Saturday, November 25, 2017

845: Two younger sister gratitude and grudges, delivering Superstar!

#845: Two younger sister gratitude and grudges, delivering Superstar!
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On May 19, 10 : 00 am just passed. Emer­ald Build­ing 38 build­ings, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Tem­po­rary Head­quar­ters.
Shi Lei stopped by call­ing out Xie Hui and Hong Xiang, does in­ten­tion­ally wickedly is star­ing them, when they ar­rive at the front, Shi Lei snort sound track: „You come with me!”
Three peo­ple came to the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany con­fer­ence room, after in­side close con­fer­ence room, Shi Lei asks im­me­di­ately: „In Com­pany ex­actly what hap­pened? You said to me!”
Xie Hui and Hong Xiang lower the head, re­mained silent. This mat­ter, if said from their mouth, if were known by con­cerned party, per­haps was not the good deed.
Sees them to be silent, Shi Lei light snort, in the ex­pres­sion was bring­ing a sever­ity, „Old Xie, Old Hong, let alone you do not know the sit­u­a­tion. Just Old Xie also wants to hide me, clearly knew any mat­ter. In Com­pany, ex­actly what hap­pened, a bit faster tells me!”
Xie Hui smiles bit­terly, looks up Shi Lei, sees only the Shi Lei se­ri­ous ap­pear­ance, must reply. Xie Hui only then has no al­ter­na­tive say­ing: „Chief Shi, this mat­ter, you, so long as went to Chief Mu Of­fice to know, I and Old Hong were not clear.”
Shi Lei also wants to ask any­thing, Xie Hui first one step , to con­tinue say­ing: „Chief Shi, I and Old Hong have mat­ter pro­cess­ing, first walks one!” After say­ing, no mat­ter Xie Hui Shi Lei whether com­plies, he draws Hong Xiang to travel from the con­fer­ence room to­gether.
„Ac­tu­ally is what mat­ter?” The Shi Lei brow wrin­kles, comes out from con­fer­ence room, walks to­ward Mu Shuang Of­fice.
Ar­rived at out Mu Shuang Of­fice, Shi Lei has not been sim­i­lar to was the same in the past. Pushes the door to enter di­rectly, but stands in out of the door, the care­ful rais­ing up ear prepa­ra­tion lis­tens to in­side sit­u­a­tion. What a pity, in Mu Shuang Of­fice. Sim­ply does not have any sound to pass on. Re­gard­ing such sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei can only com­plain, ini­tially car­ried on the Of­fice re­pair time, the re­pair spec­i­fi­ca­tion of choice is too high, the sound-in­su­lated per­for­mance is too splen­did, but is un­able to lis­ten se­cretly in­side talk in out of the door.
It is not able to ob­tain use­ful in­for­ma­tion Shi Lei, dis­guised sig­nif­i­cant to pinch to shove open the Mu Shuang Of­fice wooden door. Orig­i­nally, Shi Lei has thought the in­nu­mer­able pos­si­bil­i­ties in the heart , but when he opens the Of­fice door, as be­fore by the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion. Makes some­what anx­ious.
In Mu Shuang Of­fice. Mu Shuang sits in own work po­si­tion. As if in earnest work. Just, her vi­sion al­ways un­know­ingly, flut­ters to the busi­ness meet­ing area.
Busi­ness meet­ing area. Two younger sis­ter sit­ting face-to-face, one is Ling Yumo, an­other im­pres­sively is He Wan­qiu!
Sees only Ling Yumo to stare at the He Wan­qiu vi­sion, is bring­ing thickly is un­friendly \; But He Wan­qiu looks at the Ling Yumo vi­sion, ac­tu­ally faintly the mean­ing of some­what light teas­ing.
When Shi Lei opens the door, three younger sis­ter si­mul­ta­ne­ously looked to Shi Lei, Mu Shuang com­plex­ion was calm, but looked at one, then dis­guised to take back com­puter Mon­i­tor the vi­sion, but her split vi­sion. Also is ac­tu­ally pay­ing at­ten­tion to Shi Lei.
The eye­ball of He Wan­qiu moves slightly, on the face is hav­ing the bright happy ex­pres­sion, said with a de­light­ful in­ter­est­ing to lis­ten to sound: „Lit­tle Stone, pre­vi­ous time leaves, we may not meet for a long time!” He Wan­qiu was say­ing, while moves to­ward Shi Lei.
