Monday, November 27, 2017

866: The inside and outside give dual attention, the sword refers to Nanchao Nation!

#866: The inside and outside give dual attention, the sword refers to Nanchao Nation!
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In May twenty day, Twenty-three point.
Al­though the time is 11 : 00 o'clock at night, but In­ter­net World of Xia Na­tion area, ac­tu­ally makes nois­ily, in nu­mer­ous QQ|Pen­guin chat com­mu­ni­ca­tion group, was dis­cussing Chief Ma ‚great achieve­ments’.
nu­mer­ous mas­cu­line QQ|Pen­guin user, chose has sup­ported Chief Ma, even has treated as the idol Chief Ma, thinks that Chief Ma was the real man, dared to en­tire World open to the pub­lic own af­fec­tion.
Some male In­ter­net users in major Forum, post to tease ‚Boss and sec­re­tary’ be­tween re­la­tions. This type both sim­ple and com­plex re­la­tions, have been di­vided into two con­di­tions.
Has the mat­ter sec­re­tary to do, is all right to do...
sen­sa­tional news of Chief Ma and fe­male sec­re­tary, in the cir­cle of male In­ter­net users, as if not only has not had any neg­a­tive ef­fect, in­stead makes Chief Ma greatly pop­u­lar.
How­ever, sen­sa­tional news also and has the neg­a­tive im­pact. At least, some fe­male In­ter­net users, are very re­pug­nant re­gard­ing the Chief Ma be­hav­ior. Es­pe­cially some ‚warm-hearted ne­ti­zen’, Chief Ma mar­ried fact, after post­ing an­nounced came out, im­me­di­ately had caused the nu­mer­ous fe­male In­ter­net users con­demned.
Dong­guang Province, Shen­zhen.
Chief Ma ac­com­pa­nies the fe­male sec­re­tary, in lux­u­ri­ous 5★ Guest­house, is mak­ing the be­hav­ior im­i­ta­tion of some quite har­mo­nious Love Ac­tion Art movie. How­ever, while Chief Ma, when car­ries on at­tacks fi­nally, at­trac­tive charm­ing fe­male sec­re­tary, cur­rently joy­ful chants in a low voice...
Places cell phone on head­stock, sud­denly has made a sound. The ting, fright­ens Chief Ma Lit­tle Brother sud­denly, all of a sud­den changed soft, had the one pace from at­ro­phy Monarch sim­ply!
Chief Ma com­plex­ion not good cold snort, in the heart was curs­ing the per­son of calls, but Chief Ma looked at Caller ID, the com­plex­ion had the change again, Caller ID is a Eng­lish word ‚wife’, is ‚wife’ opin­ion.
„~” Chief Ma picks up phone, turned the head to make a move­ment of keep­ing silent to the fe­male sec­re­tary, then has ad­justed the voice, sim­u­lated has been get­ting drunk the later tune, has pressed down the an­swer­ing key.
„Hello? Old Ma. You where?” Chief Ma wife named Li Dan. for­merly and Chief Ma also ro­man­tic past events, but the per­son to the mid­dle age, hus­band and wife sen­ti­ment be­tween Chief Ma and Li Dan, pre­sented some bar­ri­ers grad­u­ally.
Es­pe­cially side after Chief Ma pre­sented an at­trac­tive fe­male sec­re­tary, Chief Ma sud­denly thought that the life has been full of the sun­light, as if when found for­merly was young friv­o­lous.
Fac­ing wife's in­quiry, in Chief Ma heart thump, the mat­ter that but Chief Ma re­gard­ing deal­ing with the wife makes the rounds of guard posts, has been done quite adeptly. Only hears in the Chief Ma ex­pres­sion, is hav­ing a faint trace life­like feel­ing of being drunk. Enun­ci­a­tion slightly not clear [say / way]: „Wife, my cur­rently drinks. Waits a while!”
„Drinks?” The Li Dan ex­pres­sion brings to wipe cold in­tent, „per­haps Old Ma, aren't you are drink­ing Bar?”
On the Ma Hu­atang face shows sur­prised ex­pres­sion, but very calm, as be­fore is main­tain­ing the slightly drunk con­di­tion, „wife, I am drink­ing re­ally!”
„Old Ma. How many num­bers today is?” In the Li Dan ex­pres­sion, is hav­ing a ques­tion.
‚Sev­eral?’ Is the Ma Hu­atang in­ten­tion rac­ing, ‚today what im­por­tant day? It is not right! It is not wife's birth­day, is not my birth­day, sim­i­larly is not the child birth­day and wed­ding an­niver­sary. What today has im­por­tantly?’
Thinks that not clear Ma Hu­atang, can only reply con­ser­v­a­tively: „Wife, today was in May the twenty day, spe­cially what had?”
