Thursday, November 30, 2017

939: Many Two Kicks!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#939: Many Two Kicks!
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Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, Un­der­ground Anti-Nu­clear War Se­cu­rity Room.
Shi Lei has black star 92 pis­tol, points at He Zhen­bang, Lu Qiang is stand­ing in Shi Lei's not far away, on the face is some­what anx­ious, He Zhen­bang is ac­tu­ally very tran­quil.
„Test? What tests? Do I have some­thing to be tested?” Shi Lei puz­zled asked.
He Zhen­bang said se­ri­ously: „Your pa­tri­o­tism! Your loy­alty! These are we need to un­der­stand! Shi Lei, I asked you, three at­tacks that Nanyue Na­tion will have in the near fu­ture, was you arranges?”
Shi Lei main­tains is silent.
He Zhen­bang has not cared , to con­tinue to in­quire: „You in Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion, have a black in­flu­ence, the drug trans­porta­tion of Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion to Nanyue Na­tion, then sells in dis­tant mar­kets the over­seas, and has is­sued the pro­hi­bi­tion rule, does not per­mit the rel­e­vant prod­uct, im­ports our Xia Na­tion?”
Shi Lei re­mains silent.
„yes­ter­day oc­curred, Nanyue Na­tion, Fei Lu Na­tion and Xia Na­tion, these three Na­tion(s) dis­pute dif­fi­cult po­si­tions, per­haps are also you plays tricks, isn't that right?” He Zhen­bang in­quired again.
Shi Lei smiles bit­terly, „Com­man­der He, how do you make me reply? Said that you in­quired me by per­sonal iden­tity, was by Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Vice-com­man­der, in­quired me on be­half of Na­tion(s)?”
„Dif­fer­ence rep­re­sents!” He Zhen­bang was say­ing se­ri­ously.
Shi Lei hā hā smiled, has put down black star 92 pis­tol in hand, re­ceived it, opened the mouth say­ing: „Com­man­der He, I do not know that you were say­ing any­thing! How­ever, I only want to say that my pa­tri­o­tism, are not less than your ser­vice­men!”
He Zhen­bang re­laxed, truly speak­ing, was point­ing by muz­zle, is re­ally not the good feel­ing.
„Such being the case, Shi Lei, I have a mat­ter, needs you to help!” He Zhen­bang moves to­ward Shi Lei, on the face is hav­ing the happy ex­pres­sion.
Shi Lei one re­fuses to say as one pleases: „Com­man­der He, you were need­less to say. I can­not achieve.”
Solemn Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Vice-com­man­der, more­over is Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict ac­tual con­trol, he must make Shi Lei help, this ab­solutely is a big hole, huge pit!
There­fore, Shi Lei with­out demur, di­rect re­jec­tion.
He Zhen­bang does not have the least bit to be dis­grun­tled. On the face in­stead is hav­ing the light smil­ing face, „Shi Lei, your con­firmed don't you help me?”
„Shi Lei, you leave first are re­fus­ing to deny anx­iously, you have a look at my sin­cer­ity first!” He Zhen­bang sup­ple­mented is say­ing.
Shi Lei has se­lected under one slightly, „Com­man­der He. What sin­cer­ity do you have?”
„Waits a bit!” He Zhen­bang nod­ded to Lu Qiang, Lu Qiang put out Re­mote Con­trol, ma­nip­u­late, a mo­ment later, [Fear­less] towed two big boxes to go slowly.
When [Fear­less] is drag­ging big box ap­proaches, Shi Lei dis­cov­ers on the big box, prints ‚south the Rongcheng City town fire­works fac­tory’ in­scrip­tion. Out­side big box, but also prints com­mod­ity ad, ‚Joy­ful Sky, Happy Earth Chain Two Kicks’ . More­over the ad pic­ture, the whole pre­sents the red style, looks like some­what evil.
The Shi Lei's cor­ners of the mouth have pulled out pulling out, this is the He Zhen­bang sin­cer­ity, two box of Two Kicks big fire­works. Can cel­e­brate? Shi Lei turned the head to look to He Zhen­bang, on the face has re­vealed the color of in­quiry.
He Zhen­bang face pleased, as if these two box of Two Kicks big fire­works, have any great gen­eral ac­tu­ally.
„Shi Lei, what kind, this is my sin­cer­ity!” He Zhen­bang looks with a smile to Shi Lei.
