Sunday, November 26, 2017

862: Easily accomplished exterminates [Raphael] and [Holy]!

#862: Easily accomplished exterminates [Raphael] and [Holy]!
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[Raphael] and Shi Lei's Sock­pup­pet [Mr. M], that is the new ha­treds on top of old in­ter­weaves un­ceas­ingly, when­ever men­tioned [Mr. M] time, [Raphael] that has tears stream­ing down the face!
Now the old per­sonal enemy meets, [Raphael] ob­tained pow­er­ful for­eign aid Su­per­com­puter [Holy], he is sim­i­lar to a pink­eye buf­falo is the same, then over­ran to­ward [Mr. M], did not con­sider that is the [Mr. M] match.
Per­haps in the [Raphael] heart, after hav­ing Su­per­com­puter [Holy], any [Mr. M] or is Mr. n, rad­i­cally is the trash of cor­ner!
Su­per­com­puter [Holy] per­for­mance Ranked World­wide Fourth, front three Su­per­com­puter, grasp com­pletely in the hand of Of­fi­cial, [Raphael] does not think that [Mr. M] can catch World­wide Ranked first three Su­per­com­puter.
Even if were [Mr. M] caught World­wide Ranked first three Su­per­com­puter, that was also what kind of?
Through Su­per­com­puter of Hacker method cap­ture, the es­ti­mated per­for­mance of trans­fer is lim­ited, once uses Su­per­com­puter that comes black, han­dles some slightly mat­ter out of the or­di­nary, will then en­counter Safety clean­ing up of Su­per­com­puter real owner.
Angel Par­lia­ment Su­per­com­puter [Holy], was not the Hacker method ob­tained Su­per­com­puter, but was the gen­uine goods at rea­son­able prices, con­cen­trated on Su­per­com­puter of Hacker war truly.
Even if some Hacker has con­trolled World­wide first three Su­per­com­puter, re­sists Su­per­com­puter [Holy] to­gether, [Raphael] also has the con­fi­dence to give the op­po­site party to deal a head-on blow.
„[Mr. M], your at­tack so is why weak!” [Raphael] thought aloud that was say­ing.
[Sun­light Angel] and [Moon­light Angel] tact­ful re­mained silent, not hav­ing the in­ter­rup­tion to fall into self- Fan­tasy [Raphael].
Sim­u­lates Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter to start from [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] force­fully, now passed the twenty sec­ond. Shi Lei cur­rently traces [Raphael] real ip ad­dress. In order to lull [Raphael], after [Raphael] had dis­cov­ered his in­va­sion, Shi Lei will in­vade the minute to make two, on at­tracts the at­ten­tion out­wardly, an­other in se­cret in­ves­ti­gate [Raphael] real ip ad­dress.
Two old per­sonal enemy mu­tu­ally at­tack op­po­site party, but ob­vi­ous Shi Lei got the ad­van­tage. [Raphael] trans­ferred the Su­per­com­puter [Holy] com­plete es­ti­mated per­for­mance, has not ac­tu­ally routed [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] de­fense \; But Shi Lei only trans­ferred part of [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] com­put­ing re­sources merely, must look up [Raphael] real ip ad­dress.
[In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] sim­u­lates Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter. Close 800 tflops Dis­trib­uted-type Scat­tered Com­put­ing re­sources, merge be­came ap­prox­i­mately the 200 tflops Dis­trib­uted-type Cen­tral­ized Com­put­ing re­sources.
So huge com­put­ing re­sources, can re­laxed sweep­ing fall the at­tack of Su­per­com­puter [Holy], but Shi Lei has not done tem­porar­ily. The pre­sent op­por­tu­nity, is not suit­able to fall Su­per­com­puter [Holy] tem­porar­ily black, if [Holy] fell black, [Raphael] ahead of time will cer­tainly es­cape.
Shi Lei [Hope] [Raphael] such did not run. If [Raphael] such ran, Shi Lei serves a need that trou­ble­some tempts [Raphael] thor­ough Dream En­ter­tain­ment?
„Did [Izual], cal­cu­late the re­sult? Damn [Raphael], plays the multi-di­men­sional pro­tec­tion un­ex­pect­edly!” Shi Lei com­plex­ion some are not quite at­trac­tive, [Raphael] De­fend the Server, has made the multi-di­men­sional pro­tec­tion un­ex­pect­edly, as the mat­ter stands. To trace [Raphael] real ip ad­dress, slightly has trou­bled lit­tle.
Just, the [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] tem­po­rary sim­u­la­tion be­came Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter, has the 200 tflops com­pu­ta­tion speed, the multi-di­men­sional pro­tec­tive mea­sures also trou­ble lit­tle.
