Wednesday, November 29, 2017

918: Evidence not on the scene, asked me to drink tea?

HK :: VOLUME #10
#918: Evidence not on the scene, asked me to drink tea?
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Shi Lei al­ways did not deny that he is not a good per­son.
In order to serve some pur­poses, Shi Lei in many sit­u­a­tions, will choose some not just bril­liance the method. These meth­ods, in cer­tain per­son eyes, ap­pear some lows, or not Law­ful.
For ex­am­ple this time, the Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment po­lice use He­li­copter, has not shaken Shi Lei, in­stead was or­dered to wreck by Shi Lei, more­over coun­ter­at­tacked to kill 11 per­son­nel. Ev­i­dence that stays be­hind ac­cord­ing to the scene, Shuangqing City Po­lice is very easy, then meets de­ter­mine to come out, the at­tack po­lice use He­li­copter ec135 weapon are mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun.
Then ac­cord­ing to the path of bul­let, Shuangqing City Po­lice then can de­ter­mine come out, mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun open­ing fire po­si­tion, is mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun from the sky opens fire.
mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun, al­ways im­pos­si­ble to be tak­ing, opens fire Right? in the midair
Shuangqing City Po­lice also has [The Steel and Iron], Weapons Sys­tem that al­though they carry, what with is do­mes­tic-made 79 de­clines clashes, but mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun, is 79 type Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun, their at­tack prin­ci­ples are the same. Shuangqing City Po­lice, the ease can infer, Shi Lei dis­patched [The Steel and Iron] to enter the war.
The Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) fore­head wrin­kles, „Shi Lei, I know you in the Shuangqing City some­what power and in­flu­ence. How­ever, this time sit­u­a­tion is dif­fer­ent, per­haps Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment was grasped by Jia Zhengchun that Old Ghost, per­sonal friend­ship be­tween you and Bai Qiang, could not help your any­thing too big busy.”
Shi Lei nat­u­rally knows that [The Steel and Iron] en­ters the war not to hide the truth from Shuangqing City Bu­reau, but Shi Lei has not thought con­ceals Shuangqing City Bu­reau. Shi Lei al­ways be­lieves that a truth, that is the fist is big, is Uncle!
Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, the cur­rent strength, was dif­fer­ent, it in Xia Na­tion Shuangqing City, has not the small right to speak.
In law most sit­u­a­tions, the na­ture is fair, but in cer­tain cir­cum­stances. It is not the crime, law nat­u­rally does not need to pun­ish ob­vi­ously!
„Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), you could rest as­sured that this mat­ter, will not have any ac­ci­dent!” Shi Lei was say­ing self-con­fi­dently.
Hap­pen, at this time, [Izual] in the Blue­tooth ear­phone. The re­port said: „Sir, Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Li Zifeng ar­rives. From your cur­rent po­si­tion, the lin­ear dis­place­ment is away from about 700 me­ters. Guides the route?”
Shi Lei re­sponded: „Guides the route, is about to go home!”
[Izual] starts in the way of voice guid­ance, is Shi Lei pro­vides the route nav­i­ga­tion ser­vice, Shi Lei is greet­ing Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), mak­ing Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) with com­ing up, leaves this damn place to­gether.
„Shi Lei, don't we clean up the ev­i­dence of scene?” Ask­ing of Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) doubts.
Shi Lei shakes the head with a smile, „what ev­i­dence needs to clean up?”
„At least must clean up, ev­i­dence Right? that we have” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has re­ferred to the ground. „These foot­prints, car­tridge case, as well as that moun­tain­ous re­gion motor. We are rid­ing it the time, if has left be­hind any sweat above, or is hair any­thing's east and west|thing. Then may ex­pose our iden­tity.” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) was propos­ing dis­cretely.
Shi Lei sighed, „Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), now around 11 : 00 o'clock at night, al­though the space has Moon, but the vis­i­bil­ity is so low, we just hur­ried es­cap­ing, the ghost know the ev­i­dence that leaves be­hind how many does have? You planned how much time with cleans up the ev­i­dence? Shuangqing City Po­lice con­tact does not ar­rive at the po­lice to use He­li­copter, won't they dis­patch the reen­force­ment? I dare say­ing that most ten min­utes, Shuangqing City Po­lice will then have the nu­mer­ous po­lice forces to sur­round here, then we lose the pos­si­bil­ity that es­capes thor­oughly.”
„We what to do?” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) even­tu­ally young a point, al­though 'Dragon Rise' Plan makes Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) very ma­ture . More­over the thought is metic­u­lous, may in abil­ity as­pect, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) be well below Shi Lei ac­cord­ing to the cir­cum­stance.
„Hur­ries to travel! Any ev­i­dence non- ev­i­dence, com­pletely is the in­di­rect ev­i­dence, with­out any Core ev­i­dence, can prove our ex­is­tences di­rectly. I must have a look but ac­tu­ally, Shuangqing City Po­lice, how must prove us in the evening here! So long as were not held to re­veal true col­ors by them, I do not fear them!” Smil­ing that Shi Lei dis­dains.
