Wednesday, October 25, 2017

366: Not willingly Micro-Star!

ASUS Com­pany was es­tab­lished in 1989, 2007 time, the ASUS Com­pany year turnover, has sur­passed 20 Bil­lion US Dol­lar. Short does not ar­rive at the twenty year, ASUS Com­pany from un­known Com­pany, de­vel­ops into World Grade Ex­ceed Grade Big Com­pany, from this can look, ASUS Com­pany man­age­ment so­lu­tion Ex­tremely Ad­vanced.

For ex­am­ple after they re­ceive the writ­ten no­ti­fi­ca­tion of AMD Com­pany, im­me­di­ately has car­ried on to Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, as well as «Brave's World» re­search in­ves­ti­gate.

Short af­ter­noon time, ASUS Com­pany has then un­der­stood clearly, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany and «Brave's World» ma­jor­ity of sit­u­a­tions.
After find­ing out the sit­u­a­tion, they have made Plan of cor­re­spon­dence im­me­di­ately, be­side the AMD Com­pany co­op­er­a­tion frame­work, in­de­pen­dent co­op­er­ates to Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany!

per­son-in-charge of Xu Wenyang ex­actly as stated this co­op­er­a­tion, when Shi Lei in­quired ASUS Com­pany, when needed many «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, Xu Wenyang replies im­me­di­ately: „Mr. Shi, how many «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code can you also sell? Our ASUS Com­pany pur­chases com­pletely!”

In the Shi Lei heart pon­dered se­cretly that has given AMD Com­pany Hun­dred-thou­sand, and traded the value to sur­pass 200 mil­lion Yuan Su­per­com­puter, as well as the value sur­passed 10 mil­lion Su­per­com­puter Sys­tem.

Then «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, sells to ASUS Com­pany, what ad­van­tage can Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany gain?
Al­though the ASUS Com­pany strength is very strong, but their prod­ucts, do not have the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany need. The moth­er­board and Graph­ics Card, are note­books, or the switch­board wait / etc., Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany does not need!

„Mr. Xu, does not know that your ASUS Com­pany, what price plans to pay, re­ceived ex­change for «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code?” Shi Lei has not replied issue of con­crete quan­tity, but asked Xu Wenyang, ASUS had any card in a hand, can move Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany.

ASUS Com­pany has stud­ied Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, they know that Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany needs any­thing, does not need any­thing.

„Mr. Shi, our ASUS is will­ing in the way of cash pay­ment, to pur­chase «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code di­rectly.” Xu Wenyang mark­ing mis­con­duct that ASUS Com­pany dis­cussed that an­nounced.

Fac­ing is un­able by the thing trades Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, ASUS Com­pany only to draw cash di­rectly the pur­chase.
Ask­ing that Shi Lei smiles: „Mr. Xu, does not know that your ASUS Com­pany, what price is will­ing to give, pur­chases «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code?”

„Mr. Shi, after the pre­cise com­pu­ta­tion of our ASUS Com­pany, as well as the cau­tious de­ci­sion, we are will­ing to pay each Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code 1000 Yuan pur­chase prices, pur­chases «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code from your com­pany!” Xu Wenyang said the ASUS Com­pany dis­cus­sion re­sult.

The Shi Lei chuckle, had not spo­ken.
Triv­ial on­line game Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, more­over still does not know whether deletes the files on­line game In­vi­ta­tion Code, the sell­ing price reaches as high as each 1000 Yuan, this sounds as if some fan­tasy story.

But in fact, each World Grade Big Com­pany, has care­fully stud­ied sev­eral Child Com­pany of Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, had dis­cov­ered the «Brave's World» great po­ten­tial, they know «Brave's World» in Game Cir­cle, will start the un­equalled un­rest!

As the game of epochal, «Brave's World» will be paid at­ten­tion ab­solutely in­es­timably. Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, achieves 1000 Yuan price, is not odd!

How­ever, al­though ASUS Com­pany, al­ready as far as pos­si­ble looks at the «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code value high, but they have un­der­es­ti­mated!

