Monday, November 27, 2017

892: Hot burial at sea Devil!

#892: Hot burial at sea Devil!
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Nanyue Na­tion, in the morn­ing 5.5 11.
Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad mem­ber headed by Ye Feng, is dri­ving five Nanyue Na­tion ‚mil­i­tary use’ freight ve­hi­cle, went in the rugged moun­tain road, passed through twenty minute of hur­ry­ing along, five knock­off mil­i­tary use freight ve­hi­cles, stopped in the en­trance of nat­ural cav­ern Safety foothold.
The Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad five peo­ple, are or­der­ing Rul­ing Se­cu­rity and Lonely Mas­sacre per­son­nel all get out. Lonely Mas­sacre per­son­nel one step en­ters the nat­ural cav­ern foothold first, they are more fa­mil­iar with the nat­ural cav­ern foothold, es­pe­cially Lonely Mas­sacre Leader Ren Gudu, he knew about the en­tire nat­ural cav­ern.
Rul­ing Se­cu­rity four Elite Squadron, were placed en­tered the nat­ural cav­ern fi­nally, they need to be re­spon­si­ble for elim­i­nat­ing enter the trace that the nat­ural cav­ern pro­duces, pre­vents to be dis­cov­ered by Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps per­son­nel, but has the un­nec­es­sary trou­ble.
Less than two min­utes, more than 100 peo­ple fully en­tered the nat­ural cav­ern merely, Rul­ing Se­cu­rity four Elite Squadron, elim­i­nates the work of trace to do very well.
In the low al­ti­tude, four [The Steel and Iron] hang be­yond the mo­tor­cade five kilo­me­ters, they stop Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps, Sixth Main War Squad four to track per­son­nel.
Un­der­went the short stay, five knock­off mil­i­tary use freight ve­hi­cles con­tinue to start off, leads the way in the woods of cover. The woods of these cov­ers, very good pre­vented came the sur­vey to air­borne and outer space, pre­vent­ing this se­cret route to be dis­cov­ered.
Móng Cái City.
Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps per­son­nel, en­cir­cled in the Cheng Dong Strong­hold sur­round­ing, Fourth Leader Utu Stan had de­cided in­ves­ti­gated Cheng Dong Strong­hold. How­ever, Utu Stan is not silly x. He did not have to be stu­pid di­rectly en­ters Cheng Dong Strong­hold. The en­e­mies have left be­hind a com­plete foothold, Utu Stan is Shit­head, will think that has issue.
After Utu Stan makes the de­ci­sion, told di­rectly: „Carn­wath, goes to have a look at the sit­u­a­tion with Re­mote Con­trol He­li­copter!”
Al­though Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps does not have [The Steel and Iron] that ad­vanced Equip­ment. But they def­i­nitely have Small-scale Re­mote Con­trol to go straight up air­plane, uses the bat­tery power sup­ply, the loi­ter time is only about ten min­utes gen­er­ally, de­pends upon the Wire­less local area net­work trans­mis­sion image Small-scale toy air­plane.
Carn­wath is Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Third Main War Squad Cap­tain, his Squadron has nine mem­ber, Carn­wath from a sub­or­di­nate hand, re­ceived a suit­case, in this suit­case. Re­mote Con­trol sur­veil­lance toy air­plane of ex­actly as stated Small-scale Wire­less local area net­work.
Spent for two min­utes, Carn­wath has as­sem­bled ac­com­plish Wire­less Re­mote Con­trol sur­veil­lance toy air­plane, and takes Note­book Com­puter as image re­ceiver, „Leader Utu, pre­pared, now can move, en­tered the foothold ex­am­i­na­tion of enemy?”
Utu Stan stands by Carn­wath. Looks at the Note­book Com­puter screen, nods say­ing: „En­ters foothold in­ves­ti­gate of enemy!”
Wire­less Re­mote Con­trol sur­veil­lance toy air­plane under the con­trol of Carn­wath. The lift-off, flies slowly to­ward Cheng Dong Strong­hold. Cheng Dong Strong­hold not any spe­cial de­fense, when Wire­less Re­mote Con­trol sur­veil­lance toy air­plane en­ters Cheng Dong Strong­hold, through the on-board Wire­less trans­mis­sion cam­era, passes on the Cheng Dong Strong­hold in­ter­nal image, shows the pic­ture on Note­book Com­puter screen, im­me­di­ately makes Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps mem­ber angry.