[Izual] has only spent for 2 sec­onds, then has un­tied the multi-di­men­sional pro­tec­tion, just in­quired in Shi Lei that [Izual] re­sponded: „Sir, has un­tied the multi-di­men­sional pro­tec­tion.”
Shi Lei con­tin­ues to trace [Raphael] real ip ad­dress, is re­ly­ing on the [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] Out­stand­ing per­for­mance. Shi Lei has bro­ken the pro­tec­tion of [Raphael] fast, al­to­gether has spent for 36 sec­onds, has fi­nally de­ter­mined [Raphael] real ip ad­dress.
But [Raphael]?
[Raphael] is still fight­ing with that part of strengths that Shi Lei di­vides, sim­ply had not re­al­ized that his real ip ad­dress has ex­posed!
„Li Jian Na­tion, Wash­ing­ton D.C.!” Shi Lei com­plex­ion sur­prised looks at the [Raphael] real ip ad­dress cor­re­spon­dence Re­al­ity ad­dress.
Has say­ing that the courage of [Raphael] was re­ally too big, as by per­son­nel that Li Jian Na­tion is­sued a war­rant for ar­rest. Also dares to go to Li Jian Na­tion cap­i­tal Wash­ing­ton D.C., such balls color, Shi Lei must say that ad­mires.
If at least, Shi Lei is­sued a war­rant for ar­rest by Xia Na­tion. If no what ne­ces­sity, Shi Lei will not go to the Cap­i­tal City Cen­ter re­gion ab­solutely.
The [Raphael] guts re­turn to parental home after being di­vorced in a big way, Shi Lei ad­mires to turn over to ad­mire, but should tidy up [Raphael] time, Shi Lei will never be le­nient. After look­ing up the [Raphael] exact lo­ca­tion, Shi Lei di­rectly has trans­mit­ted in­for­ma­tion to FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion and CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency.
In order to pre­vent FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion and CIA cen­tral sit­u­a­tion bu­reau man­age­ment is dis­ad­van­ta­geous, Shi Lei also spe­cially con­tact dhs De­part­ment of Home­land Se­cu­rity. Li Jian Na­tion De­part­ment of Home­land Se­cu­rity, priv­i­lege is big. In some cases, must obey dis­patch­ing of dhs De­part­ment of Home­land Se­cu­rity in­clud­ing FBI and CIA.
Threat­ens Li Jian Na­tion na­tive place Safety Hacker as one se­ri­ously, [Raphael] nat­u­rally also in the dhs De­part­ment of Home­land Se­cu­rity black­list, Shi Lei [Raphael] in the Wash­ing­ton D.C. news, has passed to dhs De­part­ment of Home­land Se­cu­rity, they ready proper will send for grasp­ing [Raphael].
[Raphael] in the Wash­ing­ton D.C. news, after in­form­ing to the Li Jian Na­tion three big ca­pa­bil­ity mech­a­nism, the time passed by for one minute, col­lapses from [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang], only re­main­ing 2 min­utes 35 sec­onds.
Shi Lei is con­trol­ling [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang], killed to Su­per­com­puter [Holy]. The Su­per­com­puter [Holy] per­for­mance is out­stand­ing, the de­fense in­ten­sity is very sim­i­larly high, de­fense soft­ware that it uses, a lit­tle sim­i­lar [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem. Al­though the de­sign con­cept does not have [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem to be so ad­vanced, the in­ter­nal de­fense mech­a­nism does not have [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem to be so per­fect, may be the Angel Par­lia­ment First Giant de­sign De­fense Sys­tem, Su­per­com­puter [Holy] de­fense can only say im­preg­nably.
Luck­ily, the Shi Lei re­birth six years, was grasp­ing many Angel Par­lia­ment se­crets!
Se­cret that Shi Lei grasps, one of them has then in­cluded Su­per­com­puter [Holy] De­fense Sys­tem data. for­merly in Angel Par­lia­ment, Shi Lei learns the Hacker knowl­edge with [Ab­diel], then con­firms the knowl­edge with Su­per­com­puter [Holy].
Su­per­com­puter [Holy] De­fense Sys­tem, in the Shi Lei eye, it may be said that does not have the dif­fi­culty. So long as Shi Lei starts to Su­per­com­puter [Holy], that ab­solutely is the easy mat­ter.
Angel Par­lia­ment.
[Raphael] cur­rently re­sists Shi Lei to tell [Izual] con­trol part of strengths, be­fore [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] sim­u­lates Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter, [Raphael] can sup­press [Izual] com­pletely, forces [Izual], only then the strength of de­fense.
How­ever now, after [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] sim­u­lates Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter force­fully, the fight of [Izual] and [Raphael], be­comes has the in­ter­course mu­tu­ally, is sud­denly close.
