Monday, November 27, 2017

893: The manner is arrogant, Devil came!

#893: The manner is arrogant, Devil came!
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The Nanyue Na­tion time, twenty, 6 : 00 am just crossed in May on the 4 th.
Móng Cái City, Dark Hell Cheng Dong Strong­hold, fell into the sea of fire of shoot­ing up to the sky. Be­cause Cheng Dong Strong­hold with other build­ings has not been linked to each other, in ad­di­tion the Cheng­dong Dis­trict ter­ri­tory be­longs to the Móng Cái City most dis­or­der place. There­fore, even if the Cheng Dong Strong­hold flame is dread­ful, the Móng Cái City Fire Fight­ing strength has not ap­peared im­me­di­ately.
Sixth Main War Squad Stansey sub­or­di­nates Utu Stan per­son­nel, his vi­sion des­o­late looks at the Cheng Dong Strong­hold stale­mate sea of fire, say­ing that wor­ries about: „Leader Utu, Carn­wath is the trusted sub­or­di­nate of Sir [Raphael], how should we ex­plain to Sir [Raphael]?”
Utu. Stan gives a calm smile, re­vealed has wiped the in­dif­fer­ent ex­pres­sion, „Third Lit­tle Cap­tain Carn­wath, in the re­sis­tance of enemy dur­ing, en­coun­tered the am­bush of enemy to fall into the sea of fire un­for­tu­nately, we have taken the res­cue mea­sure as far as pos­si­ble, but res­cued fi­nally in­valid, Carn­wath has paid with the pre­cious life for Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps, mak­ing us al­ways re­mem­ber Carn­wath, stud­ied Carn­wath!”
„Un­der­stood! Leader Utu, we now what to do? What ev­i­dence the base of enemy will not leave be­hind ob­vi­ously, do we pur­sue the enemy? The per­son re­port of my sub­or­di­nate(s), enemy ran up to south­west to ap­proach, close 30 kms away!” Stansey in­quired.
Utu Stan re­sponded: „Pur­sues the enemy!”
Sur­round­ing in Cheng Dong Strong­hold out­side Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps, under the order of Utu Stan, re­treats rapidly, along Dark Hell ‚es­cap­ing’ the di­rec­tion pur­sued.
An­other side, Dark Hell per­son­nel fans out in two groups, Rul­ing Se­cu­rity and Lonely Mas­sacre per­son­nel, chan­nel evac­u­a­tion through nat­ural cav­ern Safety foothold. With­drew with the bat­tle­field of Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps bat­tle.
The Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad five peo­ple, are headed by Ye Feng , to con­tinue im­ple­ment Shi Lei's Plan. Five Nanyue Na­tion knock­off mil­i­tary use freight ve­hi­cles, in the woods of cover. The speed is going slowly.
Ye Feng is bring­ing the Blue­tooth ear­phone, re­ceives in­for­ma­tion that Shi Lei has trans­mit­ted: „A'Feng, Cheng Dong Strong­hold changed to the ruins, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps pur­sued, ac­cord­ing to their speeds, about 35 min­utes. Then will ar­rive in the po­si­tion of bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house.”
„Re­ceives! Boss, we from the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, prob­a­bly have 15 min­utes of trav­el­ing sched­ule. In the forests the dri­ving dif­fi­culty of alley is quite high, our mov­ing ve­loc­i­ties are quite slow.” Ye Feng was ex­plain­ing.
„A'Feng, after five min­utes, [The Steel and Iron] of upper air, will with­draw the bat­tle­field, non-stop flies Meis­han Is­land. After ten min­utes, [The Steel and Iron] that in the rear area shields, will with­draw the bat­tle­field. Pre­vents the radar dis­cov­ery by bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house. Fol­low­ing dis­tance, only then de­pended upon you, told other peo­ple, what­ever hap­pens must not was hur­ried, you were tak­ing the com­mod­ity trans­ported the de­liv­ery order, the ex­actly as stated gen­uine com­mod­ity trans­ports the de­liv­ery order. You are the gen­uine com­mod­ity ship per­son­nel. The Nanyue Na­tion fel­low, how re­gard­less of in­ves­ti­gate, or is the con­fir­ma­tion, will not dis­cover the flaw. Only if, you ex­posed weak­nesses! Yes? Also, con­fesses your way and per­son­nel at­tach­ment of bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house ac­cord­ing to me.” Shi Lei urged once again.