Shi Lei com­plex­ion one black, if the op­po­site party is not Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Vice-com­man­der. Shi Lei must shout abuse, mak­ing him come Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, but also does so mys­ti­cally, has a look at these big fire­works?
‚How your younger sis­ter. It is not right, how your daugh­ter! Damn He Zhen­bang, had his head been ex­truded by the shut­ter?’ In Shi Lei heart evil guess.
He Zhen­bang looks that Shi Lei did not reply, he stares slightly, opens the mouth say­ing: „Shi Lei, you do not know that Two Kicks is any Right?”
„Isn't the fire­works?” Shi Lei de­spised is say­ing.
„Eh?” He Zhen­bang is de­pressed, he had for­got­ten a mat­ter, Shi Lei and he has the ex­change er­ro­neous zone, for ex­am­ple their Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict some­thing, rep­re­sent any opin­ion, as Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict per­son­nel, they nat­u­rally un­der­stands. But Shi Lei does not un­der­stand!
What opin­ion is sim­i­lar to cls these three let­ters rep­re­sents?
It looks like in Shi Lei, cls rep­re­sents is clean­ing up the screen, this is one of the dos order \; Is the t com­mon lan­guage stan­dard. Or­di­nary peo­ple, then pos­si­bly thinks that this is Mer­cedes. to run quickly ve­hi­cle se­ries \; Phys­i­cal do­main per­son­nel, then pos­si­bly un­der­stood that loads the bond­ing jumper for the elec­tric ca­pac­ity \; Med­ical as­pect per­son­nel, thinks that is a can­cer treat­ment.
Ex­change be­tween Shi Lei and He Zhen­bang, then pre­sented this issue.
„Shi Lei, you do not think re­ally that I must de­liver you two box fire­works Right?” a He Zhen­bang face to be de­pressed, he pat­ted clap­ping, Lu Qiang has been op­er­at­ing Land Com­bat Sys­tem [Fear­less], box of Two Kicks fire­works will lift, in­side has re­vealed neat Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile.
On Shi Lei face sur­prised dodges to pass.
He Zhen­bang says with a smile: „How? Shi Lei, these Guided Mis­sile, our Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict can give to you. Our Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, called Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, was called Two Kicks!”
A Shi Lei al­most old blood spurts, any Two Kicks, sim­ply is two goods!
In the Two Kicks fire­works box, thinks of twenty Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, Shi Lei guessed that an­other box is Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile, the quan­tity should also be twenty.
Fac­ing Forty Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, the ro­ta­tion of Shi Lei eye­ball Gū lū lū, „Com­man­der He, what opin­ion is your Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict this being?”
An ap­pear­ance of He Zhen­bang good-hearted per­son said: „Any opin­ion does not have, but heard that your a while ago Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile has used up, we give you again some.”
„Oh?” Shi Lei some­what un­der­stands that He Zhen­bang opin­ion, a while ago, Shi Lei has used Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, not only has taught Nanyue Na­tion, but also sig­nif­i­cant rose the face to Xia Na­tion, Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict also re­ceived the quite high at­ten­tion.
He Zhen­bang this was be­came ad­dicted Right?
„Com­man­der He, I knew, you want to let my in­ves­ti­gate, your did Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict lose the Forty Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile mat­ter? I heard that this mat­ter, prob­a­bly a lit­tle re­lates with Nanyue Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion, per­haps was they steals away!” Shi Lei ac­cord­ing to the He Zhen­bang men­tal­ity, was say­ing with the vague lan­guage.
In the He Zhen­bang heart sighed, with Shi Lei this smart per­son ex­change, in­deed con­ve­nient.
„You said right! Our these time asked you to come, ex­actly as stated lost the Forty Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile mat­ter for in­ves­ti­gate. You want in­ves­ti­gate to be clear, 10 mil­lion can­not let these Guided Mis­sile drift and fall out­side, oth­er­wise, will cause very se­ri­ous con­se­quence!” A He Zhen­bang earnest ap­pear­ance, as if Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict re­ally lost Forty Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile.
The Shi Lei brow rises slightly, on the face re­vealed has wiped the in­ex­plic­a­ble happy ex­pres­sion, „Com­man­der He, heard your Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, this loss was se­ri­ous, not only lost Forty Swift Arrow Se­ries Small-scale Guided Mis­sile, lost in­clud­ing Full-sized short-range Guided Mis­sile, you said right?”
