Sunday, November 26, 2017

859: Shi Lei and [Raphael] frontage fights!

#859: Shi Lei and [Raphael] frontage fights!
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Angel Par­lia­ment [Raphael], saw through the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem de­fense pat­tern, [Raphael] knew the dis­tri­b­u­tional com­put­ing re­sources weak­ness and flaw ob­vi­ously.
Angel Par­lia­ment se­cret Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel, [Raphael] ex­plained with a smile that „[Sun­light], be­fore this mo­tion, my for­merly has con­sulted Boss, in­quired issue of Boss about Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany De­fense Sys­tem. Boss told me, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany De­fense Sys­tem, was dy­namic de­fense one, which Server needed de­fense, De­fense Sys­tem then pro­tects which Server. As for de­fense in­ten­sity issue, was Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany has cheated, they have def­i­nitely stolen user com­put­ing re­sources, the ac­cent took to for­ward to De­fense Sys­tem se­cretly.”
„Dream En­ter­tain­ment han­dles this mat­ter un­ex­pect­edly!” [Sun­light Angel] quite with amaze­ment said: „They did not fear that was dis­cov­ered by user?”
„user could not dis­cover!” [Raphael] sneers say­ing that „by the [Mr. M] tech­nol­ogy, at all im­pos­si­ble to be dis­cov­ered! How­ever, since is dis­tri­b­u­tional com­put­ing re­sources, its short­com­ing is very se­ri­ous, just I had dis­cov­ered its weak­ness, so long as we at­tack fully, do not look that Dream En­ter­tain­ment can pre­vent us now, if no vari­able, most ten min­utes, they will be de­feated!”
[Raphael] ob­tained the prompt from Angel Par­lia­ment First Giant, he con­trols Su­per­com­puter [Holy], when in­vades Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site web Server, then in the care­ful ob­ser­va­tion web Server sit­u­a­tion.
After the in­va­sion is con­ducted for two min­utes, [Raphael] has dis­cov­ered the change of [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem ob­vi­ously, al­though [Izual] had sup­ple­mented promptly by [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] com­put­ing re­sources that Angel Par­lia­ment routs, but that type was routed joins the order of bat­tle com­put­ing re­sources, the slight en­gage­ment change that dis­plays, has not es­caped the eye of [Raphael] as be­fore.
[Raphael] has dis­cov­ered Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem se­cret, in his heart im­me­di­ately greatly set­tled, so long as can break through Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany de­fense, spends time slightly. At is not issue.
„[Sun­light], [Moon­light], to the Su­per­com­puter [Ember] and [Lava] ultra fre­quency. Dis­play biggest at­tack! Dream En­ter­tain­ment De­fense Sys­tem, is not the Su­per­com­puter con­sti­tu­tion. But is loose-type dis­trib­uted cal­cu­lates net­work to com­pose, so long as we main­tain the of­fen­sive, Dream En­ter­tain­ment must de­feat with­out doubt!” In the [Raphael] ex­pres­sion, has filled self-con­fi­dently.
‚[Mr. M], this time you lost! Quickly comes, oth­er­wise, I your Dream En­ter­tain­ment. Turns into one group of ruins! Dream En­ter­tain­ment all kinds Of­fi­cial Web­site, or is Brave's World's Main Server [Ori­gin], I will not let off!’ In the [Raphael] heart is sneer­ing.
This is the re­sis­tance of [Raphael] and in [Mr. M], first time won the su­pe­rior po­si­tion!
[Sun­light Angel] and [Moon­light Angel]. Ac­cord­ing to [Raphael], has car­ried on the ultra fre­quency es­tab­lish­ment to Su­per­com­puter [Ember] and [Lava] rapidly, is mainly the es­tab­lish­ment volt­age sup­ply, the CPU fre­quency con­trol, mak­ing the elec­tric quan­tity of power sup­ply unit sup­ply more. In order to cal­cu­late the pro­cess­ing unit, is the CPU ob­tains higher com­pu­ta­tion fre­quency.
Let the com­pu­ta­tion pro­cess­ing unit ultra fre­quency, is the cpu ultra fre­quency of pop­u­lar view, and has the risk, biggest risk. Huge ra­di­a­tion issue after ex­actly as stated ultra fre­quency. If the ra­di­a­tor is un­able to carry off the huge quan­tity of heat that the ultra fre­quency has rapidly, then the CPU may be burnt down by the quan­tity of heat. First-grade re­sult, pos­si­bly causes the CPU to trig­ger pro­tects one­self to stop op­er­at­ing au­to­mat­i­cally.
Su­per­com­puter lit­tle can sur­pass the fre­quency use, only if Su­per­com­puter that grasp, more­over there is good tem­per­a­ture Man­age­ment Sys­tem, even is Liq­uid Cool­ing Sys­tem.
