Wednesday, October 25, 2017

367: Gamer gate

Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, any­thing does not lack now. Rep­u­ta­tion, or Gamer sup­port, as well as tech­ni­cal issue.
Ex­cept that Shi Lei has owed the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict three One Bil­lion Yuan, needs be­yond the cash as­pect de­mand, but also does not have other needs.

Mi­cro-Star Com­pany CEO Lin Xi­antong, rephrased in own words de­ci­sion that Mi­cro-Star Com­pany makes. „Mr. Shi, our Mi­cro-Star Com­pany, can in­vest to pur­chase «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code. Ac­cord­ing to «Brave's World» in mar­ket re­flec­tion, as well as the «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code mar­ket value, we can ac­cord­ing to 1200 Yuan price, pur­chase «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code.”

The price that Mi­cro-Star Com­pany starts out, opens ASUS Com­pany is higher, but has not achieved AMD Com­pany stan­dard. Al­though AMD Com­pany has the sup­ple­men­tal con­di­tion, re­stric­tion(s), if «Brave's World» at­tracts grav­ity to be in­suf­fi­cient, will un­able to achieve AMD Com­pany and sit­u­a­tion of Dream En­ter­tain­ment agree­ment, Dream En­ter­tain­ment will com­pen­sate the AMD Com­pany Su­per­com­puter cost.

But Shi Lei is con­fi­dent to «Brave's World», will achieve surely with the agree­ment of AMD Com­pany agree­ment. There­fore at­taches the de­pre­ci­a­tion scope of agree­ment to «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, had not been con­sid­ered by Shi Lei.

„Mr. Lin, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment, al­ready with AMD Com­pany reached a co­op­er­a­tive agree­ment. There­fore, «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, is un­able to emit tem­porar­ily. Per­haps, we will act ac­cord­ing to spe­cial de­tails, ex­pands the Server ca­pac­ity, at the ap­pointed time will have «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code emits, when the time comes [Hope] we and your com­pany, can the reached(an agree­ment) con­sis­tent co­op­er­a­tion agree­ment.” Shi Lei is bring­ing the mod­est po­lite­ness, ur­gently not the slow re­sponse did not say.

Just, Shi Lei's replied that ac­tu­ally de­clines.
Lin Xi­antong as Mi­cro-Star Com­pany CEO, how he can­not lis­ten, is that only Shi Lei's makes ex­cuses?

But Lin Xi­antong was came to­ward the per­son, Mi­cro-Star Com­pany had given three price plans, from 800 Yuan to 1000 Yuan, as well as max­i­mum 1200 Yuan. Lin Xi­antong ac­cord­ing to his de­ter­mine, of­fered 1200 Yuan high price di­rectly.

Lin Xi­antong thinks that by 1200 Yuan high price, should be able to take «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, but has not thought that Dream En­ter­tain­ment re­mains un­moved rad­i­cally!

‚The AMD Com­pany fel­low, ac­tu­ally has given the Dream En­ter­tain­ment any­thing con­di­tion, un­ex­pect­edly makes Dream En­ter­tain­ment not spare a glance to 1200 Yuan high price!’ Lin Xi­antong crit­i­cizes the AMD Com­pany fel­low in the heart, ac­com­plishes to mess things up in­suf­fi­cient.

But ac­tu­ally AMD Com­pany Tom Cruise, cursed an­grily Dream En­ter­tain­ment Shi Lei in the heart, was in­sa­tiably greedy sim­ply. If not AMD Com­pany, the Ex­ten­sion mar­ket pos­ses­sive amount, wants to treat as an equal with Intel ea­gerly, per­haps they with Dream En­ter­tain­ment, will not launch such heaven-shak­ing bold bet.

Al­though Lin Xi­antong wants to in­crease price very much, he fa­vors the «Brave's World» ral­ly­ing point, but Lin Xi­antong does not have priv­i­lege to in­crease price se­cretly. He is Mi­cro-Star Com­pany ceo is not fake, but such big mat­ter, needs to make the de­ci­sion by the board of di­rec­tors.
„Mr. Shi, such being the case, our Mi­cro-Star Com­pany, can­not co­op­er­ate with your com­pany, that was re­ally too re­gret­table!” Lin Xi­antong brought to say re­gret­tably.

