Monday, November 27, 2017

890: Shi Lei's Plan, invades military use network!

#890: Shi Lei's Plan, invades military use network!
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Nanyue Na­tion, in May twenty on the 4 th, around 2 : 00 am.
Cheng Dong Strong­hold of Dark Hell sit­u­ated in Móng Cái City, in in­de­pen­dent Room, Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad youngest Zhu Mingx­uan, in­quired issue, is wait­ing for the reply of Ye Feng.
Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad every­one, Bank in per­ma­nent neu­tral coun­try Switzer­land, has opened an anony­mous ac­count, used the anony­mous ac­count to clear a Bank safety de­posit box, and has es­tab­lished open­ing ar­ti­fi­cial Shi Lei. In the safety de­posit box, is lay­ing out Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad each de­sire of per­son, after they died in bat­tle, Shi Lei turns on the safety de­posit box fol­low­ing the com­mit­ment, as far as pos­si­ble ac­com­plish their last wishes.
Ye Feng in the Swiss Bank safety de­posit box, the de­sire that leaves be­hind, ex­actly as stated [Hope] Shi Lei can kindly treat Deng Xi­aol­ing, pro­tects walk­ing past of Deng Xi­aol­ing peace­ful for a life­time, do not have any mis­take.
The Zhu Mingx­uan real age is se­cret, has grown com­pletely is a rid­dle, so young­ster of age, fools around to­gether in mer­ce­nary sol­dier, is the quite strange mat­ter.
Ye Feng looks at Zhu Mingx­uan, silent mo­ment, makes an ef­fort to nod say­ing: „Boss will cer­tainly make the com­pen­sa­tion! You stay be­hind ‚final de­sire’, so long as is un­able ac­com­plish, Boss cer­tainly to help your ac­com­plish.”
Ini­tially, be­fore Ye Feng has not given loy­alty to Shi Lei, Shi Lei then started to help him. Ye Feng it can be said that looks the wit­ness who Shi Lei and Dream En­ter­tain­ment rise, in his heart is trust­ing Shi Lei!
Zhu Mingx­uan ob­tained the guar­an­tee of Ye Feng, on the face has shown the happy ex­pres­sion, „such being the case, I have felt re­lieved, Cap­tain, re­gard­less of the front were Dragon Pond, or was Tiger Cave, I with your foot­steps!”
„Re­mem­bers our slo­gans?” Ye Feng kept a se­ri­ous look ask­ing.
„Die With­out Re­gret! axios!” Zheng San­pao and Chen Xin­grui and other peo­ple, loud re­sponse.
„Axios!” Ye Feng re­sponded to one.
This slo­gan is the Dark Hell high­est slo­gan, is rep­re­sent­ing ‚Die A Wor­thy Death, Die With­out Re­gret!’, So long as is shouted that this slo­gan, then rep­re­sented them to pre­pare death. This slo­gan, only spreads in Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad and Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Elite Squadron, they are the Dark Hell Core strengths.
Got the sat­is­fac­tory an­swer. Ye Feng Shi Lei's Plan, 1510 mak­ing a clean breast. Plan of Shi Lei de­sign, lets Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad other four peo­ple, hears fear­ful and ap­pre­hen­sive, once this Plan had any mis­take, they will die with­out the bur­ial ground!
Il­lus­trated in de­tail Shi Lei's Plan, four peo­ple of Ye Feng to Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad told: „You pre­pare first. Then rests as far as pos­si­ble, we mo­men­tar­ily pos­si­bly move. The at­ten­tion makes high en­ergy food. Eats be­fore em­bark­ing, re­cov­ers the spirit and en­ergy.”
Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad other four peo­ple nod, re­turns to own Room re­spec­tively, pre­pares to need to use Equip­ment that and makes the best use of the time to rest as far as pos­si­ble, mak­ing the spirit main­tain an abun­dant con­di­tion.
Ye Feng has not rested, but ar­rives at an­other room, in this Room, is ex­hibit­ing some Elec­tronic Equip­ment, has in­cluded two com­puter equip­ment. These two com­puter equip­ment, are small vol­ume high per­for­mance Server, they are re­spon­si­ble for Dark Hell in Móng Cái City all mon­i­tor­ing equip­ment.
‚Does not know file pro­cess­ing ac­com­plish that Boss will need, has been able smooth ac­com­plish Plan, [Hope] then to pin in a light doc­u­ment. This feel­ing is not re­ally good!’ Ye Feng sits in two high can in front of newly Server, is star­ing at the quiet printer.
