Friday, October 27, 2017

388: visual feast!

About the Of­fi­cial pro­pa­ganda of «Brave's World», cur­rently merely has a pic­ture poster, that is man­u­fac­tured by Shi Lei per­son­ally, sword hero con­fronts the Grand Wolf pic­ture poster.

Al­though «Brave's World» pro­pa­ganda data is few, but the «Brave's World» heat de­gree is very high. This is be­cause, Dream En­ter­tain­ment from the be­gin­ning on the rea­son of high-sound­ing talk.
At the be­gin­ning of Dream En­ter­tain­ment was es­tab­lished, then an­nounced the in­vest­ment large amount re­search and de­vel­op­ment fund, and united In­ter­Serv In­ter­na­tional, to re­or­ga­nize Crazy Boyz, but also ob­tained the King­soft En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany five game de­vel­op­ment teams to sup­port, the so for­mi­da­ble lineup, in ad­di­tion the safe­guard of huge fund, as well as the howl­ing head of Mo­tion Sens­ing Game, let «Brave's World» im­me­di­ately has a run-away suc­cess.

When «Brave's World» is suc­cess­ful, the Dream En­ter­tain­ment de­tails were ex­ploded one after an­other, Cam­pus Se­cu­rity Sys­tem that most es­sen­tial ex­actly as stated Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany, de­vel­ops, Core Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Catch­ing Pro­gram.
Due to the Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Catch­ing Pro­gram rea­son, In­ter­Serv In­ter­na­tional, is King­soft, or gen­eral Gamer, have been full of con­fi­dence with Dream En­ter­tain­ment en­tirely!

Now, Shi Lei needs to let the mar­ket, is full of big­ger con­fi­dence with Dream En­ter­tain­ment!
Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany, con­fer­ence room.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Xie Hui, the dou­ble click se­lected «Brave's World» Promo Vid on table­top, on the side of falling back on that then kept silent, mak­ing Shi Lei watch Promo Vid that pro­jec­tor broad­cast.

Al­though the Promo Vid form is 1080 P FHD, but pro­jec­tor has 720 PHD merely, pic­ture that there­fore pro­jects, has the 720 P de­gree.
Shi Lei is star­ing at pro­jec­tion cloth broad­cast Promo Vid, the Promo Vid film title, was demon­strat­ing fly­ing of drag­ons and danc­ing of phoenixes ‚Brave's World’ four char­ac­ters, under the writ­ing, sep­a­rately are cyan tri­an­gle re­volv­ing de­sign that sil­ver, as well as Möbius Strip of red yel­low blue tri­color gra­da­tion, com­poses.

Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Lim­ited Com­pany, en­ter­prise LOGO of sub­or­di­nate, is Möbius Strip, the rep­re­sen­ta­tive does not have the be­gin­ning not to have the end point com­pletely, in­ex­haustible.
What cyan is Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany, in­di­cated that Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany has man­u­fac­tured this Promo Vid \; What sil­ver is Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany, has pro­vided the sup­port of Dy­namic Be­hav­ior tech­nol­ogy on be­half of Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany \; Red yel­low blue tri­color gra­da­tion Möbius Strip, on be­half of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany.

The film title flashes past in three sec­onds merely, the pic­ture frames is be­gin­ning, that sword hero of First of­fi­cial pic­ture poster, hur­ries along in the woods, al­though he has not used weight­less method, but the step is very rapid.
The sword hero com­plex­ion is res­olute and cold, the eye is fiery, the waist is hang­ing han­dle Longsword, head short roots of the hair root is but ac­tu­ally ver­ti­cal, ap­pears some­what in­so­lent.

A pic­ture rev­o­lu­tion, sword hero walks from woods, out­side is one shrub­bery areas, the field of vi­sion, al­though com­pared with woods in open, is ac­tu­ally not able to look into the dis­tance too far.
Goes out of the woods, some spir­i­tual as if re­lax­ations of sword hero, his step slightly slow, pulls out the dry ra­tions from the back travel bag, hur­ried along while to eat.

An­other side of the shrub­bery, wears black and mys­te­ri­ous clothes, is bring­ing black cloth cover, the man of look cloudy duck, the left hand holds the bow, the right hand takes the arrow, partly squats be­hind shrub­bery.
Promo Vid came a fea­ture ar­ti­cle to the archer, sees only his look, al­though cloudy duck, but the vi­sion is very calm, more­over breathes vague, even can ob­serve, holds on the bow left hand, the mus­cle ties tight.

