Wednesday, October 25, 2017

371: Strange issuing a warrant for arrest

At noon on Jan­u­ary 5, Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany.
Shi Lei has not replied Mu Shuang issue, mat­ter that be­cause must dis­cuss, just had fin­ished talk­ing with Mu Shuang, this is just a ex­cuse.
Three peo­ple went out of Of­fice, Shi Lei dis­guise sud­denly to dis­cover Li Cai, opened the mouth say­ing: „Well? Lit­tle Plum, you also walk in Ah?, we eat meal to­gether!”

Wen Ruoyun look­ing pen­sive looks at the Shi Lei's back, the Li Cai ex­cited nod, Mu Shuang looked at Wen Ruoyun, looked at Li Cai, has shown el­e­gantly sim­ple such as the smil­ing face of lotus.

Down­stairs Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, Shi Lei stands side Mu Shuang, leans to say to Wen Ruoyun: „Chief Wen, my some mat­ters, need in­de­pen­dent and Mu Shuang chat, um, quite per­sonal mat­ter.”

Here, Shi Lei turned the head to say to Li Cai: „Lit­tle Plum, I and Mu Shuang walked first, your dri­ving brings Chief Wen to come, does not have no issue!”

Li Cai was been dili­gently calmer by one­self, but in his eyes is glit­ter­ing the ex­cited in­com­pa­ra­ble look, is ac­tu­ally sim­i­lar to the fire­fly in dark night, be­trayed his mood pro­foundly.

„Big Brother Stone, you could rest as­sured that ab­solutely does not have no issue.” The Li Cai loud guar­an­tee said.
Mu Shuang white Shi Lei, nod­ded to Wen Ruoyun, „Big Sis­ter Ruoyun, we and oth­ers met.”

Wen Ruoyun but, can only ac­cept such arrange­ment, al­though she is not glad. But things have got­ten to this point, can only al­ready come to set­tle it, acts ac­cord­ing to cir­cum­stances is one step.

Parando Ital­ian restau­rant.
Shi Lei has cho­sen stan­dard four peo­ple of booths, at the same time sits their sofa seat, and his first one step, drew Mu Shuang to sit in one.
Wen Ruoyun can only with Li Cai sit to­gether!

In the Li Cai heart loudly shouted se­cretly: Big Brother Stone for­mi­da­ble.
After four peo­ple or­ders the meal to fin­ish, Wen Ruoyun looks at Shi Lei, in the look is hav­ing an in­quiry of being in­wardly angry: „Su­per­vi­sor Shi, does not know that you pre­pare and us dis­cussed that what mat­ter about Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany?”

Wen Ruoyun does not know Shi Lei's con­crete iden­tity, but also thinks re­ally Shi Lei is only Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Lim­ited Com­pany, re­lease Dis­patched Su­per­vi­sor.

Shi Lei shows a faint smile, „this mat­ter, Mu Shuang knew ac­tu­ally, but some de­tail as­pect issue, I have not talked clearly.”
Mu Shuang pur­sues asks: „Shi Lei, what issue but also there is, haven't you talked clearly?”

„Mu Shuang, Chief Wen, the mat­ter about «Brave's World» Pro­mo­tion Video, you must com­plete the se­cret, can­not make per­son­nel di­vulge a se­cret ab­solutely ahead of time, had bet­ter be able with the per­son­nel sign­ing con­fi­den­tial­ity agree­ment. More­over, my [Hope] Pro­mo­tion Video, can com­plete be­fore Jan­u­ary 10 as far as pos­si­ble!” Shi Lei is not on the point of death chaotic, wants to come out ur­gently a rea­son­able rea­son.

Mu Shuang and Wen Ruoyun also knit the brows, Mu Shuang opens the mouth to say di­rectly: „Shi Lei, today is No. 5, the short five days of time, in can the time too anx­ious a point?”

Shi Lei shakes the head say­ing: „The least bit is not anx­ious! Pro­vides three times of over­time wages to all per­son­nel, works over­time to me catch up!”

Mu Shuang has hes­i­tated the mo­ment, has not made the reply im­me­di­ately.
On the con­trary is Wen Ruoyun, looks straight ahead Shi Lei, earnest ask­ing: „Su­per­vi­sor Shi, this three times of over­time wages, meet be­come re­al­ity, shouted the slo­gan merely?”

„Nat­u­rally is be­come re­al­ity!” The Shi Lei af­fir­ma­tive reply, „our Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany, is reg­u­lar Com­pany, how pos­si­bly to han­dle the mat­ter that de­ceives?”

Ac­tu­ally, this not mon­ster Wen Ruoyun are many this one to ask. After all in the so­ci­ety, the too much en­ter­prise does not have over­time wages view now.

„En, then, I be­lieve that our Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany mem­ber, will cer­tainly be glad to work over­time.” The Wen Ruoyun re­sponse said.
Mu Shuang nod­ded, „Big Sis­ter Ruoyun, this mat­ter, then gives you to an­nounce to per­son­nel!”