Ling Yumo looks at Shi Lei, in the eye re­veals the doubts the ex­pres­sion, seems care­fully ex­am­in­ing Shi Lei to be the same.
When He Wan­qiu ar­rived at side Shi Lei, ex­tends both hands un­ex­pect­edly, grasped the Shi Lei's arm, said again: „Lit­tle Stone, the elder sis­ter said that you run away to the ends of the earth, will be held by the elder sis­ter. What kind, now you have de­liv­ered Right?”
He Wan­qiu said that while provo­ca­tion looks at Ling Yumo.
Ling Yumo looks at the He Wan­qiu move­ment, in heart was very un­com­fort­able, hears He Wan­qiu that to have the light am­bigu­ous sen­tence, her small face is mad red, the ex­pres­sion dis­con­tented loud­ness said: „Woman who He Wan­qiu, your this is not con­cerned about face!”
Ling Yumo ar­rived at side Shi Lei's, stares Shi Lei to ask: „Stone Mon­ster, how you and are she a mat­ter?”
Shi Lei when was grasped left hand arm by He Wan­qiu, in the heart raised not a won­der­ful feel­ing, has not waited for him to re­spond that Ling Yumo acted crazy. Fac­ing Ling Yumo of as if angry small kitty, Shi Lei face not guilty is pulling out the arm, but He Wan­qiu seems ac­tu­ally dead set on to be the same, tight grasps the Shi Lei's arm, does not take into con­sid­er­a­tion, her pair of plen­ti­ful soft, pressed com­pletely on the Shi Lei's arm.
„Lit­tle Mo, do not let one's thoughts wan­der, I and He Wan­qiu meet by chance on air­plane, sim­ply does not have the least bit to re­late!” The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion was ex­plain­ing earnestly.
Ling Yumo doubt looks at Shi Lei and He Wan­qiu, „re­ally?”
He Wan­qiu ac­tu­ally anx­iouss to stir up trou­ble to be the same, light snort, ex­pres­sion sweet greasy [say / way]: „Lit­tle Stone, have you for­got­ten aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany that time? Snort, the man is re­ally bad east and west|thing, prof­ited does not rec­og­nize peo­ple? In Cap­i­tal City, at the aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany ban­quet, you have got­ten drunk, I have also got­ten drunk, Sec­ond Heav­ens (next day) gets up time, how did you pledge?”
The Ling Yumo com­plex­ion changes, dis­guised to work Mu Shuang that in­clud­ing cur­rently, the com­plex­ion has also re­vealed anx­iously.
„Woman who Stone Mon­ster, He Wan­qiu this is not con­cerned about face, is the out­come of say­ing what opin­ion?” Ling Yumo is star­ing at the Shi Lei's eye.
Shi Lei stared He Wan­qiu, he does not un­der­stand why He Wan­qiu must talk non­sense, aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany evening ban­quet that time, Shi Lei tak­ing the op­por­tu­nity goes to bath­room, then sneak­ily ran away good Right?
Shi Lei is left in­tact, then sit­u­a­tion, will say tells to the Ling Yumo hear, then with vi­sion look­ing at each other of Ling Yumo, said sin­cerely: „Lit­tle Mo, al­though my very fickle. How­ever, if I have other women, I will cer­tainly tell you.”
Ling Yumo re­laxed slightly, ap­proval nod, Shi Lei has other women, Ling Yumo is not does not know. Since knew ex­is­tences of other women, if He Wan­qiu and Shi Lei have any re­la­tions, Shi Lei has no rea­son to con­ceal!
„Snort, He Wan­qiu, is your this vir­u­lent woman, wants to sow dis­sen­sion!” Ling Yumo changed He Wan­qiu the spear point.
He Wan­qiu saw with own eyes that sets peo­ple at odds has not suc­ceeded, let loose to pull the both hands of Shi Lei arm con­ve­niently, light snort a sound track: „Ling Yumo, your other pleased, one day, I will snatch Shi Lei. So long as is you likes, I want to fight with you!”
Shi Lei un­der­stood sud­denly, why Mu Shuang shouted that he comes Com­pany per­son­ally. Bat­tle be­tween He Wan­qiu and Ling Yumo, Mu Shuang in­deed is un­able to process, issue order of sever­ity, has in­deed sur­passed Mu Shuang is un­ex­pected.
He Wan­qiu and Ling Yumo, grat­i­tude and grudges be­tween these two younger sis­ter, as if are not that sim­ple!