Al­though sword hero in eat­ing dry ra­tions, but his ear once for a while vi­bra­tion slightly, and an eye is ob­serv­ing pe­riph­ery any sus­pi­cious sit­u­a­tion, ob­vi­ously is looks care­fully in all di­rec­tions to be vig­i­lant.
Sud­denly, the dis­tant place hides the black and mys­te­ri­ous clothes archer be­hind shrub­bery, by the pos­ture that partly kneels, the right hand nock­ing pulls the bow di­rectly, had not ex­am­ined in­clud­ing the sword hero di­rec­tion that then an arrow pro­jects!

After an arrow pro­jects, the black-clothed archer from be­hind arrow pouch, has ex­tracted an­other two Arrow fast, pulls the bow to shoot di­rectly. Two Arrow fol­lowed closely First Arrow after that one on the left and other on the right has closed off the sword hero es­cape route.
Arrow sound from out of the blue, re­minded the sword hero cri­sis to ar­rive, sees only First to say Arrow, was away from sword hero less than three me­ters, but Sec­ond Third Arrow, be­cause was an arrow dou­ble shoots, blocked about sword hero the es­cape route, sword hero as if fell into the hope­less sit­u­a­tion.
How­ever, the sword hero right hand builds on the sword hilt of waist, does not draw back to First that in­stead en­ters said that Arrow over­ran.

The cold bright­ness dodges!
Cold iron arrow va­ri­ety, to­gether with bam­boo sys­tem shaft, by neat smooth cut­ting in half!
On the sword hero face re­vealed has wiped to sneer, in the mouth shouted to clear the way coldly: „Leng Cetian, comes out!”

Re­sponded to sword hero ac­tu­ally as­sumes three Arrow that the glyph shot, as well as laughed: „Dugu Xueluo, I thought how you run away today!”
The name of sword hero, Dugu Xueluo, «Brave's World» sword hero Guru!
„Did Leng Cetian, de­pend­ing on the gen­er­a­tion of your such ganef, how dare say the boast­ful talk?” Dugu Xueluo has been full of a heroic spirit, un­per­turbed fear­less re­sponse.

Leng Cetian has not spo­ken, but pulls the bow archery, but the Dugu Xueluo right hand holds the sword, has re­sisted the fire of each bow and arrow with ease.
After short more than ten sec­onds of gor­geous fight­ing, both sides have fought an even­ness.

Dugu Xueluo re­treat sev­eral steps, cold -ly snorted and said: „Leng Cetian, you were no won­der con­fi­dent, are Fallen Skies Shoot­ing Sun Art prac­ticed Ninth Layer!”
„Hēng! Dugu Xueluo, I have not thought that you un­ex­pect­edly Ice Vigor Cold Light Sword Art, built up to Ninth Layer!” The Leng Cetian left hand holds the bow, the right hand has not been tak­ing Arrow.
Their skills quite, short time are un­able to de­cide the vic­tory and de­feat!
„Dugu Xueluo, I have a sug­ges­tion!” Leng Cetian looks at Dugu Xueluo, cold -ly snorted and said: „We are un­able to de­cide the vic­tory and de­feat, might as well let our dis­ci­ples, one year later, de­cides the vic­tory and de­feat!”

Dugu Xueluo nod­ded, agrees say­ing: „Good! That lets our dis­ci­ples, re­places us to fight a vic­tory and de­feat!”
Promo Vid broad­casts here, has broad­cast for one minute 30 sec­onds, eight sec­onds.

The pic­ture trans­forms once more, in empty Room, is set­ting up­right four sides the pro­jec­tion cloth. The next quar­ter, the jet black pro­jec­tion cloth, had shone sud­denly, among the pro­jec­tion cloths, is demon­strat­ing one string of in­for­ma­tion.
‚Brave's World, reg­is­ters’
The pic­ture to here, Promo Vid fin­ished, only leaves be­hind a para­graph of writ­ing, lets the per­son rec­ol­lec­tions in close suc­ces­sion.

Why is four sides the pro­jec­tion cloth?
After Signed In «Brave's World», be­comes Dugu Xueluo or the Leng Cetian dis­ci­ple?
Gamer how work man­age­ment «Brave's World» game char­ac­ter?
These com­pletely are the sus­penses that Promo Vid has, these issue will also leave Gamer to dis­cuss that mak­ing Gamer guess slowly.

Shi Lei is very sat­is­fied re­gard­ing en­tire Promo Vid, he ini­tially all cre­ativ­i­ties, com­pletely man­i­fested in Promo Vid, in­clud­ing he has pro­posed de­tail, in Promo Vid also per­for­mance per­fect of.
The es­pe­cially final pic­ture, in the pic­tures of four pro­jec­tion cloths, has left be­hind that Signed In «Brave's World» writ­ing, reap­peared the Shi Lei ini­tial con­cep­tion ex­pres­sively.

