Thursday, November 30, 2017

928: As futile as carrying water in a bamboo basket!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#928: As futile as carrying water in a bamboo basket!
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On June 1, 6 : 00 pm Forty-five dif­fer­ences.
Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion, cur­rent Bu­reau Chief is Gu Bin, he be­fore was Shuangqing City Bu­reau Fugi­tive Chas­ing Di­vi­sion Head, has taken over the Lei Lian­glin Branch Bu­reau Chief po­si­tion, he was per­son­nel of Bai Qiang de­part­ment.
Sub­sta­tion First Vice-chief Xiang Yangchun, is per­son­nel of Bai Qiang de­part­ment, more­over with the re­la­tions of Ling Yuguo, suit­able ar­rival.
En­tire Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion, ex­cept for Se­ri­ous Crime Group Chen Guan­gliang, al­most com­pletely is Shi Lei's Friend. In­clud­ing Se­ri­ous Crime Group, Chen Guan­gliang sub­or­di­nate(s), is Shi Lei's Friend.
Jia Zhengchun sits in Branch Bu­reau Chief Of­fice, Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Bu­reau Chief Zhong Wei­jian, Shuangqing City Bu­reau Bu­reau Chief Bai Qiang, Branch Bu­reau Chief Gu Bin, Sub­sta­tion First Vice-chief Xiang Yangchun, as well as Se­ri­ous Crime Group Chen Guan­gliang, is ac­com­pa­ny­ing Jia Zhengchun.
„Bu­reau Chief Bai, the hearsay you and do Shi Lei have very good per­sonal friend­ship?” Jia Zhengchun good Oo­long tea, with a false smile ex­pres­sion, strange looks at Bai Qiang.
About the per­sonal friend­ship re­la­tions be­tween Bai Qiang and Shi Lei, Jia Zhengchun has made in­ves­ti­gate, be­fore Jia Zhengchun is un­able to make any­thing to Shi Lei force­fully ‚with a wish to in­crim­i­nate, has no lack of a pre­text’ be­hav­ior, there is a Bai Qiang in­flu­ence, in in­ter­fer­ence.
Oth­er­wise, Jia Zhengchun had al­ready re­sorted to the strong method!
‚Bai Qiang, this Shi Lei has the ac­cu­rate sus­pi­cion, I thought how you must guar­an­tee him!’ In Jia Zhengchun heart mean is think­ing, if Bai Qiang stronger to guar­an­tee Shi Lei, per­haps tak­ing this op­por­tu­nity, can throw off Bai Qiang to­gether!
„El­derly Jia, I and Shi Lei have cer­tain per­sonal friend­ship. But asked you to be able rest as­sured that I ob­tained clear Chu and pri­vacy, will not ap­pear ab­solutely for­gets the male sit­u­a­tion pri­vately.” The Bai Qiang ex­pres­sion def­i­nitely was say­ing.
„Such being the case, that is good!” Jia Zhengchun nod­ded, al­though the Bai Qiang strong choice has not guar­an­teed Shi Lei, dis­ap­point­ing Jia Zhengchun a lit­tle, but, can first top­ple Shi Lei, Jia Zhengchun also very happy.
Jia Zhengchun wants from the Shi Lei's mouth, to in­quire the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) news. If such asked Shi Lei, Jia Zhengchun very clear Shi Lei will not reply him. Only then got the Shi Lei's han­dle, through the method of threat, may let the Shi Lei start to talk.
„Bu­reau Chief Zhong, your sub­or­di­nate(s), but also doesn't have the news?” Jia Zhengchun turns the head to look at Zhong Wei­jian, re­veals wipes not too happy look.
Jia Zhengchun be­fore­hand told Zhong Wei­jian, let Zhong Wei­jian sub­or­di­nate(s), came the Shuanghu Dis­trict some quite fa­mous hood­lum belt, to help Yue Dex­uan in­di­cate and con­firm. Then passes these hood­lum. Car­ries on two times to in­di­cate and con­firm Shi Lei.
