Thursday, November 30, 2017

935: Fei Lu Nation, submits to my big Nanyue Nation!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#935: Fei Lu Nation, submits to my big Nanyue Nation!
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Shi Lei in the Nanyue Na­tion North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, in mil­i­tary use In­ter­nal Net­work, planter Sys­tem Back Door, and uses this Sys­tem Back Door, suc­ceeds cap­tured cer­tain au­thor­ity, in In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, in the Hacker method, founds op­er­a­tional Plan that an orig­i­nal man­u­script did not have.
This at­tacks Xia Na­tion Airen Is­land, ex­ter­mi­nates Fei Lu Na­tion mil­i­tary naval ves­sel op­er­a­tional Plan, in In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, has es­tab­lished very high ex­am­i­na­tion au­thor­ity.
Gen­er­ally au­thor­ity in­suf­fi­cient per­son­nel, is un­able to see this op­er­a­tional Plan. Some au­thor­ity ex­am­ine this op­er­a­tional Plan per­son­nel, ma­jor­ity will not ex­am­ine. Be­cause, is sim­i­lar this se­cret op­er­a­tional Plan, lit­tle will place in In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand.
Shi Lei in In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, is­sues to at­tack Airen Is­land, wrecks Fei Lu Na­tion mil­i­tary naval ves­sel op­er­a­tional Plan, to not de­ceive the sub­or­di­nate com­bat unit of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, let them sends out per­son­nel to go to im­ple­ment com­bat Plan.
Such op­er­a­tional Plan, re­gard­less of is­sues which sub­or­di­nate com­bat unit im­ple­ment of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, in Re­al­ity, to up­per-level de­part­ment in­quiry.
So long as in­quired to up­per-level de­part­ment in Re­al­ity that the Shi Lei's Hacker method, will im­me­di­ately then be seen through. There­fore, Shi Lei had not planned that this op­er­a­tional Plan, is­sues any sub­or­di­nate com­bat unit of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand.
Shi Lei through screen­shot Tool, North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand In­ter­nal Net­work the op­er­a­tional Plan, the screen­shot has pre­served, then Shi Lei has mixed in Nanyue Na­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion Forum.
In this named ‚Star of Annam’ in Nanyue Na­tion Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion, Shi Lei has stolen Inner Mem­ber Iden­tity In­for­ma­tion, in the Inner Mem­ber ex­change area, boasted in the writ­ing way that ‚broth­ers, I just ob­tained a star­tled day se­cret news!’
‚Se­cret news?’ In the Inner Mem­ber ex­change area, some peo­ple re­spond im­me­di­ately. Many peo­ple are pay­ing at­ten­tion. Hacker in net­work, can al­ways ob­tain some Con­fi­den­tial In­for­ma­tion.
Inner Mem­ber iden­tity that the Shi Lei use robs, has trans­mit­ted writ­ing in­for­ma­tion once more. ‚Our Na­tion(s), must re­sort to vi­o­lence to our neigh­bors prob­a­bly. More­over prob­a­bly must seize Xia Na­tion part of ter­ri­to­ries!’
The Star of Annam Inner Mem­ber ex­change area, en­livens im­me­di­ately, a sub­stan­tial num­ber of Hacker, were in­quir­ing Shi Lei com­pletely, at­tempted to know that Shi Lei said in­for­ma­tion true or false.
Not only in­quired, some tem­per anx­ious Hacker, even starts to trace Shi Lei's real ip ad­dress. At­tempts in­ves­ti­gate clear Shi Lei's iden­tity, or scans Shi Lei's com­puter Hard Disk.
The [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] re­sources that but Shi Lei trans­fers at pre­sent, these can Hacker de­feat him?
‚This news, ac­tu­ally real. Fake?’ The Star of Annam Inner Mem­ber ex­change area, many Inner Mem­ber, were al­most in­quir­ing this issue.
Shi Lei sees with own eyes the op­por­tu­nity to be ma­ture, started to ex­plain, ‚this news thou­sand ten thou­sand firmly. I have the ev­i­dence! Shows you, fol­low­ing pic­ture, is in In­ter­nal Net­work of our Na­tion(s) North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, arrange­ment op­er­a­tional Plan.’
The rep­u­ta­tion of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand is re­sound­ing, Nanyue Na­tion most Hacker know. Just. In Star of Annam Or­ga­ni­za­tion, there are to pro­pose that op­pos­ing opin­ion, is called ‚Nguyen Xiao'er’ Core Mem­ber, pro­posed in­ci­sive issue.
