Monday, November 27, 2017

887: Steel and Iron is fierce, Devil draws back temporarily!

#887: Steel and Iron is fierce, Devil draws back temporarily!
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Nanyue Na­tion, in May twenty on the 4 th, 1 : 00 am twenty dif­fer­ence \; Xia Na­tion Time, in May twenty on the 4 th, 0 : 00 am twenty dif­fer­ence.
Dark Hell Cheng Dong Strong­hold, sit­u­ated in the Móng Cái City east in the sub­urbs, here good and bad peo­ple mixed up, the se­cu­rity sit­u­a­tion is very bad, be­longs to the Móng Cái City most chaotic place.
Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps and Dark Hell, hit nois­ily in Cheng Dong Strong­hold, the sur­round­ing Móng Cái City na­tive place in­flu­ence, pre­tended not to know rad­i­cally, turn­ing a blind eye be­fore sweep­ing snow.
The bat­tle ef­fi­ciency that Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps shows was too pow­er­ful a point, had the na­tive in­flu­ence that the idea en­ters the war, backed down di­rectly. After all, is in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher, is Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle, sees not like piece of work hood­lum, but has Or­ga­ni­za­tion to have crime Group of back­stage!
Móng Cái City early morn­ing, in the sky [Moon­light] is gloomy, [The Steel and Iron] in the night­time sky, was sim­i­lar to the stealth is the same. But, for­mi­da­ble Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps, or Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps that for­mi­da­ble sniper, un­ex­pect­edly in a short time, elim­i­nated two [The Steel and Iron]!
And [The Steel and Iron], shield car­ries the Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile [The Steel and Iron] com­pan­ion plane. If lets sniper, hit di­rectly has car­ried Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile [The Steel and Iron], will cause a more se­ri­ous con­se­quence ab­solutely.
„Has [Izual], locked the sniper po­si­tion? Im­me­di­ately kills that sniper!” Shi Lei is star­ing on the the­ater cur­tain, say­ing that the image that pro­jec­tor pro­jects, the ex­pres­sion some­what is not feel­ing well.
„Sir, has not locked tar­get tem­porar­ily, is un­able to sur­vey the tar­get po­si­tion ac­cu­rately!” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
The night en­vi­ron­ment, gave the Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps pro­tec­tion, [The Steel and Iron] Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine re­ceived the enor­mous de­gree in­ter­fer­ence. Oth­er­wise, had al­ready dis­cov­ered the sniper po­si­tion.
„[Izual], in No. 2 pro­jec­tor, gives me Panoramic Map of com­bat zone, I want In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor scan­ning po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion of com­plete en­e­mies!” Shi Lei was telling. Lost two [The Steel and Iron], Shi Lei did not have the too big anger ac­tu­ally, the [The Steel and Iron] con­struc­tion cost was cheap. Loses [The Steel and Iron] by far los­ing Com­bat­ant is bet­ter.
„Yes , sir. The No. 2 pro­jec­tor image has es­tab­lished ac­com­plish. The hot In­duc­tion de­fect dis­plays of all en­e­mies, po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion delay of enemy trans­mits for two sec­onds, In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor scan­ning data, is un­able the real-time trans­mis­sion.” [Izual] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei.
The po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion delay two sec­onds, Shi Lei can ac­cept re­luc­tantly, is not delay too oddly.
‚If there is own com­mu­ni­ca­tion satel­lite, delay any­thing is the float­ing clouds!’ In the Shi Lei heart was sigh­ing. But a com­pre­hen­sive com­mu­ni­ca­tion satel­lite con­struc­tion cost, lit­tle said that also wants One Bil­lion US Dol­lar, ac­cord­ing to the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, was un­able to bear tem­porar­ily.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany pur­chases AMD Com­pany 90% Stock. Al­ways spent to achieve 16 hun­dred mil­lion 50 Mil­lion US Dol­lar. The Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany fi­nan­cial ac­count, is counted First Round to hype AMD Com­pany Stock profit eight hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar, al­to­gether is 38 hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar, has spent 16 hun­dred mil­lion 50 Mil­lion US Dol­lar, only then, two 1.15 Bil­lion US Dol­lar.
