Wednesday, October 25, 2017

357: Cooperation proposition from AMD

About Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence [Ab­diel], Shi Lei knows se­cret. That se­cret was Shi Lei and [Ab­diel] stud­ies the ex­change, to in­vade to re­sist for one year, se­cret that Shi Lei found.
Per­haps in the fu­ture, Shi Lei can use that se­cret

Around 9 : 00 pm, Shi Lei placed cell phone on com­puter table to make a sound, Caller ID un­ex­pect­edly was the Li Jian Na­tion tele­phone, this made Shi Lei very amazed.
Be­cause of this, Shi Lei did not have Li Jian Na­tion Friend!
Al­though does not know that is the phone call that who makes, Shi Lei has pressed down the con­nec­tion key, in­quired with Eng­lish: „Here is Shi Lei, who is it?”

The op­po­site party hears Shi Lei pure Eng­lish, as if some­what is in a daze, then opens the mouth to say with Eng­lish: „Hello, is Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany Mr. Shi Lei?”
„Yes, are you?” Shi Lei does not un­der­stand how the op­po­site party knows his tele­phone, al­though his tele­phone has not kept se­cret spe­cially, but should not the Li Jian Na­tion per­son also know his tele­phone Right?

„Mr. Shi, hello, I am AMD Com­pany High Grade Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral Tom Cruise. Our AMD Com­pany, [Hope] and Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, carry out the co­op­er­a­tion that of­fers mu­tual ben­e­fit and achieves com­mon progress, does not know that Mr. Shi Lei does have the co­op­er­a­tion in­ten­tion?” The named Tom Cruise man, was say­ing with Eng­lish frankly.

Shi Lei hes­i­tates slightly, AMD Com­pany is en­tire World biggest CPU pro­duces one of the sell­ers, an­other is Intel. En­tire World sur­passes 99% in­di­vid­ual com­puter and Server CPU, is one of the two using.
It can be said that AMD and Intel are com­puter World Over­lord!

AMD such Ex­ceed-scale Com­pany, why will find Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany sud­denly, and pro­posed the co­op­er­a­tion?
Shi Lei in the mind, was pon­der­ing the AMD Com­pany goal, si­mul­ta­ne­ously re­sponded: „Hello, Mr. Tom Cruise, your AMD does Com­pany, how plan to co­op­er­ate with our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany?”

The AMD Com­pany cap­i­tal is huge, some con­crete many prop­er­ties, do not have de­tailed sta­tis­tics tem­porar­ily, but Shi Lei thinks a mat­ter. AMD Com­pany pur­chased fa­mous Graph­ics Card man­u­fac­turer ATI in 2006, the pur­chase cap­i­tal achieves 5.4 Bil­lion Yuan USD.

Thinks that this mat­ter, in the Shi Lei heart flashes through a thought that is it pos­si­ble that mat­ter about ATI?
In the tele­phone, Tom Cruise replied that Shi Lei said: „Per­haps Mr. Shi, you also know that our AMD Com­pany, pur­chased ATI Com­pany last year, mak­ing ATI Com­pany our AMD Wholly Owned Sub­sidiary.”

‚Re­ally for the ATI Com­pany mat­ter!’ In the Shi Lei heart plans darkly, but has not opened the mouth , to con­tinue to wait for the Tom Cruise speech.
„Mr. Shi, about ATI in the Xia Na­tion mar­ket share sit­u­a­tion, has been sur­mounted by nVIDIA. Our AMD Com­pany val­ues the Xia Na­tion mar­ket, there­fore we want to ex­pand ATI in the per­cent­age of Xia Na­tion mar­ket. There­fore, we planned that with your Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, launches a se­ries co­op­er­a­tion plan!”
Shi Lei coughs, „Mr. Tom, how do we co­op­er­ate?”

„Mr. Shi, your Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, in this year's on April 30, pro­moted named «Brave's World» epochal on­line game Right?, and on April 30 con­ducted the test of in­su­late the or­ga­ni­za­tional man­age­ment sys­tem, right?” Tom Cruise in­quired.
„Right! The news of Mr. Tom is very quick, but first time Closed Test­ing, we have not planned in Li Jian Na­tion test Plan!” Shi Lei was not say­ing in­ten­tion­ally po­litely, but he knows the Tom Cruise will not in this.