Three peo­ple dis­cussed again a meet­ing, the dish that they se­lect comes up one after an­other, Shi Lei stopped the dis­cus­sion of­fi­cial busi­ness, but is wholly-ab­sorbed and Mu Shuang chat­ted, in fact for the Li Cai Cre­ate op­por­tu­nity, en­abling him to be able with the Wen Ruoyun con­ver­sa­tion.

Per­haps is that Love Bible re­ally use­ful, Li Cai un­ex­pect­edly suc­cess and Wen Ruoyun ex­change.
An­other side, Shuangqing City Bu­reau, is dif­fer­ent from the Parando Ital­ian restau­rant leisure at­mos­phere, in First Vice-chief Dai Guanghua Of­fice, the at­mos­phere ap­pears some­what strange.

The Of­fice gate locked on the other side from in­side, even if there is a key, is un­able to open from out­side. In Of­fice, the lou­ver was sealed up com­pletely, has not opened in­clud­ing the light of il­lu­mi­na­tion, en­vi­ron­ment piece of Dark.

Only a lit­tle source of glim­mer, is on the Dai Guanghua desk, the plane tele­phone in cur­rently tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion. In the dim ray, Dai Guanghua re­spect­fully has stood un­ex­pect­edly also the body, places near the tele­phone re­ceiver the ear.

In the tele­phone re­ceiver, passes on gloomy to­gether hoarse, and slightly old male voice, „is the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion how is it?”
Dai Guanghua re­spect­ful reply: „El­derly Jia, had the small ac­ci­dent!”
„Hēng! what ac­ci­dent?” El­derly Jia cold snort.

Shuangqing City as Di­rectly Sub­or­di­nate to the Ad­min­is­tra­tion City, solemn Po­lice De­part­ment First Vice-chief, places the city of Xi­chuan Province sub­or­di­nate, that is also wants high ex­is­tence com­pared with the Mayor of­fi­cer po­si­tion. Dai Guanghua has such sta­tus, but El­derly Jia does not care to be the same prob­a­bly, the ex­pres­sion is very bad.

Dai Guanghua is in rev­er­en­tial awe: „El­derly Jia, is only the small ac­ci­dent. tar­get that you as­sign, has arranged the traf­fic ac­ci­dent. Al­though an­other through the method, changed iden­tity data, but she has not es­caped, was arranged the my­ocar­dial in­farc­tion death. Just, their de­scen­dants, es­caped from our hunt line of sight tem­porar­ily.”

„Lit­tle Dai, I do not like hav­ing the ac­ci­dent! Their de­scen­dants, must be re­moved. This re­lates to Na­tion(s) se­cret, as well as Na­tion(s) image. You look at the of­fice, the [Hope] next time, you give me are the good news. Oth­er­wise” El­derly Jia had not said that oth­er­wise what kind, but Dai Guanghua is very clear, ac­tu­ally what hap­pened.

„El­derly Jia, please feel re­lieved that I will not dis­ap­point you ab­solutely!” The Dai Guanghua hur­ried guar­an­tee said.
„dū dū dū ~” an­other side of tele­phone, has trans­mit­ted the busy sig­nal, ob­vi­ously El­derly Jia has hung up the tele­phone.
Dai Guanghua long re­lax­ing, he dreaded to El­derly Jia, be­cause El­derly Jia iden­tity is very mys­ti­cal, out­wardly on iden­tity, was merely un­at­tain­able. Se­cretly, El­derly Jia is

Dai Guanghua does not dare to defy the or­ders of El­derly Jia, oth­er­wise is not only loses a gov­ern­ment post to re­move from of­fice that sim­ply, will pos­si­bly die with­out the bur­ial ground!

Turned on the Of­fice lamp, then re­ceived the lou­ver, and un­ties lock­ing on the other side of Of­fice gate. Dai Guanghua picks up the phone once more, has di­aled the sub­or­di­nate(s) tele­phone.

„Hey, Shen Kuo, takes ‚that case’ data, comes my Of­fice!” The Dai Guanghua ex­pres­sion is se­ri­ous, is hav­ing an un­ques­tion­able fla­vor, when did not see just with the El­derly Jia tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion, that type was base and low and re­spect­ful.

Shen Kuo is Crim­i­nal In­ves­ti­ga­tions branch Di­vi­sion Head, be­longs to per­son­nel of Dai Guanghua this de­part­ment, he re­sponds im­me­di­ately in the tele­phone: „Good, Chief Dai.”

After sev­eral min­utes, Shen Kuo is hold­ing high one pack of kraft paper record jack­ets, has sounded the Dai Guanghua Of­fice gate.
„Comes in!” Dai Guanghua sits in the po­si­tion, does not have to shout one that the half minute moves.

After Shen Kuo walks, places on the kraft paper record jacket the Dai Guanghua desk, in­quired: „Chief Dai, these all are the file of that case.”
Dai Guanghua nod­ded, „ev­i­dence ‚con­clu­sive’? Can com­plete the death case of fait ac­com­pli, keep­ing the op­po­site party ab­solutely from re­tract­ing a con­fes­sion?”

