe­cific pass­word au­tho­riza­tion, dis­as­sem­bles AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic ar­bi­trar­ily, built-in Sys­tem will delete all data au­to­mat­i­cally, and starts the pro­ject bat­tery backup, short-cir­cuits to de­stroy some elec­tric cir­cuits and elec­tronic com­po­nents.
Xia Na­tion re­searches and de­vel­ops this is very in­deed dis­ap­point­ing in the elec­tronic prod­ucts, but the Xia Na­tion unique skill, that is the knock­off im­i­ta­tion. Once there is an ad­vanced end prod­uct, the Xia Na­tion elec­tron­ics man­u­fac­tur­ers, then start the knock­off im­i­ta­tion.

Al­though AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, es­tab­lishes above Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sim­u­la­tion Sys­tem, the knock­off man­u­fac­turer can­not im­i­tate, but Shi Lei has es­tab­lished very strict pro­tec­tive mea­sures. The method of pro­vid­ing against con­tin­gen­cies, strictly is bet­ter!
To­ward noon, plays the host by Meng Xun, told the room ser­vice, de­liv­ered to the all kinds pre­cious cooked food ad­min­is­tra­tive suite of attic.
Shi Lei coughs lightly, „was sorry that I go to a bath­room first.”

In the bath­room, Shi Lei puts out the tele­phone, presses down ‚5’ se­r­ial num­ber key, con­tact Low Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence [Izual].
„[Sir], [Izual] at your ser­vice!” [Izual]'s syn­the­sis elec­tron sound, ex­pres­sion quite ice-cold. This is be­cause in [Izual]'s Basic Logic Ap­pli­ca­tion Mod­ule, has not con­tained Human Emo­tion Im­i­ta­tion Mod­ule.

Human Emo­tion Im­i­ta­tion Mod­ule, be­sides makes [Izual] im­i­tate the human the emo­tion, with­out any ac­tual use. More­over, Human Emo­tion Im­i­ta­tion Mod­ule, pro­ce­dure code is very com­plex, and has big foun­da­tion re­quest to com­puter hard­ware.
For a func­tion of use, Shi Lei will not have com­piled the cor­re­spond­ing ac­tu­ally tem­porar­ily Human Emo­tion Im­i­ta­tion Mod­ule, that com­pletely is the waste time!

„[Izual], con­trols No. 2 Server, through Zom­bie Net­work, starts at­tack to Li Jian Na­tion net­work. at­tack con­di­tion re­stric­tion(s): First, the IP day brows­ing quan­tity sur­passed 100,000, was lower than 1 Mil­lion web­site \; Sec­ond, re­moves mil­i­tary use net­work, Gov­ern­ment Net­work \; Third, first at­tack Media In­dus­try net­work \; Fourth, the at­tack way de­cides as de­stroys data, after break­ing Server de­fense, elim­i­nates op­po­site party Server all data di­rectly, and con­trol sup­ply sup­ply plan, ad­justs the volt­age of each part, burns down hard­ware!”

So-called con­trol sup­ply burns down hard­ware, ab­solutely is not the mat­ter of chat­ting. For ex­am­ple at pre­sent quite pop­u­lar hard­ware ultra fre­quency, CPU Core volt­age, gen­er­ally only then 1 V many, high­est can­not sur­pass 1.65 V. If tam­pered with the power source power sup­ply plan, pro­vides 2 V to CPU, even 3 V volt­age, then CPU proper must be burnt down!

Black Magic Soft­ware of Shi Lei com­pi­la­tion de­sign, then the sin­is­ter de­signs, the con­trol sup­ply power sup­ply plan, co­or­di­nates to tam­per with moth­er­board BIOS in­for­ma­tion, mak­ing power sup­ply Sys­tem un­sta­ble, causes the se­ri­ous harm to hard­ware.
„[Sir], please de­ter­mine con­di­tion that the time of im­ple­ment order, as well as stops or­der­ing.” [Izual] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei, the set­ting more con­crete order con­di­tion.

