Monday, October 23, 2017

#319: Eight levels of big earthquake death songs of praise!

In De­cem­ber twenty day, this is a spe­cial day, Ling Yumo leaves the Shi Lei's day, the Wo Sang Na­tion Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture eight lev­els of big earth­quake days!

The night falls, is sim­i­lar to Dark is the same, cov­ers the earth in the si­lence.
Wo Sang Na­tion, Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture, should the tran­quil aus­pi­cious place, be the cat calls the yelp at this mo­ment, de­stroyed the tran­quil­ity of cur­tain of night.

In a two-sto­ried lit­tle build­ing court­yard, under a tree is tying up lean dog. At this mo­ment, this lean dog cur­rently goes all out wants to work loose to tie up its chain, how the chain is fer­rogu­inous, sim­ply does not have the means to work loose to open!

The dog owner is an ap­pear­ance Or­di­nary Wo Sang Na­tion per­son, he en­ters in the court­yard, looks lean dog that is dis­turbed with fear, has scolded two: „Triv­ial Fifth Grade earth­quake, your this live­stock for fear that any­thing feared!”
Al­though lean dog can­not un­der­stand the log­i­cal ex­pres­sion, but in the or­di­nary sit­u­a­tion, after the dog owner scolds, then meets quiet to get down. Crazy that but this time, lean dog is un­for­giv­ing yelled, shackle Un­tidy-look­ing on neck is tight, it also in going all out wants to work loose.

The dog owner ar­rives at side lean dog, dis­con­tented wish kicks lean dog. Who would imag­ine un­ex­pect­edly wants to nip him to lean dog, only misses suc­ceeds lit­tle.

Angry dog owner, looked for a long wooden bat, has taught lean dog wickedly.
Such phe­nom­e­non is not solely one case, but has in the fam­ily of pet, had such pet hot tem­pered mat­ter. Pet that these had not tied up, all flees!

The time aims at the Wo Sang Na­tion time grad­u­ally in the evening eight o'clock, con­tains in the en­ergy of place bot­tom deep place, is un­able to be sup­pressed again, di­vulges slowly!
Along with di­vulging of en­ergy, Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture falls into every­thing may be­come vul­ner­a­ble. From the be­gin­ning, vi­brates with sway­ing scope is not big, as if has in Fifth Grade in­ten­sity earth­quake to be the same.

But the earth­quake in­ten­sity in the pas­sage of time, is get­ting stronger and stronger, is get­ting more and more fierce!
Orig­i­nally calm Wo Sang Na­tion per­son, grad­u­ally also calm. They have to do with earth­quake for a long time, felt faintly has not suited.

In Fifth Grade in­ten­sity is earth­quake pos­si­bly so for­mi­da­ble?
Sud­denly, eight lev­els of big earth­quake en­er­gies erupt sud­denly, en­tire Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture in the flash, as if changed to Hell to be the same!

Tall build­ing Large Build­ing, is log cabin one-story house, en­tirely only then a re­sult, that turns into the frag­ment!
Wept and wailed the sound, called out in alarm the sound, im­pre­ca­tions, the whin­ning sound, the house falls the call­ing out in grief sound, the au­to­mo­bile alarm sound, the flame com­bus­tion flip-flop the sound, the ex­plo­sive sound, the var­i­ous sorts and va­ri­eties sound, in­ter­wove a piece.

En­tire Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture, within less than one minute, turned into the ruins!
It is ex­pected that the ca­su­alty was count­less!
Close to Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture Tokyo Pre­fec­ture, comes under the ex­tremely se­ri­ous in­flu­ence. With being in Wo Sang Na­tion cap­i­tal area, is not far in the ge­o­graph­i­cal po­si­tion, the Tokyo Pre­fec­ture high-rise con­struc­tion en­coun­ters the de­struc­tion of vary­ing de­grees!

When Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture big earth­quake erupts, Tokyo Pre­fec­ture Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency has not ex­am­ined un­ex­pect­edly, this sit­u­a­tion is im­pos­si­ble to occur.

Ito Nat­suki looks deathly pale, he mut­tered: „Ended, ended, all ended!”
Tokyo Pre­fec­ture Mag­is­trate Fu­ji­wara Shin­tarō, felt the Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture eight lev­els of big earth­quake might in Tokyo Pre­fec­ture, in his heart same icy cold­ness.

‚Damn Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency, ac­tu­ally this group of fel­lows are doing some­thing!’ Fu­ji­wara Shin­tarō was curs­ing in the heart.

For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, after big earth­quake oc­curred, im­me­di­ately goes to Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency once more. This time, by Kurai Ni­paku Force Ac­com­pa­ny­ing, 12 of­fi­cial Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist Lit­tle Group, turns out in full strength per­son­ally!

After Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture had eight lev­els of big earth­quake, al­though Fu­ji­wara Shin­tarō is some­what rude, but or­ders to carry out the res­cue work im­me­di­ately, and com­pletes the loss sta­tis­tics work fast.

The Of­fi­cial strength of en­tire Wo Sang Na­tion cap­i­tal area, starts the full play. Starts to han­dle the Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture eight lev­els of big earth­quake dis­as­ters from multi- as­pect dili­gently.

JFS in­ves­ti­gate Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency dere­lic­tion of duty rea­son \; Tokyo Met­ro­pol­i­tan Po­lice De­part­ment and Tokyo Pre­fec­ture Self-De­fense Force, goes to the Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture res­cue with great speed, the nu­mer­ous Tokyo Pre­fec­ture peo­ple car­ries on the self-help to process. Media en­ter­prise, then has car­ried on a re­port of se­ries.

In Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency, by Kurai Ni­paku Force Ac­com­pa­ny­ing of­fi­cial Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist Lit­tle Group, in­spects earth­quake to fore­cast Soft­ware Sys­tem per­son­ally. They first close earth­quake have fore­cast Soft­ware Sys­tem, earth­quake fore­cast in any case the Soft­ware Sys­tem least bit is not pow­er­ful, in­clud­ing al­ready pre­sented big earth­quake, un­ex­pect­edly has not ex­am­ined!

After close earth­quake fore­casts Soft­ware Sys­tem, 12 of­fi­cial Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist Lit­tle Group, in the way of tak­ing in a net, in­spect the en­tire Sys­tem sit­u­a­tion care­fully.

Be­cause there is Kurai Ni­paku to as­sume per­sonal com­mand, this 12 Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist Lit­tle Group, work­ing ef­fi­ciency very high, and very earnest.
After short more than ten min­utes, had been dis­cov­ered by Oda Shizuna data plug-in unit that Shi Lei keeps, and after hav­ing an­a­lyzed, con­firmed the func­tion of this plug-in unit!

Had found the crux, the peo­ple started to an­a­lyze source code of data plug-in unit, and spec­u­lated its pro­ducer from source code.

This time, the Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture mat­ter makes too greatly, has also alarmed in­clud­ing the Wo Sang Na­tion cab­i­net, or­dered to in­ves­ti­gate rig­or­ously, every­one must ar­rest the op­po­site party!
Kurai Ni­paku face darken looks at Suika Ya­mafugu, cold -ly snorted and said: „Suika Ya­mafugu, you come out to me!”
Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency be­fore, has re­quested re­in­force­ments one time to JFS, they sus­pected that earth­quake fore­cast soft­ware was fudged. Pre­vi­ous time is re­spon­si­ble for help­ing to ex­am­ine earth­quake to fore­cast soft­ware per­son-in-charge, ex­actly as stated Sec­ond Se­cu­rity Team long Suika Ya­mafugu!

Now Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency earth­quake fore­cast that soft­ware re­ally left issue, the re­spon­si­bil­ity whether there is Suika Ya­mafugu may shirk!
Suika Ya­mafugu re­al­ized one have the trou­ble, he in the mind, was pon­der­ing fast ac­tu­ally should what to do, be pos­si­ble to es­cape to cas­ti­gate.
Out­side Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency, the Kurai Ni­paku back to Suika Ya­mafugu, the sound was say­ing se­verely: „Suika Ya­mafugu, what do you have to ex­plain?”
Suika Ya­mafugu has con­sid­ered al­most, he said di­rectly: „Sec­tion Head, I am being wronged!”

„Un­de­served? Pre­vi­ous time you in Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency, in­spect earth­quake to fore­cast that the soft­ware sit­u­a­tion, I see to Ito Nat­suki Pres­i­dent. At that time earth­quake fore­cast soft­ware prompted in Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture Fifth Grade in­ten­sity earth­quake, this ex­plained then data al­ready by mod­ify. Just data of Oda dis­cov­ery tam­pered with plug-in unit, has proven this point. What do you have to quib­ble?” Shak­ing the head that Kurai Ni­paku re­grets.

Suika Ya­mafugu this sub­or­di­nate(s), that is con­tin­u­ously with his old per­son, is his sub­or­di­nate(s) re­sists the Oda Shizuna board game piece. The so-called im­pe­r­ial under [say / way], can­not make sub­or­di­nate(s) unite as one, but must main­tain bal­ance.

If pos­si­ble, Kurai Ni­paku does not want to process Suika Ya­mafugu. But this time, Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture eight lev­els of big earth­quake, lose is too se­ri­ous, if no re­spon­si­ble per­son, that Kurai Ni­paku are also bad luck.

