Wednesday, October 25, 2017

348: Core difficulty

Emer­ald Lake Guest­house, con­fer­ence room.
By Shi Lei as the con­fer­ence of lead­er­ship, the prepa­ra­tion dis­cussed that de­vel­ops Plan issue. In­quired fac­ing Shi Lei's that the peo­ple im­merse in the con­tent of de­vel­op­ment plan­ning doc­u­ment, does not know how should reply Shi Lei's issue.

The de­vel­op­ment plan writes very in de­tail, each needs to make any­thing, how all kinds Mod­ule needs to sep­a­rate im­ple­ment, com­pletely by de­tailed Plan.
For ex­am­ple Sys­tem Story Task(s) de­sign, de­tailed dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion. For ex­am­ple First chap­ter, ‚Brave's Be­gin­ning’ Story Task(s). Even if First chap­ter Brave's Be­gin­ning Story Task(s), but must sub­di­vide is Daily Task(s) and mas­ter line Story Task(s) and High Grade lim­its the quan­tity Task and hide­away only Task, as well as wicked in­ter­est im­pos­si­ble ac­com­plish Task.
These Task, will give the dif­fer­ent per­son­nel de­signs, to help speed­ing up the game de­vel­op­ment ad­vance­ment and se­cu­rity need.

For ex­am­ple the NPC In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem set­ting, ini­tially must be di­vided into three cat­e­gories again. The First cat­e­gory is plot NPC, NPC of this cat­e­gory, the in­tel­li­gent de­gree of de­mand is higher. Be­cause of these NPC, must also in­quire fac­ing multi- Gamer that needs the high in­tel­lec­tu­al­iza­tion.

Life NPC of Sec­ond cat­e­gory, these NPC are the em­bell­ish­ments of game, will not have the fixed plot, will not have fixed Task, even does not have the fixed func­tion, but in­creases char­ac­ter­is­tics NPC for the game, the in­tel­li­gent de­gree that they need, slightly is lower than plot NPC. But life NPC of char­ac­ter­is­tics, for ex­am­ple will trig­ger Task NPC ran­domly, then needs the plot NPC same in­tel­li­gence sim­i­larly, even higher in­tel­li­gence!

Third cat­e­gory NPC, is fight NPC, the in­tel­li­gence that the bailiff who for ex­am­ple Brig­and of open coun­try, block­ing the way evil tyrant, keeps the peace, as well as NPC school mem­ber, spe­cial NPC Ex­pert wait / etc., these NPC need is higher, even these NPC, will also have pre­lim­i­nary good and evil de­ter­mine wait / etc..

NPC in­tel­li­gent set­ting, is a huge work, not only needs high-tech, but also needs the co­or­di­na­tion of multi- per­son­nel.
As for other Sys­tem, sim­i­larly quite com­plex. Over­all, «Brave's World» is ten points tests the game of tech­nol­ogy.
The NPC image de­sign, sim­i­larly is a huge work, the NPC quan­tity of en­tire game, the Shi Lei pre­lim­i­nary es­ti­mate will sur­pass the Hun­dred-thou­sand name.

Re­gard­ing «Brave's World», Shi Lei re­quests to strive for per­fec­tion, ex­actly as stated Brig­and and evil tyrant such, must not achieve ap­ply­ing opera makeup.
As for plot NPC, spe­cial life NPC, High Grade fight NPC, does not per­mit the re­dun­dant styles of makeup ab­solutely, only if the plot spe­cial need, for ex­am­ple the twin, or is the per­son of skin mask.

player char­ac­ter char­ac­ter 3 D model, Shi Lei has an idea of van­guard, that through the cam­era, col­lects the Gamer real ap­pear­ance, then in­te­grates in Sys­tem 3 D model. Then, can cease the birth of trans­ves­tite ac­count num­ber to a great ex­tent. Nat­u­rally, some ap­pear­ance un­sat­is­fac­tory Gamer , after can the con­firmed sex, with ap­pear­ance that Sys­tem pro­vides, can use own ap­pear­ance, then ad­justs.

Char­ac­ter char­ac­ter acts Sys­tem, this is huge and com­plex Sys­tem, how for ex­am­ple game char­ac­ter leaves the move, Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, how the Seize Gamer move­ment, the cor­re­spon­dence feeds back in «Brave's World».

