Tuesday, October 24, 2017

326: Electromagnetic Artillery might!

Shuangqing Uni­ver­sity, Num­ber One doc­tor dor­mi­to­ries build­ing, 501 dor­mi­to­ries.
[Shadow Dragon] noise con­trol as­pect, mak­ing Shi Lei very sat­is­fied. In order to test the [Shadow Dragon] con­trol flex­i­bil­ity, Shi Lei di­rect uti­liza­tion 501 dor­mi­tory nar­row and small en­vi­ron­ment, in Shi Lei con­duct test.

Is con­trol­ling the U ma­nip­u­late pole, [Shadow Dragon] in the nar­row and small Dor­mi­tory space, is mov­ing flex­i­ble. The con­trol per­for­mance is very su­pe­rior, es­pe­cially trans­forms the di­rec­tion issue.
Be­cause bot­tom of the [Shadow Dragon] en­gine room, has adopted three cam­era real-time mon­i­tor­ing scenes, in ad­di­tion [Shadow Dragon] is four pro­pellers sym­met­ri­cally de­signs.

Trans­forms the di­rec­tion time, does not need to change, can go for­ward di­rectly, or di­rect re­treat, or other ran­dom ori­en­ta­tions. This point com­pared with [The Steel and Iron], the su­pe­ri­or­ity is very ob­vi­ous.
Good con­trol per­for­mance, mak­ing [Shadow Dragon] or­ga­nize freely in the nar­row and small space, sim­ply has not re­ceived re­stric­tion(s) to be the same.

De­scends slowly [Shadow Dragon], Shi Lei sat­is­fied nod, [Shadow Dragon] had two mer­its. Con­trols the per­for­mance to be flex­i­ble, is the noise con­trol, very suits the com­plex urban en­vi­ron­ment.

Es­pe­cially flex­i­ble ser­vice­abil­ity, in the urban en­vi­ron­ment, will make [Shadow Dragon] ac­com­plish a task with ease.
„Lit­tle Plum, [Shadow Dragon] de­fense how?” Shi Lei brings ask­ing that is wor­ry­ing about.
It looks like some­what frail blade, ex­poses out­side real-life scenery Seize cam­era. Not like east and west|thing of any high de­fense strength.
The Li Cai fol­low­ing words, con­firmed this point!

„Big Brother Stone, the [Shadow Dragon] de­fense strength, does not have the means and [The Steel and Iron] com­pares! After all [The Steel and Iron] has used Spe­cial-type aer­ial metal, but [Shadow Dragon] is only alu­minum alloy of use makes. pis­tol, is Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun, even is upper air thrown ob­ject, may cause mor­tally in­jured to [Shadow Dragon].” Li Cai some­what awk­wardly was say­ing.

But Li Cai con­tin­ues to open the mouth to say im­me­di­ately: „Big Brother Stone, al­though the [Shadow Dragon] de­fense strength is not good, but its con­struc­tion cost has been much lower than [The Steel and Iron]! Does not carry Weapons Mod­ule [Shadow Dragon], the con­struc­tion cost merely Ten Thou­sand Yuan many a wee bit! More­over most costs cen­tral­ized in the on-board com­puter and highly ef­fec­tive Lithium Bat­tery, on Dis­tance-mea­sur­ing Radar and cam­era. These parts can re­peat­edly the re­claim and uti­lize.”

The Shi Lei help­less nod, con­struc­tion cost is only 1/10 after all, more­over this an­swer Shi Lei is not ac­ci­den­tal. How be­cause to see [Shadow Dragon], how not like the high de­fense or­gan­ism.
Lo­cal­iza­tion of [Shadow Dragon], more in urban en­vi­ron­ment im­ple­ment Task, Se­cu­rity Is­sues in city, most crim­i­nals, will not have firearm(s). There­fore is un­able to cause the harm to [Shadow Dragon]!

In Small-scale au­to­matic lathe Cen­ter, the Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery gun tube processes ac­com­plish fi­nally, Li Cai opens the Small-scale au­to­matic lathe Cen­ter cabin door, took down the gun tube on the work clothes, a face strange smile, is stroking gen­tly that sec­tion about ten cen­time­ters sil­ver-white metal­lic pipe.

In the Shi Lei heart a chill, the Lit­tle Plum move­ment is too dread­ful, seems in lu
„Lit­tle Plum, your this fel­low lime­light image!” Shi Lei can­not bear the re­minder say.
Li Cai hēi hēi smiles, „Big Brother Stone, do not de­spise this sec­tion of gun tube, al­though it merely only then 10 cm length, but its price ac­tu­ally needs 2000 Yuan!”

