Wednesday, November 29, 2017

920: iron proof as solid as a mountain, Shi Lei sophistry!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#920: iron proof as solid as a mountain, Shi Lei sophistry!
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Shuangqing City, Beiyu Dis­trict, Po­lice De­part­ment Head­quar­ters, Bu­reau Chief Of­fice.
Jia Zhengchun com­plex­ion gloomy looks at Shi Lei, he does not be­lieve non­sense that Shi Lei spoke, this ac­tu­ally Shi Lei looks like looks like in say a lie, but is in the Jia Zhengchun hand, is hav­ing very clear ev­i­dence.
„Shi Lei, do you know law of our coun­try?” Jia Zhengchun has not re­futed Shi Lei, but trans­formed a method, [Hope] can make Shi Lei ac­knowl­edge.
In the Shi Lei heart sneers, Xia Na­tion law? Is ‚le­niency to those who con­fess, the firm foun­da­tion puts on \; The re­sis­tance se­verely, goes home to cel­e­brate the new year.’
„Does not know!” Shi Lei shakes the head di­rectly the de­nial, in­di­cated one is a legally il­lit­er­ate, does not un­der­stand law to be or­di­nary com­pletely.
Watches the Shi Lei's per­for­mance, Bai Qiang al­most smiles to make noise!
Bai Qiang and Shi Lei also cal­cu­late old knowl­edge, un­der­went some time con­tact, Bai Qiang knows cer­tainly that what per­son Shi Lei is. If Shi Lei is a legally il­lit­er­ate, that also does have is not ex­is­tence of legally il­lit­er­ate?
‚Jia Zhengchun this old east and west|thing, snort, but also dares to make Old Zhong im­mo­bi­lize me, lets him and Shi Lei so­cial­izes well, feels Shi Lei's to be hard to deal with!’ In Bai Qiang heart happy is think­ing.
Shi Lei in Shuangqing City Po­lice Force, it may be said that is headachy char­ac­ter. The re­la­tions of this ac­tu­ally Shi Lei and Bai Qiang are very good, but caused Bai Qiang to en­gage in mal­prac­tice for per­sonal gains, har­bored Shi Lei's to be wrong in­ten­tion­ally \; But is the Shi Lei's method is wise, mak­ing Po­lice Force Elite un­able to get the Shi Lei's han­dle.
Even if Shi Lei has left be­hind some ev­i­dence, then these ev­i­dence, ab­solutely is not the iron­clad proof, is un­able to play the cru­cial ev­i­dence, is un­able to form the ev­i­dence chain.
se­ries that Shuangqing City Po­lice Force re­cently had hangs case that but has not solved, so long as looked for Shi Lei to be right. Be­cause, they are al­most com­pletely re­lated with Shi Lei, piti­fully does not only have the ev­i­dence.
Bai Qiang has car­ried the teacup be­fore body, sig­nif­i­cant has drunk one, sup­presses the in­ex­plic­a­ble cheer­ful mood, so as to avoid being not care­ful to smile to make noise.
Jia Zhengchun is star­ing at Shi Lei. The so­lu­tion said: „Shi Lei, I told you first, our Na­tion(s) law. If in­volves the event of per­son­nel ca­su­al­ties, re­lated sus­pi­cion per­son­nel. By the Po­lice close con­trol. More­over, once con­firmed sus­pi­cion per­son­nel, ex­actly as stated com­mit­ting a crime per­son­nel, has been pos­si­ble to sen­tence the death penalty high.”
Shi Lei dis­guises the look that showed has wiped fear.