Shuangqing City, Jingya Gar­den.
Shi Lei has drunk the Sec­ond Cup thick cof­fee, his cur­rently in­vades the Nanyue Na­tion North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, in­vades Na­tion(s) mil­i­tary use Sys­tem, this is a very dif­fi­cult mat­ter. mil­i­tary use net­work iso­lates with net­work under nor­mal con­di­tions, only then a few covert junc­tions, main­tain with In­ter­net in­for­ma­tion ex­change.
This junc­tion surely is mil­i­tary Cyber Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist layer on layer de­fense tar­get, wants to enter mil­i­tary use net­work from net­work greatly, the dif­fi­culty quite.
Shi Lei [Izual]'s co­op­er­at­ing with, but also trans­ferred [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] to sur­pass 800 tflops com­put­ing re­sources, has con­sumed close three hours, fi­nally en­tered mil­i­tary use net­work of Nanyue Na­tion North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand.
En­ters merely!
Shi Lei in mil­i­tary use In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, with­out any au­thor­ity, let alone any­thing du­pli­cates, moves and deletes, even does not have in­clud­ing ex­am­i­na­tion au­thor­ity.
Once Shi Lei car­ries on any in­ap­pro­pri­ate op­er­a­tion in mil­i­tary use In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, very may be dis­cov­ered. Shi Lei can only cau­tiously through [Izual], scan­ning in­quiry about Móng Cái City, in­for­ma­tion of that bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house.
En­ters mil­i­tary use In­tranet of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand black, Shi Lei does not plan to carry on any sab­o­tage ac­tiv­i­ties, he wants forge one for the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, ships the com­mod­ity the doc­u­ment.
With the aid of this doc­u­ment, Shi Lei makes Ye Feng lead Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad, mixes in the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house. Then, the Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps fel­low, will then shift tar­get to the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, they will be mis­taken that the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house is also the [Mr. M] in­flu­ence, thus car­ries on De­stroy to­gether.
So long as Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps dares to start to the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, they will re­gret ab­solutely that the in­flu­ence of Nanyue Na­tion mil­i­tary, will give Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps to be pleas­antly sur­prised in the First time.
Nanyue Na­tion bor­der Se­cu­rity Is­sues, had en­coun­tered the two times at­tack be­fore, al­though there is ag­gres­sive This Uncle to stand to in­di­cate to be re­spon­si­ble, but the Nanyue Na­tion high level un­der­went the long-term de­bate, de­nied the at­tack is the pos­si­bil­ity of This Uncle plan.
In order to hold se­cret [Black Hand] of man­u­fac­ture bor­der cri­sis, Nanyue Na­tion bor­der Se­cu­rity Level, in be­fore­hand some time pro­moted to most Higher Grade. Al­though has re­duced now, may be higher than nor­mal stan­dard as be­fore.
The trap that Shi Lei sets up, ex­actly as stated makes Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps take the rap, once Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps were stressed one to re­veal true col­ors, then Nanyue Na­tion be­fore­hand two bor­der Se­cu­rity Is­sues, ba­si­cally also meet one and cal­cu­lates on Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps.
Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps is very fa­mous in mer­ce­nary sol­dier, this spe­cific name sound made Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps in the Africa area like a fish in water. But if they by the Nanyue Na­tion mark are ter­ror­ist, that is not the amus­ing mat­ter. At least, World Mr. Po­lice Force of mind­ing oth­ers'busi­ness Li Jian Na­tion, is glad to make some­thing in view of Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps ab­solutely.
In May twenty, Xia Na­tion Time, 4 : 00 am, Shi Lei in mil­i­tary use In­tranet of Nanyue Na­tion North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, had fi­nally found data that he wanted on the 4 th.
In mil­i­tary use In­tranet of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, Shi Lei was ex­am­in­ing the com­mod­ity of bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house ships the de­tailed list, as well as ships the cargo the de­liv­er­ing-re­ceiv­ing doc­u­ment and re­lated mat­ters need­ing at­ten­tion.
Shi Lei ex­plained ex­am­ined data au­thor­ity, has not ac­tu­ally du­pli­cated and mo­tion au­thor­ity. How­ever, this can­not block Shi Lei, per­haps tech­ni­cal poor Hacker, will choose the in­ter­cep­tion screen slightly, thus pre­serves data. But, re­gard­ing some de­fense very strict se­cret data, often brings to pry the pro­ce­dure, if pries pro­ce­dure Seize to the event of screen cap­ture, has the warn­ing im­me­di­ately.