„Is so ex­pen­sive?” Shi Lei looks at that stub pipe of undis­tin­guished ap­pear­ance, does not un­der­stand that its price so is why ex­pen­sive.
Li Cai ex­plained: „Big Brother Stone, this is one spe­cial metal, can bet­ter adap­ta­tion mag­ne­tore­sis­tive ef­fect, mak­ing the shell be a higher ini­tial ve­loc­ity! Solely processes its spe­cial Di­a­mond Drill Bit, has spent the 20,000 Yuan! Al­though is a lit­tle ex­pen­sive, but the ef­fect should be very good!”

„Gives a try?” Some Shi Lei an­tic­i­pa­tions were say­ing.
„I as­sem­ble first it!” Li Cai is tak­ing the 10 cm Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery con­trol, ar­rives on the work table, the gun tube through the card lock, loaded just in that mech­a­nism.

That mech­a­nism, ex­actly as stated Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery Core in­stalls Ac­cel­er­a­tor and switch part. Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery mainly has three parts, En­ergy Unit, Ac­cel­er­a­tor and switch.
Power Source as­pect is pro­vided by [Shadow Dragon], Li Cai Ac­cel­er­a­tor and switch de­sign in same part. switch part, must con­nect [Shadow Dragon], gives the [Shadow Dragon] au­to­matic con­trol.

After the gun tube in­stalls ac­com­plish, Li Cai puts out one bag of steel balls, has loaded Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery am­mu­ni­tion feed Sys­tem. Minia­ture Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery of Li Cai de­sign, the shell of use is 5 grams weight solid steel ball.
Li Cai in­stalls, while in­tro­duced the Minia­ture Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery basic pa­ra­me­ter to Shi Lei. „Big Brother Stone, by the [Shadow Dragon] Power Source sit­u­a­tion, most can only sup­port 50 fir­ing off. And each fir­ing off, needs to spend 1 minute of loi­ter time ap­prox­i­mately the elec­tric quan­tity.”

The Shi Lei's eye­brow pushed in one, a round spent the time of 1 minute of stay­ing in the air, but also was re­ally lux­u­ri­ous Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery!
„Might how?”

Li Cai on the work table, found a scratch paper, gives Shi Lei say­ing: data that „through cal­cu­lat­ing showed that the might is quite con­sid­er­able. The solid steel ball of 5 grams weight, the ini­tial ve­loc­ity has been 800 me­ters de­gree!”
The Shi Lei not too clear these data mean­ings, said di­rectly: „Lit­tle Plum, you are away from the ex­pla­na­tion to me, the Minia­ture Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery might, has been any de­gree!”

The tech­nique in­dus­try stud­ies, Shi Lei in com­puter In­dus­try is the Ex­ceed Grade ex­pert, but in ma­chin­ery In­dus­try, then has be­come the new mil­i­tary re­cruits goods.
Al­though Li Cai does not un­der­stand the com­puter knowl­edge, but he un­der­stands Shi Lei not to un­der­stand.

„Big Brother Stone, ac­cord­ing to ki­netic en­ergy for­mula, E = 1 / 2 MV 2, is the ki­netic en­ergy equal to qual­ity is mul­ti­plied by speed square half . The Minia­ture Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery speed is 800 meter / sec­ond, the weight of solid pro­jec­tile is 0.005 kg, the ki­netic en­ergy is also 1600 joules. This is a very great digit!” After Li Cai ex­plained that dis­cov­ered that Shi Lei was the con­fused con­di­tion, ob­vi­ously ex­plained in vain!

The Shi Lei cough said: „Said di­rectly, it and any east and west|thing might Dāng!”
Li Cai had pon­dered, gave an ex­am­ple Ming­dao: „Big Brother Stone, you know M4 car­bine rifle Right?”
pre­vi­ous life, M4 car­bine rifle is Shi Lei's most loves, fires at the speed, is the pre­ci­sion, or fir­ing dis­tance, very Out­stand­ing.

„En, I know!” Shi Lei nods, is sur­prised the dif­fer­ent way: „Is it pos­si­ble that the might and M4 is car­bine rifle sim­i­lar?”
Li Cai nods, „right! The M4 car­bine rifle muz­zle ini­tial speed is the 880 M / sec­ond, the muz­zle ki­netic en­ergy is 1645 joules, the bul­let weight slightly light in 5 grams. Our Minia­ture Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, are al­most the same in ki­netic en­ergy as­pect and car­bine rifle, is the might is al­most the same!”

Shi Lei lis­tened to the il­lus­tra­tion of Li Cai, un­der­stands be­fore him , the mis­take about Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery might idea, the might can­not look at the speed merely, but must look at the pro­jec­tile qual­ity, ki­netic en­ergy that as well as uni­fies fi­nally.
The ki­netic en­ergy is the en­ergy!

The en­ergy is higher, the de­struc­tive power is nat­u­rally big­ger, the might is nat­u­rally higher!
An­other ex­am­ple showed that Minia­ture Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery big of might, that is fa­mous black star 54 pis­tol, the muz­zle ki­netic en­ergy merely 480 joules.