«Brave's World» is Wuxia World, in­side char­ac­ter, being doomed can make some ex­ag­ger­at­ing the mat­ters, for ex­am­ple flies up to the eaves and walls.
Such be­hav­ior, Re­al­ity Gamer in any event, can­not do, then Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, how does solve such cor­re­spond­ing issue?
This is a biggest Core dif­fi­culty of game!
As for game goods Mod­ule, in­stead is a sim­ple work, the work that but needs to do are more.

After Shi Lei con­sid­ers re­peat­edly, is open­ing the mouth to say to Qiu Bojun: „Chief Qiu, your King­soft five game de­vel­op­ment teams are very for­mi­da­ble, the image de­sign about NPC, NPC In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, as well as Gamer 3 D model, to­gether how gives you to man­u­fac­ture?”

King­soft five game Stu­dio per­son-in-charge, in the con­fer­ence room, Qiu Bojun knit the brows com­pletely slightly, the NPC image de­sign and Gamer 3 D model, ab­solutely is not the dif­fi­cult mat­ter.
Even if the NPC image, will achieve above Hun­dred-thou­sand, most also spends the nu­mer­ous time, but can also do. Gamer 3 D model, al­though the Gamer ap­pear­ance cus­tomiz­ing, re­al­izes to have some dif­fi­cul­ties, may not be con­sid­ered as that the too big trou­ble, so long as is will­ing to put in the strength, this issue can be solved.

Only NPC In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, ab­solutely is one ** both­er­some. To to sur­pass Hun­dred-thou­sand NPC, de­signs In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, this sim­ply is one huge to the set­ting of non- limit.
„Shi Lei, our King­soft, can only say as far as pos­si­ble ac­com­plish. NPC In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem is too com­plex, our King­soft will strive as far as pos­si­ble!” Qiu Bojun has one not to be in­def­i­nite.

Al­though King­soft the strength is very strong, but wants to achieve that de­gree, rather the strength falls short.
Shi Lei also knows that the King­soft bot­tom line, he nod­ded, „Chief Qiu, as far as pos­si­ble!”

„Relax! Our King­soft five game de­vel­op­ment teams, all began dur­ing the de­vel­op­ment of «Brave's World», we must make con­tri­bu­tion!” The Qiu Bojun re­sponse said.

Sim­i­lar to Qiu Bojun says, King­soft all the strengths of game de­vel­op­ment, put in «Brave's World», they im­pos­si­ble to crack a joke with their des­tiny.
Shi Lei nods, then turns the head to look at Yu Li­quan, „Chief Yu, the game goods tem­plate, as well as the all kinds goods pa­ra­me­ter, gives you In­ter­Serv In­ter­na­tional, has issue?”

The game goods tem­plate, de­signs ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's, has the nu­mer­ous goods, but also needs In­ter­Serv In­ter­na­tional to con­sider that the de­sign in­creases con­forms to the «Brave's World» goods tem­plate and pa­ra­me­ter.
This work, al­though te­dious com­plex a point, but tech­nique con­tent as­pect, does not have no High-tech east and west|thing.

Yu Li­quan nods, he had not asked that issue of their In­ter­Serv In­ter­na­tional pro­duc­tion cost, his goal and King­soft are the same, want to ob­tain proxy right, proxy right of Trea­sure Is­land area!
„Chief Shi please feel re­lieved, our In­ter­Serv In­ter­na­tional can ac­com­plish this Task!” Com­ply­ing that Yu Li­quan treats a mat­ter se­ri­ously said.
A most es­sen­tial pro­ject, that is Sys­tem Story Task(s), this pro­ject re­lates to the ad­vance­ment of en­tire game, es­pe­cially only Hid­den Task(s), the re­ward of only Hid­den Task(s) is very rich, Shi Lei im­pos­si­ble this pro­ject, the out­sourc­ing to give other game de­vel­op­ment teams.

Once be­cause has cre­ated di­vulging a se­cret, that causes very se­ri­ous con­se­quence to «Brave's World». There­fore, Sys­tem Story Task(s), will give Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, in­nate Epic Chap­ter de­vel­op­ment team.
Even if so, Shi Lei also needs with the Epic Chap­ter de­vel­op­ment team, to sign the strict se­cu­rity treaty!