Li Dan is lis­ten­ing to the reply of Ma Hu­atang, hā hā has smiled un­ex­pect­edly. „Old Ma, today was in May the twenty day, was unim­por­tant to you?”
„Im­por­tantly what has to me?” Ma Hu­atang feels ob­vi­ously that his wife knew any mat­ter, but did not de­ter­mine that is any mat­ter.
„Old Ma, your my hus­band and wife does, why again act in a play? You and your young sec­re­tary” Li Dan have ex­posed the truth of mat­ter in Right? to­gether di­rectly.
Ma Hu­atang in great sur­prise!
He with the young sec­re­tary at the to­gether mat­ter, should not be known. After all, they at the 5★ Guest­house tryst mat­ter, make se­cu­rity, sim­ply does not have any flaw.
Be­fore com­ing Guest­house, after get­ting off work, Ma Hu­atang are dri­ving a very com­mon sedan car, ar­rived at the 5★ Guest­house Un­der­ground garage, but the young sec­re­tary also dri­ves an­other is not being the sedan car of her daily use, ar­rived at 5★ Guest­house with the Chief Ma dif­fer­ent time.
tryst 5★ Guest­house, opens the room record is not Ma Hu­atang and Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Cer­tifi­cate of young sec­re­tary, but is an­other two not re­lated per­son­nel, and Room that han­dles, merely is neigh­bor­ing two Room.
Ma Hu­atang and young sec­re­tary en­tered neigh­bor­ing two Room re­spec­tively, in these two neigh­bor­ing Room in­te­rior, has a leaf of se­cret door, this se­cret door can con­nect neigh­bor­ing two Room, then two Room per­son­nel, then can pass Qu Kuan darkly.
The en­tire tryst process, such se­cret, in the Ma Hu­atang heart plans darkly, his wife is im­pos­si­ble to know!
„Wife, you were talk­ing non­sense any­thing, I re­ally and Com­pany Friend was drink­ing!” Chief Ma to let own ex­cuse is more pow­er­ful, say­ing of sup­ple­ment: „Wife, do you want to tele­phone with Old Zhang?”
Nor­mally, even if Li Dan sus­pected that Ma Hu­atang has issue, so long as tele­phoned with Com­pany other peo­ple, showed that Ma Hu­atang has not fooled around, Li Dan also feels re­lieved.
Big Pen­guin Com­pany Old Zhang nat­u­rally not side Ma Hu­atang, but, Chief Ma cell phone built-in spe­cial soft­ware, can two tele­phone to con­sult in the same place. Chief Ma al­ready and Old Zhang col­luded, so long as Chief Ma tele­phoned to Old Zhang, Old Zhang will then shield Chief Ma, help­ing Chief Ma go through a strate­gic pass smoothly.
Li Dan sneers, „Old Ma, I had un­der­es­ti­mated your shame­less de­gree, you open to the pub­lic on your Web Por­tal have made love, needs to con­sider my feel­ing?”
„What open to the pub­lic makes love? What Web Por­tal?” Ma Hu­atang then re­ally a lit­tle could not find out the con­di­tion, he when open to the pub­lic pro­fess­ing love on Web Por­tal?
Li Dan is lis­ten­ing to the Ma Hu­atang tone, felt that the Ma Hu­atang ex­pres­sion does not in­stall, ask­ing of her doubt: „Old Ma, don't you know the mat­ter of Web Por­tal home page re­ally?”
Li Dan mat­ter of Ma Hu­atang open to the pub­lic pro­fess­ing love, in­tro­duced sim­ply.
„I do not know is re­ally any sit­u­a­tion!” After Ma Hu­atang replied, im­me­di­ately has thought a pos­si­bil­ity, „wife, might be Web Por­tal en­counter Hacker at­tack, framed by plant­ing stolen goods on to frame in­ten­tion­ally my!”
Lis­tened to this ex­pla­na­tion, Li Dan some­what to be­lieve slightly, after all Li Dan re­gard­ing the Hacker mat­ter, heard. „Old Ma, your Signed In Big Pen­guin Of­fi­cial Web Por­tal has a look, is ac­tu­ally any sit­u­a­tion!”
Ma Hu­atang re­sponded: „Wife. Do not make the tele­phone call. I have a look with the note­book im­me­di­ately!” Ma Hu­atang opened Note­book Com­puter, is ex­am­in­ing the Big Pen­guin Com­pany Web Por­tal sit­u­a­tion fast.
When Ma Hu­atang looks at the Web Por­tal home page ‚heavy­weight’ sen­sa­tional news, on his face shows the ex­pres­sion that does not know whether to laugh or cry, his pos­si­bly such high-sound­ing talk? Even if sin­cer­ity likes the young sec­re­tary, Ma Hu­atang will not make this mat­ter out of the or­di­nary.
