Monday, October 23, 2017

322: Died a person is the tragedy, the death Hundred-thousand person was data!

Kill one and it's a crime, Kill ten-thou­sand and it's heroic!
The Shi Lei's dis­po­si­tion is clear about what to love and what to hate, cared to the per­son who one­self care about very that is very in­dif­fer­ent to the stranger, is very cruel to the re­pug­nant per­son!

Sim­i­lar to Wo Sang Na­tion, Shi Lei dis­likes them, even if makes the mat­ter that shocks every­body again, a Shi Lei's pa­tri­o­tism, not hav­ing the half minute to vac­il­late.

Tried to deny past Na­tion(s) re­gard­ing that Shi Lei never has the fa­vor­able im­pres­sion!
NHK as Wo Sang Na­tion Gov­ern­ment Sta­tion, is sim­i­lar to cc ** in Xia Na­tion sta­tus, news that they re­ported ba­si­cally after the au­then­ti­ca­tion of Of­fi­cial. Ex­cept that these dis­credit the re­port of Xia Na­tion, other basic being true.

This Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture big earth­quake loss, after two days of much time sta­tis­tics, had a pre­lim­i­nary re­sult.
The Shi Lei point makes a list of names is the «Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture earth­quake Loss Pub­lic Re­port» news, this is a re­port of for­eign open to the pub­lic, ba­si­cally does not have any con­ceal­ment in­for­ma­tion.

After all Wo Sang Na­tion per­mits pri­vately op­er­ated media en­ter­prise, five big pri­vately op­er­ated Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion com­pared with NHK Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion not small and weak many, all kinds news in­for­ma­tion, even if NHK Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion con­ceals, five big pri­vately op­er­ated Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion also meet im­po­lite dis­sem­i­nat­ing news.

‚In De­cem­ber the twenty day, twenty 0.02, cap­i­tal area Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture, lat­i­tude 35.2 N, longti­tude 139.3 E, erupted 7.9 on the Richter scale big earth­quake in the evening!’

‚As a re­sult of the wrong fore­cast of Tokyo Pre­fec­ture Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency, the cap­i­tal area can­not make the pos­si­ble arrange­ment, so far, the con­firmed ca­su­alty 102398 peo­ple, the miss­ing 32975 peo­ple, have been in­jured 305231 peo­ple. The house dam­ages 642342, major dam­age 308619, burn down 284210, the fire causes the fever to lose the area 138.3 square kilo­me­ters.’

‚The Yoko­hama fever loses area 13 square kilo­me­ters, 84 houses are de­stroyed in a mo­ment. The Tsunami that earth­quake trig­gers, the high­est ocean waves is 12 me­ters, causes over thou­sand peo­ple miss­ing!’

‚The di­rect eco­nomic losses that Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture 7.9 on the Richter scale big earth­quake, cause sur­pass 300 Bil­lion US Dol­lar, the in­di­rect losses are im­pon­der­able!’

‚Cab­i­net Gov­ern­ment en­hanced the Earth­quake Hacker [EQ] post­ing a re­ward amount once more, any pro­vides the [EQ] Hacker clue per­son­nel, may ob­tain 10 hun­dred mil­lion USD to post a re­ward high!’

Looks at the Wo Sang Na­tion dis­as­ter sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei un­emo­tion­ally, as if all these are not other party be­come is the same.
After read­ing com­plete re­port, Shi Lei looks the cool color, mut­tered: „Died a per­son is tragedy, the death Hun­dred-thou­sand per­son was only data! hēng hēng, 1 bil­lion Yuan USD, does me to think that be­tray it­self!”

Wo Sang Na­tion so caused heavy losses, en­tire World ex­tended the aid to Wo Sang Na­tion, in­clud­ing Xia Na­tion, has pro­vided the med­ical care, as well as com­mod­ity res­cue.

This ex­actly as stated Na­tion(s) and Na­tion(s) human re­la­tions, wish one could en­tire Wo Sang Na­tion ob­vi­ously se­cretly, all sinks to is best. But on must in­di­cate out­wardly hyp­o­crit­i­cally that re­gard­ing your meet­ing with, I am very sad, be­stows a few things to give you, you should thank me.

Shi Lei can­not bear con­trol No. 2 Server, en­ters Li Jian Na­tion net­work, in Li Jian Na­tion fa­mous n news net­work Of­fi­cial Web­site, has hung up a news. Rea­son that in Li Jian Na­tion n, that is to in­duce Wo Sang Na­tion, gives them wrong in­for­ma­tion, thinks that [EQ] Hacker is the Li Jian Na­tion per­son.

