Monday, November 27, 2017

867: The malicious provocation stirs up trouble!

#867: The malicious provocation stirs up trouble!
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Nan­chao Na­tion is one of the Xia Na­tion neigh­bors, the ter­ri­tory area has Xia Na­tion 1/96 merely, the total pop­u­la­tion is about Xia Na­tion twenty one-sixth.
If not math­e­mat­i­cal spe­cially awful ex­is­tence, can per­haps very re­laxed com­pu­ta­tion, the Nan­chao Na­tion av­er­age per per­son land area, want less than Xia Na­tion.
How­ever, small Na­tion(s) that this kind of place small thing lacks, Cre­ate se­ries Mir­a­cle, be­came is ac­tu­ally paid at­ten­tion by en­tire World, by en­tire World ap­proval De­vel­oped Na­tion!
Nan­chao Na­tion is De­vel­oped Na­tion! It by World Bank and In­ter­na­tional cur­rency fund Or­ga­ni­za­tion, even is Li Jian Na­tion CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency, the com­plete ap­proval is De­vel­oped Na­tion.
Ac­cord­ing to Ranked of Human De­vel­op­ment Index, be­fore Nan­chao Na­tion is for a long time, twenty Ranked, but Xia Na­tion Hong Kong and Ao Is­land, are oc­cu­py­ing first ten sta­tus for a long time. As for the Xia Na­tion main body, be­cause of some rea­sons, through­out is at about 100 vi­cis­si­tudes.
High De­gree de­vel­oped Nan­chao Na­tion, sup­ports the Na­tion(s) econ­omy life­line pol­icy is ‚exit / to speak lead­ing’ strat­egy. Nan­chao Na­tion de­pends upon the all kinds van­guard tech­nol­ogy, makes to lead the World prod­uct, then to the en­tire World ex­port dump­ing, with main­tain the eco­nomic de­vel­op­ment of Na­tion(s).
Nan­chao Na­tion most fa­mous Com­pany, ex­actly as stated fa­mous three stars. The later gen­er­a­tion, cell phone of three stars man­u­fac­ture, ob­tained the sales re­sult of high­est mar­ket pos­ses­sive amount in en­tire World. Even if apple Com­pany man­u­fac­ture se­ries cell phone, has not ended ris­ing of three stars.
How­ever, Shi Lei this time tar­get, tem­porar­ily is not three stars!
As mar­ket value close Hun­dred-bil­lion Large-scale semi­con­duc­tor elec­tron in­dus­try Group, three stars in elec­tronic de­fense as­pect, if no what forte, how could they do ob­tain suc­cess­fully?
Each World Giant en­ter­prise, es­pe­cially elec­tronic in­dus­try, their Net­work De­fense, ab­solute no small mat­ter. At least will have World Sum­mit Grade Ex­pert to as­sume per­sonal com­mand.
These World Sum­mit Grade Ex­pert, ma­jor­ity are Gov­ern­ment as­pect Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist. These Gov­ern­ment as­pect Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist, chose some well-known en­ter­prises to make the con­cur­rent job. Be­cause be­longs to Gov­ern­ment Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist, Hacker that can­not ex­pose by no means. They can ap­pear to live. Can Bright and Hon­est han­dles some Cyber Se­cu­rity re­lated mat­ters.
There­fore, the helms­man in well-known en­ter­prise, can Free­dom mak­ing an ap­point­ment with Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist, have con­ver­sa­tion face-to-face, every­body's iden­tity de­tails can achieve to know the whole story. There­fore, the well-known en­ter­prise does not care about these Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist to be­long to Gov­ern­ment, will not fear that these Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist steal Con­fi­den­tial In­for­ma­tion of en­ter­prise.
Which World well-known en­ter­prise hasn't grasped some strength in se­cret? Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist that if knows the whole story, but also dares to work as the two-sided fac­tions? Per­haps that im­pli­cates nine gen­er­a­tions' rhythm!
Be­sides these con­cur­rent job Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist, only then few elec­tronic in­dus­try Group, has to be­long to their own World Sum­mit Grade Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist. Ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei knows. three stars Group then has to be­long to their own World Sum­mit Grade Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist, more­over does not have one! Ac­cord­ing to the spec­u­la­tion of for­merly Angel Par­lia­ment. three stars Group at least has six World Grade Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist, at least three are World Sum­mit Grade Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist.