The Shi Lei also re­gret said: „Can­not with the fa­mous Mi­cro-Star Com­pany co­op­er­a­tion, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment very be also re­gret­table!”
Both sides con­tin­ued sev­eral did not have the words of nu­tri­tion, then has hung up the tele­phone. After Shi Lei puts down the tele­phone, in the heart guessed se­cretly that Sap­phire Com­pany can also call him?

After all AMD has cho­sen three Graph­ics Card part­ners, ASUS and Mi­cro-Star, al­ready in­de­pen­dent con­tact he, only re­main­ing Sap­phire.
Shi Lei has taken off the clothes, with un­der­wear that changes and washes, en­ters the bath­room prepa­ra­tion well takes a hot bath.
In net world, the Wo Sang Na­tion three big Cyber Se­cu­rity or­ga­ni­za­tions, have cleaned up nu­mer­ous grad­u­ally sus­pi­cious, as well as clue of cor­re­spon­dence.

Per­haps in soon, them will look up
Xia Na­tion net world, deeply by game player af­fec­tion Gamer­sky web­site, «Brave's World» in­de­pen­dent dis­cus­sion Mod­ule, in­clud­ing a post of top, at pre­sent al­ready very fiery.

«protested Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial dup­ing be­hav­ior in­tensely!»
This post, hit rate has sur­passed 300,000, the reply quan­tity has also sur­passed above Ten Thou­sand, it may be said that is the pop­u­lar post in pop­u­lar post.

In the post, in­creased a video, is Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, unites King­soft and In­ter­Serv In­ter­na­tional, in Shuangqing City Shuanghu Dis­trict Emer­ald Lake Guest­house, the video record of Press Con­fer­ence scene.
The post per­son is Xia Na­tion fa­mous Ex­ceed Grade Gamer Mu Feng, he uses an ex­tremely solemn and stir­ring lan­guage, pub­lishes the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial fraud under the video.

‚...... Gamer, adopt the above video, I think that every­body has un­der­stood, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial, for­merly on Press Con­fer­ence, had pledged is going in their Of­fi­cial Web­site, open to the pub­lic pro­vides the «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code ap­pli­ca­tion way.’

‚...... Gamer that I like play­ing as a depth, in the in­tro­duc­tion of «Brave's World», I dis­cov­ered one al­ready deep has fallen in love with this game. After Press Con­fer­ence, I through Search En­gine, search «Brave's World» Of­fi­cial Web­site im­me­di­ately, but Dream En­ter­tain­ment, does not have Of­fi­cial Web­site un­ex­pect­edly!’

‚...... Re­gard­ing such sit­u­a­tion, I think Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site, has not got­ten on­line of­fi­cially. There­fore I and oth­ers, al­most every other one hour, must ren­o­vate Search En­gine. How­ever, since Press Con­fer­ence, three days of time passed by, today is the Fourth day, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site, un­ex­pect­edly also dis­ap­pears!’

‚...... Does Of­fi­cial Web­site that Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany Shi Lei Di­rec­tor-Gen­eral, King­soft Soft­ware Com­pany Qiu Bojun Boss, you reach an agree­ment, pro­vide Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code? It is not you will have any­thing to act on such for­get about it Right? greatly Ah?’

‚...... Fi­nally, I want self-ex­plo­sion iden­tity, I am the Shuangqing City per­son, I planned that Dream En­ter­tain­ment Head­quar­ters, asks them to give a view! Has «Brave's World» hard­core fan, can go with me to­gether? Sought the group! Must or­ga­nize a group en­ters the QQ|Pen­guin group!’

Ex­ceed Grade Gamer Mu Feng, in the wow game, it may be said that is mixes at pre­sent en­joys the sight and sound of the wind whip­ping up the water, has the for­mi­da­ble ral­ly­ing point. After he blows out must or­ga­nize a group Dream En­ter­tain­ment Head­quar­ters, nu­mer­ous Shuangqing City Gamer, ex­pressed that must with the group team, let Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, gives them a view!

