Monday, November 27, 2017

875: Wields AMD Company, rules chip manufacture!

#875: Wields AMD Company, rules chip manufacture!
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In May twenty on the 1st, late at night Twenty-three point.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment and AMD Com­pany video com­merce con­fer­ence, has con­tin­ued for over one -and-a-half hours. AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder, were been com­pre­hen­sive by Mu Shuang at pre­sent ‚con­quer­ing’.
The AMD Com­pany cur­rent helms­man, CEO Dirk Mayer, sighed the one breath say­ing: „Ms. Mu Shuang, your lan­guage, is sim­i­lar to the stars is all over the sky same, mak­ing us eyes can­not take it all. We biggest bot­tom line, ex­actly as stated con­trols 10% stocks. If your Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, 10% es­sen­tial re­quire­ments do not com­ply, per­haps we are un­able the reached(an agree­ment) agree­ment.”
Shi Lei stands on one side, hears the Dirk Mayer words, in heart slightly one tight, ‚so looks like, AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder, the biggest con­ces­sions ex­actly as stated 10% stock­holder's rights, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany grasps 90% stocks, this ac­tu­ally good re­sult.’
„Mr. Dirk, AMD Com­pany is at the com­pre­hen­sive loss con­di­tion, can Stock in your hand, what ben­e­fit bring? Once our Dream En­ter­tain­ment has taken over con­trol of AMD Com­pany, im­me­di­ately then can Cre­ate leave the huge profit value, Stock in your hand, even if by the di­lu­tion of cer­tain ex­tent, stock­holder's rights div­i­dend that but you can ob­tain, be­comes very con­sid­er­able.” Mu Shuang is an­a­lyz­ing the AMD Com­pany pre­sent sit­u­a­tion.
AMD Com­pany did not have the stock­holder's rights to draw bonus con­sec­u­tively for seven years, be­cause AMD Com­pany loses money in suc­ces­sive years, where has what profit to draw bonus?
Dirk Mayer has not spo­ken, what Mu Shuang said is the truth.
„Mr. Dirk, AMD Com­pany has owed the major up­stream man­u­fac­tur­ers, the sim­i­lar One Bil­lion US Dol­lar debt, this debt, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany ple­nary pow­ers un­der­takes, does not need you to pay any debt, does not need AMD Com­pany to un­der­take any debt. When our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany takes over con­trol of AMD Com­pany of­fi­cially, this debt will shift to the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany ac­count.” Mu Shuang said again.
If shares the debt ac­cord­ing to the eq­uity ratio, AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder, will un­der­take per­cent twenty five debts, makes 250 Mil­lion US Dol­lar.
AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder, re­sign 15% stocks on own ini­tia­tive, ac­cord­ing to the Dream En­ter­tain­ment pre­sent pur­chase price. Also is each three US Dol­lar. Value 325 mil­lion hun­dred 800,000 US Dol­lar, are prob­a­bly more than amount of debt.
How­ever, this con­ces­sions, in fact. Also con­sid­ered AMD Com­pany after Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany was in charge, 10% stock­holder's rights that rapid turn­ing losses into profit, the AMD Com­pany high level had, will ob­tain cer­tain draw­ing bonus.
Ac­cord­ing to the AMD Com­pany high-level analy­sis, after Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany is in charge of AMD Com­pany, the First year profit will also sur­pass One Bil­lion US Dol­lar, then they 10% stock­holder's rights, will yield the 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar draw­ing bonus in­come to Major Gen­eral.
If adds on the First year draw­ing bonus in­come, in­ter­ests that they get. Has ex­ceeded 15% Stock val­ues that they re­signed. More­over. In their hands 10% stock­holder's rights, only can­not draw bonus one time, later has also drawn bonus!
AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder, the wish­ful think­ing hits the sound, fool but who Mu Shuang can it be that can eas­ily de­ceived?
Mu Shuang an­a­lyzes after the AMD Com­pany debt prop­erty. Con­tin­ues to open the mouth say­ing: „Our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, after tak­ing over AMD Com­pany, the Per­sonal Game Server pro­ject, will post in the AMD Com­pany sys­tem, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Per­sonal Game Server will be pro­duced by AMD Com­pany. Is this pro­ject, then can let the AMD Com­pany di­rect profit. In ad­di­tion draws sup­port from the Per­sonal Game Server pro­ject, AMD Com­pany will ob­tain the World­wide Gamer sym­pa­thy, fur­ther leads CPU cpu and Graph­ics Proces­sor of gpu in­di­vid­ual com­puter mar­ket sales vol­ume. The AMD Com­pany fu­ture, will not lose money again year after year, but year by year is bet­ter!”
AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder, by the fu­ture that Mu Shuang out­lined, said silent, they were pon­der­ing the AMD Com­pany fu­ture, AMD Com­pany and Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany will link, in­deed was sim­i­lar to Mu Shuang says such, will have the in­com­pa­ra­ble Light fu­ture.
CEO Dirk Mayer deep sigh­ing, „Ms. Mu Shuang, you planned how many stocks re­tains to us?”