Ling Yumo cold -ly snorted and said: „He Wan­qiu, are ac­tu­ally you con­cerned about face? In­clud­ing man who I like, can you snatch? Haven't you seen the man? If you have not seen the man, I in­tro­duced Lit­tle Plum to you!”
Li Cai ob­vi­ous im­pli­cated just by being pre­sent, but is the bul­let that a round meets col­or­fully, more­over is fe­male Celebrity that Li Cai most wor­ships.
He Wan­qiu light snort said: „Ling Yumo, I have not seen the man, can you I be what kind of? I must snatch the man who you like, I like on the line!”
Shi Lei headache looks at He Wan­qiu, he does not un­der­stand that why He Wan­qiu must pester him, he and He Wan­qiu al­to­gether met sev­eral times Right?
Ac­tu­ally, Shi Lei does not know that the He Wan­qiu sur­round­ing man, is one piece thinks highly and praises to her man­ner com­pletely, only then a Shi Lei per­son does not have the good man­ner to her, even also treats as the trou­ble­some same avoid­ance her. If the com­mon woman, fac­ing this man­ner, will def­i­nitely not go into se­ri­ously. But He Wan­qiu is dif­fer­ent, she had not been treated like this, be­cause of the Shi Lei's so man­ner, she raised to Shi Lei a cu­rios­ity.
Women cu­ri­ous with fa­vor­able im­pres­sion, has the ab­sence of one word merely. Both's dis­tance, has sep­a­ra­tion merely!
Through in­ves­ti­gate, He Wan­qiu knew Shi Lei's a lot, be­cause of the re­la­tions of Ling Yumo, He Wan­qiu sud­denly had the fa­vor­able im­pres­sion to Shi Lei again, must pester Shi Lei.
If no ex­is­tence of Ling Yumo, He Wan­qiu were most cu­ri­ously on some time, then slowly has also for­got­ten Shi Lei. Just, Ling Yumo, oc­cu­pied very im­por­tantly, Pulling Hos­til­ity char­ac­ter!
„You!” The Ling Yumo air/Qi re­sults in the whole body to trem­ble, her where is the He Wan­qiu this lit­tle de­moness match? He Wan­qiu as Su­per­star, in as­pect of knowl­edge as­pect, es­pe­cially face thick­ness as­pect, has been far in ex­cess of Ling Yumo.
Shi Lei hur­ries to hug Ling Yumo in bosom, the com­fort said in a soft voice: „Lit­tle Mo, does not want pissed.” Here, Shi Lei looked to He Wan­qiu, opened the mouth say­ing: „Ms. He Wan­qiu, I will not leave Lit­tle Mo, I not with you in the same place.”
Ling Yumo in Shi Lei bosom, lis­ten­ing to Shi Lei say­ing that on her face has shown the smil­ing face, the ridicule was say­ing to He Wan­qiu: „He Wan­qiu, you died that heart! In child­hood, you liked snatch­ing my toy, but must con­sider my black shape, now says any­thing, I will not give you Shi Lei!”
He Wan­qiu dis­re­gards the words that Shi Lei spoke, provo­ca­tion looks at Ling Yumo, said with a firm sound: „Ling Yumo, I will cer­tainly rob Shi Lei's!”
Shi Lei felt that Ling Yumo is shiv­er­ing slightly, he tight­ened Ling Yumo, col­lects near the ear of Ling Yumo, the lip pasted on the au­ri­cle of Ling Yumo, the steam that in the mouth ex­haled, spurted in the au­ri­cle of Ling Yumo, mak­ing the en­tire ear of Ling Yumo be­come flushed.
„Lit­tle Mo, I not with He Wan­qiu in the same place!” Shi Lei pledged.
Lis­tens to Shi Lei's to pledge that in the Ling Yumo heart has sta­bi­lized. In any event, at least the pre­sent, Shi Lei not with He Wan­qiu in the same place.
The neu­tral tone nod that Ling Yumo is red in the face, fac­ing Ling Yumo and Shi Lei's in­ti­mate con­tact, He Wan­qiu sim­ply does not have the least bit to care, smil­ing face grace­ful vis­its them, faint smile: „Ling Yumo, should not be happy too soon. I know that Shi Lei con­tin­ues your girl­friend, that side Mu Shuang is Shi Lei's girl­friend Right? does not need to sus­pect, this mat­ter in our cir­cles, cal­cu­lates a not too big nor too small hearsay. Since Shi Lei can have you and Mu Shuang, what re­la­tions are many my also to have?”


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