They under the [Izual]'s guid­ance, have spent close five min­utes, ar­rives at the ravine road, con­verges with Li Zifeng to­gether.
„Zifeng, a bit faster dri­ves, re­mem­bers do not turn on the light!” Shi Lei has seated black jeep all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle, was telling Li Zifeng said.
Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany this time came three Elite Squadron, al­to­gether has dri­ven six car(riage)s, is the black jeep all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle, the power is com­pletely strong, the cross-coun­try power is for­mi­da­ble.
Six car(riage)s dur­ing dark night, be­fore com­plete close car(riage) the head lamp head­lamp, dri­ves per­son­nel to wear the night vi­sion gog­gle, does not need to be wor­ried that com­pletely is un­able to ob­serve the clear state of roads. In the evening close 12 points, Shi Lei is bring­ing Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), re­turned to the Shu'an Vil­lage Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany train­ing base.
„Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), your ca­pac­ity for liquor how?” After Shi Lei gets out, was in­quir­ing Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled).
The Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) af­fir­ma­tive nod said: „My ca­pac­ity for liquor is good, if drinks white wine, at least can drink three jin (0.5 kg), will not have the ob­vi­ous feel­ing of being drunk, this is came from in the su­pe­ri­or­ity of gene!”
„Right?” In the Shi Lei heart moves, his orig­i­nal man­u­script sus­pected one are 'Dragon Rise' Plan ‚Prod­uct’, but hes­i­tates now, be­cause his ca­pac­ity for liquor sim­ply does not have the least bit ‚Gene Su­pe­ri­or­ity’ buff Ad­di­tional Stats, com­pletely is one cup of corona, two cups are drunk, three cups of rhythms but ac­tu­ally!
„Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), you tonight, hide in the Shu'an Vil­lage train­ing base tem­porar­ily, to­mor­row I will give you to arrange the new place, paid at­ten­tion should not be dis­cov­ered!” Shi Lei told.
Orig­i­nally, Shi Lei also wants to make Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) make liquor air/Qi, thus man­u­fac­ture ev­i­dence not on the scene, but Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) ca­pac­ity for liquor is good, Shi Lei also gave up this idea.
„Good!” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has not re­futed, he and Shi Lei on a ship, his [Old Nest] are seized by 'Dragon Rise' Plan Head­quar­ters per­son­nel at pre­sent, he does not have the place to go now.
Li Zifeng de­liv­ered to Jingya Gar­den Shi Lei, Shi Lei has parked in Jade Dis­trict Porsche Cayenne, let Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany other per­son­nel, re­turned to Jingya Gar­den.
After re­turn­ing to Jingya Gar­den, Shi Lei picks up phone, told: „[Izual], pays at­ten­tion to se­cu­rity in­for­ma­tion of tele­phone, are recorded or not in­ter­cepted!”
„Yes , sir!” Shi Lei's every tele­phones, [Izual] has car­ried on the spe­cial pro­tec­tion, pre­vents by Po­lice, or is other per­son­nel in­ter­cep­tions and records.
Only if [Izual] per­mits, or is the Shi Lei au­tho­riza­tion, any­body is un­able to look at the Shi Lei's com­mu­ni­ca­tion record and SMS record. In­clud­ing cor­re­spond­ing Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Op­er­a­tor, is un­able to ex­am­ine, be­cause the [Izual]'s real-time pro­tec­tion, is strict, has con­nected Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Op­er­a­tor In­ter­nal Sys­tem. If Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Op­er­a­tor keeps the net con­duct­ing the en­tire Sys­tem in­spec­tion. Sim­ply did not have the means to find the [Izual]'s in­va­sion.
Shi Lei di­aled the Black Tiger Gang Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) tele­phone, the tele­phone is put through quickly, the Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) po­lite and re­spect­ful sound passed on, „Mr. Shi, good evening!”
Now is 0 : 00 o'clock at night, ob­vi­ously is not be­gin­ning at night­fall, was need­less say­ing that any evening was good.
Shi Lei very sat­is­fied Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) ex­pres­sion. Opens the mouth say­ing: „Big Tiger, starts from six points tonight. To the pre­sent, I have played in your Thrill Bar, you and many sub­or­di­nate(s) can tes­tify to me. Re­mem­bered?”
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) re­sponded again and again: „Has re­mem­bered, re­mem­bered! I arrange now, will not pre­sent the tiny bit mis­take ab­solutely!”
„Is very good! My [Hope] re­ally do not pre­sent the tiny bit mis­take, oth­er­wise, I will not be happy.” After Shi Lei said that has hung up the tele­phone.
Shuanghu Dis­trict, Emer­ald Lake Busi­ness Dis­trict, Thrill Bar.