„Wife, this in­deed is the in­va­sion of Hacker!” Chief Ma first has made the de­f­i­n­i­tion for this mat­ter, all re­spon­si­bil­ity, all ad­vanced the body of Hacker. „Does not know that is any Hacker, has made such vir­u­lent false re­port un­ex­pect­edly. This is in view of slan­der­ing of our Big Pen­guin Com­pany, these Hacker want to dis­credit our Com­pany!”
In Li Dan ex­pres­sion. Dis­closed that a feel­ing of re­lax­ing, „orig­i­nally is Hacker at­tack!”
Ma Hu­atang truly re­laxed. It looks like his ex­pla­na­tion suc­ceeded has dealt with, „wife, I arrange Com­pany Tech­ni­cal De­part­ment im­me­di­ately, in view of the event of this Hacker in­va­sion, car­ries on re­lated in­ves­ti­gate. Who I meet in­ves­ti­gate to leave am fram­ing me, then sues him, con­sid­ers his libel!”
„Right?” Reply of Li Dan. Some ab­sent-minded feel­ings.
Chief Ma also thinks that Li Dan is any Hacker in­vades the Big Pen­guin Web Por­tal mat­ter in the pon­der, he com­forts say­ing: „Wife, don't worry, the Com­pany mat­ter, I can ple­nary pow­ers process!”
How­ever, the next quar­ter, Chief Ma knows im­me­di­ately he is wrong oddly!
„dīng dōng ~”
Chief Ma and young sec­re­tary tryst Room, has re­sounded the dings un­ex­pect­edly. Chief Ma ex­tremely af­firmed that with def­i­nite ex­pres­sion, he lays aside the drop that has ex­empted dis­turbs out Room. Also in other words. Now ac­cord­ing to per­son­nel of sound door­bell, ab­solutely is not the room ser­vice.
Chief Ma has caused a mean­ing­ful glance to the young sec­re­tary, hints the young sec­re­tary to wear the clothes first, who has a look out of the door is. But has not waited for the young sec­re­tary to wear the clothes, in the Chief Ma cell phone re­ceiver, has broad­cast the Chief Ma wife Li Dan sound.
„Old Ma, I in out of the door, you open the door now!” Ac­cord­ing to mak­ing a sound room door­bell, im­pres­sively is Ma Hu­atang wife Li Dan!
Has say­ing that all these is a co­in­ci­dence, Chief Ma do not know Web Por­tal sen­sa­tional news \; But Shi Lei does not know that Chief Ma re­ally and young sec­re­tary has a leg, he re­lies on their pic­tures, spec­u­la­tion care­lessly.
Ma Hu­atang, is Shi Lei, the Ma Hu­atang wife who has not thought, has walked in un­ex­pect­edly, more­over grasps ex­actly de­ceit­fully in the bed has stopped up Ma Hu­atang Chief Ma!
This sim­ply is a mar­vel co­in­ci­dence, has been doomed the Chief Ma tragedy!
Jingya Gar­den.
Shi Lei has not known the Chief Ma tragedy tem­porar­ily, he after tidy­ing up Chief Ma, starts [Black Hand] to other Xia Na­tion five on­line game op­er­a­tors. Teaches other five on­line game op­er­a­tors, Shi Lei does not have the too much thoughts to toss about, nat­u­rally im­pos­si­ble like tidy­ing up Big Pen­guin, but must make any not dis­cov­ered lay­out.
In view of the Xia Na­tion five on­line game op­er­a­tors, Shi Lei is con­trol­ling [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang], by the for­mi­da­ble dom­i­nant re­source, cap­tured Main Server of five on­line game op­er­a­tors di­rectly, let them has man­aged a house­hold re­spec­tively op­er­a­tion on­line game, ap­pears phe­nom­e­non that the sus­pen­sion has served.
Shi Lei does not have the dele­tion of Evil but ac­tu­ally their game data, has not planted Tro­jan Horse in Server, but the con­nec­tion of game Main Server sep­a­ra­tion and net­work of pure force op­po­site party, gives them the small les­son.
The prin­ci­pal of­fender is Big Pen­guin Com­pany Chief Ma, Shi Lei is also dis­in­clined ex­tremely in hag­gling over with other five on­line game op­er­a­tors, after all every­body is the Xia Na­tion com­pa­triot, some­what must have gives fa­vored treat­ment and looks.
As for Nan­chao Na­tion?
Shi Lei only wants say­ing that the Nan­chao Na­tion four on­line game mak­ers, do not want to run away!


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