‚Pros­ti­tute of Wo Sang Na­tion For­eign Min­istry and Min­istry of Jus­tice. Do not catch me? I think you to might as well to me One Bil­lion US Dol­lar, I guar­an­teed, does not ha­rass you!’ [EQ]

The re­cent two days of time, the en­tire World media very pay at­ten­tion to ‚Earth­quake Hacker’ [EQ]. Earth­quake Hacker this Title be­longed to [Mr. M], but this mo­ment this com­pe­ti­tion had been won by [EQ].

n was in­vaded by [EQ], not only has not re­cap­tured au­thor­ity, the mes­sage dele­tion of [EQ], in­stead wan­tonly dis­sem­i­nates news [EQ] in their Of­fi­cial Web­site mes­sages, this is the trust n dis­sem­i­na­tion abil­ity.

Has say­ing that some­times, the idea of for­eigner some­what is in­deed un­usual!
After Shi Lei mes­sage, im­me­di­ately dodges per­son. Does not dodge the per­son to wait to be traced Ah? jfs, is [Ya­mata] and [Am­at­erasu], at this mo­ment has re­garded as the eye-sore thorn in the side [EQ], wants to elim­i­nate it to be then quick.

Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture big earth­quake, has shocked en­tire World. Let en­tire World all peo­ple, first time know that orig­i­nally the harm of Hacker is so big!

Be­fore then, the Or­di­nary peo­ple re­gard­ing the Hacker cog­ni­tion, stay in Hacker merely will de­stroy Com­puter Sys­tem. Even if fierce Hacker, de­stroys com­puter hard­ware at most.

The Or­di­nary peo­ple have not thought that net world Hacker, can the solid ma­nip­u­late real world busi­ness. But this time, Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture big earth­quake, has chal­lenged the cog­ni­tion bot­tom lines of all peo­ple.
Orig­i­nally Hacker can achieve this de­gree!

Uses com­puter net­work, un­ex­pect­edly has caused the death of Hun­dred-thou­sand per­son Level, the eco­nomic loss sur­passes 300 Bil­lion US Dol­lar.
This move of nu­mer­ous wound the eco­nomic de­vel­op­ment of Wo Sang Na­tion, hav­ing made Wo Sang Na­tion fall into the de­vel­op­men­tal lag the strange cir­cle.

Shi Lei's Sock­pup­pet [EQ], in n leaves be­hind shortly after the news, the Wo Sang Na­tion three big Cyber Se­cu­rity or­ga­ni­za­tions, have then dis­cov­ered this mes­sage.

And [Ya­mata] and [Am­at­erasu], re­mained silent. They are more like the pa­tron god are the same, is pro­tect­ing own tar­get. But jfs is a sharp sword, they must wield a sword to fight!

jfs the time, from Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency Server, had found in­for­ma­tion that Shi Lei ini­tially kept over the two days. That is provoca­tive in­for­ma­tion, has left be­hind the [EQ] given name, but also has left be­hind his ac­tion plan.
When jfs had de­ter­mined mes­sage in­for­ma­tion time, is be­fore Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture big earth­quake more than one day, they locked tar­get on [EQ] Hacker thor­oughly, re­duced large sec­tion re­gard­ing the sus­pi­cion of [Mr. M].

Wo Sang Na­tion, For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment.
As the con­trol of Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, Kurai Ni­paku pres­sure is very big. Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture big earth­quake, has caused the so se­ri­ous con­se­quence, the mood grief and in­dig­na­tion of en­tire Wo Sang Na­tion peo­ple, the all kinds pa­rade pe­ti­tioned, mak­ing Gov­ern­ment act to hold [EQ] Hacker, and ex­tra­dited Wo Sang Na­tion, im­ple­ment most harsh sen­tence.

How­ever, the Or­di­nary peo­ple are al­ways only the Or­di­nary peo­ple, even if after this big earth­quake event, let them re­al­ized that the Hacker haz­ardous na­ture is ac­tu­ally big, but they ac­tu­ally do not know that World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, ac­tu­ally has how sly, being hard how by Seize!
[Raphael] by CIA Seize, and is not only only the CIA merit. And also has adding fuel to the flames of Shi Lei this World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, there is mys­te­ri­ous [CPX­Jazz] to cause sin­is­ter trick at the back.

If no real ip ad­dress that Shi Lei pro­vides, CIA does look up [Raphael] ad­dress?
If no [CPX­Jazz] sin­is­ter mon­i­tor­ing [Raphael], CIA can also hold [Raphael]?
But Wo Sang Na­tion wants to seize Earth­quake Hacker [EQ], has not ac­tu­ally boosted to help them! [EQ] is Shi Lei my Sock­pup­pet, Shi Lei nat­u­rally is im­pos­si­ble to be­tray it­self.