The Jia Zhengchun very sat­is­fied Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion, he does not un­der­stand Shi Lei, but also thinks one have daunted Shi Lei, he con­tin­ues to open the mouth say­ing: „But. Our Na­tion(s) has law to stip­u­late that sur­ren­der­ing and con­fess­ing per­son­nel, can ob­tain the cor­re­spond­ing crime to re­duce. For ex­am­ple the death penalty can re­duce is life im­pris­on­ment, but good be­hav­ior of life im­pris­on­ment in prison. Then can re­duce for the set term of im­pris­on­ment twenty year \; If the per­for­mance in prison is very pos­i­tive, the twenty year set term of im­pris­on­ment can also re­duce is 15 years, or is ten years \; Then fur­ther re­duces the penalty, may go for sev­eral years later, will then be put.”
Per­for­mance of Shi Lei ex­ag­ger­a­tion look in great sur­prise. „What? Our coun­try law un­ex­pect­edly so Dark? Can trans­form in­clud­ing those fac­ing the death penalty is sev­eral years of set term of im­pris­on­ment?” His face naive ex­pres­sion, as if re­ally does not know to be the same, mak­ing Jia Zhengchun very de­pressed.
Bai Qiang is look­ing at belly cramp at the same time, the Xie Nan­feng ex­pres­sion is in­dif­fer­ent, in heart sin­is­ter smile se­cret pas­sage: ‚Idiot. The El­derly Jia ghost is not good to de­ceive, waits a while you to be at­trac­tive!’
The cor­ners of the mouth of Jia Zhengchun have pulled out pulling out, is full of the wrin­kle on the face, is hav­ing spunk, „Major Shi, I think you am If you haven't seen the cof­fin, then you can't shed tears!”
Shi Lei plays the fool to say as be­fore: „What is If you haven't seen the cof­fin, then you can't shed tears?”
„Hēng!” Jia Zhengchun con­firmed, Shi Lei is play­ing him com­pletely, his right hand raises up, hints be­hind as­sis­tant, data that will pre­pare takes.
„Shi Lei, you have a look!” Jia Zhengchun threw one pack of pic­tures on the tea table, no longer called Shi Lei is ‚Major Shi’, ob­vi­ously was get­ting angry rhythm.
Shi Lei in­ter­est­ing has taken up that pack of pic­tures, First is a moun­tain­ous re­gion motor, on the moun­tain­ous re­gion motor, some bul­let hole marks, it by the moun­tain­ous re­gion motor that Shi Lei and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) get rid.
The fol­low­ing more than ten pic­tures, com­pletely are the pic­tures of foot wear im­pres­sion, the data records of some foot wear im­pres­sions, Shi Lei smiles watches the pic­ture, the com­plex­ion least bit change does not have.
The Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion, has stemmed from un­ex­pected of Jia Zhengchun com­pletely, he thinks the Shi Lei's com­plex­ion at least will change, but Shi Lei watches these pic­tures, as if looks at the scenery to be the same, not hav­ing the least bit to be anx­ious, or is the sur­prised ex­pres­sion.
„Oh, this place is good!” Shi Lei is point­ing in the pic­ture, nearby ficus virens that he and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) yes­ter­day hides in the evening, that sev­eral huge ficus virens. „These ficus virens, my un­usual lik­ing!”
Jia Zhengchun is dis­in­clined to reply Shi Lei, is only cold -ly snorted and said: „Con­tin­ues to look!”
In the fol­low­ing pic­ture, pre­sented 11 per­son­nel corpses, in­clud­ing in four peo­ple of 'Dragon Rise' Plan First Di­vi­sion se­cret exit / to speak am­bush, the ec135 po­lice uses the He­li­copter pilot, six fully-armed Spe­cial-type fighter. And, twenty many, the ec135 po­lice with the pic­ture that He­li­copter crashes.
Shi Lei smiles say­ing: „Who are these fel­lows? How to be dying com­pletely? Did they meet Drug Lord? I heard ac­tu­ally that Shuangqing City drug traf­ficker, was quite re­cently ram­pant!”
„Dis­solute!” Jia Zhengchun angry looks at Shi Lei, he has not thought that the Shi Lei so oil salt does not enter, is smil­ing com­pletely, does not have a con­for­ma­tion!