AMD Com­pany al­to­gether ob­tained 100,000 «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, they have paid 210 mil­lion prices, al­though Su­per­com­puter Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, merely is only com­mer­cial ver­sion, can sell re­peat­edly, can there­fore be counted zero cost.
The Su­per­com­puter cost that but AMD Com­pany, pays, has achieved 2 hun­dred mil­lion Xia Na­tion Yuan!

Ac­cord­ing to price that AMD Com­pany pays, the Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code vol­ume term that as well as they ob­tain, each «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, the value has been over 2000 Yuan!

There­fore Shi Lei smiles not to speak, has not replied ASUS Com­pany Xu Wenyang.
Xu Wenyang in the tele­phone, hear­ing Shi Lei not to speak for a very long time, in his heart sinks im­me­di­ately. ‚The op­po­site party did not re­spond un­ex­pect­edly, is it pos­si­ble that was the price that we started out, was the op­po­site party un­sat­is­fied?’

Re­gard­ing «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, each 1000 Yuan price, ASUS has thought that has started out an earth­shak­ing price.
Al­though ASUS finds that in net world, «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, has hyped the Ten Thou­sand above high price. But that after is the hun­gry mar­ket, let alone in­vests 100,000 Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code one time, ex­actly as stated in­vests 1 ten thou­sand Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code one time, per­haps «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code price, large scale re­duc­tion!

Holds such man­ner, ASUS Com­pany High Grade Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral, Xu Wenyang is open­ing the mouth to say once more: „Can Mr. Shi, about «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing, your Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, re­tain Closed Test­ing data?”

If «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing, re­tains Gamer his­tor­i­cal data, then «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, the value will be higher. ASUS Com­pany will act ac­cord­ing to the spe­cial de­tails, some pro­moted prices.

But if Closed Test­ing does not re­tain Gamer data, even must make some re­stric­tion(s) in the func­tion, that Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code value, will sell at a dis­count greatly!

Shi Lei chuckle, „was sorry, Mr. Xu, this is our Dream En­ter­tain­ment busi­ness se­cret. About the «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing spe­cial de­tails, the Twenty-nine day for­mally will an­nounce in April. At the ap­pointed time [Hope] Mr. Xu, pays at­ten­tion to our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Press Con­fer­ence, as well as our Of­fi­cial Web­site.”

Xu Wenyang not an­swer that one­self want, in his heart faint some were not happy. After all as ASUS Com­pany High Grade Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral, after all their ASUS strength by far strong in Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, even they have asked for each Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code 1000 Yuan ab­solute high price, but Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, the man­ner so is un­ex­pect­edly des­o­late, this lets Xu Wenyang not being feel­ing well some­what can­not help but.

„Mr. Shi, about our ASUS pro­posed that by each Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code 1000 Yuan price pur­chases, your com­pany doesn't ac­cept?” Xu Wenyang could not bear asked again one time.

„Sorry, Mr. Xu, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, co­op­er­ated with AMD Com­pany, «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, had sold to AMD Com­pany!” Shi Lei found the ex­cuse to say in­ten­tion­ally.

„Orig­i­nally is this!” Xu Wenyang dis­guises the re­gret say­ing: „Such being the case, that is quite a pity!” In fact, how Xu Wenyang does not know that this is just Shi Lei's makes ex­cuses.

Closed Test­ing does In­vi­ta­tion Code of game, is it pos­si­ble that have quan­tity re­stric­tion(s)? Al­though ASUS Com­pany does not man­age the game, but Xu Wenyang ac­tu­ally knows some game re­lated mat­ters.

Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code this east and west|thing, has not wanted many to have many! At the worst opens many Server!
„En, is very in­deed re­gret­table! How­ever Mr. Xu, your com­pany through AMD Com­pany, can as be­fore with our Dream En­ter­tain­ment co­op­er­a­tion. [Hope] our each other co­op­er­a­tion is happy!” The Shi Lei smalltalk said as be­fore.

