Tuesday, October 24, 2017

329: Latent big Danger!

Shuanghu Dis­trict, long-dis­tance motor sta­tion, in re­mote small lane.
Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice De­part­ment med­ical ex­am­iner, pre­lim­i­nary re­view the sit­u­a­tions of three vic­tims. And looks like the Twenty-seven eight male med­ical ex­am­in­ers, opens the mouth to say to Chen Guan­gliang: „Leader Chen, two vic­tims strike fa­tally, the cir­cu­lar solid steel ball, has passed through the heart of vic­tim di­rectly. An­other vic­tim, the mor­tal wound sim­i­larly is the chest heart, but the in­jury of waist should cre­ate first. After all the mur­derer is im­pos­si­ble to kill peo­ple first, lat­ter again to­ward waist fire.”

Chen Guan­gliang nod­ded slightly, „can cal­cu­late that the muz­zle ki­netic en­ergy of steel ball? Or can de­ter­mine these steel balls, ac­tu­ally be what east and west|thing to launch? Has the ri­fling?”
„Leader Chen, these steel balls, as well as in the wound, do not have the sul­fide aura, should not be the firearm(s) launch. The steel ball sur­face is very smooth, does not have the func­tion of ri­fling. The scene had not found any sus­pi­cious goods, or is the car­tridge case. Un­able to Judge these steel balls, ac­tu­ally how launch. If must de­scribe that the launch­ing modes of these steel balls, do not know Leader Chen does have to look at X-Men?” The male med­ical ex­am­iner asked.

Chen Guan­gliang nods, „what re­la­tions this and does X-Men have?”
„Mag­neto!” The med­ical ex­am­iner re­minded one. „Per­haps these steel balls, by Mag­neto that abil­ity, di­rectly send! Ac­cord­ing to my Ex­pe­ri­ence, as well as wound de­ter­mine of vic­tim, the ini­tial ki­netic en­er­gies of these steel balls, should be be­tween 1400-2000 joules. The so for­mi­da­ble ki­netic en­ergy, does not have any sul­fide re­mains, I can only think of Mag­neto!” The med­ical ex­am­iner was say­ing hu­mor­ously.

Chen Guan­gliang beck­oned with the hand, „brings back to Po­lice Bu­reau the corpses of three vic­tims, fur­ther car­ries on in­ves­ti­gate!”
Huo Chen walks sud­denly, com­plex­ion some aper­tures of feel­ing help­less said: „Cap­tain, looked up in­for­ma­tion of these three vic­tims. Is wanted kid­naps and sells the pop­u­la­tion com­pletely Fugi­tive, but their tar­get of this kid­nap­ping and sell­ing, looked up sim­i­larly. child parental cur­rently catches up at the same night.”

„Kid­naps and sells the pop­u­la­tion Fugi­tive? Our sus­pects, good per­son who as­sists our Po­lice at­tack crime?” Chen Guan­gliang sneers.
Huo Chen has not spo­ken.
„Huo Chen, you go to in­ves­ti­gate in­ves­ti­gate Shi Lei, where has a look at his yes­ter­day in the evening!” Chen Guan­gliang opens the mouth to tell di­rectly.

The Huo Chen doubts said puz­zled: „Does Leader Chen, why want in­ves­ti­gate Shi Lei?”
„Hēng! Shuanghu Dis­trict, only then that fel­low is not law-abid­ing! Per­haps this case has any con­tact with him, you go to in­ves­ti­gate freely he, takes the Ouyang Xiang same place, he will not have the re­volt.” Chen Guan­gliang held Shi Lei's life gate ac­tu­ally.
„En, I knew!” Huo Chen re­ceives an order im­me­di­ately.

per­son­nel of ev­i­dence col­lec­tion branch, col­lects the ev­i­dence after the scene, to Chen Guan­gliang re­ports say­ing: „Leader Chen, the ev­i­dence of scene, col­lected. After the care­ful sur­vey, the scene has not dis­cov­ered the sus­pi­cious residuum, foot­print and tire seal. Does not have other dis­tinct ev­i­dence.”

Chen Guan­gliang as if al­ready ex­pected such sit­u­a­tion, he can­not help but re­mem­bered that night, first time saw the [The Steel and Iron] scene, is it pos­si­ble that was that flight weapon?
Thinks after this pos­si­bil­ity, Chen Guan­gliang makes the ev­i­dence col­lec­tion branch Po­lice get down, he gives the im­me­di­ate su­pe­rior im­me­di­ately, Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice De­part­ment First Vice-chief Xiang Yangchun tele­phones.