That mys­te­ri­ous [CPX­Jazz], after sin­is­ter trick turned [Raphael] dry, does not know the trace, tem­porar­ily lost the trail.
Cab­i­net Gov­ern­ment fac­ing the pres­sure of peo­ple, they soon could not with­stand, if the Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture mat­ter is not solved, per­haps this cab­i­net Gov­ern­ment wants re­sign!

Be­fore the res­ig­na­tion, cab­i­net Gov­ern­ment nat­u­rally must re­call with every ef­fort, their Crazy to [Ya­mata] and [Am­at­erasu], jfs ex­erts pres­sure, lets three big Cyber Se­cu­rity or­ga­ni­za­tions, stakes every­thing on a sin­gle throw of the dice strength that unites to unite, must hold Earth­quake Hacker [EQ].

From this con­ceiv­able, the Kurai Ni­paku pres­sure, is ac­tu­ally big!
The Wo Sang Na­tion time, around 9 : 00 pm, Kurai Ni­paku also sits in Of­fice, stud­ies Shi Lei to keep Tokyo Pre­fec­ture Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency in­for­ma­tion, that data mod­ify plug-in unit.

He at­tempts from these source code, an­a­lyzes a style, ac­tu­ally then in­fers is whose work. Gen­er­ally, World Top Hacker, has own style.
But most Top some Hacker, this style com­plete con­ceals, is sim­i­lar to Wuxia novel high­est realm, the giv­ing up af­fec­ta­tion great skill seems like lack of skill is the same.

Shi Lei has achieved this realm at pre­sent re­luc­tantly, in the code not the ob­vi­ous char­ac­ter­is­tics, even if some char­ac­ter­is­tics, can­not in­volve his head.,

First Se­cu­rity Team long Oda Shizuna, stands out Kurai Ni­paku Of­fice, has sounded the Of­fice wooden door.
‚dōng dōng dōng ~’

The eye socket of Kurai Ni­paku is red, in the pupil has cov­ered en­tirely blood­shot, his sound hoarse [say / way]: „En­ters!”
Oda Shizuna is car­ry­ing a lunch, two cof­fee, walked, „Sec­tion Head, you at noon and evening have not eaten meal, eats to se­lect east and west|thing first! At this time, you should take care, stud­ied the [EQ] mat­ter again.”

Kurai Ni­paku has not re­jected the Oda Shizuna good in­ten­tion, he in­deed needs to sup­ple­ment food. After turn­ing on the lunch, he eats while to in­quire: „Oda, that side [Ya­mata] and [Am­at­erasu], what pre­cise in­for­ma­tion there is?”
Oda Shizuna shakes the head, car­ries the in­stant cof­fee on table, the cof­fee is Oda Shizuna buys the lunch the time to­gether buys.
They are doomed to con­tinue tonight to stay up late, drink one cof­fee to be help­ful to stim­u­lat­ing.

„Sec­tion Head, [Ya­mata] and [Am­at­erasu] traced n, but that [EQ] van­ished with­out a trace!” The Oda Shizuna re­sponse said.
Kurai Ni­paku had not asked again, but wholly-ab­sorbed ate the lunch.
Xia Na­tion, Shuangqing City, Jingya Gar­den.

Shi Lei just re­turned to Num­ber One Server, and has cleaned up the record in Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low], but also does not have Shu one breath, cell phone on com­puter table has then made a sound.
Shi Lei looked at Caller ID, com­pletely is the as­ter­isk, is the se­cret tele­phone. After press­ing down the an­swer­ing key, the Shi Lei sim­ple and brief start to talk said: „Here is Shi Lei!”

„ke ke!” In the tele­phone, has broad­cast the Ling Yuguo sound. „Shi Lei, I am Cyber Se­cu­rity Agency West­ern Head­quar­ters Ling Yuguo, my some sit­u­a­tions want to ask you!”
Re­gard­ing Ling Yuguo ev­i­dence that Ling Yumo trans­fers schools, as well as all kinds has the trace, elim­i­nates cleanly, in the Shi Lei heart has some re­sent­ment.

The goal that even if Ling Yuguo so makes, is in the pro­tec­tion to Ling Yumo, but Shi Lei is not feel­ing well as be­fore.
„Bu­reau Chief Ling, hap­pen, some of some of my also issue, want to ask you!” Shi Lei does not have the rhetor­i­cal ques­tion of good ex­pres­sion.

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