„Mr. Shi, you un­der­stood to make a mis­take, our AMD Com­pany did not want to ob­tain proxy right of Li Jian Na­tion area. Our [Hope] your com­pany, can our some Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, let us in sales high-end ATI Graph­ics Card, car­ries on the match­ing sale.” Tom Cruise an­swered.

Shi Lei un­der­stood Tom Cruise opin­ion, wants with the aid of «Brave's World», leads the sale of ATI high-end Graph­ics Card. But ATI high-end Graph­ics Card in the Xia Na­tion sales vol­ume, every day was a ter­ri­fy­ing digit, «Brave's World» can­not pro­vide that many test quo­tas!
«Brave's World» First chap­ter Brave's Be­gin­ning, Shi Lei plans to test for two months, al­to­gether pro­vides 350,000 to the 500,000 test ac­count num­ber.
The in­vest­ment of so-called 80 Mil­lion, ac­tu­ally ma­jor­ity of pur­chas­ing Game Server, only de­vel­ops the First chap­ter after all merely, how much money can spend?

If co­op­er­ates with AMD Com­pany, in ATI high-end Graph­ics Card, match­ing be­stows «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, that triv­ial three 500,000 In­vi­ta­tion Code, are ab­solutely in­suf­fi­cient!

Al­though with ATI high-end Graph­ics Card match­ing sale, is help­ful to the pro­moted «Brave's World» rep­u­ta­tion, but «Brave's World» in the Xia Na­tion fame al­ready be­yond ex­am­ple huge, does not need to want other ex­ter­nal forces to pro­mote.
„Mr. Tom, does not know that what your AMD can give us Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany to repay?” Shi Lei asked.

The so-called co­op­er­a­tion, most basic con­di­tion that is the mu­tual ben­e­fit wins!
If list as­pect find mer­cies, that called the un­equal treaty, but was not the co­op­er­a­tion. AMD wants to ob­tain «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, they should pay at least the equiv­a­lent ad­van­tage, can move Shi Lei.
„Mr. Shi, ac­cord­ing to our AMD, your Com­pany did not have «Brave's World» Server Right? our AMD Com­pany, can ac­cord­ing to the cost price, sell to your per­for­mance out­stand­ing Server.” Tom Cruise put for­ward a con­di­tion.

Server of high per­for­mance, does not want to buy buys. Al­though said foun­da­tion hard­ware, in­deed wants to buy buys, in­clud­ing Su­per­com­puter , is just many CPU cen­tral­ized in the same place, Clus­tered Server that forms, but is not sim­ple CPU gath­ers, can com­pose Su­per­com­puter.

High per­for­mance Server, is Su­per­com­puter, be­sides ex­pen­sive hard­ware, Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem that but also needs to cor­re­spond. High per­for­mance Server and Su­per­com­puter Sys­tem, is east and west|thing that keeps se­cret!
Ex­cept for for­eign com­mer­cial Server Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, other Su­per­com­puter Sys­tem, ba­si­cally are closed Sys­tem, with the aim of in­creas­ing the Safety co­ef­fi­cient.

AMD thinks that Shi Lei does not have high per­for­mance Server to take the Server use of «Brave's World», but they un­der­es­ti­mated Shi Lei!
If they sell goods at rock-bot­tom prices to Shi Lei Su­per­com­puter, Shi Lei may ac­cept their con­di­tions, but they are only un­ex­pect­edly will­ing ac­cord­ing to the cost price, to sell high per­for­mance Server to give Shi Lei, this rather some­what looked down on the per­son!
The re­sponse of Shi Lei mo­tion­less look: „You planned that what high per­for­mance Server sells to give me?”