„Shi Lei, the foot wear im­pres­sion in pic­ture, a foot wear im­pres­sion is com­pletely con­sis­tent with your foot wear im­pres­sion size, this point do you dare to ac­knowl­edge?” The Jia Zhengchun anger asked.
Shi Lei has not nod­ded, has not shaken the head, re­mains silent.
„pā~” Jia Zhengchun has pat­ted the palm, out Bu­reau Chief Of­fice, just went to two Po­lice Force of Shi Lei res­i­dence to walk, in their hands is tak­ing a very big white paper, above has a pair of foot wear im­pres­sion.
Jia Zhengchun ex­plained: „Shi Lei, this is just you left the el­e­va­tor the time, we ac­quired, you newest foot wear im­pres­sion. Un­der­went just some time care­ful con­trast, foot wear im­pres­sion in your foot wear im­pres­sion and pic­ture, is com­pletely con­sis­tent. What do you have to quib­ble?”
A Shi Lei stunned ap­pear­ance, silly looks at Jia Zhengchun, as if had been daunted by the ev­i­dence of op­po­site party, Jia Zhengchun has smiled loudly, was sim­i­lar to wins to be the same.
Only the Bai Qiang air/Qi calms down idly looks at Shi Lei, he knows that Shi Lei has the sub­se­quent party.
„Mr. El­derly Jia, you col­lected my foot wear im­pres­sion, but to con­trast, in my foot wear im­pres­sion and pic­ture con­sis­tent? That pre­sent con­trast re­sult came out, my foot wear im­pres­sion with pic­ture in com­plete con­sis­tent, what did this ex­plain?” Shi Lei in­quired.
Jia Zhengchun has not spo­ken. Xie Nan­feng then helps him say: „This ex­plained that you have gone to the crime scene!”
„, Triv­ial foot wear im­pres­sion. Then de­ter­mine comes out, have I gone to the crime scene? Mayor Xie. Other ev­i­dence?” Shi Lei hēi hēi said with a smile: „If you such ar­bi­trary de­ter­mine, whether I could quib­ble, said that oth­ers col­lected my foot wear im­pres­sion in­ten­tion­ally, then framed by plant­ing stolen goods on to frame?”
Shi Lei shot a look at one that two to sub­or­di­nate Jia Zhengchun Po­lice Force, ridiculed: „After all, col­lects a foot wear im­pres­sion of per­son is very sim­ple mat­ter, is sim­i­lar to you col­lects my foot wear im­pres­sion. I do not know mat­ter when has!”
Ac­tu­ally Shi Lei knows!
When en­ters the el­e­va­tor, Shi Lei has de­tected keenly, the el­e­va­tor in­te­rior has issue, the ground has some pow­der \; Then leaves the el­e­va­tor time. Some Shi Lei ob­vi­ous dis­cov­ery floor floor also issue, the pow­der of el­e­va­tor in­ter­nal ground, along with his foot­steps, but on the floor floor, seal carved a pair of per­fect foot wear im­pres­sion.
Shi Lei pre­tends not to know. In turn uses this mat­ter, re­futes the the­ory of Jia Zhengchun.
The Jia Zhengchun com­plex­ion is very ugly, cheek is sim­i­lar to the vet­eran pole that loses plant is the same, Shi Lei re­futed ten to ap­por­tion the strength, they can ob­tain the Shi Lei's foot wear im­pres­sion char­ac­ter­is­tics eas­ily. Other peo­ple nat­u­rally can also ob­tain, thus frames Shi Lei.
How­ever luck­ily, Jia Zhengchun also has other ev­i­dence!
„Shi Lei, even if the foot wear im­pres­sion char­ac­ter­is­tics can by the work of im­i­ta­tion, but gene in­for­ma­tion, can­not fake Right?” Jia Zhengchun from the as­sis­tant hand, has at­tained a re­port, lost be­fore the Shi Lei body.
