Sunday, May 6, 2018

1070: Black feather underground trade fair

#1070: Black feather underground trade fair
Comments 344
Heiya City, quiet at dead of night.
After yes­ter­day left Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce, Yun Che then in Heiya City trans­ferred for two days a night, was in­quir­ing the news about Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce while con­ve­nient, knew that Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce un­ex­pect­edly was the Heiya Realm first cham­ber of com­merce!
Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce had over 50,000 years of his­tory, back­ground is ex­tremely sin­cere. Not only pub­lic­ity in Low-Rank Star Realm, has very high pop­u­lar­ity in Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm, in Heiya City, is the Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce total core is, its an­tenna spreads en­tire Heiya Realm, even be­side Heiya Realm.
Broad of the source of tourists, the Sheng of pres­tige, in 30,000 Low-Rank Star Realm no­body may. Sup­ports the wealth, is av­er­age man is un­able to imag­ine.
rumor, its back has Heiya Realm to con­trol the sect Black Soul Di­vine Sect sup­port, but Black Soul Di­vine Sect Sect Mas­ter, is Heiya Realm Great Realm King!
These eaves­dropped on the news that makes Yun Che even more puz­zled. The so huge pros­per­ous cham­ber of com­merce, most does not lack is the wealth, why can brave the total de­struc­tion to make this kind of un­der­ground trans­ac­tion? The scheme what is?
Has the strong doubts, Yun Che to wait till the time that Mr. Ji said fi­nally, the time just crossed, he then re­ceived brief passes mes­sage, ac­cord­ing to passes mes­sage to show, he ar­rived at Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce to Bei­jing Uni­ver­sity gen­er­ally more than 200 li (0.5km) strange cities, en­ters to ru­ined stone build­ing.
Passed through the en­tire four check­points, he ar­rived at the stone build­ing low­est level, here jet black does not see the five fin­gers, had waited for a long time, the the front wall opens sud­denly, a sub­debu­tante goes out, to his gen­tly bow: „Hon­ored guest has waited for a long time, please come along with me.”
Walks into the se­cret door with the girl, the body in dark­ness falls, fell at least hun­dred zhang (333 m), fi­nally falls to the ground, is to­gether un­re­li­able the color break-up to move , the se­cret door is open­ing to­gether at pre­sent.
„Hon­ored guest, please.”
Yun Che en­ters grad­u­ally.
This is a spa­cious stone cham­ber, al­though sev­eral lamp bowls, ob­vi­ously de­sir­ably but makes the ray is quite gloomy. Looks, in stone cham­ber neat is plac­ing hun­dred fur­ni­ture. Around the fur­ni­ture, has al­most been filled with the per­son.
Ar­rives re­gard­ing Yun Che's, they re­sponded pale, shot a look at one at most ca­su­ally. Al­though this is a com­pletely strange face, but the un­manned vi­sion sta­tions. Be­cause the per­son of ar­rival here, will hide the iden­tity ba­si­cally, like Yun Che so uses the fic­ti­tious name is nor­mal, has a large num­ber to meet dis­guise, but.
But each of them's sta­tus, Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce is surely clear. As for Yun Che, that Mr. Ji, al­though the pack­ing has not asked the bot­tom, but knows that he comes be­cause of Huo Rulie, that was enough.
In the stone cham­ber a peace, Yun Che has swept, the per­son are not many, is less than 200 peo­ple, over half have ad­justed the face with pro­found en­ergy, but every­one body is bring­ing the ex­tremely heavy ar­ro­gance or the noble gas, ob­vi­ously has ex­tremely heavy sta­tus char­ac­ter in the Heiya Realm all par­ties world, does not have one is com­mon.
These peo­ple ba­si­cally are the young peo­ple, but enough over 80% pro­found strength cul­ti­vate for in Di­vine Soul Realm, high­est close to the Di­vine Soul Realm peak, this in Low-Rank Star Realm young one gen­er­a­tion, ab­solutely is an ex­tremely as­ton­ish­ing lineup.