Be­fore early morn­ing time, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps lost 19 peo­ple, in­clud­ing 18 Or­di­nary fighter. Sixth Main War Squad Elite sniper.
The corpses of these peo­ple were cleaned up by Lonely Mas­sacre, and has brought back to Cheng Dong Strong­hold, under the in­struc­tion of Ye Feng, 19 corpses by fold­ing care­lessly was put to­gether, in side of corpse, but also sets up­right writes the Eng­lish sign to­gether.
‚Is this so-called Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps? Col­lapses at the first blow!’
The words that Ye Feng leaves, have not been hav­ing any shame lan­guage. Is more pow­er­ful than any shame lan­guage. Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps is proud, they in the bone, have the pride of being a cut above other peo­ple, fac­ing Dark Hell time, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps en­coun­ters this shame, they will cer­tainly not let off Dark Hell.
The Utu Stan com­plex­ion is pale, both hands grip tightly the dou­ble fist, wishes one could a fist crush­ing note­book screen.
Carn­wath con­trols Wire­less Re­mote Con­trol sur­veil­lance toy air­plane, in the hall of stack corpse, the short stay the mo­ment, Re­mote Con­trol has then been dri­ving Wire­less Re­mote Con­trol sur­veil­lance toy air­plane, pre­pares to con­tinue in Cheng Dong Strong­hold to sur­vey.
How­ever, when Wire­less Re­mote Con­trol sur­veil­lance toy air­plane just crossed the bound­ary of corpse stack, im­me­di­ately with ex­te­rior lost con­tact.
Utu Stan asked hastily: „Has Carn­wath, en­coun­tered at­tack?”
Carn­wath shakes the head, „Stan Leader, has not en­coun­tered at­tack, but is the sig­nal shield. In that in­te­rior of build­ing, has for­mi­da­ble elec­tro­mag­net­ism in­ter­fer­ence, should be the de­fense mea­sure of enemy base.”
„What Dan­ger just had you dis­cov­ered in in­side?” Utu Stan is hav­ing a strange look, in­quired.
Carn­wath hes­i­tant mo­ment, re­sponded: „Leader Utu, through just sur­vey, the base of enemy dis­or­der, this ex­plained the enemy pre­pares to evac­u­ate hur­riedly. More­over, I have not dis­cov­ered ex­plo­sive ma­te­r­ial tem­porar­ily, should not have the ex­plo­sion Dan­ger.”
The Utu Stan look is pro­found, „Carn­wath, lead­ing your Squadron to go in the in­ves­ti­ga­tion, the in­quiry whether has Dan­ger, and col­lects all com­puter Hard Disk and paper doc­u­ment data.”
The Carn­wath com­plex­ion slightly changes, this Task Dan­ger, in Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps im­ple­ment Task, this Task is not most Dan­ger, Carn­wath is only the com­plex­ion change, im­me­di­ately re­sponds: „Yes, Leader Utu!”
Third Main War Squad eight peo­ple, under the lead­er­ship of Lit­tle Cap­tain Carn­wath, fully-armed en­tered Cheng Dong Strong­hold, their move­ments fell in the Shi Lei's eye com­pletely.
Zheng San­pao in Self-de­struct Sys­tem of Cheng Dong Strong­hold arrange­ment, has two trig­ger modes. And one type is the tim­ing de­vice, Zheng San­pao has de­signed one hour of count­down, after the count­down walks, Self-de­struct Sys­tem will erupt di­rectly. An­other plan is the re­mote con­trol, only needs long-dis­tance to issue the order of start, en­tire Cheng Dong Strong­hold will then change to the sea of fire.
Shi Lei through hid­ing the cam­era, dis­cov­ered that Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps only sent out nine peo­ple to enter Cheng Dong Strong­hold merely, he thought aloud: „Has re­ally been a pity, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps is dis­cre­tion as al­ways. How­ever, was Utu Stan came luck­ily, this fel­low and Third Squadron Carn­wath had the con­tra­dic­tion, the in­ves­ti­ga­tion work of this Dan­ger, let Main War Squad im­ple­ment un­ex­pect­edly. hā hā, Utu Utu, in vain we are not ‚good Friend’, thank you give my gift!”
