Wednesday, October 25, 2017

343: Concrete cooperation plan

King­soft from small Com­pany of legal pro­ceed­ing, the growth is Xia Na­tion net­work il­lus­tri­ous es­tab­lished crack force Com­pany, the Qiu Bojun merit is very big.
front desk wel­comed guests to size up a Shi Lei meet­ing, fi­nally nod­ded say­ing: „Hello, Mr. Shi Lei, Chief Qiu cur­rently Of­fice Mod­er­ate you. Please di­rectly ride the high-level el­e­va­tor to go to 19 build­ings, after leav­ing the el­e­va­tor, turns left, the end lo­cates ex­actly as stated Chief Qiu Of­fice.” Say­ing, front desk was wel­com­ing guests to put out a blue work iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, gave Shi Lei, ex­plained: „Mr. Shi, this is your pass.”

King­soft as well-known Com­pany, the in­ter­nal Safety com­plete mech­a­nism, does not have the work iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, or is the pass, by the Se­cu­rity per­son­nel in­quiry.
Shi Lei re­ceived the blue pass, hung on the neck con­ve­niently, ac­cord­ing to prompt that front desk wel­comed guests, rode the high-level el­e­va­tor di­rectly, went to most top layer 19 build­ings.

In the high-level el­e­va­tor, per­ma­nent rep­re­sen­ta­tive Se­cu­rity per­son­nel, he looked at a Shi Lei's pass un­ex­pect­edly, stand­ing of quiet in the cor­ner. Shi Lei presses down the keys of 19 build­ings, they have not spo­ken.
The el­e­va­tor stopped in 19 build­ings, Shi Lei went out of the el­e­va­tor door, ac­cord­ing to prompt that front desk wel­comed guests, be­fore ar­riv­ing at the Qiu Bojun Of­fice gate, knocked on a door.

„Come in!” The calm sound, passed from Of­fice to­gether. Shi Lei has opened the Of­fice door, walked.
Qiu Bojun Forty just crossed not to have many, when the ma­ture age, the en­er­getic ten­dency is very good, on the micro fat face, is hav­ing the smil­ing face.

„If I have not guessed wrong, you should be Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany Mr. Shi Lei? Re­ally is young and promis­ing, mak­ing me be sur­prised!” Qiu Bojun first opens the mouth, in the ex­pres­sion is hav­ing fla­vor be­tween a Friend.
Shi Lei says with a smile: „Chief Qiu true has the achieve­ment! King­soft is our Xia Na­tion, most Out­stand­ing net­work Com­pany, this is the Chief Qiu merit!”

Qiu Bojun hā hā has smiled, „can ob­tain the com­men­da­tion of Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany, our King­soft is hon­ored ut­most! Right, Mr. Shi, out­side hearsay, your com­pany is going to in­vest on 10 mil­lion USD, builds to de­velop a game of epochal?”

In Shi Lei heart one happy, Qiu Bojun first men­tioned the mat­ter of game, this ex­plained that King­soft re­gard­ing the co­op­er­a­tion of both sides, was is not not in­ter­ested, then both sides on hav­ing co­op­er­a­tion base.
„Chief Qiu, this ac­tu­ally hearsay, but is the real mat­ter! In­ter­Serv In­ter­na­tional and orig­i­nal Crazy Boyz, have joined us in dif­fer­ent ways.” Shi Lei il­lus­trated with a smile.

Qiu Bojun ex­pres­sion un­changed, „is the Mr. Shi goal our King­soft Soft­ware Xis­hanju?”
Shi Lei nods, „right! I can dis­close that a news gives Chief Qiu, the game of our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy this de­vel­op­ment, will be the Wuxia move­ment class, Xis­hanju in the de­vel­op­ment of tra­di­tional Wuxia as­pect, quite will have Ex­pe­ri­ence.”

„Mr. Shi, you told me these, did not fear that I did sit the start­ing price?” Qiu Bojun faint smile looks at Shi Lei, he sud­denly has some being in­ter­ested re­gard­ing Shi Lei, after all be­fore the ne­go­ti­a­tions start, ex­poses the goal, this suf­fers a loss to Shi Lei very much.
Shi Lei stares at Qiu Bojun, hā hā is smil­ing, „why do I want to be afraid? Be­cause you are Qiu Bojun, I be­lieve your moral be­hav­ior!”
In the Qiu Bojun eye re­veals a none re­main­ing, the busi­ness cir­cle, is Game Cir­cle, is very high re­gard­ing the ap­praisal of Qiu Bojun. Later gen­er­a­tion 2011 time, King­soft Soft­ware to de­tain the Xis­hanju tal­ented per­son team, has put out the Xis­hanju 20 stocks on own ini­tia­tive, mak­ing the Xis­hanju Core team sub­scribe. Only de­pend­ing on this point, can look at Qiu Bojun, is not one is small-minded, man of tak­ing ad­van­tage of some­body.