„pā~” Shi Lei makes an ef­fort to ap­plaud, turns the head to look at Mu Shuang, the sin­cere start to talk said: „Mu Shuang, thanks!”
In the Mu Shuang look, re­vealed has wiped the light happy ex­pres­sion, „Shi Lei, you're wel­come, this was our Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany should ac­com­plish Task!”

Shi Lei take pity on looks at Mu Shuang, opens the mouth say­ing: „Walks, we eat meal to­gether!”
Mu Shuang has not re­jected, is only slight nod.
In the Shi Lei heart the great hap­pi­ness, turns the head to say to Xie Hui: „Xie Hui, you issue Of­fi­cial Web­site Promo Vid, do not use in the fil­a­men­tal flow media, the Promo Vid source doc­u­ment, du­pli­cates di­rectly in Server, makes a news in the home page, then es­tab­lishes Bit­stream Down­loader to link, mak­ing Gamer down­load the first edi­tion video to watch!

Right, you tele­phone to Hong Xiang, mak­ing him lead Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany per­son­nel, comes Emer­ald Lake Fish Vil­lage, at­tended the per­son­nel meet­ing to­gether!”
The Xie Hui nod re­sponded: „Good, Chief Shi!”
Shi Lei turned head, looks at Mu Shuang say­ing: „Walks!”
They went out of the con­fer­ence room, looks at Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany staff per­son­nel, Shi Lei said with a smile loudly: „Every­body was la­bo­ri­ous! Tonight, our well eats greatly!”

Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany per­son­nel, ba­si­cally is nearby uni­ver­sity stu­dent(s), as well as Uni­ver­sity grad­u­a­tion lives, al­though just Wen Ruoyun told that sev­eral mas­cu­line per­son­nel oc­cupy the po­si­tion, but Shi Lei open to the pub­lic an­nounces after now, per­son­nel cheer.
Li Cai the bash­ful sound was com­plain­ing painstak­ingly: „, My Parando Ital­ian restau­rant, ma­lin­gered!”
Li Yuan said in schaden­freude at the same time: „Lit­tle Plum, ro­man­ti­cally what do you also want to play?”
„Go away! Damn Lit­tle Yuan Zi, aren't you Lit­tle Plum?” Li Cai wicked is star­ing Li Yuan, has not had scru­ples Li Yuan iden­tity slightly.

But the Li Yuan least bit did not mind that he likes such sin­cere feel­ing, and flat­ters with­out any re­strict­ing, pure friend­ship.
Parando Ital­ian restau­rant of Shi Lei orig­i­nally propo­si­tion, but under Plan in­ter­fer­ence that per­son­nel dines to­gether, can only die with­out a sick­ness. After all Wen Ruoyun, is Mu Shuang, even is Shi Lei, as the Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany high level, first time per­son­nel dines to­gether ab­sents, is not the good sign.

Emer­ald Lake Fish Vil­lage, per­son­nel that goes to by Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany first, in Lobby Man­ager there re­port Shi Lei's name, Lobby Man­ager very smalltalk start prepa­ra­tion seat. Emer­ald Lake Fish Vil­lage Lobby Man­ager, rea­son that on such said that is be­cause of as the Emer­ald Lake Busi­ness Dis­trict man­age­ment mer­chant, how can not know Shuanghu Dis­trict Black King?
Even if be­cause of Black King iden­tity, solely pre­vi­ous Shi Lei in Emer­ald Lake Fish Vil­lage, has not beaten Ed­u­ca­tion Bu­reau Vice-chief, the tri­fling thing does not have, is worth Emer­ald Lake Fish Vil­lage treat­ing with good man­ners.

The Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany al­to­gether more than 70 in­di­vid­u­als, 30 Core per­son­nel, as well as 38 con­cur­rent job per­son­nel, as a re­sult of the catch­ing up with sched­ule, com­pletely worked over­time in­clud­ing con­cur­rent job per­son­nel re­cently.

The Emer­ald Lake Fish Vil­lage area is very big, the sole hall, then has the Forty many ta­bles. Sev­eral mas­cu­line per­son­nel that Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany comes first, knows that Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany and re­la­tions of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, Shi Lei told in ad­di­tion per­son­nel tele­phones, let them oc­cu­pies some ta­bles, fa­cil­i­tates Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany per­son­nel to par­tic­i­pate to dine to­gether.

Within a half hour, Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany and Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany more than 100 per­son, in Emer­ald Lake Fish Vil­lage, Or­ga­ni­za­tion a Com­pany friend­ship dined to­gether.
But Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site, along with the up­load of «Brave's World» First of­fi­cial Promo Vid «Sword against Arrow», en­tire Of­fi­cial Gamer Forum, erupts an in­ter­mit­tent in­tense dis­cus­sion


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