Thursday, November 30, 2017

927: Fatal setting sun!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#927: Fatal setting sun!
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Ling Yumo mother Jiang Ling is Shuangqing City First Hos­pi­tal Vice-de­part­ment Head, in ad­di­tion the Ling Yumo benev­o­lence, Shi Lei is Shuangqing City all pub­lic hos­pi­tals, is au­tho­rized to use Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Catch­ing Pro­gram Med­ical Ver­sion free, is Med­ical Se­cu­rity Sys­tem.
In fact, in­stalls Med­ical Se­cu­rity Sys­tem for all pub­lic hos­pi­tals, Shi Lei will ob­tain more cam­era mon­i­tor­ing re­sources, can carry on Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion in the hos­pi­tal, as well as Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture Recog­ni­tion, fa­cil­i­tat­ing Shi Lei can search all kinds per­son­nel in hos­pi­tal.
For ex­am­ple this time, Shi Lei has used Med­ical Se­cu­rity Sys­tem, in­quired the Yue Dex­uan where­abouts, and has car­ried on the real-time sur­veil­lance and Dy­namic Be­hav­ior real-time analy­sis to Yue Dex­uan.
Thus can de­ter­mine come out, after Yue Dex­uan en­ters the hos­pi­tal, is ac­tu­ally any sit­u­a­tion, can pro­duce re­tal­ia­tory men­tal­ity any­thing.
When Yue Dex­uan the Jia Zhengchun call, [Izual] has sent out the prompt to Shi Lei im­me­di­ately.
„Sir, Sys­tem ex­am­ines the Yue Dex­uan cur­rently dial tele­phone, the Sys­tem au­to­matic com­pu­ta­tion cor­re­sponds route, cur­rently ex­plains com­mu­ni­ca­tion op­er­a­tion Com­pany de­fense, cur­rently car­ries on to send a telegram the analy­sis, cur­rently car­ries on the mon­i­tor...”
Be­fore the Jia Zhengchun con­nec­tion tele­phone, [Izual] mon­i­tored Yue Dex­uan and Jia Zhengchun tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion route com­pletely, but Yue Dex­uan or Jia Zhengchun, have not re­al­ized this mat­ter.
Their talks, fell in the Shi Lei's ear com­pletely!
This is Med­ical Se­cu­rity Sys­tem, is the Shi Lei Cre­ate fa­vor­able con­di­tions, if no Med­ical Se­cu­rity Sys­tem, Shi Lei will dis­cover mat­ter that Yue Dex­uan tele­phones?
Shi Lei lying on back on the sofa, on face brings to wipe to sneer, „ac­tu­ally wants to cope with me? Yue Dex­uan, Deputy Sta­tion Di­rec­tor Yue, you think re­ally that I do care about CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion to Brave's World, the First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion live trans­mis­sion?”
If CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion, can Brave's World, First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion, re­port the en­tire pro­gram live. Shi Lei ac­tu­ally wel­come. Even if CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion, to Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, pro­posed that very soar­ing live trans­mis­sion ex­pense, Shi Lei can also ac­cept.
Has only been a pity, Yue Dex­uan this old sex ma­niac, com­pletely de­stroyed Dream En­ter­tain­ment and CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion co­op­er­a­tion pos­si­bil­ity. More­over, Yue Dex­uan this old sex­ual ha­rasser also wants to cope with Shi Lei now.
Shi Lei has cho­sen to let off him ob­vi­ously, but he must look for Shi Lei's to be trou­ble­some, what did Shi Lei have to say? Nat­u­rally threat­en­ing to elim­i­nate in the em­bry­onic stage!
Shi Lei be­lieves Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) ac­tu­ally their loy­alty, even if they were in­di­cated and con­firmed by Yue Dex­uan. Also in­stead will not nip Shi Lei one. May Jia Zhengchun par­tic­i­pate ac­ci­den­tally. And also in­volved Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency per­son­nel. Shi Lei knows. More­over be­lieves that once after Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency per­son­nel mixes, Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) they can­not block the in­ter­ro­ga­tion of Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency.
In order to elim­i­nate such Dan­ger sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei takes up cell phone. Has di­aled the Li Zifeng num­ber, de­tailed after Li Zifeng told, smil­ing has hung up the tele­phone.
Shi Lei never flaunted one is a good per­son, be­cause he in­deed is not a good per­son! Shi Lei for­merly Dream is being a good per­son, but is a good per­son to be very tired is very tired, be­comes an un­prin­ci­pled per­son, care­free!
„[Izual], is Li Zifeng pro­vides the tele­sup­port when nec­es­sary, safe­guards Plan smooth im­ple­ment. I do not think that our Plan were de­stroyed!” Shi Lei was telling [Izual], after say­ing, stood up, en­tered the kitchen.
