Thursday, October 26, 2017

372: Two breakthrough results!

Comes out from Parando Ital­ian restau­rant, Wen Ruoyun trav­els by Mu Shuang mini­Cooper, leaves di­rectly, re­turns to Emer­ald Lake Build­ing Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany.
Can Li Cai this time force painstak­ingly, Shi Lei could not have guessed cor­rectly the re­sult tem­porar­ily. Only can say that be­tween Li Cai and Wen Ruoyun, want to build the fruits of virtue to be very un­bear­able.

Sim­i­lar to Shi Lei is the same with Li Zhiyue, Shi Lei from many as­pect, wants to pull closer him and Li Zhiyue gap dili­gently. In­clud­ing help­ing the Li Zhiyue younger male cousin, is one of them 's mea­sure.

„Lit­tle Plum, [Shadow Dragon] Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, as well as ad­vo­cates the Power Source bat­tery, what un­prece­dented achieve­ment has?” Shi Lei dri­ves, Li Cai sits in copi­lot, Shi Lei de­liv­ers Li Cai to re­turn to the Num­ber One doc­tor dor­mi­to­ries build­ing.

Li Cai shakes the head, „Big Brother Stone, my not fa­mil­iar these two tech­nolo­gies. The bat­tery tech­nol­ogy, or is the elec­tro­mag­netic force as­pect tech­nol­ogy, I am not skilled. Wish makes [Shadow Dragon] more per­fect, so long as looks for more spe­cial­ized Spe­cial­ist or the en­ter­prise, spe­cial de­vel­op­ment bat­tery and Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery tech­nol­ogy.”

„En! I knew! Lit­tle Plum, you study to re­duce the [Shadow Dragon] vol­ume, as well as re­duces the [Shadow Dragon] noise, de­vel­ops one spe­cially as Se­cu­rity Mon­i­tor­ing Re­mote Con­trol He­li­copter.” Shi Lei said to Li Cai.

Serves as Se­cu­rity Mon­i­tor­ing Re­mote Con­trol He­li­copter about this spe­cially, Shi Lei has Plan, if this Plan suc­cess im­ple­ment, then to the Shi Lei's ad­van­tage is sig­nif­i­cant!

At the ap­pointed time not only pro­moted Com­pany fame, will also also make the nu­mer­ous cash re­ceipts!
Li Cai had not asked that the Shi Lei plan does do, re­sponded di­rectly: „Does not have issue, Big Brother Stone!”

If be­fore, Li Cai also asks that de­signs one only to be used in the mon­i­tor­ing Re­mote Con­trol He­li­copter, has any use. But since the pre­vi­ous time, he used [Shadow Dragon] to kill three human traf­fick­ing, after Shi Lei has helped he con­cealed fully, Li Cai then thor­oughly with Shi Lei stands in same strip on­line.

This same bat­tle­line, not be­cause of the threat of fence of mur­der, but makes Li Cai and Shi Lei main­tain the same bat­tle­line force­fully. After all, after com­mit­ting fence of mur­der, the First idea of Li Cai is sur­ren­ders, he did not fear that shoul­ders the re­spon­si­bil­ity. Lets Li Cai and Shi Lei truly, stands in the rea­son of same bat­tle­line is, Shi Lei said that Li Cai is his broth­ers that words.

That moves the Li Cai rea­son!
„Lit­tle Plum, does well, after this mat­ter gets through, I give you a small gift, fa­cil­i­tates you to soak the im­pe­r­ial elder sis­ter!” Shi Lei hēi hēi smiles, stops car(riage) down­stairs Num­ber One doc­tor dor­mi­to­ries.

Li Cai look one bright, said ex­cit­edly: „Big Brother Stone, this was you says! What gift do you pre­pare to give me?”
Shi Lei beck­ons with the hand say­ing: „Urges to go faster, when the time comes told you!”

After pack­ing off Li Cai, Shi Lei re­turns to Jingya Gar­den, un­ties Num­ber One Server Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, then through keep­ing City Bu­reau In­ter­nal Sys­tem Back Door, di­rectly en­ters the City Bu­reau po­lice to use net­work

In the po­lice with net­work, Shi Lei looked up the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) war­rant for ar­rest, from the war­rant for ar­rest pic­ture, was ini­tial youth Shuang Jian (Dou­ble Sword).
Is­sues a war­rant for ar­rest the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) charge very evil and cruel!

Ini­tially Shi Lei in­ves­ti­gate data, the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) fa­ther, died of the ex­cep­tion­ally strange traf­fic ac­ci­dent, mother has be­come hand­i­capped per­son, lost the abil­ity to work.

