Tuesday, October 24, 2017

324: [EQ] is fbi Assistant Director

Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery is ac­tu­ally not dif­fi­cult!
Per­haps this name sounds the high-end, in the early 19 th cen­tury, the sci­en­tist pro­posed the elec­tric cur­rent and elec­tric charge in mag­netic field, was af­fected by the lorentz force \; Be­gin­ning twenty cen­tury, then some sci­en­tists pro­posed the use lorentz force, launched the ten­ta­tive plan of shell.

Be­gin­ning not clear the early 19 th cen­tury and twenty cen­tury is when?
The 19 th cen­tury was 1800 to 1899, this 100 years of time, in the early 19 th cen­tury, was in 1800 about, per­haps also wanted more, no later than 1830 about.

Be­gin­ning twenty cen­tury, then knew Right? was also in 1900 about!
The cur­rent time was in 2006, the the­ory of Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery is com­pletely ma­ture, more­over many Na­tion(s), many sci­en­tific re­search in­sti­tu­tions and Uni­ver­sity, suc­cess­ful man­u­fac­ture quite fierce Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery.
Even is some for­mi­da­ble in­di­vid­ual Gamer, man­u­fac­tured minia­ture Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, al­though might as­pect pos­si­bly merely was the toy of ap­pli­ca­tion lorentz force.

Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery not like sci­ence fic­tion novel, high-end en­ergy weapon of that launch mag­netic force en­ergy group, but uses the lorentz force, launches Re­al­ity weapon of en­tity pro­jec­tile!
In brief, Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery has the lorentz force with elec­tri­cal en­ergy, re­places the gun­pow­der chem­i­cal en­ergy, has the pro­pelling force new gen­er­a­tion weapon.

The Li Cai home en­vi­ron­ment is spe­cial, since child­hood was trained with the ma­chin­ery is a com­pan­ion, all kinds and ma­chin­ery re­lated phys­i­cal the­ory, is very adept!
As young­ster, craves young­ster of ma­chin­ery as one, how pos­si­bly Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery?

„Big Brother Stone, Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery I can man­u­fac­ture, but the cost is not small. More­over, if in­stalls Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery on brand-new [The Steel and Iron], per­haps the elec­tri­cal en­ergy stock­piles as­pect, will have a big va­cancy!”
Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery uses elec­tric­ity-dri­ven, nat­u­rally can con­sume the elec­tri­cal en­ergy, but new gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], the max­i­mum mal­prac­tice ex­actly as stated elec­tric quan­tity stock­piles issue.

„Cost as­pect did not con­sider that Power Source as­pect does have the pos­si­bil­ity, car­ries more bat­ter­ies?” Al­though Shi Lei has owed Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict three One Bil­lion, but his many cashes.
Pre­vi­ous time from the [Sakura Virus] dis­as­ter, Shi Lei also ob­tained 100 Mil­lion multi- Xia Na­tion Yuan. There­fore, cost as­pect issue, tem­porar­ily not in Shi Lei's con­sid­er­a­tion cat­e­gory, after all [The Steel and Iron] of new gen­er­a­tion, in the Shi Lei hand not large-scale pro­duc­tion.

Hears Shi Lei's to re­quest, Li Cai awk­ward re­sponse, „Big Brother Stone, was un­able to carry more bat­ter­ies. The dis­tri­b­u­tional mar­gin of en­ergy plan that I use, ba­si­cally any can in­stall the place of bat­tery, I in­stalled the bat­tery com­pletely. More­over, new gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] is dif­fer­ent from tra­di­tional He­li­copter, its en­gine room is very small, only then four pro­pellers con­nect the Cen­ter po­si­tion, has the en­gine room po­si­tion to­gether.”

Shi Lei nat­u­rally knows that four pro­peller Elec­tric-pow­ered Re­mote Con­trol He­li­copter mod­el­ing, com­pared it in­deed [The Steel and Iron] be smaller than too much.
„Tonight Lit­tle Plum, Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery issue, you do doesn't de­cide?”

„It is not good! Big Brother Stone, you, when I am god Ah? also want the day after to­mor­row most quickly, is mainly here does not have the raw ma­te­r­ial, needs to ask my old man to sup­port.” The Li Cai re­sponse said that he has pre­pared, once more plan of pit fa­ther.
Shi Lei has smiled one, „Lit­tle Plum, these ma­te­r­ial ex­penses, you an ac­count, when the time comes I give out you!”