Re­gard­ing the Gamer mat­ter, Shi Lei has not known tem­porar­ily. mem­ber of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany sub­or­di­nate, does not know sim­i­larly. They are busy pro­cess­ing «Brave's World» pro­gram­ming Task, how pos­si­bly to have the time to look at the hearsay on net­work.
Shi Lei took a bath, has un­tied Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine lock­ing of Num­ber One Server, he con­tin­ues to com­pile based on gmm Model of the Vocal Sys­tem.

Only then ac­com­plish based on gmm Model of the Vocal Sys­tem, has been able to base on Vocal Sys­tem Gauss­ian model, fur­ther ex­pands the pro­ce­dure the layer and di­men­sion, es­tab­lishes many Gauss­ian model, Ex­ten­sion be­comes gmm shal­low layer study nerve net­work, reached(an agree­ment) sim­ple Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence.

Just, this road, is a lit­tle slightly long, wants to achieve gmm shal­low layer study nerve net­work, per­haps Shi Lei also needs some spe­cial meth­ods.

ke ke, the Shi Lei's spe­cial method, un­der­stands
Around 12 : 00 pm, Shi Lei has had a yawn, if to not keep se­cret the need, based on gmm Model of the Vocal Sys­tem, Shi Lei can make many per­son­nel join the com­pi­la­tion.

Luck­ily, cur­rent progress al­ready ac­com­plish sim­i­lar half. Ac­cord­ing to the Plan progress, prob­a­bly also takes four days to one week of time.
If from dawn to dusk com­pil­ing code, about two days of time can also ac­com­plish. How­ever Shi Lei also has other mat­ters to need to process, how pos­si­bly from dawn to dusk com­pil­ing code?

Be­fore dawn close o'clock, Shi Lei has locked Num­ber One Server, lies on the bed heavy going off.
Sec­ond Heav­ens (next day), on Jan­u­ary 5.

The group post in Gamer­sky, after a evening's fer­men­ta­tion, Sec­ond Heav­ens (next day) around 8 : 00 am, al­to­gether 112 peo­ple, has joined in the team that Ex­ceed Grade Gamer Mu Feng has formed.

Be­cause of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany Head­quar­ters, Shuanghu Dis­trict sit­u­ated in Shuangqing City, is con­sid­ered as on is the urban fringe area. Mu Feng chooses the per­son­nel first con­di­tion, ex­actly as stated has own pri­vate car.

Around 8 : 00 am, 112 all kinds of pri­vate cars, gather at the as­sign­ing po­si­tion that Mu Feng gives, is pro­vided the uni­fied car(riage) post by Mu Feng.

These car(riage)s paste are Mu Feng yes­ter­day per­sonal pick pock­ets com­pletely, in the ad Com­pany man­u­fac­ture. Mu Feng is not short of money, the car(riage) posts of more than 100 car(riage)s, have spent his Three Thou­sand many, had not been cared by him slightly.

The con­tent that the car(riage) pastes, the uni­fi­ca­tion has a slo­gan: ‚We want «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code!’
112 car(riage)s, after past­ing on car(riage) has pasted, enor­mous and pow­er­ful dri­ves to Shuanghu Dis­trict. All the way, neat uni­fied mo­tor­cade re­shap­ing, as well as the car(riage) pastes the out­ward ap­pear­ance, has caused very big stir.

Even links Shuangqing Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion , the loved res­i­dent, hit to ex­plode the tele­phone.
In the morn­ing close 9 : 30, 112 car(riage)s, have sur­rounded en­tire Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, under the lead­er­ship of Mu Feng, Gamer has drawn back the red ban­ner, stands on the ve­hi­cle roof, the uni­fi­ca­tion shouts.

„Dream En­ter­tain­ment, we want In­vi­ta­tion Code!”
„Dream En­ter­tain­ment, we want In­vi­ta­tion Code!”
„Dream En­ter­tain­ment, we want In­vi­ta­tion Code!”