Su­per­com­puter [Ember] and [Lava] cool­ing sys­tem is very good, they are [Uriel] sub­or­di­nate pri­vate Su­per­com­puter, now was in­her­ited by [Raphael], Su­per­com­puter [Ember] and [Lava], at the be­gin­ning of the de­sign for the Hacker war, their ultra fre­quency per­for­mance is with­out a doubt!
Less than one minute, [Sun­light Angel] and [Moon­light Angel], ad­just ac­com­plish to Su­per­com­puter [Ember] and [Lava], opened two Hacker war spe­cial-pur­pose Su­per­com­puter ultra fre­quency pat­terns.
After the ultra fre­quency pat­tern opens, Su­per­com­puter [Lava] and [Ember] per­for­mance pro­moted close per­cent twenty. This data ex­ag­ger­ates, per­cent twenty per­for­mance, are only the ultra fre­quency ob­tain merely, has not in­creased the cost that any in fact needs to pay. Oh, the elec­tri­cal bill in­creased!
[Raphael] to Su­per­com­puter [Holy], car­ried on the ultra fre­quency es­tab­lish­ment sim­i­larly, the Su­per­com­puter [Holy] es­ti­mated per­for­mance has achieved 80 tflops. So the es­ti­mated per­for­mance has achieved World­wide Fourth!
The after ultra fre­quency es­tab­lish­ment of Su­per­com­puter [Holy] be­comes ef­fec­tive, the pro­moted per­for­mance same has been per­cent twenty de­grees. Su­per­com­puter [Ember] and [Lava], the pro­moted per­cent twenty per­for­mance, the dis­par­ity is not per­haps big. Takes Su­per­com­puter [Ember] as the ex­am­ple, the Su­per­com­puter [Ember] con­ven­tional con­di­tion, the es­ti­mated per­for­mance is 20 tflops. After ultra fre­quency, the pro­moted per­cent twenty per­for­mance, have 4 tflops merely. Per­haps the 4 tflops com­pu­ta­tion speed, is not any­thing.
But if Su­per­com­puter [Holy] pro­moted per­cent twenty es­ti­mated per­for­mances?
Su­per­com­puter [Holy] nor­mally, es­ti­mated per­for­mance has achieved 80 tflops, after ultra fre­quency, pro­moted per­cent twenty, in­creases the 16 tflops com­pu­ta­tion speed.
Su­per­com­puter [Lava] nor­mally, the com­pu­ta­tion speed merely is only 15 tflops , after in other words Su­per­com­puter [Holy] ultra fre­quency, equiv­a­lent to in­creased Su­per­com­puter [Lava]!
Three com­pletely be­long to Angel Par­lia­ment, 100% per­for­mance can be used in the Hacker at­tack Su­per­com­puter, ac­com­plish the ultra fre­quency es­tab­lish­ment, joins the at­tack Dream En­ter­tain­ment Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site web Server se­quence rapidly.
Three Su­per­com­puter after ultra fre­quency, al­to­gether pro­moted the 23 tflops com­pu­ta­tion speed, has let al­ways at­tack the com­pu­ta­tion speed to be the 138 tflops de­gree.
The pres­sure that Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site web Server [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem, bears is very huge, [Izual] has sounded the in­ci­sive warn­ing: „Sir, [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem con­tin­ues to achieve 100% loads, the [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] col­lapse speed speeds up, each minute of [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] loses the 100 tflops idle re­sources, it is ex­pected that after four min­utes, [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] first col­lapses \; After four min­utes ten sec­onds, [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem col­lapses. Main Sys­tem to pro­tect Par­ent Server, will shut off the con­nec­tion of Par­ent Server and In­ter­net. At the ap­pointed time, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy all net­work ser­vice col­lec­tive in­ter­rupts, in­clud­ing Brave's World and Dy­namic Be­hav­ior recog­ni­tion sys­tem.”
Shi Lei says with a smile: „[Izual]. At pre­sent some [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] also how many idle re­sources?”
Rea­son that Shi Lei stands by, is not ar­ro­gant ar­ro­gant, is not with­out a fight. But is waits for the op­por­tu­nity to be ma­ture, waited for that [Raphael] know­ing when to ad­vance and re­treat is in a dilemma. If at the be­gin­ning of [Raphael] in­vades. Shi Lei then throws over [Mr. M] Sock­pup­pet to jump, stops the in­va­sion of [Raphael], per­haps [Raphael] ran away in fear di­rectly!
[Raphael] had been ti­died up sev­eral times by [Mr. M], has pro­duced Shadow to [Mr. M].