At this time, can only Sac­ri­fice The Rook To Save The King!
„Sec­tion Head, I treat un­justly re­ally!” The Suika Ya­mafugu ex­pres­sion griev­ance said: „I re­gard­ing earth­quake fore­cast that soft­ware is not fa­mil­iar, at that time we had in­spected, in­deed has not in­spected issue. I am prepar­ing to pro­pose that close earth­quake fore­casts soft­ware, car­ries on the com­pre­hen­sive check, but Ito Nat­suki Pres­i­dent, had sud­denly dis­cov­ered on com­puter screen, earth­quake fore­cast that the soft­ware prompt in Fifth Grade the in­ten­sity earth­quake news, then told me, earth­quake fore­cast that soft­ware did not have issue, I then re­turned to the bu­reau to re­port after car­ry­ing out or­ders. This mat­ter, Sec­tion Head you can in­quire Sec­ond Group. If you do not be­lieve that Sec­ond Group tes­ti­mony, you can ask the Twelfth group, they are Oda Shizuna that group, is al­ways im­pos­si­ble to help me speak!”

Kurai Ni­paku has pon­dered ac­cord­ing to the il­lus­tra­tion of Suika Ya­mafugu, if is re­ally Suika Ya­mafugu such view, that Ito Nat­suki re­spon­si­bil­ity is big­ger!
Re­turns to Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency, Kurai Ni­paku has not looked for Ito Nat­suki to in­quire di­rectly, but asked to Oda Shizuna: „Oda, did de­com­pile an­a­lyze source code ac­com­plish? Whose mas­ter­piece this should soft­ware be?”

Oda Shizuna does not de­ter­mine say­ing: „Sec­tion Head, soft­ware not any sig­na­ture, does not have any spe­cial de­sign. I can only act ac­cord­ing to the past sit­u­a­tion, spec­u­lated that this is the [Mr. M] mas­ter­piece. Be­cause in be­fore­hand net­work War, [Mr. M] re­peat­edly de­stroys all kinds Sys­tem, does not re­move [Mr. M] to come the Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency pos­si­bil­ity again. After all [Mr. M] is called Earth­quake Hacker!”

Kurai Ni­paku nod­ded, „watch out for the [Mr. M] trend, and in the World­wide range, searches for [Mr. M] any con­nec­tion ev­i­dence.”
Xia Na­tion, Shuangqing City, Jingya Gar­den.

Shi Lei de­bugged ac­com­plish final pro­ce­dure, his Signed In Big Pen­guin shot one set of news sud­denly.
«Wo Sang Na­tion Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture, has eight on the Richter scale big earth­quake, the per­son­nel prop­erty dam­age is un­able to es­ti­mate tem­porar­ily!»

‚...... Cap­i­tal time, in the evening 19.02 \; Tokyo time, in the evening twenty 0.02. Sit­u­ated in Wo Sang Na­tion cap­i­tal area, close to Tokyo Pre­fec­ture Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture, out­break eight on the Richter scale big earth­quake.’

‚...... Ac­cord­ing to CC ** in Wo Sang Na­tion Re­porter, the news that feeds in in­di­cated that stud­ies most ad­vanced Wo Sang Na­tion as en­tire World earth­quake, un­ex­pect­edly eight on the Richter scale big earth­quake, fore­casts for Richter Fifth Grade in in­ten­sity earth­quake. But ac­cord­ing to in­formed sources dis­closed, Tokyo Pre­fec­ture Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency doubt­ful in be­fore­hand Hacker War, was in­vaded by Hacker.

‚...... Wo Sang Na­tion Of­fi­cial is­sues the na­tional war­rant for ar­rest, as well as World­wide posts a re­ward the com­mand, an­nounced that posts a re­ward Earth­quake Hacker [Mr. M]. Ac­cord­ing to Wo Sang Na­tion Of­fi­cial, this Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture earth­quake fore­cast fault, was very likely is [Mr. M] tam­pered with data. From this, we can look that the harm of com­puter Hacker is ac­tu­ally big, can achieve this de­gree un­ex­pect­edly!’

After Shi Lei read the full text, the cor­ners of the mouth flood sneered.
Re­gard­ing the sus­pi­cion of Wo Sang Na­tion, Shi Lei had al­ready set the fore­shad­ow­ing, for ex­am­ple in Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency, Shi Lei for­merly has left be­hind a sig­na­ture.
soft­ware that also for ex­am­ple, Shi Lei just com­piled, as well as forth­com­ing self-di­rected per­forms in the major drama.

These are that Shi Lei is ready, for own Safety, that is ready. After all Shi Lei and [Mr. M] have wisp of con­tact, if makes [Mr. M] this earth­quake per­son-in-charge, per­haps that Shi Lei must be ha­rassed by the Wo Sang Na­tion agent.

‚Since you sus­pect are [Mr. M], that makes you un­der­stand that is ac­tu­ally who!’ Shi Lei starts soft­ware that had just com­piled, starts im­ple­ment to con­fuse Wo Sang Na­tion Plan.


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