Not being feel­ing well in Zhong Wei­jian eye dodges to pass. As Shuangqing City Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Bu­reau Chief. Zhong Wei­jian sta­tus is high, even if Jia Zhengchun sta­tus is higher, may even­tu­ally not be a sub­or­di­nate man­age­ment higher au­thor­ity of sys­tem, Jia Zhengchun to the pro­ce­dure that he called hither and thither in­dis­crim­i­nately. Let in the Zhong Wei­jian heart not being feel­ing well some­what.
„El­derly Jia, our Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency few pro­cess­ing sim­i­lar issue, there­fore is not quite clear, which Shuanghu Dis­trict has quite well-known hood­lum. My sub­or­di­nate(s) per­son and Shuanghu Dis­trict Sub­sta­tion Po­lice Force, the union is mak­ing an ar­rest to­gether.” Reply that Zhong Wei­jian is per­func­tory Jia Zhengchun.
Jia Zhengchun this Old Ghost, the flash then lis­tens to not being feel­ing well of Zhong Wei­jian, he says with a smile: „Bu­reau Chief Zhong, this is a sig­nif­i­cant Na­tion(s) Safety case, re­lated to CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Yue Dex­uan Deputy Sta­tion Di­rec­tor. Your Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency has solved this case. Also is great merit one!”
Zhong Wei­jian re­luc­tant smil­ing, has not given any reply.
After sev­eral min­utes, Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency per­son­nel, Shuanghu Dis­trict Sub­sta­tion Uncle Po­lice Force, are hav­ing more than ten in­di­vid­ual re­turns. Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency staff per­son­nel, re­port said: „Bu­reau Chief, we al­to­gether caught 14 quite well-known hood­lum, now in­ter­ro­gates them?”
Zhong Wei­jian has not spo­ken, looked to Jia Zhengchun, hinted Jia Zhengchun to make a de­ci­sion.
Jia Zhengchun shakes the head slightly, „does not use! Tem­porar­ily closes in the in­ter­ro­ga­tion room, after the wait­ing a while vic­tim came, after in­di­cat­ing and con­firm­ing the sus­pect, we in­ter­ro­gated again.”
In­ter­ro­ga­tion room.
The Shuanghu Dis­trict more than ten Fac­tion hood­lum chief­tains, com­pletely by the hand­cuffs on the stain­less steel table, they are the Shuanghu Dis­trict Fac­tion hood­lum chief­tains, is the head im­pres­sively is Black Tiger Gang Ge Dahu (Big Tiger).
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) first small sound track: „All calm, all are proud, are silent!”
Other hood­lum chief­tains all nod, they un­der­stand that Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) opin­ion, as mixes in Shuanghu Dis­trict, how could to know Shi Lei in Shuanghu Dis­trict sta­tus? Most starts, Shi Lei es­tab­lishes sta­tus time, has replied on the Of­fi­cial strength.
Now, Shi Lei's sta­tus, com­pletely is own strength!
Even if the Of­fi­cial strength, was in­fe­rior that de­ter­rent force of Shi Lei own strength to the hood­lum is for­mi­da­ble. The Of­fi­cial strength, most is also im­pris­oned any­thing, but Shi Lei's strength, then can let them eas­ily van­ishes in puff of smoke, more­over must in­volve other peo­ple.
Under two rel­a­tiv­i­ties, how they un­der­stand choose, is the best choice!
In the evening seven o'clock, out­side weather was com­pletely dark.
Jia Zhengchun felt fi­nally some do not suit, he in­quired: „Bu­reau Chief Bai, did you just in­form Shi Lei? Hasn't he come? Shi Lei in Shuanghu Dis­trict, comes prob­a­bly very near Right?”
The Bai Qiang nod said: „I sent in­for­ma­tion to in­form him!”
„Calls him, tells him a bit faster to come!” Jia Zhengchun dark snort, „I tele­phone con­tact CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Yue Dex­uan, he has not come!”
Is lis­ten­ing to Jia Zhengchun dark, in Bai Qiang heart thump, ‚awful, be­fore Yue Dex­uan, in Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal, ac­cord­ing to the El­derly Jia ghost, Yue Dex­uan should al­ready catch up, but has not ar­rived now, is it pos­si­ble that is...’