These young young mas­ter each one sta­tus are ob­vi­ously ex­tra­or­di­nary, but the side does not have the elder to pro­tect, ob­vi­ously, this is also the Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce cus­tom. On passes mes­sage that such as today re­ceives, men­tioned em­phat­i­cally he can only a per­son go.
Yun Che finds a place to sit down ca­su­ally, the Spirit Sense re­lease, swept sur­round­ing, pe­riph­ery the dis­cov­ery of ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised not the pow­er­house in se­cret watched, in the heart has sta­bi­lized im­me­di­ately.
In the peace­ful wait­ing, the end of stone cham­ber, a stone plat­form rais­ing half a Zhang, along with it, a se­cret gate above stone plat­form opens slowly, two peo­ple one after the other walked, rear area, with six sub­debu­tantes.
These two a man and a woman, the fe­male ap­pear­ance is gor­geous, the stature plen­ti­ful beau­ti­ful fas­ci­nat­ing'win­some, walks lives the pos­ture slen­der and wispy, a black skirt adds mys­ti­cally with charm­ing, es­pe­cially the front was tight­ened high, sev­eral want to split.
The one who fol­lows after her flank is a black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son, his fore­head hangs, the face is stiff, the whole body is pass­ing un­com­fort­ing aura, but its re­served pro­found en­ergy is quite sin­cere, reached Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm im­pres­sively.
Gor­geous fe­male's ar­rival, mak­ing the peace­ful stone cham­ber im­me­di­ately the at­mos­phere change, vi­sion reck­lessly sweeps on the fe­male body.
„Ha­haha, has not thought that this time was Miss Ruyan per­son­ally man­ages un­ex­pect­edly, aban­dons ‚in­vi­ta­tion’ in pleas­ant sur­prise not say­ing that this is in it­self big was pleas­antly sur­prised.” Sits said be­fore young man in­so­lent laugh­ing of most.
In­vi­ta­tion? The Yun Che brow moves... Said that these peo­ple were in­vited to come, but do one­self just hap­pen to pre­sent?
„Your cham­ber of com­merce pre­vi­ous time sends the in­vi­ta­tion on own ini­tia­tive, is three years ago, be­lieves this time, will de­cide will not dis­ap­point us. Miss Ruyan, this young mas­ter was im­pa­tient.” An­other per­son of leisure [say / way].
„chuckle chuckle,” fe­male has smiled ten­derly, the laugh­ter is es­pe­cially ten­der softly, mak­ing the per­son lis­ten in the ear, in heart can­not help but numb: „Au­di­ences young mas­ters are the Heiya Realm great per­son, if no pleas­ant sur­prise of enough com­po­nent, how dare so Young Mas­ter Lao Zhong­wei came from far away.”
„, Tonight's trade fair this starts, your ser­vant Ji Ruyan, asked an au­di­ences young mas­ter many to look . The cus­tom, is as be­fore.”
Yun Che: „...”( What cus­tom?)
Pā! Pā!
Ji Ruyan pats both hands, her be­hind, a maid­ser­vant light step for­wards, in the hand picks up a long wooden chest.
The Ji Ruyan jade han­dles gen­tly moves, shoves open wooden cas­ing cover, im­me­di­ately, swift and fierce in­com­pa­ra­ble sword qi over­flows, curls up one in the peace­ful stone cham­ber in­stan­ta­neously for a very long time the rest­less sword blade edge chaotic wind.
„Good sword!” Dozens peo­ple star­tled shouted the exit / to speak im­me­di­ately. But some Sword Path sect or the per­son of fam­ily fam­ily back­ground has stood di­rectly.
Ji Ruyan is with smile on the face, easely lan­guage: „Does not know that an au­di­ences young mas­ter may still re­mem­ber, three years ago Ab­solute Wind Villa ex­ter­mi­na­tion mas­sacre?”
aura in stone cham­ber stag­nates im­me­di­ately, calls out in alarm along with it one per­son said: „could it be that this sword, stems from Ab­solute Wind Villa un­ex­pect­edly?”