„Im­me­di­ately starts the im­ple­ment order! The order sus­pen­sive con­di­tion is De­fend the Server is at­tacked, the load is 70 times, im­me­di­ately elim­i­nates all Zom­bie Server link­age records. If the record is un­able to elim­i­nate ac­com­plish, gets rid has not cleaned up the record Zom­bie!” Shi Lei sup­ple­mented is say­ing the set­ting.

„[Sir], the order ac­cepts. cur­rently screens at­tack tar­get, the cur­rently ini­tial­iza­tion con­trols Zom­bie Net­work, it is ex­pected that after 2 min­utes 48 sec­onds, for­mally starts to at­tack.”

Shi Lei has hung up the tele­phone, deleted the tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion record. Con­tact be­tween Shi Lei's cell phone and [Izual], not through the cell phone sig­nal, but car­ries on con­tact through wap net­work. Dele­tion record of Shi Lei after cell phone, [Izual] will delete the record in net­work syn­chro­nously. Such com­mu­ni­ca­tion, far ratio draws sup­port from the cell phone com­mu­ni­ca­tion way Safety.

Comes out from the bath­room, a Shi Lei face smil­ing face ac­cepted the in­vi­ta­tion of lunch, is mak­ing the alibi for one­self.
Even if the Li Jian Na­tion mat­ter, sus­pects on [Mr. M] fi­nally, will not have the Shi Lei's any­thing mat­ter. After all Shi Lei has the full alibi, thus and [Mr. M] iden­tity, thor­ough sep­a­ra­tion. But Shi Lei this time, does not plan to let [Mr. M] take the blame, but has other can­di­dates.
Cyber Se­cu­rity Agency West­ern Head­quar­ters, the Ling Yumo fa­ther, West­ern Head­quar­ters Com­man­der Ling Yuguo, cur­rently ex­am­ines the Li Jian Na­tion sit­u­a­tion. Li Jian Na­tion net­work by at­tack, as Xia Na­tion Four Great Cyber Se­cu­rity Agency, Ling Yuguo was re­ceived the sit­u­a­tion im­me­di­ately.

In Li Jian Na­tion net world, many IP Daily Ac­cess quan­ti­ties sur­pass 100,000, is lower than 1 Mil­lion web­site, has en­coun­tered the at­tack of nu­mer­ous.
Be­cause Li Jian Na­tion and Xia Na­tion have the time dif­fer­ence, ac­cord­ing to New York count-down, dis­par­ity 12 hours, Xia Na­tion in eat­ing the time of lunch, that side Li Jian Na­tion is about early morn­ing.

Be­fore dawn gen­er­ally is the time of Hacker in­va­sion peak, be­cause of gen­eral Server Safety On-duty Per­son­nel, where has a twenty four hours of un­in­ter­rupted pro­tec­tion?
Fac­ing Server that the non- se­cu­rity per­son­nel value de­fends, ab­solutely com­pared with Server that hav­ing the se­cu­rity per­son­nel value de­fends, the dif­fi­culty is sim­pler.
Al­though [Izual] is Low Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence, but it has Basic Logic Ap­pli­ca­tion Mod­ule after all, can ac­cord­ing to the pro­ce­dure sched­uled rule, de­cide some­thing in­de­pen­dently.
For ex­am­ple, Shi Lei has de­fined the con­di­tion, mak­ing [Izual] at­tack Li Jian Na­tion net­work. [Izual] first uses Black Magic Soft­ware, in In­ter­net World, caught nu­mer­ous tem­po­rary bot Server.

These tem­po­rary bot Server, al­though does not have what qual­ity to say, but in a short time, [Izual] the quan­tity has sur­passed Ten Thou­sand tem­po­rary bot on Seize.
tem­po­rary bot of Ten Thou­sand multi- quan­tity, close [Izual]'s con­trol limit. After all No. 2 Server is not Large-scale Su­per­com­puter, the es­ti­mated per­for­mance is not too promi­nent, can only sup­port [Izual] to con­trol Ten Thou­sand multi- Zom­bie Server.
Con­trolled Ten Thou­sand multi- Zom­bie Server, the [Izual]'s en­ergy was ex­pand­ing dozens times!

