Wednesday, November 29, 2017

911: Difficulties? Secret facts![ Hello, Uncle Bin!]

HK :: VOLUME #10
#911: Difficulties? Secret facts![ Hello, Uncle Bin!]
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Jade Dis­trict some up­scale small-unit res­i­den­tial area, Third, Thirty-sec­ond Floor No. 3 room.
Shi Lei looks at the clear wa­ter­house cen­ter, on the sim­ple table that glued wood sews, is putting a seal­ing wax yel­low en­ve­lope, and on en­ve­lope, but also writes ‚Shi Lei is opened only by’ the in­scrip­tion.
Li Zifeng also saw the sit­u­a­tion of en­ve­lope, he tells im­me­di­ately to Squadron other three peo­ple: „In­spects the Room sit­u­a­tion!” After telling, Li Zifeng also started to in­spect in Room.
Ac­cord­ing to ev­i­dence that [Izual] has, showed that Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) ob­vi­ously in this suite child, why mys­ti­cally van­ished? Only pos­si­ble ex­pla­na­tion, in ex­actly as stated Room, there are other chan­nels, can let Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) un­flus­tered de­par­ture.
Shi Lei has taken up the en­ve­lope, turns in­side out looked that the en­ve­lope above wax seal records per­fectly, in­di­cated that this let­ter had not been dis­as­sem­bled. Shi Lei has ripped open the crown of let­ter, pulls out a white print­ing paper in in­side.
On the print­ing paper, does not print the type­face, but is the pure hand­writ­ten form, in­di­cates this let­ter for man­ual writ­ing by hand.
Shi Lei:
I am Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), is be­lieved such as sees the per­son. When you see this let­ter, I in the halfway up the moun­tain­side man­sion com­mu­nity, you have not needed to look for me who thinks of every means.
You are cer­tainly strange, why I must hide you, and news that had not died me told you. Mean­while, you are also cer­tainly cu­ri­ous, ac­tu­ally I am any iden­tity, ap­proaches you are any goal.
These issue, I can 11 tell you, but not in let­ter. These in­for­ma­tion, leave be­hind paper doc­u­ment record. Is un­safe, I must tell you face to face.
Shi Lei, if you want to know that the cause and ef­fect of all these mat­ters, as well as hide in Dai Guanghua back [Black Hand], is ac­tu­ally any iden­tity, you need a per­son to come fol­low­ing ad­dress.
I know that you are con­trol­ling the en­tire Shuangqing City mon­i­tor­ing cam­era, I also you avoid the cam­era on the non- ad hoc re­quest, in brief do not leave be­hind any record. This ad­dress. After you re­mem­ber, im­me­di­ately burns down this let­ter. Re­mem­ber, must burn down the let­ter, do not leave be­hind any record, do not tell any­body, in­clud­ing Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany per­son­nel.
Under the glued wood table, there is a gasi­fi­ca­tion cig­a­rette lighter, you can burn down the let­ter with it.
Is wait­ing for our meet­ing, see you again later.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled). On May 31, 2007, own hand­writ­ing.
Shi Lei speed read­ing let­ter, Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Li Zifeng Squadron. Also just searches ac­com­plish Room. Shi Lei folds the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) let­ter, lets print­ing paper's white, has cov­ered in­side con­tent.
„Does Zifeng, what have to dis­cover?” The Shi Lei calm in­quiry said.
Li Zifeng nods, „Boss, in Room no­body. How­ever in the mas­ter bed­room, we had dis­cov­ered the trace that a Safety rope ties up, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) should through the Safety rope, fall from the high air­speed di­rectly, left Thirty-sec­ond Floor.”
„Does high air­speed fall?” On the Shi Lei face has one to pon­der. It seems like Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) al­ready pre­pared all rear guards.
Shi Lei sim­ple table that sews from the glued wood, had found Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) in the cig­a­rette lighter that in the let­ter men­tioned. Or­di­nary a money cig­a­rette lighter of plas­tic, he curled the let­ter, by sim­ple table that in the glued wood sewed, lit the print­ing paper let­ter with the cig­a­rette lighter.
The bright yel­low flame, is swal­low­ing the pure white print­ing paper un­ceas­ingly, changed to the black coal ash it. Shi Lei is star­ing at the flame, until the bright yel­low flame, burns down after the let­ter com­pletely, Shi Lei also dis­crete has pulled out the black coal ash with the en­ve­lope, dis­cov­ered residuum that any has not burnt through, Shi Lei sat­is­fac­tory nod.