Mu Shuang has raised up the right hand, is sim­i­lar to the ten­der onion com­mon fair fin­ger, opens slightly, „5%!”
„This is im­pos­si­ble!” Dirk Mayer loud re­but­tal.
High Grade Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral Tom Cruise also op­poses say­ing: „Ms. Mu Shuang, 5% shares are too few, we are un­able to ob­tain the ap­pro­pri­a­tion of profit of too much.”
The Mu Shuang cor­ners of the mouth re­veal wipe smile pale, „that trades a propo­si­tion, the res­o­lu­tion re­or­ga­nizes AMD Com­pany, forms AMD Group, es­tab­lishes AMD CPU Com­pany, gpu Graph­i­cal dis­play equip­ment card Com­pany mo­bile hand­set equip­ment data pro­cess­ing Com­pany, in the mean­time, es­tab­lishes brand-new low power loss mo­bile equip­ment cpu CPU Com­pany. Your 10% stock­holder's rights, merely only be­come ef­fec­tive in CPU Com­pany and Graph­i­cal dis­play equip­ment card Com­pany.”
Mu Shuang said the new propo­si­tion, has stopped the mo­ment , to con­tinue say­ing: „If you choose the be­fore­hand plan, ob­tains the en­tire AMD Com­pany 5% stock­holder's rights, stock­holder's rights that our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, an ad­di­tional con­di­tion, you ob­tain, dur­ing First three years, you do not have the draw­ing bonus power. And, your stock­holder's rights only allow to re­tain in­nately, does not per­mit the for­eign sales, if you leave AMD Com­pany, the stock that you have will be­long to Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany au­to­mat­i­cally. If you ar­rived at the re­tire­ment age, your stocks will be­long to fam­ily mem­ber that you as­sign au­to­mat­i­cally, [In­her­i­tance] has got­ten down.”
This con­di­tion is quite harsh, equiv­a­lent to AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder stock­holder's rights, only then draw­ing bonus power, but does not have other priv­i­lege.
„Ms. Mu Shuang, this re­quest did not have the truth Right?” Dirk Mayer dis­con­tented say­ing.
Mu Shuang says with a smile: „Mr. Dirk, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment man­age­ment audit de­part­ment, has made the es­ti­mate in view of the AMD Com­pany year profit mar­gin, in First five years, AMD Com­pany an­nual rate Run should main­tain at 2 Bil­lion US Dol­lar about, later will also ob­tain more prof­its for the year. You re­tain 5% stock­holder's rights, then can ob­tain ap­prox­i­mately draw­ing bonus of 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar every year, you also think that our re­quests are un­rea­son­able?”
„Ms. Mu Shuang, we need to dis­cuss!” Dirk Mayer ex­plained to Mu Shuang, seven AMD Com­pany Stock­holder, shut off the con­fer­ence call to con­nect, they com­pletely in the AMD Com­pany con­fer­ence room. Was dis­cussing what plan should choose.
Tom Cruise pro­posed: „I sug­gested that we choose the over­all 5% stock­holder's rights, but after does not an­a­lyze the re­or­ga­ni­za­tion, two Com­pany 10% stock­holder's rights.”
Tech­nol­ogy Chief En­gi­neer At­wood Iven de­nied: „Tom, I sug­gested that we want the CPU pro­ject and Graph­i­cal Graph­ics Card pro­ject, 10% stock­holder's rights. These two pro­jects, at pre­sent are the strong points of our AMD Com­pany. As for mov­ing Graph­ics Proces­sor and low power loss CPU. Our AMD Com­pany is non-spe­cial­ized. If we want the over­all Com­pany 5% stock­holder's rights, will be dif­fi­cult to guar­an­tee other Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany es­tab­lish­ment not to move Graph­ics Proces­sor and Com­pany of low power loss CPU, but will leave be­hind the skull in AMD Com­pany.”
„Old Iven said right, if Dream En­ter­tain­ment uses this move. They can swal­low we 5% stock­holder's rights with ease!” Dirk Mayer sec­onds the mo­tion to say in the one side.
Other four AMD Com­pany high-level Stock­holder, agreed that the view of Old Iven, is afraid Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany to be black they 5% stock­holder's rights. Is only the CPU and Graph­ics Proces­sor, draw­ing bonus profit that two Branch Com­pany 10% stock­holder's rights, their one year can get, is about 200 mil­lion Yuan.
Even if Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany pays great at­ten­tion to re­search and de­velop, in­vests the nu­mer­ous re­search and de­vel­op­ment fund, their one year at least can also draw bonus the 100 Mil­lion multi- USD stock­holder's rights to draw bonus.
Tom Cruise sighed, „good. [Hope] one day. We do not re­gret!”
Dirk Mayer has coughed, at­tracts other Stock­holder at­ten­tion, he opens the mouth say­ing: „Since we have made the de­ci­sion, then we dis­cuss stock­holder's rights as­sign­ment issue now, we can from Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany. Al­to­gether ob­tains 10% stock­holder's rights, be­fore us the pro­por­tion of agree­ing, I can ob­tain 3% stock­holder's rights.”