Can Shuanghu Dis­trict is Shi Lei's Core do­main, Shi Lei in too many peo­ple around of Shuanghu Dis­trict, Yue Dex­uan Safety come Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion from First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal, is big issue!
In the Bai Qiang heart had the guess, he does not have to give Shi Lei to tele­phone im­me­di­ately, but was wait­ing for the El­derly Jia ghost tele­phones to Yue Dex­uan, he wants to know the Yue Dex­uan spe­cial de­tails, the El­derly Jia ghost whether can on con­tact Yue Dex­uan.
Jia Zhengchun is tak­ing cell phone, has di­aled the Xu Yany­ing cell phone num­ber, Xu Yany­ing cell phone, took by Yue Dex­uan is using, the num­ber just di­aled, in the cell phone re­ceiver, has then trans­mit­ted the prompt: „Sorry, user that you dial al­ready turn off the ma­chine!”
„turn off the ma­chine?” Jia Zhengchun doubt thought aloud one.
Yue Dex­uan and Yue Shangyun at pre­sent ‚swim­ming’ in Emer­ald Lake, the tele­phone that Yue Dex­uan car­ries along, nat­u­rally also in Emer­ald Lake. After cell phone the water soaks, nat­u­rally short cir­cuit turn off the ma­chine, then on prompt turn off the ma­chine!
Bai Qiang hears turn off the ma­chine that Jia Zhengchun said that in his heart had af­firmed just guess, he is di­al­ing the Shi Lei's tele­phone num­ber, waited for ten sev­eral sec­onds, Shi Lei has con­nected the call.
„Elder Brother Bai, good evening. What mat­ter has?” Shi Lei said with the in­ti­mate ex­pres­sion re­gards.
Bai Qiang ex­pres­sion se­ri­ous in­quiry: „Shi Lei, haven't you come Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion? I just gave in­for­ma­tion that you trans­mit, haven't you re­ceived?”
Re­sponse that Shi Lei smiles: „sorry for the in­con­ve­nience, Elder Brother Bai, I have not looked at Text Mes­sage, just at home watched the movie! What mat­ter has?” Shi Lei's per­sonal com­mu­ni­ca­tion, the tele­phone, is Text Mes­sage, [Izual] has the prompt, hasn't he pos­si­bly seen Bai Qiang in­for­ma­tion?
Just. Shi Lei has made arrange­ment of cor­re­spon­dence. Yue Dex­uan has got­ten down the un­der­ground spring. What re­la­tions can't he go to Shuanghu Dis­trict Sub­sta­tion also to have? Jia Zhengchun, but can also force him to ac­knowl­edge guilt?
Shi Lei does not want to go to Shuanghu Dis­trict Sub­sta­tion, the Ouyang Xiang cur­rently kitchen makes the del­i­cacy food, is Shi Lei pos­si­ble to see Jia Zhengchun that old man?
„Shi Lei. Us had a sit­u­a­tion, needs you to come con­firmed.” Bai Qiang had not ex­plained that any spe­cial de­tails, in fact, he is not too clear, but Jia Zhengchun is fid­dling with.
Shi Lei smiles say­ing: „Elder Brother Bai, is the El­derly Jia ghost urges isn't that right? Is be­cause some peo­ple have filled the Yue Dex­uan liquor? Let him find Yue Dex­uan to say first again! First this, I must eat meal!”
In the kitchen, trans­mit­ted the fra­grance of red-roasted pork, Shi Lei has hung up the tele­phone hur­riedly. Has stolen into the kitchen. Ouyang Xiang cur­rently leaps the red-roasted pork in pot, Shi Lei anx­ious works on the same place with the hand, then places in the mouth, burns him to in­spire not to hate to spit.
Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion.
Bai Qiang forced smile looks at Jia Zhengchun, „El­derly Jia. Shi Lei does not come, he said that we do not have the ev­i­dence, then do not ha­rass him. If we have any ev­i­dence, con­tact he comes again un­der­stand­ing.”