„Is so.” Ji Ruyan said: „Heiya Realm is known to every­body, Ab­solute Wind Villa the sword of cast­ing, every is price­less, Sword Path pro­found prac­ti­tioner, hopes all can re­sult in Ab­solute Wind Villa the sword of cast­ing. How­ever three years ago Ab­solute Wind Villa ac­tu­ally overnight ex­ter­mi­nated an en­tire fam­ily, en­tire villa changes to stretch of ruins, still does not know that is who be­hav­ior, makes the per­son sob.”
„How­ever this sword, seeks in the Ab­solute Wind Villa los­ing place, casts for the stone of stars, its sword qi sword pres­tige, an au­di­ences young mas­ter de­cided a mo­ment ago had the feel­ing by one­self, does not need your ser­vant to talk too much. But along with the ex­ter­mi­na­tion of Ab­solute Wind Villa, the sword of its cast­ing, every also has be­come the un­ri­valled cer­tainly sword. High of the value, it goes with­out say­ing.”
„Right... This is bring­ing as­tral wind sword qi, is re­ally Ab­solute Wind Villa casts. Miss Ruyan, your freely ini­tial price!” Wears the young fel­low vi­sion of black cloth­ing bril­liant, quite ex­cited [say / way].
„Young Mas­ter Zhuo is ad­dicted to sword to be­come Chi, if this sword can be­long to Young Mas­ter Zhuo, with­out doubt is fine deeds one.” The Ji Ruyan smil­ing face blooms: „This sword has not named, the time its Allah grants the pres­tige. The base price, only needs 2.8 mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone.”
This price, lets Yun Che big breath­ing a sigh of re­lief.
This is ab­solutely un­usual the sword, low price less than three mil­lion pro­found stone, means be­fore pro­found stone value not him, is wor­ried that low... Even, five hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone val­ues, but must greatly ex­ceed his an­tic­i­pated, is the ab­solute as­tro­nom­i­cal fig­ures.
„3 mil­lion!” Is called Young Mas­ter Zhuo young fel­low bel­lows.
„Cer­tainly the sword, buys to col­lect also well, 3.3 mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone!”
„He He, if only the col­lec­tion, that rather ex­tremely Qu Qi point, how this you con­ceded to below... 300 five hun­dred thou­sand!”
„300 eight hun­dred thou­sand!”
Can look, Ab­solute Wind Villa is ex­tremely fa­mous in Heiya Realm, Yun Che sits well mo­tion­less, but the sound of sur­round­ing ten­der­ing does not have the mo­ment to stop, this also in­creases the price of sword cer­tainly.
„8 mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone!”
Along with a vocal cord mean howl­ing, this sword at the 8 mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone sky-high price, is be­long­ing to that to be called as the Young Mas­ter Zhuo per­son by Ji Ruyan fi­nally.
Sword of cer­tainly from ex­ter­mi­na­tion villa, 8 mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone. Wood Spirit Bead that is in­suf­fi­cient to van­ish, again ex­pen­sive to sur­pass­ing this num­ber. Even if im­par­tial, cal­cu­lates ac­cord­ing to 8 mil­lion that Mr. Ji was also re­it­er­at­ing this time Wood Spirit Bead is very spe­cial, will be very ex­pen­sive... That is ruth­less, rises ten times!
80 mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone!
One carry five hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone, suf­ficed ab­solutely!
Yun Che feels at ease im­me­di­ately com­pletely... After all, these pur­ple pro­found stone are he fishes con­ve­niently from the Ice Wind Em­pire state trea­sury, even if must spend 80 mil­lion , the feel­ing of also com­pletely not hav­ing loved dearly.
How­ever, if loses the sword that seeks in that Ab­solute Wind Villa re­ally... Also what Xu in this place se­cret sale. It seems like that its back­ground is not quite pos­i­tive.
„Fol­low­ing ‚thing’, stems from Ab­solute Wind Villa sim­i­larly, but...” Ji Ruyan quite mys­te­ri­ous smiles: „But wanted in­ter­est­ing many.”
Then, her both hands pat once more.