Do not look at [Raphael] is Angel Par­lia­ment Fourth Giant, fac­ing the strength was in­fe­rior that his per­son­nel, [Raphael] ap­pears ar­ro­gant in­com­pa­ra­ble, [Je­ho­vah] First. He is Sec­ond niú chā soars to the heav­ens the type. In fact, fac­ing [Mr. M] time, asked that [Raphael] is only piti­ful and timid ef­fem­i­nate!
Shi Lei to hold [Raphael]. Only can look at [Raphael] to in­vade Dream En­ter­tain­ment, waited for [Raphael] to in­vade the cer­tain ex­tent, mak­ing him see the vic­tory [Hope], Shi Lei puts on [Mr. M] Sock­pup­pet to come out again, sneak­ily sought for [Raphael] [Old Nest].
[Raphael] may jointly is­sues a war­rant for ar­rest now by FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion and CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency. These two Or­ga­ni­za­tion are World­wide Large-scale In­tel­li­gence Or­ga­ni­za­tion, so long as Shi Lei had found [Raphael] real ip ad­dress, FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion, or CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency, will be very glad ‚help’ Shi Lei holds [Raphael]!
‚[Raphael]. [Hope] you in­sist for a long time! Let my full en­joy­ment, dev­as­tates your pleas­ant sen­sa­tion!’ In the Shi Lei heart is sneer­ing.
„Sir, [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] cur­rently also re­main­ing 940 tflops com­put­ing re­sources, each minute of [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] col­lapse 100 tflops com­put­ing re­sources, the [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] re­sources of re­turn merely will have 20 tflops.” [Izual] is re­port­ing the [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] sit­u­a­tion.
[In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] dis­tri­b­u­tional com­put­ing re­sources, al­though keeps was routed by Angel Par­lia­ment three big Su­per­com­puter, thus with­draws from [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang]. But with­drawal later com­put­ing re­sources, un­der­went the re­or­ga­ni­za­tion of [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] sub­rou­tine, will join [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang].
This from rout­ing to the process of re­turn, is called ‚[In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] re­sources cir­cu­la­tion’. The speed of [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] re­sources cir­cu­la­tion, de­pends on pro­vides the [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] re­sources provider com­puter. If Su­per­com­puter, as the [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] re­sources ten­derer, its re­sources cir­cu­lat­ing rate will be very rapid.
„[Izual], cen­tral­izes all [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] re­sources, through the [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] ed­i­tor, I must op­er­ate per­son­ally!” Shi Lei both hands build on the key­board, in the [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] ed­i­tor, is com­pil­ing source code fast.
[In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] Loose Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources, is com­bined ac­com­plish de­fense and at­tack by [Izual] Free­dom under nor­mal con­di­tions. How­ever, ac­cord­ing to the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, if gives [Izual] in­de­pen­dent de­fense or the at­tack, is un­able to de­feat Angel Par­lia­ment ob­vi­ously.
Angel Par­lia­ment Su­per­com­puter [Holy] was too for­mi­da­ble, [Raphael] at is not the Shi Lei's match, in­clud­ing [Izual] can steady de­fense [Raphael]. But after [Raphael] has Angel Par­lia­ment Su­per­com­puter [Holy], im­me­di­ately in turn sup­pressed [Izual], mak­ing [Izual] not have the strength of least bit re­sis­tance.
This is the com­puter hard­ware equip­ment, im­por­tance in Hacker war!
The Hacker war to a great ex­tent, re­lies on the com­puter hard­ware per­for­mance. In the leg­end, uses Note­book Com­puter to in­vade the satel­lite plot, ap­pears in the leg­end merely. If uses Note­book Com­puter to in­vade satel­lite , can only ex­plain that satel­lite had been in­vaded, the note­book is only a con­trol end, re­mote con­trol satel­lite.
The im­por­tance of hard­ware per­for­mance, is sim­i­lar to two mil­i­tary force value al­most adult males, a use sharp trea­sured sword, al­though the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency of trea­sured sword is also very for­mi­da­ble, can an­other use pis­tol ac­ci­den­tally?
Al­though the trea­sured sword is sharp, fac­ing pis­tol time, even if uses the adult male of trea­sured sword, fight Ex­pe­ri­ence is richer, as be­fore will not be the pis­tol match. Only if uses the pis­tol match, will not use pis­tol!
Won't [Raphael] hit pis­tol?
Is it pos­si­ble that isn't he a man?
With­out carv­ing [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] is a trea­sured sword, has sharply, but does not have enough lethal­ity.
Shi Lei planned that through the [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] ed­i­tor, will be loose the [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] re­sources, re­or­ga­nizes into more cen­tral­ized com­put­ing re­sources, mak­ing the trea­sured sword turn into more pow­er­ful weapon!


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