„Does not use! Big Brother Stone, these are some change!” Li Cai is very good the crisp re­jec­tion, is the pit fa­ther comes in any case, he does not spend.
„Good, will see the day after to­mor­row!” Shi Lei re­turned to one, then made the tele­phone call.

Also is two days of time in a hurry, over the two days the time, the Wo Sang Na­tion three big Cyber Se­cu­rity or­ga­ni­za­tions, in the en­tire World range, traced the news about [EQ] as be­fore.
But Shi Lei is very well-man­nered, goes to that side Ouyang Xiang to rub ex­cept for evening dines, then stay­ing of obe­di­ently in Jingya Gar­den, wholly-ab­sorbed mod­ify Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Catch­ing Pro­gram source code, dili­gently ac­com­plish Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine.
Wo Sang Na­tion, For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment.

After con­sec­u­tively for four days of high strength works, an eye of Kurai Ni­paku is red is sim­i­lar to the rab­bit. The Oda Shizuna con­di­tion is also al­most the same, Suika Ya­mafugu, be­cause of issue of dere­lic­tion, cur­rently ac­cepts in­ves­ti­gate ac­tu­ally tem­porar­ily, in­stead so is not tired.

Suika Ya­mafugu is bad luck, is only the charge of being derelict, has not in­spected earth­quake to fore­cast the data mod­ify plug-in unit in soft­ware. But keeps the mes­sage of Earth­quake Fore­cast Agency along with Shi Lei, in Hard Disk was dis­cov­ered that Suika Ya­mafugu is sus­pected and [EQ] unites, is se­ri­ous bend­ing the law!

Al­though with being the dere­lic­tion, may be derelict and bend the law, com­pletely is the dif­fer­ent charges. This Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture big earth­quake mat­ter, if derelict, may be con­demned the im­pris­on­ment for life. If bends the law, that ab­solutely is the death penalty!
Oda Shizuna is tak­ing a re­port, en­tered Kurai Ni­paku Of­fice, his cau­tiously has locked on the other side the Of­fice gate, gives Kurai Ni­paku the re­port.

„Sec­tion Head, Hacker [EQ] con­nects the ip ad­dress owner fi­nally, looked up, but” Oda Shizuna has not con­tin­ued, but gives Kurai Ni­paku the re­port.
Kurai Ni­paku takes up the re­port, fast and care­ful glances through. Re­port front, is some pic­ture ev­i­dence, records Hacker [EQ] con­nec­tion ip ad­dress.

After turn­ing to the last page, Kurai Ni­paku reads the final re­port, the com­plex­ion is sud­denly ugly.
Shi Lei ini­tially in Li Jian Na­tion last Plat­form Zom­bie Server, ip ad­dress that left be­hind, di­rectly has aimed at Li Jian Na­tion FBI. The Wo Sang Na­tion three big Cyber Se­cu­rity or­ga­ni­za­tions, unan­i­mously guessed that is only the idea of Shi Lei's shift­ing blame.
Be­cause this truth is very sim­ple, even if is re­ally FBI plays tricks, they pos­si­bly do use FBI in­ter­nal ip ad­dress?
Must start to Wo Sang Na­tion, is im­pos­si­ble to use FBI ip ad­dress!

The clue to here, had in­ter­rupted, but Oda Shizuna were many a mind, he con­tin­ues to arrange per­son­nel in­ves­ti­gate. Al­though For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency does not have CIA or FBI is so strong, but their in­flu­ences are not bad, has in­for­ma­tion per­son­nel in For­eign.
Oda Shizuna by own au­thor­ity, after hav­ing used Li Jian Na­tion rel­e­vant in­for­ma­tion per­son­nel, fi­nally in­ves­ti­gate to that FBI ip ad­dress, the owner is ac­tu­ally who!

FBI is al­ways di­vided, for 11 big de­part­ments, are gov­erned by 11 As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor, di­rectly is re­spon­si­ble for FBI Bu­reau Chief.
[EQ] that Oda Shizuna in­ves­ti­gate ar­rives at con­nects ip ad­dress fi­nally, is FBI one gov­erns Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor. Re­gard­ing such re­sult, Oda Shizuna, al­though is very ac­ci­den­tal, but does not have ex­tremely in sur­prised.
Be­cause, Oda Shizuna ac­tu­ally knows star­tled huge se­cret!

