Saturday, November 25, 2017

856: Supercomputer construction cost, [Raphael] attack!

#856: Supercomputer construction cost, [Raphael] attack!
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En­tire World open to the pub­lic Su­per­com­puter, car­ries on the two times es­ti­mated per­for­mance rank every year, thus de­ter­mines World­wide first five hun­dred Su­per­com­puter Ranked. Under nor­mal con­di­tions, Ranked First Su­per­com­puter, is the Coun­try Grade re­search agency has.
Busi­ness Com­pany, or the pri­vate re­search or­ga­ni­za­tion, Su­per­com­puter of use, the per­for­mance will not be out­stand­ing. How­ever, hides in Su­per­com­puter of hid­den place, per­haps also has ex­is­tence of more pow­er­ful.
Angel Par­lia­ment then hid Su­per­com­puter [Holy], the Su­per­com­puter [Holy] es­ti­mated per­for­mance, is World­wide Fourth, it is ac­tu­ally not known by the out­side. Su­per­com­puter [Holy] be­longs to Angel Par­lia­ment se­cret weapon, it has made nu­mer­ous con­tri­bu­tions for Angel Par­lia­ment.
Thinks that Angel Par­lia­ment has the es­ti­mated per­for­mance to achieve 80 tflops Su­per­com­puter, more­over can 100% com­plete uses, even can also sur­pass the fre­quency pro­moted per­for­mance, will their Hacker in­va­sion, ac­tu­ally be sharp?
Luck­ily, Su­per­com­puter [Holy], gen­er­ally under con­trol of First Giant and Sec­ond Giant, but is not [Raphael] and [Uriel] gov­erns. Oth­er­wise, by the [Raphael] dis­po­si­tion, the trou­ble of Dream En­ter­tain­ment was big, [Raphael] must every other day looks for the trou­ble of Dream En­ter­tain­ment.
Angel Par­lia­ment each wealth of year of pick­ing up is very con­sid­er­able, even if in 2007 era, at least also re­ceives above One Bil­lion US Dol­lar every year. The so large amount wealth, has not pur­chased es­ti­mated per­for­mance World­wide First Su­per­com­puter as be­fore, that is be­cause the Su­per­com­puter in­vested cost and main­te­nance cost are very high.
In 2007 era, an es­ti­mated per­for­mance is the 100 tflops com­pu­ta­tion speed Su­per­com­puter, the cost price prob­a­bly ap­proaches 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar, if Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, wants to con­struct the com­pu­ta­tion speed to achieve 300 tflops Su­per­com­puter, is the Core part cost then needs to in­vest three about hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar merely.
Su­per­com­puter and in­di­vid­ual com­puter are dif­fer­ent. In­di­vid­ual com­puter as­sem­bles one pile of com­po­nents, turns into com­puter, the as­sem­bly dif­fi­culty al­most does not have, un­der­stands a com­puter knowl­edge diyer also to be able slightly re­laxed ac­com­plish.
As­sem­bly work of Su­per­com­puter, is not sim­ple. As­sem­bles the big pile of com­po­nents, then can ac­com­plish ‚pile of build­ing blocks’ work. The de­sign as­sem­bly work of Su­per­com­puter is very com­plex, in 2007 era Su­per­com­puter. Com­pletely is Third Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter, does not have the tech­nol­ogy of cor­re­spon­dence, is un­able ab­solutely the as­sem­bly of ac­com­plish Su­per­com­puter.
Be­fore Shi Lei re­birth, Su­per­com­puter al­to­gether ex­pe­ri­enced four gen­er­a­tions of tech­nolo­gies. First Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter and Or­di­nary com­puter, al­most does not have what dif­fer­ence, sim­i­larly is com­prised of the mas­ter-con­trol unit, reser­voir, logic unit and input input de­vice. The dif­fer­ent dif­fer­ences are, First Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter spe­cially de­signed cpu. With to im­prove the op­er­at­ing speed. In­creases the Sys­tem es­ti­mated per­for­mance.
The First Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter flaw is very ob­vi­ous. After sin­gle cpu Core op­er­a­tional ca­pa­bil­ity pro­moted, how to re­duce the power loss, so­lu­tion ra­di­a­tion and other issue, mak­ing First Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter leave the stage rapidly.
