Thursday, November 30, 2017

925: Fills to me! Mystical number?

HK :: VOLUME #10
#925: Fills to me! Mystical number?
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Shuanghu Dis­trict, Emer­ald Lake Busi­ness Dis­trict, Emer­ald Lake Fish Vil­lage.
Black Tiger Gang Ge Dahu (Big Tiger), on the face is hav­ing the sim­ple and hon­est happy ex­pres­sion, if not he wears the sleeve­less gown, on the shoul­der has re­vealed tat­too, no­body sus­pected ab­solutely he is hood­lum of black in­flu­ence.
After Yue Shangyun has drunk one bot­tle of 52 de­grees Five Grain Liquor (Wu­liangye), has been at the half drunk con­di­tion, Yue Dex­uan heard Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) say­ing that gives Yue Shangyun one bot­tle of liquor again time, his com­plex­ion changes, clenches jaws say­ing: „Were you, too ex­ces­sive a point?”
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) looks the sur­prised ex­pres­sion, „Sir Deputy Sta­tion Di­rec­tor, we ad­mires the straight­for­ward­ness of this broth­ers, you said any Ah?”
Sits in Mu Shuang nearby Xu Yany­ing, has at­tempted con­tin­u­ously more than ten times, is un­able to dial the warn­ing tele­phone as be­fore, she looks at Shi Lei that has stayed out, in the heart in­dis­tinct un­der­stood any­thing.
The Shi Lei's lip ap­proached the Mu Shuang fair au­ri­cle, said in a low voice: „Shuang Shuang, do you also sat­isfy? This Old Ghost dares to visit you with the look that the color nar­rows the eyes, I think to think dis­gust­ing! Re­cently put in great in­con­ve­nience you, I have not thought that with the co­op­er­a­tion of CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion, will have such sit­u­a­tion un­ex­pect­edly.”
The Mu Shuang root of the ear be­comes red, and spreads to all around, be­comes in­clud­ing the neck some­what is ruddy, has been full of the at­trac­tion.
„Shuang Shuang, this dis­gust­ing Old Ghost, I the color will cer­tainly take a look to him. As for the co­op­er­a­tion of CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, does not need them! Has been short of CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion, we have other choices!” Shi Lei as be­fore small sound track.
The Mu Shuang fine and fair ear, under the steam func­tion that in the Shi Lei mouth spouts, be­came red, if the drop blood is com­mon, Shi Lei could not bear with the lip con­tained the ear­lobe of Mu Shuang.
Such ac­tion, mak­ing the Mu Shuang whole body trem­ble, af­ter­ward sat straight the body hastily, white Shi Lei. Shi Lei hēi hēi smiles, sat straight the body, smil­ing looks at the Yue Dex­uan joke.
Lit­tle Leop­ard also from Black Tiger Gang own table, took one bot­tle of Or­di­nary white wine. In­side in­stalls ab­solutely is plain boiled water. But Lit­tle Leop­ard 52 de­grees Five Grain Liquor (Wu­liangye) that takes from Shi Lei this table, is the gen­uine goods at rea­son­able prices, 52 de­grees High De­gree white wine!
„Deputy Sta­tion Di­rec­tor, I just had drunk with your sub­or­di­nate(s), the pre­sent is both of us drinks one? Deputy Sta­tion Di­rec­tor, I just for­got say­ing that I drink very fiercely, 12 bot­tles of white wine can­not baf­fle me, this whether pre­vi­ous spring late?” Lit­tle Leop­ard con­tin­ues to tease Yue Dex­uan.
Yue Shangyun is only the half drunk, as the Yue Dex­uan as­sis­tant. Yue Shangyun ca­pac­ity for liquor un­usual. If were not just that bot­tle of 52 de­grees Five Grain Liquor (Wu­liangye). Drank anx­iously lit­tle, Yue Shangyun will not have too big issue.
„broth­ers, we... Con­tinue... Drinks!” Yue Shangyun the tongue, has been snatch­ing 52 de­grees Five Grain Liquor (Wu­liangye) from the Lit­tle Leop­ard hand greatly. Then raises head fast and drinks up one bot­tle of 52 de­grees Five Grain Liquor (Wu­liangye).
In the Lit­tle Leop­ard eye re­veals one to ad­mire, true ad­mir­ing, if the op­po­site party is not per­son­nel that Shi Lei or­dered to cope with, Lit­tle Leop­ard wants to hand over Friend with the op­po­site party ac­tu­ally. But the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, is be­yond con­trol rad­i­cally the Lit­tle Leop­ard choice. Lit­tle Leop­ard has drunk one bot­tle of plain boiled water, he felt that some are not quite com­fort­able, the belly was filled by two bot­tles of plain boiled water, strange feel­ing that one type wants to spit.