„Thank Mr. Shi to look to my high that did not know Mr. Shi, how planned to co­op­er­ate with our King­soft?” Qiu Bojun re­veals wipes the in­quiry of smil­ing face to say.
yes­ter­day in the evening, Shi Lei in the mind, had con­sid­ered the en­tire night, ac­tu­ally uses any ap­proaches to co­op­er­a­tion and King­soft, Xis­hanju co­op­er­ates.

The King­soft cap­i­tal is strong, the Xis­hanju tech­no­log­i­cal strength is not weak, es­pe­cially this year, their Jian Xia Qing Yuan on­line edi­tion, have ob­tained the huge suc­cess in South­east Asia. It may be said that achieves both fame and for­tune, cur­rently arranges the Jian Xia Qing Yuan on­line edi­tion 2 de­vel­op­ment.
Wish makes King­soft com­ply with Xis­hanju, joins the Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany game de­vel­op­ment team, this is very with­out doubt dif­fi­cult to be very dif­fi­cult. But Shi Lei also has own lethal card!

„Chief Qiu, I want by your com­mer­cial vi­sion, to guess that sev­eral points, the game that our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy will soon de­velop, ac­tu­ally will adopt what op­er­at­ing mode. By such op­er­at­ing mode, Chief Qiu thinks that our games, can sweep across the en­tire games mar­ket?” Shi Lei is bring­ing an in­tense self-con­fi­dence , to con­tinue say­ing: „Lets Xis­hanju, dur­ing the par­tic­i­pa­tion such great game de­vel­op­ment, re­gard­ing the King­soft rep­u­ta­tion, as well as the Xis­hanju com­mer­cial value, has big pro­moted!”

Qiu Bojun shook the head, „in­suf­fi­cient! These ben­e­fits are in­suf­fi­cient! Mr. Shi, in front of our sighted peo­ple did not speak the code words, re­gard­less of your Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, ac­tu­ally must de­velop how ad­vanced, the how for­mi­da­ble game, that is also the game of your Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy. Our King­soft, be­sides fish­ing some rep­u­ta­tions, pro­duc­tion cost any­thing, is noth­ing to speak of rad­i­cally.”
Re­gard­ing the re­sponse of Qiu Bojun, Shi Lei is not ac­ci­den­tal, he is only light smil­ing, „Chief Qiu, your Gold Moun­tain does as­pect, what co­op­er­a­tion plan want?”

Qiu Bojun frowned slightly, „, if our Gold Moun­tain as­pect wants copy­right, that is sim­i­lar to Pixel Soft is ab­solutely same, sim­ply doesn't have the lee­way that the least bit can dis­cuss, isn't that right?”
The Shi Lei look shrinks slightly, Shi Lei yes­ter­day and Pixel Soft two Founder, merely are only un­of­fi­cial meet­ing, un­ex­pect­edly is also known by King­soft, it seems like King­soft in­tel­li­gence net­work, quite pow­er­ful!

„Chief Qiu is ac­tu­ally well-in­formed! Pixel Soft ap­proached Big Pen­guin, nat­u­rally could not have a lik­ing for our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy. More­over, Pixel Soft wants the leader re­search and de­vel­op­ment power un­ex­pect­edly, per­haps re­gard­ing on 10 mil­lion USD game pro­ject, Pixel Soft did not have that con­trol abil­ity!” Shi Lei de­spis­ing grate­fully said.
Nod that Qiu Bojun sec­onds the mo­tion, „the Pixel Soft strength is good, but after they have made progress, in­deed a lit­tle not the fla­vor that the com­mon peo­ple pay at­ten­tion.”

„Chief Qiu, your King­soft Soft­ware?” Shi Lei in­quiry just right, re­minded Qiu Bojun do not ex­pect copy­right issue. About the game that has not ap­peared on the mar­ket, Shi Lei must it grasp in the hand, does not allow any­body to bribe.
Qiu Bojun has smiled, on the micro fat face, is bring­ing sim­ple and hon­est, but he is ac­tu­ally very as­tute. „Mr. Shi, our King­soft Soft­ware, is nat­u­rally im­pos­si­ble is sim­i­lar to Pixel Soft is the same. Our re­quests are very sim­ple, is very rea­son­able.”
„Such being the case, that said your re­quests!” Shi Lei in­quired.