‚Bei'an, your tech­nol­ogy, I some­what know, you are im­pos­si­ble to enter In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, and also ob­tains read­ing such High Grade au­thor­ity op­er­a­tional Plan. This so-called ev­i­dence, is not Right? pre­sent data pro­cess­ing soft­ware that you will fic­tion­al­ize, very ad­vanced, sim­i­lar shop this soft­ware, will man­u­fac­ture this type of pic­ture, ab­solutely will not have the too big dif­fi­culty!’ Core Mem­ber Nguyen Xiao'er is prob­ing Shi Lei.
‚Bei'an’ ex­actly as stated Shi Lei steals, Star of Annam Inner Mem­ber ac­count num­ber Nick­name.
Shi Lei does not know ‚Bei'an’ and ‚Nguyen Xiao'er’ re­la­tions, he does not dare to reply ca­su­ally ran­domly that re­gard­ing this issue, Shi Lei has thought the ex­cuse and rea­son of ex­pla­na­tion luck­ily.
‚I have not in­vaded the North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, but when grasps Zom­bie, dis­cov­ered that in a Plat­form Zom­bie com­puter, is stor­ing up this east and west|thing. Orig­i­nally, I have not be­lieved that thinks this uses the shop man­u­fac­ture, but I have con­firmed re­peat­edly, this pic­ture sim­ply does not have the least bit by the processed trace, com­pletely is raw data, it should from the North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, in In­ter­nal Net­work the screen­shot.’
Shi Lei thinks that the good ex­cuse said that al­though this rea­son can­not say that flaw­less, may some­what be an ex­pla­na­tion, more­over this ex­pla­na­tion does not have the too much means to ver­ify to carry out.
If some peo­ple said that ob­tains pic­ture Zom­bie ad­dress, said di­rectly Zom­bie ad­dress of off-line, they then can­not look up any use­ful east and west|thing.
Star of Annam Core Mem­ber Nguyen Xiao'er, as if also ap­proved the Shi Lei's ex­cuse, has not con­tin­ued, in the writ­ing chat­ted pro­vokes.
Nanyue Na­tion time, com­pared with the Xia Na­tion evening one hour, when Xia Na­tion Time around 10 : 00 pm, the Nanyue Na­tion time or around 9 : 00 pm, are in the web the peak.
Shi Lei after Annan's heart an­nounced the mat­ter of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, on Nanyue Na­tion na­tive place cur­rent ca­pac­ity big Or­di­nary Forum, has reg­is­tered the ac­count num­ber, has pub­lished a post.
«Great Nanyue is For­mi­da­ble!»
As a big Nanyue per­son, my re­joic­ing, be­cause our big Nanyue for­mi­da­ble, like next door Xia Na­tion that soft egg, was not bul­lied very does not dare to speak.
Ac­cord­ing to the re­li­able in­for­ma­tion that our big Nanyue will at­tack and oc­cupy Xia Na­tion Airen Is­land in the near fu­ture, and must wreck Fei Lu Na­tion mil­i­tary naval ves­sel on Airen Is­land. Our big Nanyue Na­tion, must an­nounce to the en­tire World peo­ple, our big Nanyue Na­tion very for­mi­da­ble!
About this re­li­able in­for­ma­tion ev­i­dence, we ob­tained the help of In­sider, ob­tained the In­ter­nal Net­work screen­shot of big Nanyue Na­tion North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand.
This chart ab­solutely does not have the trace of any mod­ify image, this is a raw image, this is from North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand In­ter­nal Net­work, image of di­rect in­ter­cep­tion!
Xia Na­tion, is Fei Lu Na­tion, you pre­pare to sub­mit to my big Nanyue Na­tion!
Shi Lei this big hole goods, on Nanyue Na­tion local well-known Forum, have is­sued so the Pulling Hos­til­ity post, at­tracts the great quan­tity ha­tred to Nanyue Na­tion com­pletely, es­pe­cially ha­tred of Xia Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion.
In which Na­tion(s) net­work, doesn't have what net spe­cial ex­is­tence?
Shi Lei is­sued that in the Nanyue Na­tion na­tive place well-known Forum post, rapidly knows by Xia Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion, these two Na­tion(s) Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, are in­spect­ing fast, the image that Shi Lei sends out, has mod­ify trace, or is shop and other soft­ware pro­cess­ing of the traces.