Ris­ing of three stars Group, with the Cyber Se­cu­rity ser­vice that these Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist pro­vide, has the con­nec­tion!
Shi Lei this time in­vades Nan­chao Na­tion tar­get, is only four on­line game mak­ers, but non- three stars this colos­sus. As for later, if there is in an op­por­tu­nity sit­u­a­tion. Shi Lei nat­u­rally can­not let off three stars Group.
The Xia Na­tion time zone is utc + 8, the Nan­chao Na­tion time zone is utc + 9, Xia Na­tion Time 11 : 30 o'clock at night, Nan­chao Na­tion is 0 : 30 am. This time re­gard­ing the Or­di­nary per­son, is the ab­solute sleep time. How­ever, re­gard­ing Hacker, dark night has pro­vided the best shield for them.
Most Hacker, usu­ally like mov­ing in the time of quiet. Said ac­tu­ally wants to move in the evening, but is most Hacker. Was used to the evening to move.
Fond­ness of Shi Lei not fixed time, no mat­ter, so long as Shi Lei wants to in­vade, that along with na­ture, but for im­me­di­ately in­va­sion. Now the Shi Lei mood is not quite crisp, he is con­trol­ling [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] some re­sources, sur­mounted net­work bar­rier be­tween Xia Na­tion and Nan­chao Na­tion, en­tered Nan­chao Na­tion net­work.
Par­tic­i­pates in the Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion Nan­chao Na­tion in­flu­ence, al­to­gether has four. Sep­a­rately is, nc­soft and ne­owiz. And ne­owiz and is ab­solute main force, the re­la­tions of these two Com­pany and Big Pen­guin Com­pany are closer, they put into many Hacker strength par­tic­i­pa­tion.
tar­get that Shi Lei mainly wants to tidy up, is the ne­owiz and. As for nc­soft, Shi Lei has spent the lit­tle time, through their Of­fi­cial Web­site home pages, has in­vaded Main Server, in Main Server, in­vests [Moon Virus], then no longer pays at­ten­tion.
The harm of [Moon Virus] is very se­ri­ous, through the Low-level For­mat­ting Hard Disk way, even­tu­ally achieves the phys­i­cal prop­erty to de­stroy the Hard Disk goal re­peat­edly. Hacker de­stroys com­puter equip­ment, main tar­get, ex­actly as stated Stor­age Equip­ment, is Hard Disk.
Re­gard­ing or­di­nary user, the com­puter Stor­age Equip­ment im­por­tance and value, were well below that CPU cpu, the moth­er­board, or is the mem­ory and Graph­ics Card , etc. was valu­able. After all to­gether Hard Disk price, only one-third of equiv­a­lent to cpu value, even is less. Let alone in any high-end at­mos­phere the Top Level Graph­ics Card equip­ment of scale, that is not the value that triv­ial Hard Disk can com­pare fa­vor­ably with to­gether.
How­ever, re­gard­ing en­ter­prise user, the Stor­age Equip­ment im­por­tance, is much higher than the val­ues of other equip­ment. Stor­age Equip­ment in­ter­nal data, is truly valu­able east and west|thing.
Has a slang in it, is called ‚Hard Drive has Value, Data is Price­less’. This proverb very di­rect-view­ing man­i­fested, value soft of data in en­ter­prise and in Main Server, was stor­ing up nu­mer­ous game de­vel­op­ment data, after [Moon Virus] en­tered two Com­pany Main Server, rapidly starts to screen at­tack tar­get.
[Moon Virus] in view of the Server at­tack pat­tern, had car­ried on ad­just­ment mod­ify of cer­tain ex­tent by Shi Lei. Server Stor­age Equip­ment, usu­ally is the disk array group, but is not sin­gle Hard Disk.
The disk array group com­prised of many Hard Disk, but op­er­a­tional Server Sys­tem Hard Disk, will usu­ally not exist in many Hard Disk. Ac­cord­ing to this char­ac­ter­is­tics, Shi Lei changed the at­tack plan of [Moon Virus] to Server, by be­fore­hand en­tire disk array group at­tack, turned has screened at­tack.
[Moon Virus] meets the de­ter­mine com­puter disk quan­tity, then dis­tin­guishes Sys­tem disk, pro­tects Sys­tem disk. Iso­lates other sub­or­di­nate disk. To being sub­or­di­nated disk car­ries on pro­cess­ing of Low-level For­mat­ting. When Low-level For­mat­ting is sub­or­di­nated disk, the [Moon Virus] very sin­is­ter stop Hard Disk data feed­back lamp, will also sim­u­late the twin­kle of Hard Disk data feed­back lamp in nor­mal state.
