Monday, November 27, 2017

883: Response like tide, Nouveau Riche strength!

#883: Response like tide, Nouveau Riche strength!
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In May Twenty-three day, in the af­ter­noon close six points.
Shi Lei and Mu Shuang dis­cussed in Of­fice, melted the Brave's World First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion reg­is­tra­tion ebb tide plan, uses ‚stu­pid idea that’ Shi Lei pro­posed.
‚Vic­tory Re­ward’, is ‚Vir­tual Lot­tery’, the move that also or ‚the Vir­tual lot­tery ticket’, slightly dam­ages, makes Gamer have to ac­cept.
The Cen­ter thought of these three moves, com­pletely are ‚avari­cious’!
Vic­tory Re­ward was Gamer has pro­vided [Hope], so long as in the Gamer heart had the mean­ing of avari­cious, then on in­evitable must enter for First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion.
The reg­is­tra­tion ex­pense in­deed needs 100 ar­ti­cle cop­per coin(s), com­pared with re­ward that but triv­ial 100 ar­ti­cle cop­per coin(s) and Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany dis­plays, what was also con­sid­ered as?
Vir­tual Lot­tery is also one at­tracts the Gamer sharp weapon, in the hearts of most hu­man­ity, has the bet­ting na­ture. If knows re­sult that ob­vi­ously can win, why doesn't gam­ble a time?
For ex­am­ple, 20 lev­els of Gamer with 30 lev­els of Gamer, met on Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion, ac­cord­ing to the nor­mal con­di­tion, 30 lev­els of Gamer, the win­ning per­cent­age has achieved over 90%. In this case, why doesn't con­cen­trate on 30 lev­els of Gamer to win?
The Vir­tual lot­tery ticket and Re­al­ity lot­tery ticket, are al­most the same na­ture, but the re­lease place changed in Brave's World, dis­trib­uted cur­rency to change to Brave's World's cop­per coin(s).
Three plans that Shi Lei puts for­ward, each plan firmly held the greed of Gamer in­ner­most feel­ings, keep­ing Gamer from re­ject­ing the Shi Lei's open in­trigue. Re­gard­ing busi­ness man­age­ment as­pect, Shi Lei's does not have Mu Shuang well done firmly \; But re­gard­ing the will of the peo­ple as­sur­ance, Mu Shuang is ac­tu­ally not the Shi Lei's match.
„Shuang Shuang, Gamer will not protest!” Shi Lei def­i­nitely was re­ply­ing, „Gamer will only sup­port our res­o­lu­tions, but will not say that our res­o­lu­tions had any issue.”
Mu Shuang sighed, „good, since you such af­firmed that cur­rently does not have bet­ter means that that de­fers to im­ple­ment that you said!”
„Shuang Shuang, Lit­tle Mo, you in Of­fice , etc. my, I go to Base­ment Fifth Level Ma­chine Room first, plan an­nounce­ment that will de­cide just on Of­fi­cial Web­site, then we eat meal to­gether.” Shi Lei looked at Mu Shuang, looked at Ling Yumo.
Mu Shuang nods, has not re­jected.
Ling Yumo will not re­ject, clever re­sponse: „Stone Mon­ster, you act quickly, I a lit­tle hun­gry Eh!”
„En, my move­ment will be quick!” The Shi Lei guar­an­tee replied.
Un­der­ground Base­ment Fifth Level is [Izual]'s Par­ent Server, Su­per­com­puter [Ori­gin] Ma­chine Room, Shi Lei is­sued plan that just said that only needs through the voice, then can let the [Izual] ac­com­plish re­main­ing work, the speed will be nat­u­rally quick.
Rode the el­e­va­tor to ar­rive at Un­der­ground Base­ment Fifth Level, en­tered the Ma­chine Room Core re­gion, [Izual] sent re­gards on own ini­tia­tive: „Sir, in the evening good.”
„[Izual], the record order, is­sues Brave's World news an­nounce­ment(s)...” Shi Lei just with three plans that Mu Shuang dis­cussed that 11 said to the [Izual] hear.
The [Izual] for­mi­da­ble Nat­ural Lan­guage Pro­cess­ing pro­ce­dure, com­plete has recorded, then has pro­duced Brave's World an­nounce­ment(s) in­for­ma­tion that Shi Lei said that „sir, an­nounce­ment(s) pro­duced, is­sued?”
„Issue!” The reply of Shi Lei con­firmed, „was right, [Izual], in Parando Ital­ian restau­rant, gives me the sched­uled po­si­tion, I must eat meal im­me­di­ately.”