Sounds two 1.15 Bil­lion US Dol­lar more. Enough flow­ered ten life­time can­not use up. But, this sum of money also has other uses, Li Jian Na­tion and Xia Na­tion Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany Head­quar­ters se­lected lo­ca­tion, needs to use the money \; Re­places AMD Com­pany to shoul­der the debt of sup­ply chain, needs One Bil­lion US Dol­lar.
More­over. Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany also owed Rongcheng City three One Bil­lion US Dol­lar, Shi Lei has owed Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict three One Bil­lion Xia Na­tion Yuan per­son­ally, the place that Dream En­ter­tain­ment and Shi Lei need to spend money also had.
There­fore, has per­sonal com­pre­hen­sive com­mu­ni­ca­tion satel­lite com­pletely is the float­ing clouds!
Shi Lei is ex­am­in­ing two sec­onds of delay Panoramic Map in­for­ma­tion, he is an­a­lyz­ing fast, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps sniper, where, the sniper cer­tainly shade will not ac­tu­ally pos­si­bly hide in per­son many places, that meets the aim­ing of in­ter­fer­ence sniper. There­fore, per­son­nel that per­son­nel that Shi Lei first ex­am­ines, ex­actly as stated com­pletes the order form.
„hōng ~”
In sky, was [The Steel and Iron] has made into the hot group by sniper, [Izual] was re­port­ing fast: „Sir, Sys­tem an­a­lyzes the sniper po­si­tion, ori­gin in west North­ern, but con­crete per­son­nel, yet un­able de­ter­mined.”
Shi Lei cast west­ern North­ern the vi­sion, has locked fast a per­son, in two sec­onds of delay image, Shi Lei was point­ing at a hu­man­ity: „[Izual], locks this fel­low!”
By Shi Lei def­i­nite per­son­nel, after [The Steel and Iron] ex­plodes, im­me­di­ately has cho­sen the shift po­si­tion, this pro­ce­dure has ex­posed him!
„Sir, tar­get has locked. Three [The Steel and Iron] from the dif­fer­ent po­si­tions, have locked tar­get to­gether, it is ex­pected that after 12 sec­onds, con­tacts tar­get.” [Izual] is re­port­ing the im­ple­men­tary sta­tus.
Num­ber One pro­jec­tor, is demon­strat­ing in­for­ma­tion of night vi­sion image, after three [The Steel and Iron] have sphered tar­get, through the night vi­sion image, Shi Lei dis­cov­ered that Tar­get Per­son is sniper, sniper rifle that his back car­ries, has ex­posed his iden­tity.
„[Izual], a bit faster kills him!” Shi Lei or­der­ing with­out hes­i­ta­tion.
Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps sniper, re­sponded that is also very rapid, when he dis­cov­ered that pos­i­tive [The Steel and Iron] to he flies, he with­out hes­i­ta­tion has taken down snipe rifle of back, does not have many aim­ing, is open­ing fire to pos­i­tive [The Steel and Iron].
snipe rifle of 0.5 inch cal­iber, has very pow­er­ful might, it is usu­ally used to cope with the light armor tank, there­fore is named as Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle.
[The Steel and Iron] by the snipe rifle bul­let of 0.5 inch cal­iber, was scratched the side, the for­mi­da­ble in­er­tia strength, mak­ing [The Steel and Iron] lose the con­trol, fi­nally from air­borne crashed. When [Izual] is un­able to con­trol the [The Steel and Iron] flight tra­jec­tory, im­me­di­ately has made the self-de­struc­tion es­tab­lish­ment.
When [The Steel and Iron] will soon crash, in­ter­nal bat­tery and high con­cen­tra­tion plas­tic Bomb ex­plode, ex­ploded not to study the value [The Steel and Iron] the frag­ment, the metal butt that in the mean­time, flew to shoot, has hit the cheeks of sniper very un­for­tu­nately, has pulled out a blood­stain, mak­ing sniper look like the some­what fierce ap­pear­ance.
An­other two [The Steel and Iron], suc­ceeded to ap­proach sniper, mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun, the unique sound of gun­fire re­sounded. Al­though sniper has made the cir­cum­ven­tion move­ment very tena­ciously, what may con­trol [The Steel and Iron] is [Izual], High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem [Izual]. [Izual] will not aim at the fault, two [The Steel and Iron] co­or­di­nate ap­pro­pri­ately has hit sniper, mak­ing sniper pour dur­ing the dark night.
