Thursday, November 30, 2017

940: Metal finally presently, Plan flaw!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#940: Metal finally presently, Plan flaw!
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On June 3, 5.50, Shi Lei re­turned to Shuangqing City Shuanghu Dis­trict from Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict in the af­ter­noon.
Shi Lei just re­turned to Jingya Gar­den less than one minute, Nanyue Na­tion Ye Feng makes the phone call to Shi Lei, Ye Feng at pre­sent in Nanyue Na­tion Meis­han Is­land, be­cause Meis­han Is­land had the con­tin­gency, Ye Feng re­mained on Meis­han Is­land as­sumes per­sonal com­mand.
After con­nect­ing the call, Shi Lei in­quired: „Does A'Feng, what have newest sit­u­a­tion re­port?”
Ye Feng re­sponded: „Boss, Meis­han Is­land did not have what sit­u­a­tion, Nanyue Na­tion to be at­tracted tem­porar­ily by Plan that you arrange, tem­porar­ily has not con­tin­ued to pay at­ten­tion to Meis­han Is­land.”
„hā hā!” Shi Lei has laughed two, „, since were at­tracted that to be good!”
Shi Lei arrange­ment ‚Nanyue Na­tion’ provoca­tive Xia Na­tion, to fight­ing Fei Lu Na­tion, in net world, has caused very huge at­ten­tion quan­tity, thus lets re­lated three Na­tion(s), sit­u­a­tion that also has to pay at­ten­tion to the cor­re­spon­dence.
Ac­tu­ally Nanyue Na­tion was very clear they to say what, was only a pity that ex­plained all these with Hacker, early has made the com­mon peo­ple not be­lieve that if all mat­ters, can ad­vance the body of Hacker, this did work as the fool other peo­ple?
How all these, but also is re­ally Hacker does!
„Boss, you let [N235 Metal] that we seek, I think that we pos­si­bly found!” Ye Feng is re­port­ing to Shi Lei.
„Um?” The Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion is some­what sur­prised, „found re­ally?”
A Shi Lei idle hand, cur­rently sends out to in­quire in­for­ma­tion to [Izual], mak­ing [Izual] carry on con­firmed. Ye Feng they wanted to find [N235 Metal] in Meis­han Is­land, cer­tainly needed the [The Steel and Iron] help of [Izual] con­trol.
If no [The Steel and Iron] to sur­vey, Ye Feng they are un­able to find [N235 Metal] con­tains, do not dis­cuss that any­thing had found [N235 Metal]!
[Izual] on pro­jec­tor, demon­strates im­me­di­ately that Ye Feng had in­deed found [N235 Metal], more­over Main Sys­tem has car­ried on con­firmed, the quan­tity also sur­passed Shi Lei's to be un­ex­pected.
Shi Lei only [Hope] Ye Feng they can pro­vide one cubic decime­ter [N235 Metal] , is also the 5.7 kg weight. How­ever the sit­u­a­tion of [Izual] feed­back is, Ye Feng they found have sur­passed 30 kg [N235 Metal]. As for the con­crete weight, [Izual] does not have to sur­vey tem­porar­ily, is un­able to get the ac­cu­rate an­swer.
Mean­while, [Izual] also dis­played, why Main Sys­tem has not re­minded Shi Lei, this news rea­son. Be­cause Shi Lei comes back, Ye Feng comes on the dial tele­phone, the Main Sys­tem au­to­matic de­fault, waits for Shi Lei pro­cess­ing tele­phone in­for­ma­tion first.
Has say­ing that this is a co­in­ci­dence.
„Boss, we found. Gross weight 34.3 kg. Boss, what method we se­lect, these [N235 Metal], ships to you?” Ye Feng was in­quir­ing Shi Lei, they in Meis­han Is­land, how shipped [N235 Metal], was es­sen­tial issue.
34.3 kg [N235 Metal]. Also is equiv­a­lent to five cubic decime­ters, but must raise one's head lit­tle, enough is five times of Shi Lei es­ti­mate value!
„A'Feng, is di­vided into five these [N235 Metal], then places on five [The Steel and Iron], I will arrange five [The Steel and Iron], ships them.” Shi Lei was telling Ye Feng, im­ple­ment quite dis­crete Plan.
Is di­vided into five [N235 Metal]. Arranges five [The Steel and Iron] to ship, al­though will pro­duce many tar­get, thus makes the pos­si­bil­ity of ex­po­sure in­crease. But, ships Safety some like this!