Shi Lei has to ex­hort dis­cretely, if Ye Feng they had the ac­ci­dent in the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, even if Shi Lei wants to res­cue, rad­i­cally with­out enough time!
The Ye Feng ex­pres­sion is calm: „Boss felt re­lieved that cer­tainly will not make a mis­take!”
Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad mem­ber. En­livens in the Africa bat­tle­field, is fac­ing any­time and any­where the test of birth and death, their psy­cho­log­i­cal qual­i­ties are ab­solutely per­fect, will not ap­pear ba­si­cally anx­ious or is the afraid mood.
After five min­utes, [The Steel and Iron] all evac­u­a­tions of upper air es­cort. [Izual] con­trols them to fly in the Meis­han Is­land di­rec­tion. After ten min­utes, four [The Steel and Iron] of low al­ti­tude also rise into the upper air to de­part.
Fol­lows four Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps mem­ber be­hind Dark Hell, some­what puz­zled looks at the lift-off [The Steel and Iron]. These four track per­son­nel com­pletely is Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Sixth Main War Squad mem­ber.
And mem­ber in­quired: „No. 3, how these did Lit­tle Air­plane run?”
„Does not know! No. 2 , to con­tinue to track! With­out these re­pug­nant Lit­tle Air­plane, the trend that we can the short dis­tance ob­serve the enemy, was just away from is too far, can only in­dis­tinct with them, does not know that they are mak­ing any­thing!” No. 3 was re­spond­ing, then four mem­ber picked up the speed to­gether.
In the Nanyue Na­tion jun­gle, a dis­tance Xia Na­tion bor­der not far se­cret level area, wel­comed five mil­i­tary use freight ve­hi­cles. When five mil­i­tary use freight ve­hi­cles sail to level area, sud­denly was blocked.
Ten sev­eral wear per­son­nel of Nanyue Na­tion mil­i­tary uni­form, has blocked five knock­off mil­i­tary use freight ve­hi­cles of Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad dri­ving fully-armed, is mem­ber of head, uses the Nanyue lan­guage to in­quire: „Who are you?”
If Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad per­son­nel, dri­ving is not the mil­i­tary ve­hi­cle of con­fus­ing false­hood with the truth, de­fen­sive per­son­nel of these bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­houses, al­ready di­rectly opened fire at­tack they!
Ye Feng ex­pres­sion des­o­late Sergeant Nanyue Na­tion who looks at the ques­tion, sits in the dri­ving seat of mil­i­tary use freight ve­hi­cle, oc­cu­py­ing a com­mand­ing po­si­tion vis­its him, „ships the cargo!”
„Ships the cargo? How haven't we re­ceived the no­tice?” Is Sergeant Nanyue Na­tion of head, ex­pres­sion strange ask­ing.
Ye Feng from the pocket of left chest, has put out that ‚re­ally’ the com­mod­ity trans­ports the de­liv­ery order, has given that Sergeant Nanyue Na­tion, light snort: „One­self look! Hur­ries to allow to pass, pre­pares a point to eat to us, this bro­ken road, was too dif­fi­cult!”
Ye Feng was say­ing with one not too friendly man­ner in­ten­tion­ally, this is Shi Lei lets Ye Feng in­ten­tion­ally so im­ple­ment. In bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house data that be­cause, Shi Lei in In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, looks up, is sup­ple­ment­ing full file a com­plaint|sue, is de­fen­sive per­son­nel of bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, file a com­plaint|sue de­liv­ers goods the per­son­nel man­ner to be too bad com­pletely.