„Su­per­com­puter!” Tom Cruise was say­ing im­pas­sioned, „es­ti­mated per­for­mance at least achieves 10 TFLop /s Su­per­com­puter!”
In the Shi Lei heart moves, al­though ac­cord­ing to the de­sign of «Brave's World», many Graph­i­cal com­pu­ta­tion treat­ing pres­sure, on client side com­puter hard­ware, but Shi Lei grand Plan, that is makes all Gamer gather in Server.
To achieve such ten­ta­tive plan, uses Su­per­com­puter to take Server, that is the es­sen­tial mat­ter! Oth­er­wise wants in Server, con­cen­trates sev­eral Hun­dred-thou­sand Gamer, com­pletely is fan­tasy story.

But wants to buy Su­per­com­puter, is not an easy mat­ter. Es­pe­cially com­pu­ta­tion speed 10 TFLop /s, this es­ti­mated per­for­mance is first hun­dred, even arranges to more than 50 Su­per­com­puter, does not want to buy can buy!
„Mr. Tom, your AMD does Com­pany, pro­vide nec­es­sary Su­per­com­puter Sys­tem?” The in­quiry that Shi Lei sup­ple­ments said. If they do not pro­vide Su­per­com­puter Sys­tem, al­though Shi Lei can also com­pile, but Shi Lei does not have the time!

The Shi Lei re­cent mat­ter are many!
Based on GMM Model of the Vocal Sys­tem, Pupil Track­ing Sys­tem, Lip-Speech Recog­ni­tion Sys­tem, Vir­tual Map con­struc­tion, Metal Ex­oskele­ton Sys­tem, even is NPC In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, fi­nally also wants Shi Lei to solve.
In ad­di­tion, a mat­ter, Shi Lei needs to process
So many mat­ters, where Shi Lei has the time, com­piles Su­per­com­puter Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem?

Su­per­com­puter Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, is not sim­ple like Num­ber One Server, can in a short time ac­com­plish. If wants Shi Lei ** ac­com­plish Su­per­com­puter Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, with­out 2-3 months, that is hav­ing a dream!
„Our AMD Com­pany, can pro­vide Su­per­com­puter Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, but needs your in­de­pen­dent to pay for the Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem work­ing cost.” The Tom Cruise re­sponse said.

The for­eigner talk way, is more di­rect, they need any­thing, can give any­thing, that di­rectly said that not hav­ing the Xia Na­tion per­son to like hit­ting the rid­dle like this.
„Mr. Tom, Su­per­com­puter adds on Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, your AMD planned how much money sell to us?” Shi Lei wants to lis­ten to the price first, if the price is in­ex­pen­sive, Shi Lei wants to start re­ally Su­per­com­puter, even if this Su­per­com­puter com­pu­ta­tion speed, is only 10 TFLop /s merely, but there is own Su­per­com­puter, can re­al­ize Shi Lei's Fan­tasy, lets «Brave's World» all Gamer, gath­ers plays at Server.

Tom Cruise has hes­i­tated the mo­ment, opens the mouth say­ing: „Mr. Shi, al­to­gether sell­ing price has some ex­pen­sive! The Su­per­com­puter price, needs two hun­dred mil­lion Xia Na­tion Yuan, Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem needs the 10 Mil­lion Xia Na­tion Yuan au­tho­rized ex­pense.”

Shi Lei re­futed di­rectly: „Mr. Tom, your AMD Com­pany sim­ply does not have the half minute co­op­er­a­tion sin­cer­ity!”
„Mr. Shi, our AMD Com­pany har­bors very sin­cere co­op­er­a­tion men­tal­ity.” Tom Cruise opens the mouth to say hastily: „The Su­per­com­puter price, so is in­deed ex­pen­sive. You can con­sult the In­dus­try re­lated sit­u­a­tion, al­though in our Li Jian Na­tion, this price will re­duce, but your Xia Na­tion must gather the high quota the cus­toms duty, this is not we can con­trol.”
Shi Lei some, but!

Xia Na­tion elec­tronic prod­ucts cus­toms duty, in 7, high scary!
„Mr. Tom, even if be­cause of issue of cus­toms duty, your AMD does not have the half minute co­op­er­a­tion sin­cer­ity. You not only want our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, and wants to sell to us your prod­ucts. Such co­op­er­a­tion plan, be­longs to your AMD list as­pect to profit Right? our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, what ad­van­tage gained?” Shi Lei has the strong ex­pres­sion to ask.


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