As a re­sult of the First Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter flaw, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter has re­placed it. Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter, to First Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter, the main change is the pro­moted cpu quan­tity. Also is multi- Core pro­cess­ing. How­ever, the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Ex­ceed Grade com­pu­ta­tion has in­deed solved cer­tain issue of First Gen­er­a­tion Ex­ceed Grade com­pu­ta­tion, but new issue ap­pears again.
The Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter flaw are many, the es­pe­cially pub­lic mem­ory and main­te­nance buffer as­pect issue, processes very thornily, al­most does not have the means to avoid. This issue, caus­ing the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter Ex­ten­sion per­for­mance to be quite lim­ited. In ad­di­tion after cal­cu­lates Core in­creases, speed pro­moted also be­comes quite lim­ited, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter leaves the field sim­i­larly low-spir­ited.
Third Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter in 2007, be­came the high-end Su­per­com­puter main­stream. Al­most all high-end Su­per­com­puter, have used the Third Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter tech­ni­cal stan­dard.
Third Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter mainly uses the dis­tri­b­u­tional multi-proces­sor con­struc­tions, uses many in­de­pen­dent cpu im­ple­ment same Task, si­mul­ta­ne­ously used dis­tri­b­u­tional to store up Sys­tem, each in­de­pen­dent cpu and in­de­pen­dent mem­ory, con­sti­tuted a Su­per­com­puter in­ter­nal node, thus has avoided the main­te­nance issue of Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter pub­lic mem­ory and buffer, Ex­ten­sion per­for­mance as­pect also suit­able Out­stand­ing.
The Third Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter tech­nol­ogy, be­fore the Shi Lei re­birth, is con­tinue use as be­fore! Just, the Third Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter tech­nol­ogy, and has the flaw. Sim­i­lar to other quite per­fect tech­nolo­gies is the same, var­i­ous as­pect per­for­mance are very happy, ex­cept for cost issue. The Third Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter tech­nol­ogy, the only short­com­ing ex­actly as stated cost com­par­i­son is high.
Shi Lei counts for­get about it in the heart se­cretly, if must as­sem­ble an es­ti­mated per­for­mance to be the 300 tflops op­er­at­ing speed Su­per­com­puter, be­sides three hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar ma­te­r­ial costs, but also needs at least the 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar extra cost.
This 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar extra ex­pense, is mainly used to store up the struc­ture de­vel­op­ment, the Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem de­vel­op­ment and ed­i­tor plat­form de­vel­op­ment, as well as data trans­port tech­nol­ogy. In ad­di­tion, in drain con­trol and fab­ri­ca­tion tech­nol­ogy as­pect, there is a very high re­quest.
Even if Shi Lei has [Izual], as High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, [Izual] is ac­tu­ally Su­per­com­puter Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, saved the Su­per­com­puter Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem de­vel­op­ment cost, may prob­a­bly spend a lot of money as be­fore!
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany in the ac­count is very at pre­sent rich, con­sumes 11 hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar to pur­chase AMD Com­pany, but also re­main­ing 27 hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar in the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany ac­count. Al­though looks like from Twenty-seven hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar trans­fers four hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar, es­tab­lishes World­wide First Su­per­com­puter, is not big issue, but that is not ab­solutely good!
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany fol­low­ing Plan are many, de­vel­ops the Smart Phone prod­uct ser­vice, to con­struct Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Head­quar­ters, to es­tab­lish Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion sci­en­tific re­search Cen­ter in­clud­ing cap­i­tal­iza­tion AMD Com­pany, even Shi Lei also has Plan, con­structs the se­cret seabed base in Nanyue Na­tion Meis­han Is­land.
Any Plan, the money of con­sump­tion is not the small num­ber, es­pe­cially last Plan, sim­ply is the bot­tom­less pit. A se­cret seabed base, ac­tu­ally must con­sume much money, Shi Lei has not known re­ally!
„Sir, Sys­tem cal­cu­lates, the pre­lim­i­nary es­ti­mate needs 3,250,00,000 US Dol­lar, has in­cluded Su­per­com­puter all Core part pro­cure­ment ex­pen­di­tures, re­lated Sys­tem de­vel­op­ment cost, as well as lo­ca­tion pur­chase and nec­es­sary in­stal­la­tion cost of cor­re­spon­dence.” [Izual] has re­ported a price to Shi Lei.