Lost the for­mi­da­ble sniper shield, [Izual] has con­trolled [The Steel and Iron] to har­vest the Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Or­di­nary War Squad per­son­nel life fast. Main War Squad per­son­nel, the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency is too for­mi­da­ble, more­over Dark of dark night, has pro­vided the pro­tec­tion for them, [Izual] sud­denly is un­able to find and at­tack they.
„Sir, In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor dis­cov­ered that the enemy in sur­round­ing, cur­rently re­treats, whether stops?” [The Steel and Iron] not only car­ries the night vi­sion de­vice, but also has In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor.
In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor in Dark, is search has hu­man­ity of heat ra­di­a­tion, best sur­vey method.
„[Izual], do not let off any enemy, stops com­pletely them, I want wiped out they!” The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion was say­ing cold, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps sub­or­di­nates in Angel Par­lia­ment, ex­ter­mi­nated the Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps strength, ex­actly as stated has sliced off the Angel Par­lia­ment lackey.
„Yes , sir!” The [Izual] rapid im­ple­ment Shi Lei's order, three [The Steel and Iron] from the sky, pur­sue to out­side. How­ever, that three [The Steel and Iron] just pur­sued, sev­eral other di­rec­tions, have the sit­u­a­tion that per­son­nel re­treated again.
And, [The Steel and Iron] that three trace, has en­coun­tered pow­er­ful at­tack. If not the [The Steel and Iron] Pi Caorou thick blood are many, must di­rectly by the sec­ond killing rhythm.
„[Izual], re­treats!” Shi Lei looks at the over­all sit­u­a­tion In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor image, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps per­son­nel all breaks through, six acute an­gles leave from six di­rec­tions re­spec­tively, other per­son­nel leave with these six acute an­gles, it seems like these six acute an­gles, ex­actly as stated Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps six Main War Squad.
„Sir, our strengths, at least can sup­press three to es­cape Lit­tle Group, pur­sues?” The [Izual] re­minder in­quiry said.
Shi Lei shook the head, „gives up trac­ing!”
„Un­der­stood, sir, all [The Steel and Iron] whether re­turns to the base?” [Izual] sends out the in­quiry once more, and prompt said: „Sir, [The Steel and Iron] bat­tle loss three, sur­plus Forty-two put up [The Steel and Iron], two re­ceive the Mod­er­ate de­gree wound, needs to re­place the re­pair 360° No-Dead-An­gle Cam­era Sys­tem part.”
„[Izual], is con­trol­ling the [The Steel and Iron] re­turn base! The sup­ple­men­tary or­ders in­for­ma­tion, lets part that Ye Feng re­pair [The Steel and Iron] needs to re­place!” Shi Lei told.
„Yes , sir!” [Izual] loyal im­ple­ment Shi Lei's order, with­out any sus­pi­cion, with­out any hes­i­tant. If changes into is true hu­man­ity, the order that Shi Lei just did not pur­sue per­haps, will then be ques­tioned.
In fact, Shi Lei does not trace Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps es­cap­ing per­son­nel, has the truth. [The Steel and Iron] traces Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps per­son­nel, will not have the too big prac­ti­cal sig­nif­i­cance.
In Dark, solely de­pends upon [The Steel and Iron] to ex­ter­mi­nate Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Main War Squad, suit­able not Re­al­ity. So long as Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Main War Squad, hid in the woods, the pet­ti­ness of use woods, then can the card ad­vo­cate [The Steel and Iron], then at­tack [The Steel and Iron], is very likely to wreck [The Steel and Iron].
Shi Lei is afraid buckle [The Steel and Iron] ac­tu­ally, but is afraid [The Steel and Iron] buckle too much, cleans up the ev­i­dence trace to be too trou­ble­some, thus has left be­hind some slight clues.
[The Steel and Iron] lost three, changed to the butt com­pletely, scat­ters ran­domly around Cheng Dong Strong­hold, these com­pletely are the ev­i­dence that [The Steel and Iron] has, wants they piece of leakproof clean­ing up, is a quite trou­ble­some mat­ter.
Fur­ther­more, in the Shi Lei heart also Plan, needs to take part in the per­for­mance by Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps, ac­com­plish he at the Nanyue Na­tion final major drama, will he eas­ily kill Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps?


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