This is Gene Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion re­ported that Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment per­son­nel, in the 'Dragon Rise' Plan First Di­vi­sion se­cret exit, has dis­cov­ered a com­mon hair, thus has car­ried on Gene Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, con­firmed it is the Shi Lei's hair.
„Shi Lei, what words did you have to say?” Smil­ing of Jia Zhengchun pleased, sweeps the be­fore­hand de­clin­ing ten­dency.
„Mr. El­derly Jia, I had words to say!” The Shi Lei af­fir­ma­tive reply, then stands up, bends the waist to stretch the body for­ward for­ward, small sound track: „Mr. El­derly Jia, I wants to tell you on the quiet!”
Jia Zhengchun Fan­tasy in the heart, Shi Lei soon will be ad­mit­ting im­me­di­ately de­feat. From his ac­quired ev­i­dence, Shi Lei has very big sus­pi­cion, even can say that Shi Lei in the crime scene has pre­sented one of the two per­son­nel. An­other per­son­nel, na­ture ex­actly as stated Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled).
„What do you have to say? Said every­body to lis­ten to­gether!” Jia Zhengchun has not paid at­ten­tion to the re­quest that Shi Lei dis­cussed low voice, in­stead screams, en­abling Bai Qiang, Zhong Wei­jian and Xie Nan­feng to hear.
Shi Lei shook the head, „Mr. El­derly Jia, my [Hope] only told you. Relax, you will be very ab­solutely sat­is­fied, mat­ter that I said im­me­di­ately.”
Jia Zhengchun also thinks that Shi Lei must say any­thing bribes him, in his heart smiles se­cretly, in Bai Qiang Of­fice, Jia Zhengchun had al­ready arranged the pre­cise in­ter­cep­tion in­stru­ment, re­gard­less of the voice of Shi Lei speech has is much small, will be in­ter­cepted the in­stru­ment record, this is ready the proper bribe ev­i­dence!
„What do you want to tell me?” Jia Zhengchun has not re­jected again, but looks at Shi Lei to ask.
Shi Lei hēi hēi smiles, „Mr. El­derly Jia, you ap­proach, I only told you!”
Jia Zhengchun no longer hes­i­tates, he set out from the der­mis sofa, ap­proached Shi Lei, „you said that was ac­tu­ally any mat­ter.”
„hēi hēi, I must tell your mat­ter am, this!” The Shi Lei's right hand, picked up sev­eral hair of Jia Zhengchun, then made an ef­fort to pull slightly.
Jia Zhengchun calls out in alarm one, stood all of a sud­den the body, the anger was star­ing Shi Lei, dis­con­tented loudly shouted to clear the way: „Shi Lei, are you doing?”
Shi Lei shook the right hand, be­tween thumb and index fin­ger, sev­eral gray hair, are not too ob­vi­ous.
„Bu­reau Chief Bai, re­cently our did Shuangqing City, what ma­lig­nant mur­der case have? I had found the mur­derer!” Shi Lei was in­quir­ing Bai Qiang in­ten­tion­ally.
The Bai Qiang co­or­di­na­tion said: „yes­ter­day has to­gether the bad en­ter­ing the inner rooms mur­der case!”
„Well? Where? I must throw these hair, then your Po­lice can hold the mur­derer! After all the mur­derer at the crime scene, has left be­hind the gene ev­i­dence!” Shi Lei was say­ing with an ex­pres­sion of taunt.
Jia Zhengchun un­der­stands fi­nally Shi Lei taunts him com­pletely, merely is only a gene ev­i­dence of hair, then de­ter­mine Shi Lei went to the crime scene, this is too funny!
„Mr. El­derly Jia, haven't you a bit faster es­caped? Waits a while Shuangqing City Po­lice, had the un­am­bigu­ous ev­i­dence, you may be­come a mur­derer, when at this time doesn't run treats?” Shi Lei whole face taunt looks at Jia Zhengchun.
Does Jia Zhengchun want with the Shi Lei fight? Rather is also not the Shi Lei's match!


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