Is­sues a war­rant for ar­rest the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) charge, un­ex­pect­edly was Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has killed his mother. Such charge, Shi Lei ac­tu­ally does not be­lieve. Even if be­cause Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) ini­tially dis­played again sus­pi­ciously, but men­tioned his mother time, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) that firm look, dis­closed the look that wants to pro­tect mother, mak­ing the Shi Lei mem­ory pro­found.
Also be­cause of that look, Shi Lei has ne­glected the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) sus­pi­cious place.

There­fore, Shi Lei does not be­lieve ab­solutely that Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has killed his mother. Per­haps also in other words, this is Dai Guanghua frames the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) charge, but Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) mother, ac­tu­ally true death!

‚Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), are ac­tu­ally you who? Why can Dai Guanghua cope with you?’ In the Shi Lei heart guessed se­cretly, Dai Guanghua and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) grat­i­tude and grudges.

What a pity, the po­lice with net­work, any had not men­tioned that El­derly Jia phrase, but Shi Lei does not know ex­is­tence of El­derly Jia. Mean­while, Shi Lei does not know why Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) must ap­proach him.
All these, with
The po­lice could not find Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) data with net­work, could not find other use­ful in­for­ma­tion, Shi Lei tem­porar­ily gave up opin­ion that con­tin­ues to seek, cleans up the trace di­rectly, left the Shuangqing City Bu­reau po­lice to use net­work.

Re­turns to Num­ber One Server, Shi Lei to frown tightly, he has one type un­able to size up the over­all sit­u­a­tion faintly the di­lut­ed­ness. Al­though under his lay­out, com­mer­cial as­pect has peeped the huge po­ten­tial, but some issue, have sur­passed be­yond his con­trol.

For ex­am­ple Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) and [CPX­Jazz], as well as in­clud­ing being caught, but does not have sound [Raphael]. These mat­ters make Shi Lei feel be­yond his con­trol.
Sits in front of Num­ber One Server, Shi Lei has rubbed the tem­ples, tem­porar­ily the mat­ters of these wor­ries, en­tirely aban­don­ing, does not go to take care them. Be­cause, Shi Lei does not have en­ergy to man­age them now.

Has in­formed Zhou Cheng in the tele­phone, mak­ing him co­or­di­nate Dai Guanghua in­ves­ti­gate, as well as at­ten­tion re­cent sev­eral days learn­ing mode.

Se­cu­rity Com­pany of per­sonal na­ture, can only train some uni­form skill, can­not train the wres­tle na­ture ab­solutely skill. If Dai Guanghua holds on to Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany this point not to put, in is­su­ing a war­rant for ar­rest Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) this cru­cial point, Shi Lei quite will not be good to process.
In­forms Zhou Cheng, Shi Lei to start to com­pile based on GMM Model of the Vocal Sys­tem with con­cen­tra­tion.

Two days later, was on Jan­u­ary 7, Be­tween Water Clouds Stu­dios that Emer­ald Lake Build­ing fif­teenth floor and six­teenth floor, re­paired ac­com­plish of­fi­cially, Xie Hui Epic Chap­ter and Zhu Jianyun that led lead, en­tered Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany of­fi­cially. Shi Lei has re­vealed in a hurry, then re­turns to Jingya Gar­den. Be­cause, based on GMM Model of the Vocal Sys­tem, will soon want ac­com­plish!

The time passes in a hurry, is two days later, on Jan­u­ary 9, around 10 : 00 pm, Shi Lei hā hā laughed wildly sud­denly.
„[Wis­dom], good evening!” Shi Lei uses Eng­lish to open the mouth to say.
In the Num­ber One Server ex­ter­nal con­nec­tion sound box, waited for the mo­ment, passes on to­gether the elec­tronic com­bi­na­tion tone, sim­i­larly is the reply of Eng­lish: „Good evening, Sir!”

Based on GMM Model of the Vocal Sys­tem, fi­nally suc­cess ac­com­plish!
Be­cause, pro­grams source code issue, Vocal Sys­tem cur­rently only sup­ports Eng­lish. After all all kinds pro­gram­ming lan­guage, by Eng­lish way im­ple­ment, wants to trans­late the Xia Na­tion lan­guage from Eng­lish com­pletely, but also the need are more a more com­plex pro­gram­ming, that was too trou­ble­some! Shi Lei is skilled in Eng­lish in any case, tem­porar­ily does not need to de­velop the cor­re­spond­ing Xia Na­tion lan­guage Vocal Sys­tem.

[Wis­dom] is Shi Lei acts ac­cord­ing to translit­er­a­tion of Eng­lish Wis­dom, is ‚wis­dom’ opin­ion. If called wis­dom di­rectly, some were too rather more ir­ri­ta­ble, changed to translit­er­a­tion, felt.
„[Wis­dom], did you have the din­ner?” Shi Lei asked again.