„Walks, this mat­ter on such for­get about it, after you re­turn to the unit, does not allow to men­tion this mat­ter. Yes?” The Shi Lei com­plex­ion sud­denly be­comes se­vere say­ing.
The Li Zifeng Squadron four peo­ple, the com­plete nod, said with one voice: „Boss felt re­lieved that we un­der­stand!”
Five peo­ple went out of the up­scale com­mu­nity halfway up the moun­tain­side man­sion to­gether, Shi Lei have dri­ven white Porsche Cayenne in­de­pen­dent to leave, Li Zifeng Squadron was dri­ving the black jeep all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle, pre­pared to re­turn to the Shu'an Vil­lage train­ing base.
In Porsche Cayenne, Shi Lei con­tact [Izual], „[Izual], map re­trieve, Yan Street No. 66, is at­tach­ing No. 3. Takes this place as the Cen­ter re­gion, re­trieve has not mon­i­tored road of cam­era.”
„Sir, has not dis­cov­ered this ad­dress.” [Izual] fast re­turn­ing cov­ered pas­sage­way.
A Shi Lei brow wrin­kle, in the [Izual]'s data store­house, is stor­ing up the Shuangqing City com­plete map, ad­dress that so long as re­trieve ar­rives, that ex­plained in the Shuangqing City range, cer­tainly did not have this ad­dress.
‚Is it pos­si­ble that is Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) de­ceiv­ing me? Is im­pos­si­ble! If Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) wants to de­ceive me, why must come in­ten­tion­ally, more­over fee com­pletely flus­tered has left be­hind a let­ter, doesn't this mess about?’ In the Shi Lei heart is pon­der­ing se­cretly.
„Sir, Sys­tem con­trasts the Shuangqing City many ver­sion maps au­to­mat­i­cally, had dis­cov­ered in 1997 Shuangqing City ver­sion map, has Yan Street No. 66 to at­tach No. 3 ad­dress, the Sys­tem cur­rently au­to­matic plan­ning does not have the route of cam­era.” [Izual]'s Deep Nat­ural Logic Think­ing Mod­ule, has the High De­gree Log­i­cal Think­ing abil­ity, is sim­i­lar to ex­haust­ing the so­lu­tion of plan, [Izual] ex­cels.
The Shi Lei brow wrin­kled slightly, in 1997 ver­sion map? In 1997 Shuangqing City stripped from Xi­chuan Province, formed in­de­pen­dent Di­rectly Sub­or­di­nate to the Ad­min­is­tra­tion City, the Shuangqing City map has car­ried out cer­tain plan re­form.
„Sir, the tar­get po­si­tion was mon­i­tored cam­era sur­round­ing, has not ex­isted to mon­i­tor route of cam­era. Opens the Super Au­thor­ity pat­tern, uni­fies Un­real Graph­ics Pro­cess­ing Soft­ware, erases au­to­mat­i­cally has the record?” [Izual] is pro­vid­ing so­lu­tion of cor­re­spon­dence.
As the [Izual]'s in­tel­lec­tu­al­iza­tion is get­ting higher and higher, [Izual] has been able ‚skilled’ use Un­real Graph­ics Pro­cess­ing Soft­ware, [Izual] pre­pares to use Un­real Graph­ics Pro­cess­ing Soft­ware, real-time erases the record of cam­era to Shi Lei ve­hi­cles.
Shi Lei help­less ex­pressed the ap­proval, ‚damn Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), chose this kind of place!’
White Porsche Cayenne under the [Izual]'s guid­ance, at­taches No. 3 to hurry to to­ward Yan Street No. 66 ac­cord­ing to sched­uled route, Yan Street No. 66 at­taches No. 3, from the dis­tance of halfway up the moun­tain­side man­sion, has more than one kilo­me­ter merely.
Shi Lei has only spent less than five min­utes, then ar­rived at Yan Street No. 66 to at­tach No. 3, he stopped the car(riage) in a nearby res­i­dent com­mu­nity, but was not the Un­der­ground garage or is the road­side. Al­though [Izual] is pro­cess­ing the Shi Lei's dri­ving record when nec­es­sary, but if stops the car(riage) in the Un­der­ground garage, will then pro­duce the park­ing record, more­over not by non- net­work park­ing record of [Izual] con­trol \; Stops is more trou­ble­some in the road­side, if had been pasted the strip by Uncle Po­lice Force, that is not ready proper was recorded?