This sin­is­ter es­tab­lish­ment, mak­ing the [Moon Virus] haz­ardous na­ture higher. Often in silent, then can de­stroy Server sub­or­di­nate disk, but Server Main Sys­tem also does not have issue soft and Main Server, was then dev­as­tated by [Moon Virus], the Server in­te­rior is sub­or­di­nated data that in disk stores up, en­coun­ters Low-level For­mat­ting clean­ing pro­cess­ing.
Shi Lei processed nc­soft, op­po­site party Safety On-duty Per­son­nel. Sud­denly had not dis­cov­ered that their Main Server have en­coun­tered at­tack. Has say­ing that [Moon Virus] be­comes more and more sharp. The at­tack method is hard more and more de­fense.
Al­though nc­soft and Main Server was killed by [Moon Virus] com­pletely, but Shi Lei knows that the losses of these two Com­pany are not quite big, their true Core data, store up in iso­lat­ing Server of net­work en­vi­ron­ment. The on­line game maker and op­er­a­tor are dif­fer­ent, they can­not leave the net­work en­vi­ron­ment, they can def­i­nitely in the closed en­vi­ron­ment. De­vel­op­ment man­u­fac­ture game.
Re­gard­ing iso­lat­ing the net­work en­vi­ron­ment, Shi Lei ab­solutely does not have the means that but Shi Lei is dis­in­clined with nc­soft and Com­pany is earnest. tar­get of Shi Lei main at­tack is the ne­owiz and.
Xia Na­tion Time, late at night ap­proaches early morn­ing. The Nan­chao Na­tion time, ap­proaches 1 : 00 am. Shi Lei im­i­tates en­tered ne­owiz and Of­fi­cial Web­site.
Net­work De­fense of on­line game maker, to the on­line game op­er­a­tor, low­ered large sec­tion. The stress di­rec­tion is dif­fer­ent, is dif­fer­ent to the net­work de­fense heavy vi­sual de­gree.
Shi Lei this time has not moved two Com­pany Main Server. Be­cause Shi Lei knows, in Main Server does not have any valu­able data. To the ne­owiz and. The Shi Lei's tol­er­ance may not have an­other two Com­pany to be equally tol­er­ant. De­stroys nc­soft and Main Server, de­stroys their data, rather gives vent to in­dig­na­tion.
Has con­trolled ne­owiz and Main Server, Shi Lei has not made any act of sab­o­tage, but two Com­pany Main Server, adds on Nan­chao Na­tion high per­for­mance Zom­bie Server again, has com­posed tem­po­rary Small-scale Server Clus­ter.
Shi Lei is con­trol­ling [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] some re­sources, has poured into this Small-scale Server Clus­ter, is based on Small-scale Server Clus­ter, con­trols [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] some re­sources.
What is worth men­tion­ing is, Shi Lei has not car­ried on the spe­cial pro­tec­tion to this Small-scale Server Clus­ter. Gen­er­ally, is in the Shi Lei con­trol Zom­bie, usu­ally will be pro­tected by Shi Lei's, this is to pre­vent by other Hacker, or is anti- Hacker Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist, car­ries on counter- trac­ing real ip ad­dress in­ves­ti­gate.
If no Safety pro­tec­tive mea­sure, if were looked up real ip ad­dress Hacker, ab­solutely is a big tragedy. Shi Lei these time has not es­tab­lished the Safety pro­tec­tive mea­sures, is it pos­si­ble that has Shi Lei vi­o­lated lowly mis­take?
Shi Lei is ob­vi­ously im­pos­si­ble to vi­o­late this lowly mis­take, even if Shi Lei has vi­o­lated lowly mis­take, [Izual] will also re­mind Shi Lei, and helps Shi Lei smooth these small mis­takes and er­rors.
How­ever, Shi Lei or [Izual], have not cared about tem­po­rary Small-scale Server Clus­ter not to have De­fense Sys­tem, that has a pos­si­bil­ity, Shi Lei de­sir­ably for it!
The Shi Lei prepa­ra­tion with the aid of this Small-scale Server Clus­ter, car­ries on the ma­li­cious provo­ca­tion to stir up trou­ble...


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