„Mr. Shi, I told you first some, our King­soft Soft­ware sit­u­a­tion, al­low­ing you to un­der­stand our King­soft Soft­ware strength.” Qiu Bojun to Shi Lei one cup of min­eral water, has placed on the tea table be­fore Shi Lei body on own ini­tia­tive but ac­tu­ally.
Shi Lei po­lite sip, has then put, is wait­ing for Qiu Bojun, shows the King­soft strength.

„Mr. Shi, our King­soft, at pre­sent al­to­gether five game R &\; D teams, is most fa­mous, ex­actly as stated Xis­hanju that the per­son knows widely. This team was es­tab­lished in 1995, some­times has passed through 11 years to this year, the tech­no­log­i­cal strength, was the per­son­nel re­serve, was our King­soft strongest game de­vel­op­ment team!” Qiu Bojun some­what proud was say­ing.
Shi Lei has not spo­ken, quiet wait­ing as fol­lows.

„Be­sides Xis­hanju, our ten­able Sec­ond game de­vel­op­ment team is In­ferno Stu­dios, the ten­able time was in Sep­tem­ber, 2003, has passed until now also through three years, the strength was quite good. A Third team was in May, 2004, in Rongcheng City ten­able Aden Stu­dios, cur­rently Aden Stu­dios, had over 200 peo­ple of de­vel­op­ment teams, the strength was quite for­mi­da­ble.” On the Qiu Bojun face the smil­ing face is un­ceas­ing, these game Stu­dio, are he re­sists op­po­si­tion to form com­pletely, at pre­sent is just the King­soft Cre­ate huge profit.

„Fourth game team is Jing­cai Stu­dios, King­soft Branch Com­pany sit­u­ated in Beigang, al­though this team is es­tab­lished in May of this year, but the strength of this team can­not be un­der­es­ti­mated. Last team, is our se­cret teams, but I can dis­close to Mr. Shi. This team named Shang­shui Pavil­ion, de­vel­oper has been over 300 peo­ple, Sec­ond of the over­all strength in sit­u­ated in five teams, has sur­passed the rag­ing fire team com­pre­hen­sively!”

Shang­shui Pavil­ion this team, after hav­ing been es­tab­lished, then hid­den in se­cretly, had not ap­peared be­fore the com­mon peo­ple, but its strength is very strong.
„Five teams, all de­vel­oper are over 1000 peo­ple, about 70% per­son­nel, em­ployed Ex­pe­ri­ence has sur­passed for two years! Mr. Shi, does such team, you also sat­isfy?” Look that Qiu Bojun has vic­tory in the hand, self-con­fi­dent looks at Shi Lei.

In the Shi Lei heart sighed one darkly, he was not Game Cir­cle re­lated per­son­nel, re­ally has looked down on the King­soft strength!
The so for­mi­da­ble strength, has sur­mounted Ob­ject Soft­ware com­pletely.
If can the King­soft five game teams, dur­ing the de­vel­op­ment of com­plete in­vest­ment new game, Shi Lei be even con­fi­dent, will play to man­u­fac­ture newly within three months!

But these five game teams are the King­soft fam­ily prop­erty, Qiu Bojun are will­ing to hand over com­pletely, lends Shi Lei?
Ac­cord­ing to the nor­mal sit­u­a­tion analy­sis, Qiu Bojun is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble, five game de­vel­op­ment teams, lends Shi Lei com­pletely. After all King­soft has many games to need to de­velop sim­i­larly, es­pe­cially they in the South­east Asia mar­ket, have made very good progress, they not the ben­e­fit that is pos­si­ble such to give up ob­tain, then goes to the game that has not ap­peared on the mar­ket.

„Chief Qiu, to be hon­est, I have un­der­es­ti­mated your strength se­ri­ously! Five game de­vel­op­ment teams, are re­ally the great writ­ers! If such de­vel­op­ment team, I am un­sat­is­fied, what that can also sat­isfy? En­tire Xia Na­tion, the King­soft game de­vel­op­ment team, ab­solutely is the lead­ing Boss po­si­tion!” Shi Lei does not have opin­ion of syco­phancy, but was say­ing whole­heart­edly.

As for Big Pen­guin, The9 and Giant net­work wait / etc., they many games are only proxy, the game of over­seas de­vel­op­ment, proxy en­ters the home!
„Chief Qiu, said that what con­di­tion your Gold Moun­tain does want?” Shi Lei sets firm re­solve se­cretly, so long as King­soft is not too ex­ces­sive, that promises them!.

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