After Chen Guan­gliang has re­ported the sit­u­a­tion, Xiang Yangchun re­sponded to one, „I knew, I will feed back to City Bu­reau, you con­tinue in­ves­ti­gate!”
Hung up the tele­phone, Xiang Yangchun im­me­di­ately the call to Bai Qiang, sim­i­larly in­tro­duced the Shuanghu Dis­trict sit­u­a­tion, in­quired: „Chief Bai, you said that this case, can be Shi Lei do?”

Bai Qiang does not dare def­i­nitely, „Lit­tle Xiang, this mat­ter, you to let Chen Guan­gliang ac­cord­ing to nor­mal pro­ce­dure in­ves­ti­gate. As for Shi Lei that side, I ask him!”
Under the jet black cur­tain of night, is con­ceal­ing too much Dark.

Bai Qiang has not given Shi Lei to tele­phone im­me­di­ately, after con­sid­er­ing, Bai Qiang de­cided that Sec­ond Heav­ens (next day) in­quired Shi Lei again. He wants to give Chen Guan­gliang time, if Chen Guan­gliang looks up to be re­lated with Shi Lei, that does not need Bai Qiang to go into ac­tion.

If Chen Guan­gliang can­not look up to be re­lated with Shi Lei, Bai Qiang asks, how re­gard­less of Shi Lei replied that Bai Qiang can also con­ceal.
The Christ­mas Eve night, in not safe passed. Sec­ond Heav­ens (next day), in De­cem­ber twenty on the 5 th, West­ern tra­di­tional cul­ture Christ­mas Hol­i­day. Along with the in­va­sion of cul­ture, as the hol­i­day that a ship comes, Christ­mas Hol­i­day in Xia Na­tion is oc­cu­py­ing more and more heavy sta­tus.

Shi Lei does not like these for­eign hol­i­days, solemn are Great Xia Na­tion, the com­mem­o­rable hol­i­day how many? Why can pur­sue the for­eign hol­i­day?
Around 9 : 00 am, Bai Qiang sits in Of­fice, is ex­am­in­ing yes­ter­day in the evening ma­li­ciously the progress of mur­der case. This case not any progress, does not have any ev­i­dence.

All con­form to the Shi Lei's at­ti­tude, does not leave be­hind any ev­i­dence!
Bai Qiang picks up the phone, had found the Shi Lei's num­ber, has di­aled the past to Shi Lei. After wait­ing for Shi Lei puts through, Bai Qiang first opens the mouth say­ing: „Buddy Shi, I want to ask your issue!”

Shi Lei con­nected the Bai Qiang call, in the heart has been pon­der­ing se­cretly, Bai Qiang should to in­quire the Christ­mas Eve mur­der case.
„Elder Brother Bai, has any issue, you asked!” Per­for­mance that the Shi Lei ex­pres­sion na­ture, the least bit has not had a guilty con­science.
„Buddy Shi, I di­rectly asked! Is yes­ter­day evening's mat­ter, you are done?” Bai Qiang not po­lite, in­quiry frankly.

Shi Lei de­nied im­me­di­ately: „Elder Brother Bai, what you said is the re­portage, Christ­mas Eve mur­der case? hēi hēi, Elder Brother Bai, our re­la­tions, al­though is very good. But the words can­not speak ir­re­spon­si­bly ca­su­ally, oth­er­wise I must con­sider you to slan­der as be­fore!”
Bai Qiang says with a smile: „Buddy Shi, I just ca­su­ally ask! Right, do you know that who that case pos­si­bly does?”

Shi Lei along with tastes: „Does not know! The news re­ported that three peo­ple are human traf­fick­ing Right? this per­son die pity in­suf­fi­cient! Your Po­lice, can ask that Shuanghu Dis­trict hood­lum, their news are often quicker than you!”
Bai Qiang and Shi Lei they chat­ted again, then has hung up the tele­phone.

Shuangqing City Bu­reau, in Bai Qiang Of­fice, in the Bai Qiang eye re­veals the vi­sion of think­ing. ‚This mat­ter, mostly is [Black Hand] under Shi Lei! Just, ac­tu­ally does this fel­low achieve? Is it pos­si­ble that what ad­vanced weapon did he de­velop?’

Shi Lei puts down the tele­phone in hand, hēi hēi sneers, did he pos­si­bly ac­knowl­edge Christ­mas Eve the mur­der case?
Was held called the crime, not the held mat­ter, can only be called the sus­pi­cion!

Wo Sang Na­tion, For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, [Am­at­erasu] Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Group.
For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, al­to­gether is grasp­ing two Cyber Se­cu­rity or­ga­ni­za­tions. One is Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, is called jfs. An­other is [Am­at­erasu] Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Group, is called [Am­at­erasu].