In the kitchen, is pil­ing up some food. The Shi Lei prepa­ra­tion processes these food, be­cause of tonight, Ouyang Xiang must come back from Beiyu Dis­trict, Shi Lei had days, has not seen Ouyang Xiang.
Shuanghu Dis­trict, First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal.
Yue Dex­uan and Yue Shangyun con­va­lesced in the hos­pi­tal the Xu Yany­ing arrange­ment, then pre­pares to go to Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion. Be­cause they were taken into the hos­pi­tal by the am­bu­lance, they have not dri­ven the pri­vate use ve­hi­cles to enter the hos­pi­tal. There­fore, they want Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion, can only ride taxi.
First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal, the Med­ical Se­cu­rity Sys­tem cam­era, is pay­ing at­ten­tion to Yue Dex­uan and Yue Shangyun any­time and any­where, and mo­men­tar­ily up­loads the re­port data.
Out­side the hos­pi­tal, four yel­low color taxi, cur­rently goes to­ward the hos­pi­tal, when Yue Dex­uan and Yue Shangyun, just went out of the hos­pi­tal time, that four yel­low color taxi, the travel en­ters Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal in turn.
Yue Shangyun stands in the road­side, is beck­on­ing to First taxi, when yel­low taxi stops, Yue Shangyun first was Yue Dex­uan has pulled open the po­si­tion of back row place, mak­ing Yue Dex­uan sit the back row place.
Other three yel­low color taxi, left the hos­pi­tal fast, even if they have not drawn the guest, even if not lack the guest now, they also chose the empty car(riage) to de­part.
In taxi, the young taxi dri­ver, with the tune of Shuangqing City na­tive place di­alect, asks: „Where goes to?”
Yue Shangyun has not heard to be too clear, but on taxi, must nat­u­rally tell the dri­ver the des­ti­na­tion, he uses Xia Na­tion Man­darin say­ing: „Goes to Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion.”
The young taxi dri­ver, on the face the strange smil­ing face dodges to pass, re­turns to the cov­ered pas­sage­way with Xia Na­tion Man­darin: „Good, takes the Emer­ald Lake road, takes Xuefu Road?”
„Ca­sual!” Yue Shangyun spoke thought­lessly the re­sponse say­ing that in the heart ridiculed se­cretly young taxi dri­ver, his voice ob­vi­ously was peo­ple from other place, but also asked that which road they took, didn't this talk non­sense?
The peo­ple from other place know that which road is nearer? Or which road doesn't traf­fic jams?
The young taxi dri­ver, re­sponded with a smile: „That takes the Emer­ald Lake road, can ap­pre­ci­ate the Emer­ald Lake set­ting sun scenery along the way!”
„En!” Yue Shangyun to the young taxi dri­ver, im­pres­sion slightly good a point, at least he un­der­stood that to the out­side tourist, brings some quite good city im­pres­sion.
The yel­low color taxi start, the au­to­mo­bile body is going steadily, from Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal, en­tered Huanhu Road, the young taxi dri­ver in­quired: „Lis­tens to your voices, prob­a­bly is the Cap­i­tal City per­son?”
Yue Dex­uan is dis­in­clined to chat with a taxi dri­ver, Yue Shangyun replied: „En, we are Cap­i­tal City, com­ing Shuangqing City to travel, yes­ter­day had an ac­ci­dent, today goes to Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion to record the oral con­fes­sion.”
Yue Shangyun has not spo­ken the truth, what per­son meets, the choice said that what words, this is Yue Shangyun basic skill.
On Huanhu Road, yel­low color taxi, the ve­hi­cle speed is not quick, the young taxi dri­ver, looks at set­ting sun to sprin­kle the af­ter­glow on level of the lake, says with a smile: „Two gen­tle­men, you look at such beau­ti­ful set­ting sun. Has to im­merse?”
Yue Dex­uan turned the head to look at the level of the lake of out of the win­dow, af­ter­ward turned the head, takes along the dig­ni­fied sound to re­sound, „paid at­ten­tion to drive, in order to avoid had Dan­ger!”
The young taxi dri­ver, on the face has shown the strange smil­ing face once more, „mis­ter, you thinks such beau­ti­ful set­ting sun, isn't worth yearn­ing for? The life is alive, should ap­pre­ci­ate such beau­ti­ful scene. Per­haps. The next quar­ter did not have the op­por­tu­nity!”
„Hēng!” Yue Shangyun cold snort. „What to talk non­sense? A bit faster dri­ves!”
Yue Dex­uan has shown think­ing deeply ex­pres­sion ac­tu­ally. Af­ter­ward looked at the young taxi dri­ver, shows a scru­ple look.