„Wishes us to co­op­er­ate hap­pily!” After Xu Wenyang and Shi Lei smalltalk sev­eral, has hung up the tele­phone di­rectly.
Shi Lei has dis­trib­uted the tele­phone in hand, the sur­face in­clud­ing the cold happy ex­pres­sion, „triv­ial 1000 Yuan, then want to pur­chase Brave's World's In­vi­ta­tion Code, does not know sim­ply so-called!”

Re­gard­ing «Brave's World», Shi Lei has been full of ab­solute con­fi­dence. Syn­the­sized Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, Vocal Sys­tem, Lip-Speech Recog­ni­tion Sys­tem, Pupil Track­ing Sys­tem, the «Brave's World» ma­nip­u­late plan, can def­i­nitely be the Mo­tion Sens­ing Game de­gree.
Has so ad­vanced game op­er­at­ing mode, what wor­ried that «Brave's World» is un­suc­cess­ful?

‚ASUS ASUS, you also come back to ask our!’ In the Shi Lei heart thinks se­cretly that de­cided after im­ple­ment de­tained Plan.
While the Shi Lei prepa­ra­tion starts to take ac­tion time, places the tele­phone on com­puter table, has made a sound once more. Caller ID is Trea­sure Is­land, Shi Lei also thinks as be­fore is ASUS Com­pany hits, he has pressed down the an­swer­ing key with a smile.

Tele­phone that head, the male voice first in­tro­duced one­self to­gether: „Hello, Mr. Shi. I am Mi­cro-Star Com­pany CEO, Lin Xi­antong.”
Mi­cro-Star Com­pany was es­tab­lished in 1986, Head­quar­ters is lo­cated in Trea­sure Is­land, was the World­wide five big moth­er­board pro­duc­ers, as well as First big Graph­ics Card pro­ducer. They come com­pared with ASUS, will not have in­fe­rior of half minute.

In the AMD Graph­ics Card co­op­er­a­tion busi­ness list, Mi­cro-Star Com­pany is also in.
In the Shi Lei heart stares slightly, then po­lite re­sponse: „Hello, Mr. Lin.”

„Mr. Shi, first asked you to for­give, I was quite liked com­ing to­ward a per­son. Our Mi­cro-Star Com­pany this time, con­tact Mr. Shi, that is be­cause of our Mi­cro-Star Com­pany, [Hope] and your com­pany reached(an agree­ment) co­op­er­a­tion in­ten­tion, car­ries out the deep co­op­er­a­tion about «Brave's World».” Lin Xi­antong very straight­for­ward said own goal.

Shi Lei likes this com­ing to­ward the dis­po­si­tion, all kinds cir­cles to play the small thoughts, ac­tu­ally the basic goal is the same, might as well sim­ply.

„Mr. Lin, your Mi­cro-Star Com­pany also wants ** be­side AMD Com­pany, more thor­ough with our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, car­ries out the co­op­er­a­tion of deep Gra­da­tion?” The Shi Lei faint smile was say­ing, dis­closed some sim­ple sit­u­a­tions while con­ve­nient.
So long as Lin Xi­antong is not a fool, he can cer­tainly un­der­stand Shi Lei's opin­ion.

Re­ally, Lin Xi­antong di­rect ex­am­i­na­tion: „Mr. Shi, is it pos­si­ble that ASUS Com­pany or Sap­phire Com­pany al­ready con­tact you?”
Shi Lei has not con­cealed but ac­tu­ally, „right, Mr. Lin, just ASUS Com­pany re­lated per­son­nel, had ob­tained con­tact with us.”

In Lin Xi­antong heart one tight, but he has not in­quired Shi Lei and ASUS Com­pany final out­come. Only if Shi Lei Shit­head will tell him the ne­go­ti­a­tion re­sult.

„Mr. Shi, does not know your com­pany, can sell «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code gives us?” Lin Xi­antong in­quired.
Shi Lei asked back: „What price can you pay?”.

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