„Sorry, Sir, the order is un­able to dis­tin­guish!” The [Wis­dom] in­flex­i­ble elec­tron com­bi­na­tion tone, passes from the sound box. His reply has not dis­ap­pointed Shi Lei, after is only Speech Recog­ni­tion Sys­tem, al­though GMM model -based Shal­low Neural Net­work, but it as be­fore is not Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, is un­able to dis­tin­guish the non- built-in ver­bal order.

If stud­ies to [Wis­dom] some time, ex­pands its data store­house knowl­edge quan­tity, lets Shi Lei, re­ally im­proves GMM model, im­ple­ment Shal­low Neural Net­work -based code, thus ob­tains sim­ple Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence. Oth­er­wise, [Wis­dom] can only tem­porar­ily the im­ple­ment some sim­ple log­i­cal order.
„[Wis­dom], re­trieve Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, im­ple­ment Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine pro­ce­dure.”

Shi Lei with the stan­dard com­mand lan­guage, or­dered to [Wis­dom]. The Core key­word of this order is ‚re­trieve’, as well as ‚im­ple­ment’, these two key­words have been clear about the Speech Recog­ni­tion Sys­tem im­ple­ment com­mand mode.
„Sir, ex­am­ined Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, dur­ing the cur­rently op­er­a­tion. Oc­cu­pies 12 sys­tem re­sources.” Prob­a­bly waited for close five sec­onds, [Wis­dom] re­sponded.

Shi Lei wrin­kled brow slightly, he re­gard­ing the [Wis­dom] re­ac­tion rate, is dis­con­tented. Just im­ple­ment, was only a very sim­ple order, but [Wis­dom] has spent un­ex­pect­edly also for five sec­onds, it seems like also needs to op­ti­mize.
But [Wis­dom] suc­cess­ful op­er­a­tion, and smooth im­ple­ment Voice Com­mand, this is a very ex­tra­or­di­nary re­sult, a tech­ni­cal break­through!

In an­other side, Lin'an Un­der­ground Base, me­chan­i­cal power Lab­o­ra­tory, Lu Fang anx­ious looks to test data, as well as Minia­ture In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine in that cur­rently op­er­a­tion.
com­puter tests on soft­ware, Minia­ture In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine in­stan­ta­neous out­put, is ren­o­vat­ing new data. In av­er­age power that fence, is demon­strat­ing ‚25.325 horse­pow­ers’ data!

In Robot Plan, Minia­ture In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine orig­i­nally, has 15 horse­pow­ers the­ory data merely, ac­tual data must lower lit­tle.
Nowa­days, Lu Fang test Minia­ture In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine, un­ex­pect­edly pro­moted over 66 pow­ers . More­over the Minia­ture In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine vol­ume, has not in­creased, even has also re­duced.
This is sim­ply in­con­ceiv­able!

Lu Fang tests, while records data, sev­eral other as­sis­tants, but also records Hand­made data, pre­vent­ing data in com­puter from the ac­ci­dent.
„Lit­tle Di, records, con­tin­u­ous run­ning 46 hours, all steady!” The Lu Fang ex­pres­sion had one to say ex­cit­edly.
In fact, Minia­ture In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine makes con­sid­er­able progress, Li Yuan that be­cause idles about, pro­posed a rea­son of sug­ges­tion.

Li Yuan sug­gested to Lu Fang why does not use Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine. Rel­a­tive ma­tu­rity that Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine on model ship, de­vel­oped. More­over, that is only the civil en­ter­tain­ment as­pect in­stru­ment.

If using the tech­nol­ogy of mil­i­tary, man­u­fac­tures Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine, does not have the law to man­u­fac­ture well?
Lu Fang is sud­denly en­lighted, the tech­nol­ogy of ac­cord­ing to Mil­i­tary, in ad­di­tion the Un­re­stricted ma­te­r­ial cost in­vests, fi­nally man­u­fac­tured the power to sur­pass 25 horse­pow­ers Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine!

Just, a Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine price, then very has ex­ag­ger­ated then, has achieved on mil­lion.
If adds on the Ce­ramic High Tem­per­a­ture Heat In­su­lat­ing mod­ule again, al­most needs the 2 Mil­lion de­gree!
But 15 horse­pow­ers Minia­ture In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine, the price was much lower than this fig­ure, has about 1/10 merely. Just, this fi­nally is tech­no­log­i­cal break­through, al­though price high a point.
Shuangqing City, Jingya Gar­den, Shi Lei stretches one­self, cell phone on com­puter table has made a sound sud­denly


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