Be­sides the above major main pro­jects, some small pro­jects, Shi Lei ac­cord­ing to the dif­fi­culty de­gree of pro­ject, the cor­re­spon­dence as­signed to seven game de­vel­op­ment teams.

The en­tire con­fer­ence, con­tin­ued to ap­proach for five hours, fi­nally fin­ished. About the arrange­ment of «Brave's World», con­fesses ba­si­cally clearly, is half a month time Task progress re­port, then strives for three months to man­u­fac­ture the ac­com­plish Brave's Be­gin­ning First chap­ter, con­ducts in­ter­nal test in early April.

On the evening of 31 st, be­cause Sec­ond Heav­ens (next day) is the New Years fes­ti­val, all peo­ple do not have the thoughts to stay in Shuangqing City, there­fore Shi Lei has not de­tained, all peo­ple bring their Task to de­part.
Xie Hui and Hong Xiang re­turn to Trea­sure Is­land, when 7 years on Jan­u­ary 3, will lead Epic Chap­ter mem­ber, ar­rived in Shuangqing City, then for­mally started to con­struct the work.

Their lodg­ing issue, Shi Lei com­pletes the con­sid­er­a­tion ahead of time, by Emer­ald Lake in newly de­vel­oped a small fam­ily es­tate, Shi Lei has pre­pared the start­ing house.

The house price of 6 years of house price and later gen­er­a­tion, com­pletely is two con­cepts, this type of newly de­vel­oped es­tate, does not have the re­pair semi­fin­ished ma­te­ri­als room, only needs 1500 less than one square merely.
This small fam­ily es­tate com­mu­nity, the floor area of build­ing in 30-80 square me­ters, each four suite, ac­cord­ing to the room be­hind the main room gate num­ber from 1 to 4, the No. 1 room is 30 square me­ters small one-bed­room apart­ment, the No. 2 room is a 40 square me­ters First Year room hall, the No. 3 room is 60 squares small two-bed­room apart­ment, 4 rooms is a 80 square me­ters Lit­tle San room hall. Each total area, 210 square me­ters, is the 300,000 many point total prices.

Even if Shuanghu Dis­trict ed­u­cates the area, but the Shuanghu Dis­trict dis­tance main city is too far, in 6 years of era, the price of house can­not get up.
Be­cause of the re­la­tions of New Years fes­ti­val, Shuangqing Uni­ver­sity has a va­ca­tion, Mu Shuang and Li Cai also left Shuangqing City, re­turns to their home­town.

Shi Lei is an or­phan, al­though uncle, but that uncle is buys the soy sauce com­pletely char­ac­ter, Shi Lei does not like him, he does not like Shi Lei.
Shi Lei in the liv­ing ex­penses of High School time, Shi Lei gain in the Sun Feng com­puter shop. Does not de­pend upon the uncle who his buys the soy sauce.
In pre­vi­ous life, in­clud­ing on Uni­ver­sity ex­pense, is Shi Lei earns sim­i­larly, that has not hit soy sauce uncle's any re­la­tions.

With­out rel­a­tive, has not needed New Years any­thing.
A Shi Lei per­son in Jingya Gar­den, is study­ing the «Brave's World» op­er­at­ing mode. «Brave's World» ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's Plan, will use Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, car­ries on the Mo­tion Sens­ing Game way.

But solely de­pends upon the Mo­tion Sens­ing Game way, will cre­ate trou­ble­some, how for ex­am­ple the se­lec­tion menu ab­solutely, or use goods, as well as aim­ing wait / etc..
If in «Brave's World», game char­ac­ter wants to use item in back­pack, solely only uses Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, is al­ways im­pos­si­ble to make Gamer make a back­pack, hangs in body Right?

But if at this time, mak­ing Gamer use mouse and key­board, that very com­edy. Once «Brave's World» could not solve this to op­er­ate issue, so-called Mo­tion Sens­ing Game, a ex­actly as stated huge joke!

There­fore, Shi Lei has pre­pared Sec­ond Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, with off­set the Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine in­suf­fi­ciency, achieves truly re­al­izes the Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion goal.
Sec­ond Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem of Shi Lei prepa­ra­tion is


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