Bai Qiang has not said the Shi Lei's orig­i­nal words, the Shi Lei's orig­i­nal words are very un­friendly, quite the in­tense sug­ges­tions, in­di­cated that he has killed Yue Dex­uan.
Jia Zhengchun ex­pres­sion one stiff, he dials tele­phone con­tact Yue Dex­uan once more, but prompts the di­aled num­ber as be­fore al­ready turn off the ma­chine, this sit­u­a­tion is very un­sci­en­tific, ob­vi­ously had any ac­ci­dent.
While Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion Bu­reau Chief Of­fice, time of being lost in thought that Se­ri­ous Crime Group Tao Jun knocks on a door, on his face brings to wipe anx­iously.
„Cap­tain, has the sit­u­a­tion!” Of­fice in­side great per­son are many, Tao Jun has mea­sured, re­ports to Chen Guan­gliang.
Chen Guan­gliang looks to Bai Qiang, the great per­son on the scene, Bai Qiang is the Po­lice Force Sys­tem di­rect line leader, re­gard­less of sta­tus of other lead­ers high, Chen Guan­gliang also needs to ask for in­struc­tions to Bai Qiang first.
Bai Qiang looks to Tao Jun, re­places Chen Guan­gliang say­ing: „What sit­u­a­tion sends?”
„We just re­ceived anony­mous warn­ing tele­phone, the warn­ing per­son in the Emer­ald Lake Huanhu Road Nabao sec­tion, taxi rushed to the fort ridge, has crashed into Emer­ald Lake.” Tao Jun was re­ply­ing Bai Qiang.
Chen Guan­gliang look one bright, some do not un­der­stand ask­ing of cus­tom: „When mat­ter does warn­ing per­son have the ex­pla­na­tion is?”
„I just asked warn­ing per­son, the warn­ing per­son said that is about close six o'clock's mat­ter.” Tao Jun re­calls the sit­u­a­tion that the warn­ing per­son was say­ing.
„Close six o'clock!” In the Chen Guan­gliang mind flashes through to­gether mirac­u­lous, „awful, in that taxi, should be our vic­tims, they have en­coun­tered the vi­o­lent treach­ery!”
The Chen Guan­gliang words make Jia Zhengchun com­plex­ion dras­tic change, Bai Qiang not have the too much ac­ci­dent ac­tu­ally, when he and Shi Lei talked over the tele­phone, then knew, Yue Dex­uan has pos­si­bly en­coun­tered the ac­ci­dent.
„You talk clearly, have our vic­tims, what vi­o­lent treach­ery en­coun­tered?” In the Jia Zhengchun heart holds last [Hope] to say.
Chen Guan­gliang looked at Bai Qiang , after look­ing at Gu Bin, the low voice start to talk said: „Our cur­rently in­ves­ti­gate any­thing mat­ter, will pos­si­bly im­pli­cate any per­son, then our vic­tims, then may en­counter the vi­o­lent treach­ery of any per­son.”
Chen Guan­gliang and Shi Lei have had the too much in­fe­rior so­cial deal­ings, most starts Shi Lei to draw sup­port from Chen Guan­gliang, mak­ing Li Zhiyue se­nior male stu­dent enter the prison, Chen Guan­gliang then and Shi Lei has had oc­cur­ring to­gether.
Chen Guan­gliang very in­tel­li­gent has not said the Shi Lei's name, but makes Jia Zhengchun guess, then, Chen Guan­gliang will not at­tract the Shi Lei's ha­tred, mak­ing Jia Zhengchun in front anti- mon­ster, with­stands Shi Lei's all kinds at­tack.
Chen Guan­gliang is very hon­est is not false, but he is not a wooden club!
The Jia Zhengchun brow wrin­kled one ‚Sichuan’ char­ac­ter, he thinks can top­ple Shi Lei, has not ac­tu­ally thought that fi­nally un­ex­pect­edly was the rhythm as fu­tile as car­ry­ing water in a bam­boo bas­ket!


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