More than 100 Gamer mo­menta are enor­mous and pow­er­ful, in ad­di­tion these Gamer some fam­ily prop­er­ties, co­or­di­nate 112 car(riage)s, has caused very big stir.

In Com­pany of Emer­ald Lake Build­ing un­der­ly­ing bed, even gives Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice De­part­ment to call to re­port to the po­lice hastily!
Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice De­part­ment Bu­reau Chief, after Lei Lian­glin re­ceives the sub­or­di­nate(s) per­son in­forms, im­me­di­ately fright­ens cold sweat. Be­cause of his sub­or­di­nate(s), re­port Emer­ald Lake Build­ing has more than 100 hood­lums, the col­lec­tive ac­cu­mu­la­tion, does not know that must do.

In 17 build­ings with Xie Hui that 18 build­ings su­per­vise work, sim­i­larly was also alarmed, when he sees the ban­ner that Gamer draw back, is sim­i­lar to Lei Lian­glin is the same, was fright­ened cold sweat.

He pulls out the tele­phone to tele­phone to Shi Lei im­me­di­ately, after Shi Lei puts through, Xie Hui said anx­iously: „Chief Shi, is not good, the im­por­tant mat­ter is not won­der­ful, our Com­pany Head­quar­ters, was sur­rounded by Gamer!”
Shi Lei is a lit­tle blurry, „what sit­u­a­tion? Was sur­rounded by Gamer?”.

ps: Fol­low­ing num­ber of words non- cost
The cur­tain moun­tain was not very happy today!
Sim­ple state­ment net­work au­thor Pro­fes­sion. net­work au­thor, writes the ar­ti­cle, then through the web­site plat­form, sells to fel­low read­ers reads, this is a sale of com­mod­ity.

The com­mod­ity is good, the buyer is will­ing to buy \; The com­mod­ity is not good, the buyer is not will­ing to buy.
In age that this pi­rat­ing runs amuck, reader who can sup­port the legal copy, with­out doubt is some have the con­science, to have the qual­ity, to trea­sure other peo­ple fruit of labor reader.

This point, cur­tain moun­tain thanked their legal copy sup­port. Mean­while, cur­tain moun­tain also thanked these to be in­ca­pable of sup­port­ing the legal copy, but sup­port cur­tain moun­tain Friend.
Why wasn't the cur­tain moun­tain happy today?

The cur­tain moun­tain is a full-time net­work au­thor, the net­work au­thor is very in­deed lowly, is tak­ing 1000 char­ac­ter one cent in­come, com­pen­sa­tion that but must keep smiles. On to edi­tion, next to reader.
But did not mean that the net­work au­thor, any­body can in­sult.

Re­gard­ing some reader, cur­tain moun­tain only wants to say to you that please do not want the show in­tel­li­gence quo­tient with­out lim­its not to have the lower limit, do not come in front of the cur­tain moun­tain the show su­pe­ri­or­ity feel­ing.

Fac­ing your in­ter­ro­ga­tion: „Gives you an en­tire sub­scrip­tion the rea­son?” Cur­tain moun­tain any­thing does not want to say.
The com­mod­ity is not good, your point fork close silently, or choice ver­sion other silently read.

But do not come the dis­gust­ing cur­tain moun­tain, with the in­tel­li­gence quo­tient of your non- lower limit, in­ter­ro­gates cur­tain moun­tain, gives you a sub­scrip­tion the rea­son.

The cur­tain moun­tain sells the book, is not a pros­ti­tute, does not sell the per­son­al­ity!

The per­son­al­ity of cur­tain moun­tain, does not have is so hum­ble! You, 1000 char­ac­ter one cent, could not buy the per­son­al­ity of cur­tain moun­tain.
The cur­tain moun­tain has the per­son of gen­uine sup­port cur­tain moun­tain, does not lack your this type not to have the cul­ture, does not have the qual­ity, does not have the bot­tom line, even per­son sup­port of Un­manned. Cur­tain Shan Shang, not for that one cent, sub­mis­sive said in every pos­si­ble way the rea­son to you.

All has been said that one­self put best into it.

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