Only then stops in the res­i­dent com­mu­nity, will not have the park­ing fee pro­duc­tion, will then not have the park­ing record, will not have Uncle Po­lice Force to come to paste the strip. Shi Lei walks from the res­i­dent com­mu­nity, is bring­ing sig­nif­i­cant sun­glasses, cov­ers their ears and eyes tak­ing ad­van­tage of the dim light of night, at­taches No. 3 to walk to­ward Yan Street No. 66.
Yan Street No. 66 at­taches No. 3, the pre­sent is ‚dancer’ the cafe, Shi Lei en­tered the dancer cafe, sat in a po­si­tion of cor­ner at will, was siz­ing up the arrange­ment of en­tire cafe in se­cret.
The arrange­ment of dancer cafe has style, more­over ap­pears quite lofty, a young male server walks, is tak­ing an atlas list, has placed on Shi Lei front table, po­lite [say / way]: „Sir, what cof­fee do you want to drink? You can look slowly, if you need any­thing, can on the call but­ton ac­cord­ing to table, I come at your ser­vice rapidly.”
Shi Lei looked at elec­tronic but­ton on a table, in the heart se­cret sur­prised, the din­ing In­dus­try elec­tron called Sys­tem, was not rare in the later gen­er­a­tion, even many din­ing In­dus­try used a ipad tablet PC meal, but the pre­sent is in 2007, elec­tric­ity Sub­sys­tem in din­ing In­dus­try, ap­plied not many.
After the young male server said that then de­par­ture qui­etly, Shi Lei is read­ing the cof­fee atlas, above la­bels the ap­pear­ance of cof­fee with in­tro­duc­ing, strik­ing price.
Con­tin­u­ally turned three pages, Shi Lei sud­denly in the at­lases, has dis­cov­ered a paper. After he opened the paper, above writes small line of writ­ing: ‚En­ters the wash­room, from left to right counts the Sec­ond gen­tle­man wash­room, on the back wall, raps fast three, then sends out two coughs, raps again four.’
Shi Lei clamped the paper in the con­trol presses firmly be­tween the fin­gers, looked at the bath­room po­si­tion of cafe, stood up the past. En­ters the gen­tle­man wash­room num­ber a Sec­ond po­si­tion, Shi Lei dis­cov­ered from left to right the wall sur­face re­pair of gen­tle­man wash­room has the style, used has re­stored the old dec­o­ra­tion, has filled the dress­ing up of all kinds patch rock and gully.
Shi Lei ac­cord­ing to the ex­pla­na­tion of paper, raps first three, coughs two, then raps four. The parado of wash­room, the un­ex­pect­edly silent up­ward glide, the en­tire process does not have the least bit sound. More­over, the re­pair style of fis­sure and gully of glide fuses in to­gether, could not see has place that any­thing does not suit.
After 78 sec­onds, the back wall of Sec­ond gen­tle­man wash­room, pre­sented two me­ters height one meter wide about chan­nel, chan­nel in­side had the gen­tle white light, down­ward steps.
Shi Lei hes­i­tant mo­ment, has ex­tracted Beretta 92 f of waist, the tac­ti­cal flash­light, right hand armed, the left hand in­stead grasps the tac­ti­cal flash­light, and is putting up pis­tol, walked cau­tiously.
Al­though in the Shi Lei heart has feel­ing faintly, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) is not an enemy, but against per­son's heart must have. Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) makes all sorts of strange be­hav­iors, all dis­closed that this is not a Or­di­nary mat­ter, not being able to allow Shi Lei not to be wor­ried.
En­tered down­ward steps dis­cretely, falling that next 78 steps, rear back wall is qui­etly, has sealed up the Shi Lei's es­cape route.
Shi Lei at­tempts to call [Izual], ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that in this sim­ply does not have the cell phone net­work sig­nal, is un­able to con­nect [Izual], [Izual] is un­able to pro­vide the tele­sup­port.
„Damn!” Shi Lei has crit­i­cized one in a low voice, can only walk with the stair­case down­ward. Walked with­out rest four steps, got down the Un­der­ground about ten me­ters, fi­nally has not pre­sented the down­ward steps.
And, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) stood in the end place, be with smile on the face looks at Shi Lei, ex­pres­sion say­ing with a smile: „Shi Lei, you came fi­nally!”


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