Shi Lei stares, the re­sult that [Izual] cal­cu­lates, why com­pared with the re­sult that he es­ti­mates, can be short of al­most 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar?
„Re­sult that [Izual], cal­cu­lates?” Shi Lei was in­quir­ing the [say / way].
[Izual] through pro­jec­tor, has demon­strated Com­pre­hen­sive Data of all funds, Shi Lei had found the rea­son. [Izual] ‚de­sign’ Su­per­com­puter, has used AMD Com­pany pro­duc­tion se­ries cpu, is ‚Hao dragon that’ Xia Na­tion said se­ries cal­cu­lates Pro­cess­ing Chip.
AMD Com­pany at pre­sent is Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Child Com­pany, al­though is also not Wholly Owned Sub­sidiary, is ac­tu­ally ab­solute hold­ing Child Com­pany, do­mes­tic-made east and west|thing, the prod­uct price na­ture is cheap!
Shi Lei has pat­ted the fore­head, he ac­tu­ally rou­tine had for­got­ten AMD Com­pany, AMD Com­pany in tech­ni­cal as­pect, in­deed has a dis­tance with Intel Com­pany.
„Damn [Izual], cheap 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar, can­not make that Su­per­com­puter of high-end!” Shi Lei was say­ing de­pressed, the Third Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter short­com­ing is cost con­trol issue, Shi Lei needs to study the Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Ex­ceed Grade com­pu­ta­tion some time tech­ni­cal issue.
Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter has Third Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter all mer­its, more­over slightly has made up for the Third Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter flaw, re­duced many costs, and in the com­put­ing re­sources ef­fi­ciency, has a bet­ter ef­fi­ciency. Es­pe­cially en­ergy con­sump­tion as­pect, Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter does well.
Al­though Shi Lei does not plan to make the 300 tflops es­ti­mated per­for­mance Su­per­com­puter, ac­tu­ally pre­pares to as­sem­ble makes high per­for­mance Su­per­com­puter, AMD Com­pany cur­rently is Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Child Com­pany, AMD Com­pany has to make the Su­per­com­puter com­plete set tech­nol­ogy in any case, does not need not to use in vain!
„Sir, real ip ad­dress of all in­truder trace!” [Izual] is prompt­ing Shi Lei.
Shi Lei look one bright, sneers say­ing: „Real ip ad­dress of these in­truder, is the dis­trib­uted area all in Xia Na­tion?” Shi Lei when pro­cess­ing in­vades issue ex­pected, in­vades Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Hacker, is very likely is the Xia Na­tion in­flu­ence, even is these damn on­line game op­er­a­tors.
‚Chief Ma, does not know that these time does have your Big Pen­guin par­tic­i­pa­tion?’ In the Shi Lei heart was guess­ing, after Big Pen­guin was ti­died up by Dream En­ter­tain­ment, but can also con­tinue to bring upon one­self dully.
How­ever, this Shi Lei loses for­get about it ob­vi­ously, he had un­der­es­ti­mated the Chief Ma guts, Big Pen­guin did not fear, Big Pen­guin these time mo­bi­lizes the at­tack chief in­sti­ga­tor! Even has di­rected Angel Par­lia­ment, lets Angel Par­lia­ment fol­low­ing Chief Ma Plan, pre­pares to cope with Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany.
„Sir, con­crete data has pro­jected, please ex­am­ine.” [Izual] has pro­jected data, more than 150 Hacker dis­tri­b­u­tion real ip ad­dress, ex­cept for few sev­eral peo­ple in over­seas, other per­son­nel com­pletely in Xia Na­tion.
Shi Lei look one cold, is star­ing on the map the Dong­guang Province Shen­zhen po­si­tion, above is la­belling the twenty four in­truder. Big Pen­guin Bro­ken Knife Group mem­ber, at pre­sent com­pletely in Shen­zhen, the pop­u­la­tion is the twenty four peo­ple!
„Ma Hu­atang!” Shi Lei cold snort, „you were also cloudy in the back I!”
If Ma Hu­atang sits in the Shi Lei op­po­site, he meets pleased telling Shi Lei, ‚my his wool is cloudy you, how you can I?’
Angel Par­lia­ment, se­cret Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel.
[Blaz­ing Sword Raphael] is­sues the order to say sud­denly: „[Sun­light], [Moon­light], pre­pares to start at­tack to Dream En­ter­tain­ment Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site web Server!”


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