Other six peo­ple re­gard­ing the view of Dirk Mayer, do not have the ob­jec­tion, Dirk Mayer to con­tinue to say tem­porar­ily: „High Grade Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral Tom Cruise and Tech­nol­ogy Chief En­gi­neer Old Iven, can ob­tain 1.5% stock­holder's rights. Sur­plus four broth­ers, every­one ob­tains 1% stock­holder's rights. This al­lo­ca­tion plan, does broth­ers have the ob­jec­tion?”
The al­lo­ca­tion plan of stock­holder's rights ac­cord­ing to AMD Com­pany high-level Stock­holder, the own­er­ship per­cent­age car­ried on the re­dis­tri­b­u­tion be­fore, the stock that Dirk Mayer has are most, he ob­tains nat­u­rally.
„No!” Tom Cruise first took a stand, al­though he in AMD Com­pany was High Grade Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral, ac­tu­ally be­sides not the high yearly salary, sim­ply did not have what stock­holder's rights to draw bonus, his wealth were not many. Even if only ob­tains the new Com­pany 1.5% stock­holder's rights merely, may ac­cord­ing to draw­ing bonus of one year of 2 Bil­lion US Dol­lar, he be able to ob­tain 30 Mil­lion US Dol­lar.
This stock­holder's rights draw bonus, may com­pared with he one year of yearly salary, be higher than ten times to con­tinue!
Old Iven is also very sat­is­fied, as AMD Com­pany Tech­nol­ogy Chief En­gi­neer, the Old Iven yearly salary also merely has 200 ten thou­sand US Dol­lar, draw­ing bonus of 1.5% stock­holder's rights, Old Iven also suit­able sat­is­fac­tion.
Other four Stock­holder, their yearly salaries were say noth­ing of lower, are de­fend­ing the AMD Com­pany yearly salary, sim­ply is a big tragedy!
The stock­holder's rights as­sign­ments of AMD Com­pany in­ter­nal seven Stock­holder are happy, Dirk Mayer takes AMD Com­pany orig­i­nal CEO, he ob­tained 3% stock­holder's rights, this is a very big wealth, only slightly those who make Dirk Mayer re­gret, AMD Com­pany will fall into the hand of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, he no longer will be AMD Com­pany CEO.
But CEO sta­tus, is un­able to com­pare with money by far!
„broth­ers, re­con­nects Net­work Video Con­fer­ence!” Dirk Mayer spoke, AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder, re­con­nected Net­work Video Con­fer­ence ad­dress.
Mu Shuang self-con­fi­dent ask­ing: „Mr. Dirk, does not know how you did dis­cuss?”
Shi Lei anx­ious looks at Dirk Mayer, in heart is pray­ing silently, all do not make a mis­take, AMD Com­pany re­lates to the too much fu­ture mat­ter, if in the AMD Com­pany suc­cess in­come pouch, re­gard­ing the fu­ture de­vel­op­ment, is very im­por­tant!
For ex­am­ple the [Dawn]'s com­pu­ta­tion processes Mod­ule, at pre­sent [Dawn] adopts the net­work com­pu­ta­tion, is ex­te­rior Su­per­com­puter, processes in the help cal­cu­lates data. If had AMD Com­pany, Shi Lei can def­i­nitely re­search and de­velop vol­ume minia­tur­ized, es­ti­mated per­for­mance ultra strength­en­ing mini com­puter, with meet the [Dawn]'s need.
The [Dawn] cur­rent nu­mer­i­cal pro­ce­dure, has not the small flaw, re­lies on ex­te­rior Su­per­com­puter to pro­vide the com­pu­ta­tion sup­port, said strict heav­ier by a point, this is a fatal short­com­ing. If enemy in­ter­fer­ence has shut off the in­ter­net con­nec­tion com­mu­ni­ca­tion, [Dawn] then has be­come the liv­ing tar­get. If [Dawn], built-in pow­er­ful mini com­puter, no longer needs ex­te­rior Su­per­com­puter to pro­vide the sup­port, [Dawn] can face any com­plex elec­tronic en­vi­ron­ment!
„Ms. Mu Shuang, we ac­cepts a Sec­ond plan, Dream En­ter­tain­ment re­or­ga­nizes AMD Group, we only need CPU cpu Child Com­pany, Graph­ics Proces­sor gpu Child Com­pany, re­spec­tively 10% stocks.” Dirk Mayer replied.
Mu Shuang nods as­sent say­ing: „Does not have issue! Then Mr. Dirk, please as soon as pos­si­ble ar­rive at Xia Na­tion, car­ries on de­tailed con­tract sign­ing, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment will take over AMD Com­pany as soon as pos­si­ble, launches the Per­sonal Game Server co­op­er­a­tion plan.”
In nearby Shi Lei, on the face can­not con­strain ex­cit­edly, he ob­tained AMD Com­pany fi­nally \; Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, in chip man­u­fac­ture, trod the First step fi­nally, stepped onto has ruled the world great road!


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