Was sergeant cold snort of head one, a lit­tle dis­con­tented Ye Feng man­ner, but these trans­ported freight per­son­nel, usu­ally came from Head­quar­ters of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, man­ner were very ar­ro­gant.
The be­hav­ior that Shi Lei and Ye Feng pay great at­ten­tion to the small de­tail, re­ceived the ef­fect ob­vi­ously, that Nanyue Na­tion be­liev­ing of sergeant in­stinct, Ye Feng is also Head­quar­ters per­son­nel of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand.
„Waits a bit, we and Head­quar­ters con­tact con­firmed.” Is the sergeant of head is re­spond­ing to Ye Feng.
Ye Feng dis­con­tented [say / way]: „You act a bit faster, lane de­li­cious, do not do toy that the pig does not eat. So as to avoid we make not hap­pily. We will cer­tainly ap­proach Min­istry of In­te­rior file a com­plaint|sue you!”
„You!” The Nanyue Na­tion sergeant com­plex­ion slightly changes, „that you go to file a com­plaint|sue!” After say­ing, the Nanyue Na­tion sergeant turns around to leave.
The cor­ners of the mouth of Ye Feng re­vealed have wiped the curve of not easy de­tec­tion, the sound slight [say / way]: „All smooth!”
„Re­ceives!” Shi Lei both hands build on the key­board. In In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, is wait­ing for checkup in­for­ma­tion of bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house.
Shi Lei's does not have In­ter­nal Net­work Lo­gis­tics in­for­ma­tion of time mod­ify North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand firmly, that need too much too much time, Shi Lei cur­rently does not have that many time to waste. mod­ify Lo­gis­tics Sys­tem in­for­ma­tion, but Shi Lei can in­ter­cept con­fir­ma­tion in­for­ma­tion of bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house!
Con­fir­ma­tion in­for­ma­tion of in­ter­cep­tion bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, is not any dif­fi­culty too high mat­ter. Shi Lei waits for in mil­i­tary use In­tranet of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, waited for is less than one minute, then re­ceives the con­fir­ma­tion num­ber that the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house has trans­mit­ted.
The con­fir­ma­tion num­ber that the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house trans­mits is the com­mod­ity trans­ports on a de­liv­ery order stripe cas­cade, the ex­actly as stated com­mod­ity of this num­ber rep­re­sen­ta­tive trans­ports the de­liv­ery order all in­for­ma­tion.
If North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand in­ter­nal Lo­gis­tics Sys­tem, has this stripe cas­cade to exist, Sys­tem will then feed back con­crete in­for­ma­tion in­quir­ing per­son­nel, lets in­quire per­son­nel con­trast feed­back in­for­ma­tion and com­mod­ity trans­ports the de­liv­ery order in­for­ma­tion is whether con­sis­tent, so achieves the dual con­fir­ma­tions the ef­fects.
In­ter­cepts the con­fir­ma­tion stripe cas­cade that the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house has trans­mit­ted, Shi Lei replies the com­mod­ity of cor­re­spon­dence to trans­port de­liv­ery order in­for­ma­tion im­me­di­ately in the past. The op­er­a­tional pro­ce­dure of this flow and North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand is com­pletely same, lets con­fir­ma­tion per­son­nel of bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house. Could not re­al­ize that has any issue.
Nanyue Na­tion, bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house.
Is in­for­ma­tion that head Shi Lei of sergeant 11 con­trasts feed back, had de­ter­mined the com­mod­ity trans­ports the de­liv­ery order the au­then­tic­ity. Stands in his nearby sol­dier, the ex­pres­sion re­sented that was say­ing: Fel­low who „Cap­tain Tao, these Head­quar­ters come, was re­ally too ram­pant! Oth­er­wise. We to they do pre­pare a point ‚feed­ing’ food?”