Shi Lei does not have an ex­trav­a­gant de­mands Cheng Dong Strong­hold fiery pit trap, then can kill en­tire Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps. How­ever, can kill Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Main War Squad, is a good mat­ter.
Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps, sim­i­larly is not the mono­lithic bloc, in­ter­nal in­flu­ence is in­trigu­ing, has four Leader to com­mand, cor­re­sponds Angel Par­lia­ment Four Great Gi­ants sep­a­rately.
The Utu Stan sub­or­di­nate boss is [Uriel], how­ever [Uriel] was sup­posed to am­bush to kill by Shi Lei, the Utu Stan sub­or­di­nate boss has be­come [Raphael].
[Raphael] ob­vi­ously does not trust Utu Stan, will dis­patch Utu Stan im­ple­ment to in­ves­ti­gate Nanyue Na­tion this Dan­ger Task.
Carn­wath is bring­ing Third Main War Squad, en­tered Cheng Dong Strong­hold, they are sur­vey­ing very care­fully, for fear that touched any Dan­ger trap switch.
Shi Lei both hands build on the key­board, has input one string of or­ders fast. Hides a trig­ger in Cheng Dong Strong­hold Ma­chine Room by the long-dis­tance ac­ti­va­tion, the mag­ne­sium strap is glit­tered the daz­zling white light, it ig­nited the ther­mit re­ac­tion rapidly!
The ther­mit re­ac­tion blew a fuse an iron wire, when the iron wire blown a fuse flash, the Cheng Dong Strong­hold sur­round­ing raised sud­denly a wall with flues for heat­ing, gaso­line of nu­mer­ous com­bus­tion, has blocked all exits.
gaso­line of Zheng San­pao arrange­ment, con­sid­ered each exit / to speak place, en­tire Cheng Dong Strong­hold per­fect com­bus­tion!
Out­side Cheng Dong Strong­hold, Utu Stan looks at Cheng Dong Strong­hold to be on fire, in his eyes has not shown any sur­prised look, as if al­ready knew gen­er­ally. In fact, Utu Stan in­deed al­ready knew Cheng Dong Strong­hold has the am­bush, but does not know that is the flame.
‚Carn­wath, re­lieved under Hell, I will re­venge for you!’ In Utu Stan heart light se­cret pas­sage.
Cheng Dong Strong­hold, when the flame just raised, Carn­wath then knew badly, he was shout­ing out loudly: „Seeks for the exit / to speak, a bit faster seeks for exit / to speak!”
Short ten sev­eral sec­onds, Third Main War Squad eight mem­ber replied com­pletely has not dis­cov­ered the exit / to speak, Carn­wath has dis­cov­ered a Base­ment en­trance ac­tu­ally, but this Base­ment whether had Dan­ger, Carn­wath sus­pi­cion very!
Cheng Dong Strong­hold fell into dying sea of fire, if not enter Base­ment, they have the dead end, en­ters Base­ment also to have a slim chance of sur­vival.
Re­gard­ing this sim­ple choice, Carn­wath has made quickly the de­ci­sion. „All comes with me, we enter Base­ment to­gether!”
Third Main War Squad mem­ber, fol­lowed in Carn­wath be­hind, Carn­wath walked in the fore­front, the com­plex­ion was some­what ugly, he and Utu Stan re­la­tions were not good, this was Utu Stan in­ten­tion­ally puts in order him ob­vi­ously.
‚Damn Utu, when I am liv­ing ex­it­ing, must re­spond this time sit­u­a­tion to Sir [Raphael]!’ Carn­wath hid in Base­ment.
How­ever, Third Main War Squad mem­ber, has made the sur­prised sound sud­denly, „Cap­tain, what east and west|thing are these pow­der?”
Carn­wath use tac­tic flash­light, has il­lu­mi­nated en­tire Base­ment, dis­cov­ered that in Base­ment over­spread dust pow­der, had not waited for that Carn­wath and Third Main War Squad per­son­nel, wants to un­der­stand ac­tu­ally these dust pow­der are any­thing time, they only thought that sud­denly the good heat, then to pass out!
These dust pow­der, all are Alu­minother­mics Pow­der, after Carn­wath en­ters Base­ment, Base­ment Alu­minother­mics Pow­der was ig­nited by Shi Lei, Third Main War Squad nine mem­ber, being buried ther­mit sea of fire in with­out doubt, has only left be­hind the lit­tle cal­cium car­bon­ate pow­der...


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