Shi Lei does not dare to probe mil­i­tary use In­tranet of Nanyue Na­tion North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, has this de­fense plan, does not need to probe, he has a bet­ter method!
„[Izual], the high-de­f­i­n­i­tion cam­era prepa­ra­tion, records all data in­for­ma­tion!” Shi Lei was telling [Izual] di­rectly.
Shi Lei in Jingya Gar­den Room, has arranged the high-de­f­i­n­i­tion high speed cam­era, can fast record all kinds data, use the cam­era to record data, hap­pen to ex­plains the cur­rent poverty-stricken sit­u­a­tion.
„Sir, the high-de­f­i­n­i­tion high speed cam­era pre­pares ac­com­plish, starts the record?” [Izual] in­quired.
„Starts!” The Shi Lei ex­plicit reply, then car­ries the cof­fee cup on com­puter table, has drunk big rich cof­fee, mak­ing he tired sleepy spirit con­tinue to sup­port.
After ten sev­eral sec­onds, [Izual] ac­com­plish all records, „sir, all data have then recorded ac­com­plish.”
Image pro­cess­ing tech­nique that [Izual] Main Sys­tem con­tains, has in­cluded two tech­nolo­gies. A First tech­nol­ogy is Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, is re­spon­si­ble for dis­tin­guish­ing dy­namic image in­for­ma­tion \; A Sec­ond tech­nol­ogy is Word Recog­ni­tion En­gine, is mainly re­spon­si­ble for dis­tin­guish­ing writ­ing re­lated in­for­ma­tion.
With the aid of Word Recog­ni­tion En­gine, [Izual] processes in­for­ma­tion that the high-de­f­i­n­i­tion cam­era records fast, in­for­ma­tion that suc­cess­ful screen­ing Shi Lei needs. „Sir, Sys­tem au­to­matic siev­ing in­for­ma­tion ac­com­plish, trans­fers Il­lu­sory Graph­ics Pro­cess­ing re­lated writ­ing in­for­ma­tion au­to­mat­i­cally, please ex­am­ine the final out­come.”
On the Num­ber One Server screen, was demon­strat­ing ‚com­mod­ity ware­hous­ing list’, had in­di­cated 100 tons [Rice], will be shipped en­ters in the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house.
In­di­cated ac­cord­ing to data that North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand in­ves­ti­gate ar­rives, this com­mod­ity ware­hous­ing list, but also needs the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house and North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, car­ries on net­work data con­firmed. Also in other words, Shi Lei also needs in mil­i­tary use In­tranet of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, this com­mod­ity ware­hous­ing sin­gle se­r­ial num­ber, to input North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand Lo­gis­tics Sys­tem.
Shi Lei in­vades North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand mil­i­tary use In­tranet, only then a goal, more­over he has achieved now, that ob­tains re­lated data of bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house.
As for in mil­i­tary use In­tranet of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, mod­ify their In­ter­nal Sys­tem data, Shi Lei sim­ply has not thought. It is not Shi Lei can­not achieve, but is Shi Lei does not have the time to achieve. Wants in North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand mil­i­tary use In­tranet mod­ify data, and was not dis­cov­ered that es­ti­mated ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's, lit­tle said re­quires 1-2 days of time, slowly ex­plains mil­i­tary use net­work in­te­rior de­fense, may achieve.
But now where finds 1-2 days of time to spend freely to Shi Lei?
Shi Lei also has an­other Backup Plan!
Takes up cell phone on com­puter table, Shi Lei dials Ye Feng se­cu­rity route, after the con­nec­tion, im­me­di­ately asks: „A'Feng, did your side printer pre­pare?”
„Boss, the printer pre­pared, ad­dress was our Server.” Ye Feng sits in Cheng Dong Strong­hold Ma­chine Room, his voice just fell, the printer has then sent out ‚shuā shuā shuā’ sound.
‚North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand com­mod­ity trans­ports de­liv­ery order’, by printer per­fect ‚du­pli­ca­tion’.
With the aid of this light print­ing paper, Shi Lei will have very big op­por­tu­nity, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Angel Par­lia­ment lack­eys, some in­flu­ences cut to fall Nanyue Na­tion!


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