Oda Shizuna be­fore join­ing jfs, is ac­tu­ally Hacker per­son­nel, more­over is quite pow­er­ful Hacker. Be­cause he af­ter­ward fell into stum­bling block, there­fore has got­ten rid of Hacker this shame­ful Pro­fes­sion, chose be­came hon­or­able Cyber Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist!
Dur­ing Hacker, Oda Shizuna has known star­tled huge se­cret. This se­cret, was al­most not known.
Kurai Ni­paku has put down the re­port, „Oda, what issue does this re­port have? That [EQ] final con­nects ip ad­dress, has aimed at FBI Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor, this ob­vi­ously is a snare!”

Oda Shizuna has not spo­ken, but takes the gel-ink pen on Kurai Ni­paku table, on a short note paper, started to write.
‚Sec­tion Head, your Of­fice en­vi­ron­ment, Safety? My opin­ion is, has wire­tap de­vice to exist?’
Kurai Ni­paku nod­ded, sim­i­larly took to begin a stroke, has writ­ten.

‚Has the wire­tap de­vice, our writ­ing ex­change gen­uine mat­ter, but needs to say some­thing, the paral­y­sis in­ter­cepts per­son­nel!’
After Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture big earth­quake erupts, en­tire Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, has listed as com­pletely by the sus­pi­cion ob­ject, in­clud­ing Kurai Ni­paku, ac­cepts the mon­i­tor en­tirely.

The Oda Shizuna un­der­stand­ing nod, opens the mouth say­ing: „Sec­tion Head, do you said have pos­si­bil­ity, is re­ally FBI Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor?”
‚Sec­tion Head, I must tell you big se­cret, As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor about FBI Cy­ber­crime Unit!’

The Kurai Ni­paku brow wrin­kled, looks writ­ing that Oda Shizuna writes down, he pre­tends start to talk calmly, „Oda, were you in­sane? Li Jian Na­tion and we are the ally, FBI and some of our also as­pect deep co­op­er­a­tion, how do they pos­si­bly such do?”
‚What se­cret?’ Be­cause Kurai Ni­paku has mixed feel­ings, the writ­ing is some­what dis­or­derly.

In the Oda Shizuna mouth was say­ing the [say / way]: „Why is im­pos­si­ble? Our Na­tion(s) eco­nomic power de­vel­op­ment, has threat­ened Li Jian Na­tion! FBI through this earth­quake, at­tacks us, con­tains our de­vel­op­ment, guar­an­tees Li Jian Na­tion Over­lord sta­tus!”
‚As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor about FBI Cy­ber­crime Unit, he has issue! Sec­tion Head, my iden­tity you should very clear Right? ini­tially, I in very ac­ci­den­tal sit­u­a­tion, in­ter­cept a news. FBI Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor, is not very per­haps sim­ple. He should with FBI not be the same strip heart.’

Kurai Ni­paku com­plex­ion dras­tic change, if FBI Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor, has any issue, more­over is he gets rid, re­gard­less of re­gard­ing Wo Sang Na­tion, is re­gard­ing Li Jian Na­tion, is not the good mat­ter!
„Oda, do not speak ir­re­spon­si­bly! These mat­ters, both of us say on for­get about it, out­side passes to us un­able to con­fess!” In the Kurai Ni­paku mouth was say­ing un­nour­ish­ing words, he is shak­ing the hand of gel-ink pen, shiv­ers slightly.

‚Oda, you de­ter­mined that FBI Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor does have issue? Has a more de­tailed news?’
Oda Shizuna shakes the head, „Sec­tion Head, I knew! This mat­ter, I was only also pos­si­ble and you say how pos­si­bly to speak ir­re­spon­si­bly out­side? Suika Ya­mafugu that fel­low, these will time be ac­tu­ally what kind of?”

‚Not more de­tailed news! in­for­ma­tion that ini­tially in­ter­cepted was in­suf­fi­ciently de­tailed, but syn­the­sized is, that FBI Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor had issue. de­ter­mine from the news, that FBI Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor, as if par­tic­i­pated in Mys­te­ri­ous Or­ga­ni­za­tion!’
„The Suika Ya­mafugu mat­ter do not par­tic­i­pate , to con­tinue in­ves­ti­gate!” Kurai Ni­paku deep looked at Oda Shizuna, mak­ing him un­der­stand that so-called in­ves­ti­gate, is in­ves­ti­gate FBI Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor.

„Yes!” Oda Shizuna stands up, with­drew from Kurai Ni­paku Of­fice on own ini­tia­tive.
Kurai Ni­paku is back­ing in the Great Class chair, rubs the tem­ples, in the heart sighs se­cretly.
‚Mat­ter, was get­ting more and more com­plex! FBI Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor, big iden­tity’.

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