„Yes , sir!” [Izual] re­sponded again.
Shi Lei trav­els by the el­e­va­tor to re­turn to 38 build­ings, has shoved open the Mu Shuang Of­fice wooden door, looks that two sit younger sis­ter on der­mis sofa, says with a smile: „Shuang Shuang, Lit­tle Mo, we eat meal!”
Mu Shuang cu­ri­ous ask­ing: „Did Shi Lei, such quickly process?”
Leaves Of­fice he to come back to the pre­sent from Shi Lei, just ten min­utes, this speed rather was too from all sides fast a point.
„hēi hēi, Shuang Shuang, is only the sim­ple an­nounce­ment one our res­o­lu­tions, where need what too much time?” Shi Lei replied with a smile. „Two beau­ti­ful women, you hun­gry Right? walked, I lead you to eat meal!”
Ling Yumo jumped from the der­mis sofa, ar­rives at side Shi Lei, pulled a Shi Lei's arm, cheered: „Good good, I was al­ready hun­gry! Shi Lei, you pre­pare to lead us to eat any Ah?”
Mu Shuang un­flus­tered set­ting out, ar­rives at an­other side of Shi Lei's, pulled the Shi Lei's arm, as if had not re­al­ized that the provo­ca­tion of Ling Yumo, the ex­pres­sion nat­u­rally said: „Shi Lei, I was not con­ve­nient re­cently, does not want to eat hot­pot.”
So-called is not con­ve­nient, can­not eat hot­pot, Shi Lei thinks slightly that then un­der­stood Mu Shuang opin­ion, this was the Mu Shuang rel­a­tive comes!
„Does not eat hot­pot, I have been sched­uled the Parando Ital­ian restau­rant po­si­tion, we have not gone for a long time, a lit­tle fondly re­mem­bers the Parando ad­mir­ing cake, pre­pares to taste to look!” Shi Lei was re­spond­ing to Mu Shuang.
The Ling Yumo small mouth honk, with very low sound, dis­cussed bro­ken: „Elder Sis­ter Mu Shuang, you changed, you be­fore not hon­or­able Light strug­gles with me, now wants to fight with me un­ex­pect­edly!”
Shi Lei has not lis­tened to clear Ling Yumo to say any­thing, in­quired: „Lit­tle Mo, what were you say­ing?”
„Any­thing, has not walked, we go to Parando, I also a lit­tle want to eat small lam­b­chop of their fam­ily.” Ling Yumo looked at Mu Shuang, in the eye was bring­ing a firm­ness, has not let loose to pull opin­ion of Shi Lei arm.
Stem­ming from the in­tu­ition of woman, Mu Shuang un­der­stands that Ling Yumo opin­ion, she has not let loose opin­ion of Shi Lei arm, two women one on the left and other on the right are pulling the Shi Lei's arm, walks from Of­fice.
All the way, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany and Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany per­son­nel, the look varies looks at the Shi Lei three peo­ple, but all peo­ple have not had a joke back­fire col­lects. After the Shi Lei three peo­ple rides the el­e­va­tor to leave, in en­tire Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Child Com­pany, im­me­di­ately all kinds gos­sip run all over the place.
In Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Forum, sim­i­larly was all kinds in­for­ma­tion run all over the place, Brave's World's Of­fi­cial Web­site, up­date an­nounce­ment(s) in­for­ma­tion, let Brave's World's Gamer, dis­cussed in Of­fi­cial Forum.
A small part moves the reg­is­tra­tion through the ed­u­ca­tional in­sti­tute Cup Gamer, ex­pressed the dis­con­tented man­ner, thought Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany in the cir­cle money. How­ever, many Gamer, then sup­ports the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany lat­est res­o­lu­tion.
Es­pe­cially low-and-mid­dle Gamer, they had protested be­fore, thinks that First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion basic has noth­ing to do with Low-end Player, com­pletely is the High-end Player per­for­mance show.
This time, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany up­date the Brave's World Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion re­ward plan, has brought glad tid­ings to Low-end Player ac­tu­ally. Al­though part of Gamer un­der­stand, plan that Brave's World an­nounced that looked like very happy, odds of win­ning in fact, will lower ab­solutely make the blood boil.
May be sim­i­lar to Shi Lei says, he has given Gamer [Hope], re­gard­less of this [Hope] is ac­tu­ally un­cer­tain, but that is [Hope]!