He Zhen­bang had a scare by Shi Lei, Small-scale Guided Mis­sile and Full-sized Guided Mis­sile, com­pletely are two mat­ters! Might at all not on a scale!
„Shi Lei, do you crack a joke? Your was in­ves­ti­gate clear? Our did Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, lose in Full-sized re­ally short-range Guided Mis­sile?” He Zhen­bang also fol­lows the Shi Lei's words, was ask­ing about the sit­u­a­tion.
Shi Lei makes an ef­fort to nod, „En, right! Com­man­der He, your Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict lost short-range Full-sized Guided Mis­sile. Heard that was the Fei Lu Na­tion trans­porta­tion and re­plen­ish­ment ship has stolen away, I do not know whether the news was true.”
The He Zhen­bang hear the Shi Lei's il­lus­tra­tion, the happy nod said im­me­di­ately: „You said right, our Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict short-range Full-sized Guided Mis­sile was stolen away!”
Fei Lu Na­tion has tat­tered nine No. 10 mil­i­tary naval ves­sel, stopped on Xia Na­tion Airen Is­land, and gave a pre­text nine No. 10 mil­i­tary naval ves­sel to have the se­ri­ous break­down, thus had stayed on Airen Is­land, at­tempted to in­vade the Xia Na­tion ter­ri­tory.
To hold Airen Is­land for a long time, Fei Lu Na­tion on tat­tered gen­eral nine No. 10 mil­i­tary naval ves­sel, has guarded seven sol­diers, by this an­nounced that the re­al­ity of Fei Lu Na­tion to Airen Is­land oc­cu­pies is au­tho­rized.
Shi Lei planned that nine No. 10 mil­i­tary naval ves­sel ab­solutely De­stroy, as the mat­ter stands Fei Lu Na­tion does not have any ex­cuse and rea­son con­tin­ues to stay in Airen Is­land.
„Com­man­der He, your did Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, in how many lose short-range Full-sized Guided Mis­sile? I quite arrange to give tar­get that you in­ves­ti­gate seeks to lose.” Shi Lei was in­quir­ing He Zhen­bang.
He Zhen­bang had con­sid­ered, is only fi­nally will­ing to re­lent four, many He Zhen­bang do not want in any event. After all the threat of Full-sized Guided Mis­sile was too big a point, He Zhen­bang also had own worry.
Al­though Shi Lei wants the lion big yawn, but now is not suit­able says many, can have four four, Shi Lei only planned in any case with two, re­main­ing two saves!
„Com­man­der He, where do you lose the Guided Mis­sile po­si­tion? My good to help you seek!” Shi Lei this was in­quir­ing where He Zhen­bang will ship Guided Mis­sile, fa­cil­i­tates him to re­ceive.
He Zhen­bang had not said ex­plic­itly, but looks to Shi Lei, where hints Shi Lei to be con­ve­nient, where Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Guided Mis­sile then can lose. „I was not quite clear, prob­a­bly is one has the moun­tain to have the water, the place of woods.”
Has the moun­tain to have the water to have the woods, the Your Mother egg, dares to say oddly?
Shi Lei hēi hēi said with a smile: „Com­man­der He, lis­tened to your say­ing, this place prob­a­bly was Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion, there had the moun­tain to have the water to have the woods!”
„En, right, is Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion!” He Zhen­bang sec­onds the mo­tion say­ing that then turned around to say to Lu Qiang: „Old Lu, this mat­ter, gives you to man­age, co­or­di­nat­ing Shi Lei in­ves­ti­gate to lose and short-range Full-sized Guided Mis­sile in Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile.”
After Lu Qiang leaves, He Zhen­bang con­tin­ues say­ing: „Shi Lei, this mat­ter, do you have con­fi­dence?”
Shi Lei feigns say­ing: „Com­man­der He, what mat­ter has had con­fi­dence?”
„Is the mat­ter that we just said!” In the He Zhen­bang heart some­what wor­ried that the Airen Is­land po­si­tion hangs the over­seas or­phaned, the cli­mate and land in sea are com­pletely dif­fer­ent, even though [The Steel and Iron], can­not very good vic­tory ma­rine cli­mate.
Shi Lei brings to wipe the self-con­fi­dent smile, „Com­man­der He, you await calmly the re­sult to be then good!”


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