If 34.3 kg [N235 Metal], uses [The Steel and Iron] to ship com­pletely, if ships on the way, what ac­ci­dent issue pre­sented? That all did [N235 Metal] want tragedy?
All eggs. Places in a bas­ket!
Truth that this pre­de­ces­sor sum­ma­rizes, some­what some ra­tio­nal­i­ties and sci­en­tific na­tures. Five [The Steel and Iron] ship five [N235 Metal], so long as there is a [The Steel and Iron] smooth hom­ing, Shi Lei's Plan will then not be af­fected.
Ye Feng also un­der­stands this truth ob­vi­ously. His af­fir­ma­tive re­sponse: „Good, Boss, we go to im­ple­ment now!”
Fin­ished with the tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion of Ye Feng, on the Shi Lei face has shown the ob­vi­ous happy ex­pres­sion, „[Izual], demon­strated com­pletely Airen Is­land nearby map that I must have a look at the spe­cific sit­u­a­tion. More­over, in­quired sup­plies gap be­tween Fei Lu Na­tion and Airen Is­land, prob­a­bly was how much time car­ries on one time.”
[Izual] on a pro­jec­tor, the map pro­jec­tion that will cor­re­spond, Airen Is­land was away from the Xia Na­tion supreme head­quar­ters far slightly a point, it was away from Fei Lu Na­tion to be re­cent, Nanyue Na­tion next best.
From the ge­o­graph­i­cal po­si­tion, Fei Lu Na­tion con­trols Airen Is­land to be very con­ve­nient, there­fore they such have also done, lets Xia Na­tion not being feel­ing well.
Shi Lei is pinch­ing the chin, was con­sid­er­ing how should cope with Fei Lu Na­tion. At pre­sent, al­though the Meis­han Is­land cri­sis re­lieves tem­porar­ily, but if the Airen Is­land sit­u­a­tion, is only the drum­beat big rain­drop is merely small, per­haps Nanyue Na­tion will con­tinue to pay at­ten­tion to Meis­han Is­land.
Only then looks for a mat­ter to do to Nanyue Na­tion, let them goes to and Xia Na­tion, Fei Lu Na­tion, wran­gled to­gether, their at­ten­tion were in­volved by the In­ter­na­tional dis­pute, will not pester Meis­han Is­land not to put.
‚Em­barks from the Nanyue Na­tion bor­der, after fly­ing sev­eral hun­dred nau­ti­cal miles, ar­rives in Airen Is­land, then kills Fei Lu Na­tion on Airen Is­land to reach a dead­lock mil­i­tary naval ves­sel, kills the sup­plies ship of op­po­site party again, and in­serts the Nanyue Na­tion na­tional flag, as the mat­ter stands was very then per­fect!’ In Shi Lei heart se­cretly Plan.
‚It is not good!’ Shi Lei has thought of a con­tin­gency sud­denly.
Shi Lei is Xia Na­tion, Fei Lu Na­tion and Nanyue Na­tion, has made one not the mess that is good to clean up \; How­ever, he has also got­ten down a big wrap to him­self, be­fore this wraps him, greatly had not re­al­ized.
In­deed, Shi Lei frames Nanyue Na­tion, must at­tack and oc­cupy Airen Is­land, and wrecks Fei Lu Na­tion mil­i­tary naval ves­sel, this news makes three Na­tion(s) not feel bet­ter. Mean­while, the en­tire World vi­sion paid at­ten­tion, gath­ers on Airen Is­land issue.
This lets the Airen Is­land event, be­came cur­rent en­tire World focal point issue. mil­i­tary use of en­tire World var­i­ous coun­tries sur­veys satel­lite and Large-scale Com­pany com­mer­cial satel­lite and Media In­dus­try peep­ing satel­lite, sprin­kled the vi­sion com­pletely to Airen Is­land.
Under this sit­u­a­tion, if Shi Lei dis­patches [The Steel and Iron] to wreck Fei Lu Na­tion to an­chor in Airen Is­land nine No. 10 mil­i­tary naval ves­sel, will be ob­served by all kinds satel­lite ab­solutely, has many riv­ets to be clear in­clud­ing [The Steel and Iron] on!
Shi Lei does not want to ex­pose in the en­tire World vi­sion, Shi Lei likes the low key get­ting rich, Dan­ger mat­ter, gives other peo­ple to do, is the kingly way!
‚Awful, what to do should? The Your Mother egg, has for­got­ten such es­sen­tial mat­ter un­ex­pect­edly, ac­tu­ally should what to do, be able not only De­stroy falls Fei Lu Na­tion nine No. 10 mil­i­tary naval ves­sel, doesn't ex­pose in the en­tire World var­i­ous coun­tries satel­lite eye?’ Shi Lei is pon­der­ing this issue.