‚Has felt strange, ac­tu­ally [Mr. M] has made what, why Dream En­ter­tain­ment has de­fense stiff­ened these many? Also, the [Mr. M] at­tack method, why tosses about on this dif­fer­ence, is it pos­si­ble that has what strange­ness?’ In the [Raphael] heart is pon­der­ing.
In him also in strange, Shi Lei broke Angel Par­lia­ment to pro­tect Su­per­com­puter [Holy], arrange­ment De­fense Sys­tem. En­tered Su­per­com­puter [Holy], Shi Lei did not have the First time to do the de­struc­tion.
Is Su­per­com­puter [Holy] Angel Par­lia­ment Core Server, Shi Lei gives up does the de­struc­tion di­rectly?
Shi Lei cur­rently Su­per­com­puter [Holy] In­ter­nal Sys­tem, in view of the disk array group, car­ries on over­all is scan­ning to in­quire, is sim­i­lar to be­fore­hand Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion is the same, wants to ex­am­ine in the en­tire disk array group, has any data.
Had High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem [Izual], the Shi Lei scan­ning ex­am­ines the disk array group data speed quickly, [Izual] met data within in­tel­li­gent Log­i­cal Analy­sis disk array group.
„Sir, data within disk array group, is the en­cryp­tion doc­u­ment, Sys­tem cur­rently car­ries on De­cryp­tion pro­cess­ing, it is ex­pected that takes 15 sec­onds.” The [Izual] re­minder said.
Shi Lei looked at top left-hand cor­ner time, two min­utes 17 sec­onds.
15 sec­onds in a hurry, but the re­sult is ac­tu­ally not the good re­sult, in­stead is the [Izual]'s alarm sound.
„Warn­ing, sir, in the tar­get disk array group, stor­age data com­pletely is trash data. After the Sys­tem au­to­matic logic cal­cu­lates, dis­cov­ered that en­cryp­tion data may be the trap ex­tremely!” [Izual] is an­a­lyz­ing the sit­u­a­tion.
Sure enough, when [Izual] with the aid of [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] ex­plains the Su­per­com­puter [Holy] data doc­u­ments, [Raphael] fi­nally re­al­ized Shi Lei en­tered Su­per­com­puter [Holy].
‚Any­thing! [Mr. M] is in­vad­ing Su­per­com­puter [Holy] un­ex­pect­edly, when mat­ter this is... Awful! Damn [Mr. M]!’ [Raphael] dis­cov­ered that [Mr. M] en­tered Su­per­com­puter [Holy].
[Raphael] both eyes are star­ing com­puter Mon­i­tor, he can­not be­lieve that is un­able to un­der­stand when [Mr. M] did enter Su­per­com­puter [Holy]? Does [Mr. M] enter Su­per­com­puter [Holy]? Just wasn't [Mr. M] has been fight­ing with him?
Ac­tu­ally, [Raphael] wants to be many, fights with him, from be­gin­ning to end is [Izual], Shi Lei rad­i­cally dis­dains in fights with him.
Shi Lei was dis­cov­ered in Su­per­com­puter [Holy], has not con­tin­ued to search any use­ful data, has put in [Moon Virus] di­rectly. [Moon Virus] is over­bear­ing than [Moon Pro­gram], [Moon Pro­gram] is only in­fec­tion tar­get of di­rec­tion de­tec­tion, but [Moon Virus] has the high in­fec­tious­ness.
Su­per­com­puter [Holy], as Angel Par­lia­ment Core Server, it has en­coun­tered the at­tack of [Moon Virus], other with com­puter that Su­per­com­puter [Holy] con­nects, surely at meet­ing [Moon Virus].
Then, Shi Lei only needed to ob­serve in any in­flu­ence [Moon Virus], then can an­a­lyze to have the con­tact in­flu­ence with Angel Par­lia­ment. Changed a view, Shi Lei dis­tin­guishes the po­ten­tial enemy com­mu­nity.
The [Moon Virus] de­liv­ery en­ters Su­per­com­puter [Holy], Shi Lei has drawn back im­me­di­ately from Su­per­com­puter [Holy], his ini­tia­tive con­tact [Raphael], has sent out to [Raphael] has con­nected the ap­pli­ca­tion of ip.
[Raphael] has not re­fused the Shi Lei's con­nec­tion to apply, they put through the voice com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Shi Lei have used voice chang­ing soft­ware, sim­u­lated a voice of mid­dle-aged man, calm [say / way]: „[Raphael], you lost!”
[Raphael] smiles bit­terly, „[Mr. M], your other pleased, I lost lost, I could lose, which has been afraid of los­ing, my next time also had the op­por­tu­nity, but did you have come a time op­por­tu­nity again?”


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