How­ever, fi­nally is sim­i­lar to Shi Lei ‚dis­closed’, that image in­deed does not have the least bit processed trace, more­over by Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment of two coun­tries, con­firmed is in­ter­nal Net­work Sys­tem of Nanyue Na­tion North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand.
In net­work, some all-re­source­ful In­ter­net users, one step reached the con­clu­sion ac­tu­ally first. Shi Lei looks at the replies of these In­ter­net users, has to sigh that the strength of In­ter­net users, al­ways makes him dumb­founded.
Xia Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion, through Shi Lei's ‚dis­closed that’ an­a­lyzes, Nanyue Na­tion must at­tack Airen Is­land, two Na­tion(s) Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, the rapid up­ward re­port, ar­rived in the hand of final words mat­ter per­son.
Xia Na­tion, is Fei Lu Na­tion, High De­gree took se­ri­ously Shi Lei in ‚black ma­te­r­ial that’ Nanyue Na­tion on­line ex­plodes. Shi Lei in ‚black ma­te­r­ial that’ on net­work blows out, makes the Nanyue Na­tion In­ter­net users very happy ac­tu­ally.
These Nanyue Na­tion In­ter­net users, un­usual [Hope] their Na­tion(s) are stronger. Was only a pity that these stu­pid Nanyue Na­tion Mon­key, do not know, all these are the Shi Lei's scheme.
Nanyue Na­tion Of­fi­cial Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, in the black ma­te­r­ial that in­ves­ti­gate Shi Lei has ex­ploded, then chose re­ported a Level higher de­part­ment, they are un­able to han­dle this mat­ter.
Nanyue Na­tion Na­tion(s) Safety De­fense Bu­reau, sends out to the North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand im­me­di­ately in­quired ITU. How­ever, fi­nally is ac­tu­ally un­ex­pected. Be­cause, the most Supreme Com­mand­ing Of­fi­cer of­fi­cer of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, has replied Na­tion(s) Safety De­fense Bu­reau di­rectly, their North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, sim­ply has not is­sued sim­i­lar order, in mil­i­tary use In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, does not have ex­is­tence of this order.
Na­tion(s) Safety De­fense Bu­reau re­lated ev­i­dence data, is Shi Lei in the pic­ture of Nanyue Na­tion well-known Forum issue, after hav­ing is­sued the North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, the North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand had af­firmed the au­then­tic­ity of pic­ture, that in­deed is In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand.
But North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand sim­ply does not have such Plan!
This can only ex­plain that issue, mil­i­tary use In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, has en­coun­tered the in­va­sion of Hacker, all these are Hacker is up to mis­chief. Also only then this rea­son, can ex­plain the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion.
Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, un­der­went the care­ful analy­sis, found Sys­tem Back Door that Shi Lei has left be­hind, sub­mit­ted to Na­tion(s) Safety De­fense Bu­reau.
Na­tion(s) Safety De­fense Bu­reau and North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, the rapid union in to­gether, con­venes Press Con­fer­ence. On Press Con­fer­ence, two in the Nanyue Na­tion piv­otal mil­i­tary branch, has clar­i­fied in net­work ‚rumor’, in­di­cated that was only Hacker has in­vaded In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, was not real op­er­a­tional Plan of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand.
Nanyue Na­tion re­peat­edly re­it­er­ated that they re­spect the Xia Na­tion au­thor­ity, they trea­sure the Fei Lu Na­tion friend­ship, but Xia Na­tion, is Fei Lu Na­tion, how pos­si­bly to be­lieve the de­c­la­ra­tion of Nanyue Na­tion?
Es­pe­cially Xia Na­tion, when has Nanyue Na­tion re­spected it the au­thor­ity as great na­tion? As for Fei Lu Na­tion and Nanyue Na­tion friend­ship, the sen­si­ble per­son can hē hē smile, be­tween coun­try and coun­try, what true friend­ship but can also have? The ben­e­fit is supreme, is the re­la­tional true mean­ing of coun­try and coun­try's!
Shi Lei watches per­for­mances be­tween three Na­tion(s), on the face re­veals has wiped smiles evilly, ‚Nanyue Na­tion, the per­for­mance is very good, but, you more clar­ify now, in the fu­ture will be more trou­ble­some!’


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