Sunday, May 6, 2018

1080: Slaughter

#1080: Slaughter
Comments 157
The storm that under the Yun Che ex­tremely fast, brings layer upon layer de­stroys below trees.
He has gone through the in­nu­mer­able dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tions and stormy times, can al­ways re­store im­me­di­ately com­pletely calmly, but this time, the con­fu­sion of in­ner­most feel­ings is in any event is ac­tu­ally not able to stop.
Soul, likely by any thing stub­bornly grasps locked, in very painful is trem­bling.
Along the trace to east, fi­nally, in Spirit Sense ap­peared be­longed to human aura, more­over was not a per­son, Yun Che mind con­gealed, Spirit Sense max­i­mum de­gree re­lease...... Is less than ten li (0.5km) in his the front, pre­sented 17 for­mi­da­ble aura im­pres­sively.
As well as...... Small and weak Wood Spirit aura.
He Lin!?
The Yun Che speed col­lects aura, body sinks to below jun­gle, but the speed is not as be­fore slow, grad­ual is ap­proach­ing the front aura, when close, Hid­den Flow­ing Light­ning com­pletely has also dis­played, had not been re­al­ized by any­body.
17 peo­ple, com­pletely is a black clothed, in the dif­fer­ent parts of black clothed, clearly dis­cernible black snake mark. In these peo­ple, 16 per­son body are re­leas­ing Di­vine Soul Realm aura, but most the front that per­son, aura im­pres­sively is Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm, but should march into shortly after Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm, the aura in­ten­sity was in­fe­rior last night by his se­vere wound black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son.
The Yun Che's vi­sion, locks in these peo­ple stub­bornly that per­son of body...... In his hand, tight grabs youth Wood Spirit.
He Lin!
He Lin pro­found strength had not been blocked, body, does not have the ob­vi­ous in­jured trace. But, was caught in Black-robed Man hand him is ac­tu­ally mo­tion­less, both eyes are open­ing, ac­tu­ally can­not see the least bit emer­ald green bril­liance, but is one piece can­not see the pupil, such as the de­ceased per­son gen­eral iron grey.
The whole per­son, is one is hav­ing the life likely, was ac­tu­ally elim­i­nated the Soul body.
„He Lin......” Yun Che read lowly. Con­firmed that He Lin has not died, Yun Che caught one's breath slightly, but moves the eye of He Lin, soul ac­tu­ally all of a sud­den heavy sev­eral fold.
„Ha­ha­haha,” coarse laugh­ing wildly sound from grab­bing He Lin that Black-robed Man mouth sends out: „Has not thought that un­ex­pect­edly will have the hap­pi­ness of such big ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised, then Hall Mas­ter not only will again not fly into a rage, cer­tainly also well will re­ward with food and drink our.”
„Is was a pity that crowd of Wood Spirit un­yield­ing, rush­ing self-de­struc­tion Spirit Bead, these many Wood Spirit, have re­sulted very much in such sev­eral Wood Spirit Bead.” An­other hu­man­ity.
„This is these years har­vests most greatly. Many years ago starts, these Wood Spirit like reach­ing an agree­ment, once will soon fall into human, can im­me­di­ately self-de­struc­tion Wood Spirit Bead. Ac­tu­ally this small Wood Spirit...... The Boss, can this small Wood Spirit what back­ground, why grasp lives? Be­cause Hall Mas­ter also he flies into a rage.”
Most the front lead Black-robed Man to swept­back, coldly said: „Should not ask do not ask that fa­vored to me. If made him run again, con­tin­ued we, Hall Mas­ter must die!”
This say­ing makes all peo­ple one star­tled, grabs in He Lin that man­power a tight, star­tled sound track: „This...... This what's the mat­ter? could it be that, is he thing that Sect Mas­ter wants?”
„Snort!” Takes the lead Black-robed Man heav­ily snort|hum: „Feared that must be more se­ri­ous. Last night when Hall Mas­ter car­ried off per­son­ally in Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce by that per­son of se­vere wound, I heard ‚Di­vine Mar­tial Realm’ in­dis­tinctly name.”
„What!? Gods...... Di­vine Mar­tial Realm!?”