Two bot­tles of cooled boiled water still some such feel­ings, two bot­tles of 52 de­grees Five Grain Liquor (Wu­liangye). After drink­ing, what has to feel?
Yue Shangyun only thinks dizzy, ab­domen felt that has one group of flame to burn, ac­cord­ing to the nor­mal con­di­tion, Yue Shangyun has four bot­tles of 52 de­grees Five Grain Liquor (Wu­liangye) ca­pac­ity for liquor, this com­pletely is the ca­pac­ity for al­co­hol. After may be forced short time to fill two bot­tles, by Lit­tle Leop­ard. Yue Shangyun hon­or­able could not bear faint on the ground.
In the Yue Dex­uan eye re­veals wipes heart pain, the Yue Shangyun good and evil is also his bi­o­log­i­cal nephew, as the whole fam­ily, can not be grieved?
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) shot a look at Yue Dex­uan, he works on one bot­tle of Five Grain Liquor (Wu­liangye), hā hā says with a smile: „Sir Deputy Sta­tion Di­rec­tor, your helper had keeled over drunk, this time ought you to drink Right?”
Yue Dex­uan knows one could not hide, he turned the head to look once more to Shi Lei, the ex­pres­sion said very in­dif­fer­ently: „Shi Lei, do you want to see some­body in dan­ger and do noth­ing? Did you con­sider the clear con­se­quence? I am CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Deputy Sta­tion Di­rec­tor, per­haps you do not know this on be­half of any­thing, but I told you, this on be­half of en­tire Xia Na­tion news media, as well as your con­nec­tion in­flu­ence to you, achieved the com­plete in­for­ma­tion block­ade! The news and News­pa­per, are mag­a­zines, as well as the net­work media, com­pletely to you and Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, carry on the thor­ough ex­po­sure to force out!”
Shi Lei has made a not too el­e­gant move­ment, the pinky of his right hand, has put in the ear, after hav­ing pulled out, with the thumb and pinky, the pre­cip­i­ta­tion ma­te­r­ial that will pull out shoots.
„I said that this mis­ter, you are Who? we know?” The Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion is very earnest, look that has not faked, com­pletely is the per­for­mance of Oscar Win­ning Actor Level.
Yue Dex­uan deeply in­spired, sneers say­ing: „Such being the case, Shi Lei, we wait and see!” After say­ing, Yue Dex­uan re­ceived 52 de­grees Five Grain Liquor (Wu­liangye) in Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) hand, stud­ies Yue Shangyun to be the same, wants to dis­play straight­for­ward drink­ing up.
But Yue Dex­uan ca­pac­ity for liquor is in­fe­rior to Yue Shangyun, drank sev­eral then fiercely to cough, after hav­ing drunk 50%, then soft faint­ing on the ground.
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) looks sub­con­sciously to Shi Lei, what to do wants to in­quire Shi Lei then should.
Shi Lei sim­ply has not paid at­ten­tion to Ge Dahu (Big Tiger), but looks at Mu Shuang say­ing: „Shuang Shuang, you said that some peo­ple are strange, can­not drink ob­vi­ously, but must drink. Liquor east and west|thing, re­ally such? My this is best, al­though can­not drink, but I will not drink!”
Mu Shuang once more white Shi Lei, col­lected near the Shi Lei's ear, small sound track: „Shi Lei, do not play has gone too far, they after all are CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Deputy Sta­tion Di­rec­tor, if had any ac­ci­dent, we are not good to con­fess.”
The nod that Shi Lei smiles, „I agreed!”
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) ac­tu­ally re­ceived the Shi Lei's in­struc­tion, ‚can­not drink must drink’, ex­actly as stated Shi Lei's order, in other words, lets the per­son who Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) fills these ‚un­able’ to drink force­fully, Yue Dex­uan that for ex­am­ple fainted!
„Has Sir Deputy Sta­tion Di­rec­tor, you only drunk half? Looks down upon me?” Per­for­mance that Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) goes all out, is sim­i­lar to Yue Dex­uan has not got­ten drunk to faint to be the same.
„Lit­tle Leop­ard, gives Sir Deputy Sta­tion Di­rec­tor to come one bot­tle again, can­not drink also to fill!” Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) says with a smile coldly.
young­ster of Lit­tle Leop­ard to two Black Tiger Gang has caused a look, hints two young­ster to hold Yue Dex­uan, the Lit­tle Leop­ard right hand took the bev­er­age bot­tle, the left hand was seiz­ing the cheeks of Yue Dex­uan, opened the dou­ble mouth of Yue Dex­uan force­fully, then has filled one bot­tle of liquor.