When Shi Lei had not pon­dered an­swer, his cell phone has made a sound, Caller ID in­di­cated that this is Li Cai calls him, Shi Lei has pressed down the an­swer­ing key, waited for that Li Cai spoke first.
„Hey, Big Brother Stone, you where?” The Li Cai ex­pres­sion, is bring­ing in­tense slightly.
„I in Shuanghu Dis­trict, Lit­tle Plum, your side what hap­pened?” Shi Lei was in­quir­ing Li Cai.
Li Cai hēi hēi smiles, a lit­tle sorry for the in­con­ve­nience said: „Big Brother Stone, you let Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] that I man­u­fac­ture, is Elec­tric En­ergy Ver­sion [The Steel and Iron], I have in­cau­tiously made some ac­ci­dents.”
„Ac­ci­dent?” In the Shi Lei heart thump a light sound, Nanyue Na­tion, Fei Lu Na­tion and Xia Na­tion, these three Na­tion(s) sit­u­a­tions are very sub­tle, three Na­tion(s) Hacker World also pre­pare in the mill knife \; That side Meis­han Is­land, Ye Feng found has ad­vo­cated Power Source [N235 Metal]. If Li Cai left issue, then en­tire Plan will crash di­rectly.
In heart anx­ious Shi Lei, deeply in­spired, in­quired: „Did Lit­tle Plum, what ac­ci­dent have?”
„hēi hēi, Big Brother Stone, the Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] vol­ume, some en­large­ments, were in­fe­rior slightly Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] is so small and ex­quis­ite!” Li Cai was il­lus­trat­ing the con­tin­gency.
Shi Lei re­laxed slightly, but the vol­ume in­creased lit­tle, but is not un­able to trans­form the ac­com­plish any­thing's bro­ken rea­son.
„How many vol­umes in­creased?” Shi Lei was in­quir­ing the [say / way].
Li Cai con­crete ex­per­i­ment data, the com­plete re­port will give Shi Lei, „Big Brother Stone, the Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] length and breadth is high, in­creased the 20 cm length com­pletely, the bulk vol­ume in­creased has achieved more than 1.7 times. Con­crete data, the sit­u­a­tion is as fol­lows.”
Length: 1720 mm
High De­gree: 710 mm
Rotor di­am­e­ter: 1580 mm
Bare weight / full oil bare weight: 120 kg / 140 kg
Max­i­mum Take­off Weight: 1200 kg
Out of ground ef­fect ceil­ing: 2800 m
Max­i­mum climb rate: 27 m /s
Low­est flight High De­gree: 0.1 m
Changes the speed most greatly: 100 ° /s
Peak ve­loc­ity: 340 km / h
Cruis­ing flight speed: 320 km / h
Max­i­mum loi­ter time: No The­o­ret­i­cal Data / has not tested
Re­de­ploy­ment range: No The­o­ret­i­cal Data / has not tested
Third Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tric En­ergy Ver­sion [The Steel and Iron], in­creased a point ex­cept for vol­ume, the sys­tem per­for­mance sec­ond has killed Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] com­pletely. For ex­am­ple the Max­i­mum Take­off Weight, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] has 500 kg, but Third Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tric En­ergy Ver­sion [The Steel and Iron], the total weight has been 1.2 tons, pro­moted 1% hun­dred Forty.
The out of ground ef­fect ceil­ing also from 1800 me­ters, rose 2800 me­ters, the pro­moted scope has also achieved over 55%.
The am­pli­fi­ca­tion of max­i­mum climb rate ex­ag­ger­ates, from orig­i­nally most sig­nif­i­cantly rises six me­ters every sec­ond, turned rose the Twenty-seven meter every sec­ond, enough be­fore was 4.5 times! More­over, changes the speed most greatly, the peak ve­loc­ity, the cruis­ing flight speed, has big pro­moted com­pletely!
As for loi­ter time and re­de­ploy­ment range, re­gard­ing using [N235] new Power Source Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], the too big sig­nif­i­cance had not ex­isted. After all, the en­ergy of [N235 Metal] im­pli­ca­tion, under Early Grade Ap­pli­ca­tion Plan, enough is gaso­line 120 time, Long-term Use Ca­pa­bil­ity as­pect, does not need to con­sider com­pletely!
„Big Brother Stone, told you again a good news!” Li Cai ‚quack’ bad smil­ing


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