It de­fers to the Shi Lei re­stric­tion(s) con­di­tion im­me­di­ately, stir up winds and rain in Li Jian Na­tion net world, has started the huge mighty waves. The ex­actly as stated Li Jian Na­tion fa­mous CBS Colom­bia that and bears the brunt broad­casts Com­pany Of­fi­cial Web­site.
The CBS brows­ing quan­tity is not quite big, has 200,000 IP Daily Ac­cess quan­ti­ties re­luc­tantly. The [Izual] First Round at­tack, ex­actly as stated is con­trol­ling Ten Thou­sand multi- Zom­bie Server, has com­posed Zom­bie Net­work, started wave of DDOS flood at­tack.

[Izual] did not plan that de­pends upon flood at­tack to ex­plain CBS Of­fi­cial Web­site, after all CBS has spe­cial­ized DDOS soft­ware Fire­wall. [Izual] is only the use huge data quan­tity, mak­ing DDOS soft­ware Fire­wall take nu­mer­ous sys­tem re­sources, thus uses Black Magic Soft­ware again, punc­ture true Safety Fire­wall, en­ters to web Server.
After en­ter­ing web Server, [Izual] con­tin­ues through In­ter­nal Net­work, en­ters to Data Server and Ap­pli­ca­tion Server. Si­mul­ta­ne­ously con­trolled three Server, [Izual] fi­nally im­ple­ment data deleted Plan.

Low-level For­mat­ting re­quires very long time, for ex­am­ple Or­di­nary 500 GB sin­gle small dish ma­chin­ery Hard Disk, Low-level For­mat­ting sev­eral days is also very nor­mal mat­ter.
[Izual] nat­u­rally can­not wait for such long time, ac­cord­ing to the [Moon Virus] at­tack pat­tern, when Hard Disk Low-level For­mat­ting, in­ter­rupts the power sup­ply of Hard Disk sud­denly, mak­ing data in Hard Disk lose, even cre­ates the Hard Disk physics dam­age.

After hav­ing killed Hard Disk , to con­tinue to con­trol the power sup­ply plan, and tam­pers with the power sup­ply set­ting of BIOS, de­stroys CPU con­tin­u­ally and in the cer­tifi­cate of de­posit!
The CBS Colom­bia broad­casts in Com­pany Server Ma­chine Room, disk array 'cab­i­net' has sent out the in­ter­mit­tent un­usual me­chan­i­cal sound, this is Hard Disk Low-level For­mat­ting, was stopped short the power sup­ply, ab­nor­mal noise that sends.

In the en­gine room of moth­er­board, has sent out the ill-smelling burnt stink, this is CPU and in the cer­tifi­cate of de­posit by the rea­son of high volt­age over­burn­ing!
The CBS Colom­bia broad­casts in Com­pany First the move, and fast pour­ing under the [Izual]'s at­tack, [Izual] has not left be­hind any in­for­ma­tion, shifts the at­tack cen­ter of grav­ity to other web­site on.

In Cyber Se­cu­rity Agency West­ern Head­quar­ters, Ling Yuguo looks at in­for­ma­tion on com­puter screen, in the heart raises a chill, broad­casts Com­pany to be ex­am­ined to be in­vaded by Hacker from the CBS Colom­bia, to the time of falling to the enemy, al­to­gether does not have over 3 min­utes!
„Ac­tu­ally is which Top team, is look­ing for Colom­bia to broad­cast the trou­ble of Com­pany? Is it pos­si­ble that is Colom­bia broad­casts Com­pany, re­cently re­ported mat­ter that what let them is not feel­ing well?” Ling Yuguo mut­tered is say­ing.
How­ever, the West­ern Head­quar­ters mon­i­tor, gives the Ling Yuguo re­port once more, Li Jian Na­tion many web­site si­mul­ta­ne­ously en­coun­ters at­tack!
„Ac­tu­ally is who?” Ling Yuguo is hav­ing doubts, but is be­wil­dered, a name reap­peared in his mind


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