Also after is one bot­tle of 52 de­grees Five Grain Liquor (Wu­liangye) fill, Yue Dex­uan com­plex­ion from ruddy, turned into the dark green white, pre­lude that some­what al­co­hol is poi­soned.
Xu Yany­ing sits in Mu Shuang side, small sound track: „Ms. Mu, Mr. Shi, Sta­tion Di­rec­tor Yue re­ceived Pun­ish­ment, might as well such stop Right?”
Mu Shuang has not spo­ken, this words can­not speak ir­re­spon­si­bly, re­gard­less of makes any reply, that ex­actly as stated ac­knowl­edged this farce is they di­rects, this is not a re­laxed mat­ter.
„Ms. Xu, what were you say­ing? I can­not un­der­stand!” Shi Lei has not pre­tended not to know Xu Yany­ing in­ten­tion­ally, but feigns, ex­pressed that does not re­late with the pre­sent mat­ter.
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) looks at the Lit­tle Leop­ard three peo­ple to fill the Yue Dex­uan liquor, while is ob­serv­ing Shi Lei, so long as Shi Lei has not stopped, pour­ing liquor down the throat that they must con­tinue.
„Drinks one bot­tle again!” Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) did not have the least bit not to en­dure to say.
Xu Yany­ing look that looks to worry about, „Mr. Shi, Sta­tion Di­rec­tor Yue can­not drink the too much liquor, his heart is not good, if Sta­tion Di­rec­tor Yue died here, you were not good to con­fess Right?”
A Shi Lei eye­ball rev­o­lu­tion, he does not want to kill Yue Dex­uan, if has killed Yue Dex­uan, will be quite in­deed trou­ble­some. Shi Lei stands up, said to Mu Shuang: „Shuang Shuang, here eats meal the Dan­ger ap­pear­ance, we change a place, how?”
Mu Shuang nods the agree­ment, „walks, I do not like eat­ing too spic­ily, re­cently was not healthy.”
Shi Lei brings Mu Shuang to leave, Li Zifeng waits for out­side, after they leave, Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) also fast leads the per­son to leave, in en­tire Emer­ald Lake Fish Vil­lage, im­me­di­ately only re­main­ing Yue Dex­uan and Yue Shangyun, Xu Yany­ing.
Until this time, Xu Yany­ing was clear, looked like the re­pair is why good . More­over the fla­vor can Emer­ald Lake Fish Vil­lage, had two ta­bles of peo­ple at noon today. Orig­i­nally all these are the traps that Shi Lei arranges!
Xu Yany­ing looks that two keeled over drunk in the man of ground, she is hugs also hugs mo­tion­less, drags also to tow mo­tion­less, can only ar­rive at the Emer­ald Lake Fish Vil­lage bar, has cho­sen the warn­ing with the plane tele­phone. As for Emer­ald Lake Fish Vil­lage bar per­son­nel, they al­ready mys­ti­cally dis­ap­peared, where also did not know, did not fear that Shi Lei and Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) ate the waiter, mys­ti­cally van­ished in any case!
Yue Dex­uan and Yue Shangyun in Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal, after a af­ter­noon treat­ment, fi­nally re­sumed the basic con­scious­ness. A First mat­ter that Yue Dex­uan sobers, ex­actly as stated shouted abuse: „Shi Lei, my Yue Dex­uan does not tidy up you, I did not call Yue Dex­uan!”
Xu Yany­ing takes care of them in the hos­pi­tal, her small sound track: „Sta­tion Di­rec­tor, low voice, hearsay Shi Lei is big in the Shuanghu Dis­trict in­flu­ence, if he must be dis­ad­van­ta­geous to us, we were very pas­sive!”
Yue Dex­uan has sneered, „Lit­tle Xu, gives me your tele­phone, I must make a phone call!”
Be­fore com­ing Shuangqing City, Yue Dex­uan al­to­gether ob­tained two use­ful news. The First Item news, is Shi Lei is the Shuangqing City Lit­tle Over­lord news, mak­ing him try not to pro­voke Shi Lei. Now has pro­voked Shi Lei, can kow­tow the apol­ogy?
The Sec­ond Item news, the ac­tu­ally true good news, a CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion spe­cial fig­ure, gave a tele­phone num­ber to give Yue Dex­uan, lets he had any dif­fi­cult time, dials this tele­phone num­ber.
Yue Dex­uan cur­rently dials this tele­phone num­ber, [Hope] to be helped, with the aim of tidy­ing up Shi Lei well!


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