Al­most un­der­stands after fierce of Minia­ture Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, Shi Lei has shown the smil­ing face fi­nally. But Shi Lei raises an­other doubts, al­though he does not un­der­stand the physics as­pect mat­ter, does not un­der­stand the knowl­edge that among the en­er­gies trans­forms, but Shi Lei knows one kilo­watt-hour of elec­tric quan­tity, was once the elec­tric­ity, equal to were many joule.

Why round of can Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, then con­sume [Shadow Dragon] one minute of Long-term Use Du­ra­tion?
Shi Lei asked that own doubts, Li Cai puts out more de­tailed pa­ra­me­ter blue­print, ex­plained to Shi Lei.
Ac­cord­ing to the con­ver­sion of en­ergy, one kilo­watt-hour, namely once elec­tric­ity equal to 3 600,000 joules.

[Shadow Dragon] uses the dis­tri­b­u­tional bat­tery Power Source sup­ply, al­to­gether has in­stalled five bat­ter­ies, sep­a­rately is the pro­peller four frames, as well as en­gine room main bat­tery ware­house. The ag­gre­gate ca­pac­i­ties of five elec­tro­mag­net­ism, have been 2.2 kilo­watt-hours of de­gree.
Four pro­pellers, each power is 300 W, four pro­pellers added to achieve 1.2 kW, one hour must con­sume 1.2 de­grees elec­tric quan­tity.
[Shadow Dragon] also has On-board Com­puter, Dis­tance-mea­sur­ing Radar, mon­i­tors the cam­era, these also need to con­sume the elec­tric quan­tity, in ad­di­tion has al­most 500 W, is one hour 0.5 de­gree elec­tric quan­tity.

Elec­tric quan­tity grand total of [Shadow Dragon] one hour of con­sump­tion is 1.7 kilo­watt-hours, the total elec­tric quan­tity also re­main­ing 0.5 kilo­watt-hours, ap­prox­i­mately can sup­port more than ten min­utes of flight times.
The max­i­mum-range 80 min­utes, are the quite ideal sit­u­a­tions!

Round of Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery has 1600 joules en­ergy merely, re­gard­ing hav­ing [Shadow Dragon] of close 8 Mil­lion Joule en­ergy, why launches one time, needs to re­duce 1 minute of range ap­prox­i­mately?
Di­vides total count-down ac­cord­ing to the total en­ergy, prob­a­bly the 8 Mil­lion Joule en­ergy, di­vides about 80 min­utes of range time, prob­a­bly con­sumes the 100,000 joule every minute.

100,000 joule and 1600 joules, was dis­par­ity too big a point?
In ef­fect it is not so, as a re­sult of re­stric­tion(s) of craft, ma­te­r­ial re­stric­tion(s), as well as minia­tur­iza­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery struc­ture re­stric­tion(s), the lorentz force and ef­fi­ciency of mag­ne­tore­sis­tive ef­fect switch­ing en­ergy is very low!
Merely 1.6 con­ver­sion rates, are also noth­ing un­usual!

After lis­ten­ing to the ex­pla­na­tion of Li Cai, Shi Lei coughed, asked: „Lit­tle Plum, in brief a few words, Minia­ture Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery in the fu­ture, very big pro­moted space?”
„En! can say! pro­moted of tech­ni­cal and craft that as we mas­ter, bet­ter ma­te­r­ial in­vest­ment, as well as more ad­vanced frame. Our Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, fi­nally be­come more and more fierce!” Li Cai con­fi­dent start to talk.

Shi Lei claps say­ing: „This I felt re­lieved! Lit­tle Plum, in­stalls first this Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, I must ex­per­i­ment the ex­per­i­ment per­son­ally, for­mi­da­ble ac­tu­ally has a look at its might!”
In­stalls the Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery process to be quick, Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, is MP7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun, has used Mod­u­lar De­sign.
So long as is stan­dard Mod­ule, load that only needs to cor­re­spond, sev­eral min­utes can ac­com­plish!

Li Cai has spent 78 min­utes of ap­pear­ance, then in­stalls in Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery and [Shadow Dragon] to­gether, but also has in­spected, after con­firmed does not have issue, to the Shi Lei start to talk: „Big Brother Stone, did not have issue!”
Shi Lei ex­am­ined ECH Sys­tem feed­back elec­tric quan­tity in­for­ma­tion, 76 elec­tric quan­ti­ties, can per­sist in fly­ing ap­prox­i­mately for more than 50 min­utes.

Along with the lift-off of [Shadow Dragon], Shi Lei con­trols [Shadow Dragon] to fly from the liv­ing room, flew to out­side World.
Li Cai said anx­iously: „Big Brother Stone, the Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery might is very big, do you pre­pare to test its might with what?”.

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