„Lit­tle Nguyen, do not overdo it! These fel­lows are North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand Head­quar­ters per­son­nel, you have a look at us to aim at their file a com­plaint|sue each time, has not replied com­pletely, then knows that Head­quar­ters helps them. let them in our de­li­cious tasty, hur­ried to pack off them was good, when they were the gods of plague, en­dured on the past!” Cap­tain Tao re­ceives the com­mod­ity to trans­port the de­liv­ery order, ex­pres­sion help­less say­ing.
„But, Cap­tain Tao. I can­not get used to see­ing them!” Some Lit­tle Nguyen ex­pres­sion not being feel­ing well were say­ing.
„Not only you visit them not to be feel­ing well, I thought that they are not feel­ing well sim­i­larly! You have a look in the base, there is a per­son to be crisp they? This crowd of gods of plague, this time only came five luck­ily, more­over in the morn­ing comes. Ate and drank one to get the hell out!” Cap­tain Tao shakes the head to say.
Cap­tain Tao brought Lit­tle Nguyen to ar­rive at the level area en­trance, re­moved the metal to re­sist the hitch­ing post, said to Ye Feng: „broth­ers was la­bo­ri­ous, a bit faster comes, our cur­rently pre­pares to eat, was right, can you come to order the good rice wine?”
In the jun­gle, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps mem­ber, is dri­ving the alley of mo­tor­cy­cle in the forests fast is march­ing for­ward. In jun­gle alley en­vi­ron­ment, the speed of mo­tor­cy­cle, has gone far be­yond the speed of big freight ve­hi­cle, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps only spent Dark Hell half to be the time, then ar­rived around the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house.
Utu Stan chose po­si­tion set of one one kilo­me­ter away from the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, Sixth Main War Squad four in­ves­ti­gated per­son­nel, cur­rently is re­port­ing the sit­u­a­tion to Utu Stan.
„Leader Utu, our four peo­ple look at the enemy to enter in the front base per­son­ally.” Sixth Main War Squad mem­ber, was say­ing on own ini­tia­tive.
„How many peo­ple have they gone in?” Utu Stan was in­quir­ing.
„Leader Utu, the ve­hi­cles of enemy, have used the anti-in­frared line ve­hi­cle cov­er­ing, we do not know that they have many peo­ple, but they re­treat from Móng Cái City, has prob­a­bly about the 120 per­son.” In­ves­ti­gates per­son­nel to reply once more.
„What sit­u­a­tion that is Se­cret Base? How these pa­trol do per­son­nel, wear the cloth­ing of Nanyue Na­tion army prob­a­bly com­pletely?” Utu Stan was in­quir­ing the [say / way].
„Leader Utu, they should pre­tend to be the Nanyue Na­tion army. We have fed in Head­quar­ters in­ves­ti­gate in­for­ma­tion, here does not have the Nanyue Na­tion mil­i­tary base. More­over, ac­cord­ing to agree­ment of Nanyue Na­tion and Xia Na­tion, in this range, does not allow to set up the mil­i­tary use base.” In­ves­ti­gated per­son­nel to say.
The Utu Stan look con­cen­trates, ‚is here one of the [Mr. M] lairs? From this base out­side, at least ex­isted for over ten years, damn, ac­tu­ally that is [Mr. M] who?’
„Leader Utu, we now what to do?” Stansey was in­quir­ing the [say / way], they have now dis­cov­ered the po­si­tion of enemy, al­ways im­pos­si­ble, be­cause the enemy has worn the cloth­ing of Nanyue Na­tion mil­i­tary, then dingy rolled Right?
Triv­ial Nanyue Na­tion mil­i­tary uni­form, but also can­not frighten Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps. When the Africa area, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps and Li Jian Na­tion have fought \; The Spe­cial-type Elite strength with Great Britain has spelled \; Also has re­sisted with the So­viet Rus­sia polar bears. Any­one, they and Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps fight, has not asked for the ad­van­tage!


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