‚Well, strange, felt that a lit­tle does not suit!’ In the Yue Dex­uan heart has a feel­ing of not being able to say.
Young taxi dri­ver. Shook the head with a smile, then sped up ve­hi­cle speed, „two gen­tle­men, held on to your hat!”
The yel­low color taxi speed is get­ting more and more fast, when goes to a fort ridge, the young taxi dri­ver, on the face has shown the strange smil­ing face.
In Yue Dex­uan of se­cret ob­ser­va­tion young taxi dri­ver ex­pres­sion, had dis­cov­ered the young taxi dri­ver, on the face that wipes the strange smil­ing face. In his heart thump, has thought once more whether Shi Lei will as­sas­si­nate their thoughts.
„It is not good!” Yue Dex­uan roared loudly.
Sits had a scare in Yue Dex­uan Yue Shangyun, has not waited for him to in­quire any mat­ter time, the young taxi dri­ver, has fiercely at­tacked a tray di­rec­tion. Deca­dent taxi flushed to the fort ridge.
Under of fort ridge, clearly is the wave light clear lake water!
As if that young taxi dri­ver, was at­tracted by so beau­ti­ful set­ting sun, he drove to fire into that fatal beauty.
Deca­dent taxi soared, has worn the young taxi dri­ver of Safety belt, com­pletely not star­tled, calm sit­ting in dri­ving seat, but sat in Yue Dex­uan and Yue Shangyun of back row place, be­cause has not worn the Safety belt, leaned this way and that in the com­part­ment.
„huā lā ~”
Deca­dent taxi falls into the lake, what is strange is nearby the falling in the water place, ac­tu­ally does not have any ve­hi­cles to pass through, does not have any pedes­trian, this is very un­sci­en­tific!
In the flash that taxi falls in the water, the Safety ae­ro­cyst shoots, sits in the taxi dri­ver of dri­ving seat, sim­ply has not re­ceived the too big in­jury, but sits in Yue Dex­uan and Yue Shangyun of back row place, by the in­tense shake was made some­what feels dizzy.
The young taxi dri­ver, has un­tied the Safety belt fast, and opened the ve­hi­cle door of dri­ving seat, from falling in the water taxi flees, after he flees, falling in the water taxi from opened dri­ving seat ve­hi­cle door, fast en­ters the water to in­side.
The yel­low color taxi sink­ing speed is very rapid, the young taxi dri­ver, after flee­ing, has not left im­me­di­ately, but floats in the, when yel­low taxi soon com­pletely sub­merges, he takes the trou­ble will drive the ve­hi­cle door of seat to close, and went against out­side the dri­ving seat ve­hi­cle door, did not make in­side per­son open.
Yue Dex­uan and Yue Shangyun they in fill­ing the car(riage) of lake water, going all out is strug­gling, but they more care­lessly strug­gle, more con­sumes the oxy­gen, is the in­escapable dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion.
The young taxi dri­ver, in lake water, looks at yel­low taxi after sink­ing over ten me­ters, he also fast up­ward hov­er­ing, after sur­fac­ing, the deep breath sev­eral times, have sub­merged in the water once more.
This time, the young taxi dri­ver, looks that after yel­low taxi has crashed into al­ready some­what can­not see clearly the ray the deep water, sat­is­fied and has sur­faced.
The young taxi dri­ver, swims away to shore, lake water of early June not ice-cold pierc­ing, in­stead some­what cool feel­ing. Was soaked the whole body by the cool lake water, the young taxi dri­ver not cares a whoop rad­i­cally.
When young taxi dri­ver, tour to shore time, an­other two men have stood in the ashore are wait­ing for him, a black jeep all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle stops in the road­side.
The young taxi dri­ver, after en­ter­ing the black jeep all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle, has changed dry clothes fast, then a call, the re­port say­ing: „Boss, mat­ter al­ready ac­com­plish!”
„well done! Zifeng, erases all traces of scene, then leaves the scene!” Shi Lei told, „at­ten­tion do not leave be­hind any ev­i­dence, this mat­ter re­lated sig­nif­i­cantly, left not to the care­less mis­take!”
„Boss felt re­lieved that we will process!” Li Zifeng guar­an­tees replied, be­cause, the scene al­most did not have what trace!
The young taxi dri­ver, im­pres­sively is Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany one of the two Mid Cap­tain, Li Zifeng!
Shuanghu Dis­trict, Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion, Jia Zhengchun is bring­ing Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Leader Zhong Wei­jian, was wait­ing for ar­rival of Yue Dex­uan, his Fan­tasy through Yue Dex­uan, is teach­ing the Shi Lei's sit­u­a­tion fi­nally, can­not help but smiles to make noise...


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