These two Cyber Se­cu­rity or­ga­ni­za­tions, al­though in For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, but the di­vi­sion of labor is clear, each other has ** op­er­a­tive norm, as well as net­work com­bat tar­get.

be­cause jfs ob­tained the Oda Shizuna in­for­ma­tion, they put FBI to be in charge of Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor whole­heart­edly, on this clue.

[Am­at­erasu] Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Group, after in­ves­ti­gate a FBI clue, al­though ob­tained some small issue, but dis­cov­ered that jfs after in­ves­ti­gate FBI, does not du­pli­cate to con­sume for the re­sources, they shifted on tar­get [Mr. M].

even though Shi Lei has a se­ries lay­out, lets the [Mr. M] sus­pi­cion, low­ered a quite low de­gree. But the Kana­gawa Pre­fec­ture big earth­quake mat­ter, af­fects and loses is too big, any clue, Wo Sang Na­tion will not let off.
[Mr. M] as be­fore is their in­ves­ti­gate ob­jects. As the in­ves­ti­gate ob­ject, after the [Am­at­erasu] ef­fort, they had found some clues, these clues have aimed at Xia Na­tion aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany.

If looked up aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany, per­haps con­nec­tion be­tween Shi Lei and [Mr. M], is known by [Am­at­erasu] Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Group. Once their con­firmed Shi Lei is [Mr. M] agent, per­haps will make some un­friendly mat­ter.
All these, Shi Lei has not known tem­porar­ily!

Shi Lei at this mo­ment, quiet in Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Catch­ing Pro­gram source code sea World, from Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Catch­ing Pro­gram Up­grade to Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, will soon want ac­com­plish.
Once the code num­ber is dbre Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine ac­com­plish, Plan about Metal Ex­oskele­ton, then can the true putting on pro­gram.
Metal Ex­oskele­ton Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, if uses Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Catch­ing Pro­gram, is un­able to meet the de­sign re­quire­ments. Only then with the aid of dbre Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, Real-time Dy­namic Sim­u­la­tion tech­nol­ogy, pos­si­ble ac­com­plish.

So-called Real-time Dy­namic Sim­u­la­tion Tech­nol­ogy, is one type can the dummy man Dy­namic Be­hav­ior tech­nol­ogy, through this tech­nol­ogy, then can let the Metal Ex­oskele­ton agree­ing with human body, the op­er­a­tion of con­ve­nient human body.
For ex­am­ple on Dy­namic Be­hav­ior of stair­case, if uses Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Catch­ing Pro­gram, is un­able ac­com­plish this order. But use Real-time Dy­namic Sim­u­la­tion Tech­nol­ogy, then can feed back to Metal Ex­oskele­ton, what Dy­namic Be­hav­ior needs to re­al­ize, move­ment that can ac­com­plish go up­stairs.

Through the built-in com­puter analy­sis, Real-time Dy­namic Sim­u­la­tion Tech­nol­ogy, the au­to­mated analy­sis the order of Metal Ex­oskele­ton cor­re­spon­dence, lets ad­here to stick co­here Metal Ex­oskele­ton Com­bat­ant, bet­ter op­er­a­tion Metal Ex­oskele­ton.

But this analy­sis order, only de­pends on built-in com­puter, per­haps some trou­ble­some. At the ap­pointed time should need the data con­nec­tion, mo­men­tar­ily sup­ports Metal Ex­oskele­ton through more in­tre­pid ex­te­rior com­puter, built-in com­puter processes the final out­come merely.
Lin'an Un­der­ground Base, be­cause is only im­ple­ment Metal Ex­oskele­ton Plan, more­over dis­patched nu­mer­ous staff per­son­nel to come from Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict.

Un­der­ground Base Sec­ond Level, has es­tab­lished per­fect Lab­o­ra­tory, as well as other in­fra­struc­tures of cur­rently con­struc­tion. These in­fra­struc­tures, es­tab­lish the prepa­ra­tion of process line for later.
Dong Guoguo in­deed is a tal­ented per­son, Shi Lei Robot Plan, Metal Ex­oskele­ton Plan has given Dong Guoguo, in the short time, he has stud­ied quite many achieve­ments un­ex­pect­edly.

Li Yuan stands in Dong Guoguo be­hind, looks on the Dong Guoguo com­puter, was sim­i­lar to Eu­rope mid­dle ages armor east and west|thing, opened the mouth to ask: „Big Uncle Dong, is this Metal Ex­oskele­ton armor that you de­sign?”.

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