„Pos­si­ble! Chief Dai, all ev­i­dence, have formed the ev­i­dence chain. Just, issue, the sus­pect of this case, re­lated to Shi Lei. Chief Dai, you know that re­la­tions of Shi Lei and Chief Bai, how should we process?” Shen Kuo in­quired.

Dai Guanghua said with a smile cloudy: „How should look up, how to look up! Chief Bai can­not re­sist law Right? this mat­ter, you felt re­lieved bold does, I will give the Chief Bai ex­pla­na­tion!”

„Un­der­stood, Chief Dai!” Shen Kuo re­laxed slightly. If makes him alone re­sist Bai Qiang, he will not want ab­solutely, be­cause that is the be­hav­ior of court­ing death.

„Goes, han­dles af­fairs ac­cord­ing to Plan!” Dai Guanghua beck­oned with the hand.

In Parando restau­rant, four peo­ple of lunches are near the end. The Li Cai con­tin­u­ous wit­ti­cism is con­tin­u­ous, un­ex­pect­edly made Wen Ruoyun to Li Cai slightly more be­nign, no longer as be­fore has frowned in­dif­fer­ently.

Con­sid­er­ing such sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei to Li Cai from Yang Zhi there, Love Bible that ob­tains, sud­denly has a lit­tle in­ter­est. Ac­tu­ally is what Qi Shu, un­ex­pect­edly makes the change of Li Cai so big?

While Shi Lei pre­pares to Li Cai pro­poses, when Love Bible lends his time, the Shi Lei's tele­phone has rung.
Pulls out the tele­phone to look, the dis­cov­ery is City Bu­reau Bai Qiang, Shi Lei presses down the an­swer­ing key, first a foot­path: „Yo, does Elder Brother Bai, how re­mem­ber sud­denly me calls? You ate meal did not have Ah?”

In the Shi Lei heart was guess­ing se­cretly, Bai Qiang called him, is it pos­si­ble that was pre­vi­ous time about [Shadow Dragon], struck to kill three human traf­fick­ing mat­ters?

Bai Qiang coughed lightly, the ex­pres­sion said se­ri­ously: „Buddy Shi, do you speak not to put now con­ve­niently?”
„Nat­u­rally con­ve­nient!” Shi Lei shot a look at Mu Shuang, Bai Qiang is Mu Shuang Older Uncle, Mu Shuang also hap­pen to looks to Shi Lei, her frown­ing of slightly.

‚Does Older Uncle give Shi Lei to tele­phone? Is it pos­si­ble that what hap­pened?’ In the Mu Shuang heart was guess­ing se­cretly, she from the Shi Lei's name, de­ter­mine left op­po­site is Bai Qiang.

„Buddy Shi, I must tell you a mat­ter.” The Bai Qiang sound has pulled down slightly, „your Rul­ing Se­cu­rity was Com­pany, be­fore has ad­mit­ted the Shuang Jian (Dou­ble Sword) youth?”

Shi Lei stares, Shuang Jian (Dou­ble Sword)?
That very sus­pi­cious Shuang Jian (Dou­ble Sword)?

‚Re­ally, that Shuang Jian (Dou­ble Sword) has issue!’ In Shi Lei heart dark snort, after pre­vi­ous time he care­fully an­a­lyzes, the youth Shuang Jian (Dou­ble Sword) sus­pi­cion is very huge. Now, Bai Qiang asked Shuang Jian (Dou­ble Sword) on own ini­tia­tive, mak­ing in the Shi Lei heart have not a won­der­ful feel­ing.

„En, right, Elder Brother Bai! What issue that does Shuang Jian (Dou­ble Sword) have?” Ask­ing of Shi Lei probe.
Bai Qiang is hav­ing a in­def­i­nite re­sponse: „Tem­porar­ily has not known. But Shuang Jian (Dou­ble Sword) this name is fic­ti­tious name, his real name was called Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), a very scarce sur­name, Ranked in Hun­dred Fam­ily Sur­names was lower than 2000. I in Po­lice De­part­ment in­ter­nal net­work, has not looked up too much data.”

‚Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled)?’ In Shi Lei heart one cold, in mind the mirac­u­lous glow dodges, but ac­tu­ally also can­not hold is any­thing. „Elder Brother Bai, you asked this Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) sud­denly, ex­actly what hap­pened?”

„Dai Guanghua jumps the ranks the Xia Na­tion through­out war­rant for ar­rest of ap­pli­ca­tion to Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), just of­fi­cially had replied to allow. Per­haps your Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany, must re­ceive im­pli­cates, when the time comes you co­or­di­nate Dai Guanghua in­ves­ti­gate well. This mat­ter, is not sim­ple. How­ever you could rest as­sured that I will greet Dai Guanghua, mak­ing him leave is so dis­solute.” The Bai Qiang in­junc­tion said.

„En, I knew, Elder Brother Bai!” In the Shi Lei eye re­veals wipes none re­main­ing, Shuang Jian (Dou­ble Sword), no, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) this fixed time did Bomb, fi­nally ex­plode?.

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