Re­gard­ing the Or­di­nary per­son. After 0 : 00 o'clock at night, should be the time of rest. How­ever, re­gard­ing Bar, after 12 points, the good op­por­tu­nity of in­dulging.
Dur­ing man­age­ment of Thrill Bar. Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) re­spect­ful has put down the tele­phone, even if Shi Lei could not hear his sound, but the Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) stance makes proper re­spect­ful as be­fore.
The Black Tiger Gang top goon, the nick­name named Lit­tle Leop­ard young man, he looks at the Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) man­ner, then knows that Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) and Shi Lei are tele­phon­ing. Lit­tle Leop­ard does not un­der­stand that Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) why that Es­teemed Shi Lei, the Black Tiger Gang in­flu­ence is not weak, why to fear a Com­pany man­age­ment?
„Boss, that fel­low, told that what mat­ter we do han­dle?” Lit­tle Leop­ard is not from the be­gin­ning in Black Tiger Gang, but after is Black Tiger Gang rises, joins Black Tiger Gang, there­fore not the clear Shi Lei's de­tails, have only heard the Shi Lei's pres­tige.
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) cold snort, „Lit­tle Leop­ard, has treated Mr. Shi, your most hos­pitable air/Qi!”
Sits in a Lit­tle Leop­ard op­po­site mid­dle-aged per­son, opens the mouth say­ing: „Lit­tle Leop­ard, the Mr. Shi en­ergy, is not we can es­ti­mate that main­tains the proper re­spect, has the ad­van­tage to you!”
„Knew, Big Brother Cat!” Lit­tle Leop­ard nods to say.
This mid­dle-aged per­son nick­name called Black Cat, the real name called Ge Mucheng, the Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) younger male cousin, at pre­sent is the Black Tiger Gang No. 2 char­ac­ter, was the Black Tiger Gang mil­i­tary strate­gist, to a cer­tain ex­tent, the Black Cat words were ef­fec­tive com­pared with Ge Dahu (Big Tiger).
„Mucheng, looks for some Core broth­ers to tell that start­ing from today's six o'clock, to the pre­sent sim­i­lar time, Mr. Shi has played in our Thrill Bar. This mat­ter do not pre­sent any care­less mis­take, so as to avoid Mr. Shi was not happy.” The Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) earnest in­struc­tion said.
Lit­tle Leop­ard can­not bear say: „The fel­low has done any bad mat­ter, mak­ing us make false alibi Right? Boss, sim­ply we ac­cused him, mak­ing Po­lice Force tidy up him!”
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) stands up, ar­rives at side Lit­tle Leop­ard, straight­ened up the Lit­tle Leop­ard shoul­ders, mak­ing Lit­tle Leop­ard look at his eye, said earnestly: „Lit­tle Leop­ard, gives you last ad­vice, do not try to threaten Mr. Shi. Oth­er­wise, we pun­ish ac­cord­ing to the guild reg­u­la­tions!”
So-called guild reg­u­la­tions pun­ish­ment, ex­actly as stated dies!
The Lit­tle Leop­ard com­plex­ion changes, al­though mum­bled, has not said any­thing again.
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) sighed in a soft voice: „Ex­posed Mr. Shi to Po­lice De­part­ment? Po­lice De­part­ment Bai Qiang Bu­reau Chief, ex­actly as stated Mr. Shi good Friend, this to ex­pose? It is es­ti­mated that we just ex­posed, oth­ers have in­formed Mr. Shi!”
In the Lit­tle Leop­ard heart star­tles greatly!
Be­fore Lit­tle Leop­ard, has to think, Shi Lei and Po­lice Force have the re­la­tions. Oth­er­wise, will Black Tiger Gang lis­ten to Shi Lei's? But he has not thought that Shi Lei and Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Head­quar­ters Bu­reau Chief has the re­la­tions! Such sit­u­a­tion, but also ex­posed Shi Lei to do wool Ah? that is not the longevity god al­ways eats the white ar­senic, dis­liked the life long rhythm?
On June 1, namely on May 32 in leg­end, the Bear Child (Lit­tle Devil) hol­i­day, teased passes on May 32 more ap­pro­pri­ate.
9 : 30 am, Shi Lei was awak­ened by noise by ring­tone.
The [Izual] au­to­matic prompt said: „Sir, the calls num­ber own­er­ship is: Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment, pub­lic switch­board num­ber.”
The Shi Lei help­less press­ing down an­swer­ing key, he knows that Shuangqing City Po­lice must ask him to trou­ble, or Jia Zhengchun that Old Ghost, must look for his trou­ble.
„Hello? Com­rade Shi Lei, hello, we are Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Po­lice Force, we need to you to un­der­stand that now a sit­u­a­tion, [Hope] you catch up with Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment im­me­di­ately. We have arranged re­lated per­son­nel, goes to your ad­dress, is re­spon­si­ble for your trans­porta­tion issue. [Hope] you co­or­di­nate our work, thanks!”


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