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany changes the re­ward es­tab­lish­ment of Brave's World First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion, al­though fa­vors Low-end Player, but High-end Player, sim­ply do not have the least bit to worry.
‚Vic­tory Re­ward’ this mea­sure, places on higher Gamer to be sim­i­larly suit­able, they will ob­tain many re­wards sim­i­larly. More­over, part of High-end Player, but also in Of­fi­cial Gamer Forum, has is­sued the pur­chase post.
Ex­ceed Grade Gamer [Storm], high-sound­ing talk in Of­fi­cial Forum, has is­sued a post, more­over uses Brave's World's cop­per coin(s), tops the post that he has is­sued within a lim­ited time.
«sky-high price sched­uled pur­chase re­ward goods!»
Brave's World's Gamer, this Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, changes the First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion re­ward plan, in­creased the Vic­tory Re­ward mea­sure, pro­vides a time lot­tery op­por­tu­nity for vic­tory Gamer.
I like Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany for the man­ner that Gamer serves, this plan ben­e­fits com­pletely Gamer, ob­vi­ously Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany is in­deed at­ten­tive is Gamer con­sid­ered that but only does not know avari­cious de­mands the ben­e­fit from Gamer.
Good, rub­bish, so as to avoid some Gamer must guess me is the child-care who Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany in­vited!
This Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, the Vic­tory Re­ward lot­tery goods of an­nounce­ment, con­tain to have Leg­end Rank Equip­ment, Epic Rank only Task Scroll, even is Myth Rank goods clue scroll, any­thing re­wards, so long as there is Gamer to ob­tain, I am will­ing to leave the sky-high price pur­chase!
Asked Gamer to pay at­ten­tion, if you in First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion, de­pended upon Vic­tory Re­ward to ob­tain the High Grade goods, but you want to change into Real Cur­rency it. Then, you must re­mem­ber looks for me, I am [Storm], in Brave's World, my Nick­name called Dugu Qiye, only dig­i­tal ac­count num­ber id was 188888.
If there is Gamer Friend to need to me to sell the goods, di­rectly through voice in­for­ma­tion con­tact I, the source lan­guage be please best is Eng­lish, in order to avoid the Sys­tem trans­la­tion is in­ac­cu­rate, caused any­thing to mis­un­der­stand.
So long as Gamer goods enough High Grade, my offer will cer­tainly let sat­is­fac­tion. Do not sus­pect me to be rich, I only cared whether you have to let my enough heart move­ment the goods.
Fi­nally, hits ad again, my ten­able Third Grade Fac­tion, Storm Strong­hold re­cruits World­wide Ex­pert, so long as you are Brave's World's Ex­pert, so long as you join Storm Strong­hold, our Storm Strong­hold then can sign the for­mal con­tract with you, gives you lib­eral wage!
Also in what?
Joins Storm Strong­hold!
The Ex­ceed Grade Nou­veau Riche [Storm]'s rep­u­ta­tion, re­gard­less in Of­fi­cial Forum, is Brave's World, is very fa­mous. Be­sides his ag­gres­sive in­com­pa­ra­ble dig­i­tal ac­count num­ber, Ex­ceed Grade Nou­veau Riche [Storm] has spent a lot of money in Brave's World, mak­ing his rep­u­ta­tion promi­nent.
The post that [Storm] is­sues, ob­tained im­i­ta­tions of other Nou­veau Riche rapidly, other Nou­veau Riche had is­sued sim­i­lar buy­ing post, these Nou­veau Riche pro­ce­dures, mak­ing some Low-end Player quite speech­less.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment changed the Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion re­ward plan ob­vi­ously, looks after Low-end Player to be lit­tle. But these Nou­veau Riche, ac­tu­ally will con­sider the Low-end Player plan, changed the at­ten­dance high-end Nou­veau Riche Gamer plan.
Only can sigh that the Nou­veau Riche strength is re­ally strong!
Many low-and-mid­dle Gamer, in abun­dance mes­sage reply in the [Storm]'s post, so long as they ob­tained the High Grade goods, cer­tainly will give pri­or­ity to sell to [Storm].
Such sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei has to con­sider, even Shi Lei [Hope] sit­u­a­tion, ex­actly as stated so! To Low-end Player [Hope], [Hope] of mak­ing money, Low-end Player will be surely more pos­i­tive.
The Shi Lei [Hope] Brave's World's lo­cal­iza­tion, is not only an amus­ing game, if also a game of mak­ing money. Did not ask each Gamer to make money, but some at least one small Gamer made money. So, will lead Gamer to emerge Brave's World!.


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