But that mid­dle-aged per­son has stood be­hind her side, from be­gin­ning to end did not say a word, did not act, as if has not moved in­clud­ing the eye­ball, is the same just like the de­ceased per­son, mak­ing peo­ple in non­cha­lant ne­glect his ex­is­tence di­rectly.
The Ji Ruyan left side, stone plat­form raises from under sud­denly slowly, then frames in her side.
Above stone plat­form, is one is re­leas­ing rich white light block­ade pro­found array, is un­able to see clearly is block­ing any­thing.
Ji Ruyan smiles slightly, the fin­ger, im­me­di­ately, the pro­found light dis­si­pates lightly fast, only re­mains light one. Turns into translu­cent color block­ade pro­found array, is rolling up im­pres­sively an thin and weak fe­male!
The fe­male long hair was dis­or­derly, hangs loose has cov­ered the most face. The body clothes should just trade, white is very very new, but ac­tu­ally tears many, under clothes on with­ered skin, is partly vis­i­ble a red mark.
Gazed by the vi­sion of these many peo­ple all of a sud­den, shiv­er­ing that fe­male body, ac­tu­ally does not utter a word, only had face deeper bury­ing in the un­combed hair.
The Yun Che eye stares, along with it fierce sinks... Un­ex­pect­edly is in­di­vid­ual!
Un­ex­pect­edly even/in­clud­ing peo­ple also sells!?
More­over looks like, this fe­male has en­coun­tered long-time op­press­ing ob­vi­ously, is very piti­ful.
Yun Che in­spires ruth­lessly... Even if the un­der­ground black mar­ket, Tete an­i­mal!
Under the stage the peo­ple are quite peace­ful, if the peer­less beau­ti­ful woman, they may buy, when toys, but this woman ap­pear­ance mediocre did not say that saw likely was played has dis­carded greasily... Does not have the in­ter­est.
Ji Ruyan looked at fe­male one eyes, im­me­di­ately then re­turns the vi­sion, said: „This fe­male, is not the com­mon fe­male, her sta­tus said that feared that will frighten an au­di­ences young mas­ter to jump.”
„Her fa­ther, said an au­di­ences young mas­ter cer­tainly to like thun­der re­ver­ber­at­ing in one's ears, that was... Three years ago, ex­ter­mi­nated an en­tire fam­ily Ab­solute Wind Villa Villa Mas­ter!”
„What?” This say­ing, all peo­ple are re­ally star­tled.
„The words that my Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce said that will never have half char­ac­ter to be false.” Ji Ruyan said smil­ingly: „This fe­male Ab­solute Wind Villa El­dest Young Lady, pos­ter­ity who Ab­solute Wind Villa is alive only. There­fore, she will in­herit the Ab­solute Wind Villa cast­ing swords­man­ship also per­haps... But this nat­u­rally is also not com­plete. This fe­male, is quite rare Wind Yin Body.”
„Wind Yin Body?” Dozens looked that im­me­di­ately be­comes to the vi­sion of fe­male in­com­pa­ra­bly scald­ing hot.
„Prac­tices the wind at­tribute Pro­found Arts young mas­ter, if can re­sult in has the Wind Yin Body fe­male as dual cul­ti­va­tion human fur­nace, cul­ti­vates, is twice the re­sult with half the ef­fort.” Ji Ruyan vi­sion leisure has swept: „Lis­tened to my fa­ther say­ing that many young mas­ter these years have been seek­ing to have the Wind Yin Body fe­male, now, are the good for­tune do not fail in one's mis­sion. But fi­nally only young mas­ter may re­sult , an au­di­ences young mas­ter may prob­a­bly try hard.”
Re­ally, the Ji Ruyan words have not said that is more than 30 peo­ple of not being able to re­press has stood, every­one is a face ex­cited and ex­erts its ut­most.
„What some­what is a pity, this has Wind Yin Body fe­male Pri­mor­dial Yin to lose, there­fore, your ser­vant also on em­bar­rassed de­cides the low price is too high,... 8 mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone.”
„10 mil­lion!!” The Ji Ruyan sound falls, a per­son has bel­lowed to make noise, di­rectly will­fully en­tire two mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone!


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