„Shut up!” Takes the lead Black-robed Man to drink se­verely: „You know well, can­not say again, can­not ask again. Does not want dead, men­tioned mind to come to me, after Hall Mas­ter met, must im­me­di­ately lead him to re­turn to sect to give Sect Mas­ter, can not have the least bit over­sight. If threw this boy again, I en­sure our per­son do not want to live!”
„Yes.” The peo­ple com­plex­ion all changes, hastily ac­cord­ingly. Grabs He Lin that hu­man­ity: „Boss felt re­lieved, in Heiya Realm, but also no­body has the abil­ity and guts dares......”
The sound has not fallen, two zhang (3.33 m) of empty shade void that less than from him is apart from flashes be­fore to­gether sud­denly, in the star­tling thun­der­clap pro­found en­ergy erup­tion sound, that wipes the empty shade such as for the first time the pre­sent flow­ing light, be­fore his body flashes past.
All occur in the elec­tric light flint in­stance, that per­son makes any re­sponse with­out enough time, in the hand then sud­denly one light.
Yun Che in light of this has not ac­tu­ally es­caped He Lin has seized in­stan­ta­neously, but an­chors after run­ning out sud­denly, then has turned around, wicked beast that con­tin­u­ously stub­bornly re­strain­ing pro­found en­ergy and hos­til­ity such as re­gain con­scious­ness, from his body and pupil crazy re­lease, his left hand pro­tects He Lin, the right hand has grasped Heaven Smit­ing Sword sin­gle-handed, above the sword blade pro­found en­ergy boil­ing, the ma­lig­nant in­flu­ences star­tled day.
Sud­denly to the mu­ta­tion makes all Black-robed Man have a big shock, they stag­nate in a panic, but...... Has not al­lowed them to roar half char­ac­ter, Yun Che body pro­found en­ergy erupted once again opens Rum­bling Heaven un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly, then brought scar­let-red pro­found en­ergy to plunge these to slaugh­ter Wood Spirit Black-robed Man.
Copes with these Di­vine Soul Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner, he in the Pur­ga­tory con­di­tion can the re­laxed crush, not be worth­while opens Rum­bling Heaven. But...... His boil­ing to peak is not only pro­found strength, also rep­ri­mands fills his whole body, anger and cruel that is eager to do to vent!
Even if sin­gle-handed, the sword pres­tige under Rum­bling Heaven as be­fore fear­ful like night­mare.
Black-robed Man that if the sword the star­tling thun­der­clap, that to him re­cently, with enough time has not seen clearly in­clud­ing his face was bro­ken by a sword bang.
The hand arm­band the sword blade is turn­ing over, the flame sword glow shakes to rum­ble to­gether spa­tially, left three Black-robed Man di­rect smash­ing in the fright, the hashed meat rem­nant limb gir­dle every­where blood rain is sprin­kling heart­lessly, in the air fills the air to ir­ri­tate the nose fast smell of blood.
The flash wins Wood Spirit, en­gages in self-ex­am­i­na­tion two swords to mas­sacre four peo­ple sud­denly, all only occur in short less than half breaths. Re­main­ing Black-robed Man were just vig­i­lant, was then panic-stricken soul de­stroyed/ter­ror-stricken.
The ghosts and demons ap­pear­ance, does not send word then sud­denly under so cruel meth­ods, they do not have the so ter­ri­fy­ing bit­ter ex­pe­ri­ence for a life­time.
The panic-stricken roar just ex­ported, boil­ing bloody hos­til­ity Heaven Smit­ing Sword under the bang, that Black-robed Man my­dri­a­sis, to al­ways the quick­est speed have been hold­ing once more up the weapon......
Black Soul Spear was de­stroyed di­rectly, Heaven Smit­ing Sword has ground break Black Soul Spear, the heart­less bom­bard­ment in the chest of Black-robed Man, this for­mi­da­ble Di­vine Soul pro­found prac­ti­tioner, under the strength of dis­as­ter Heaven Smit­ing Sword erupts, likely is to­gether the frail bean curd, broke to pieces every­where blood froth meat dregs di­rectly.
But the Yun Che's form dis­ap­peared di­rectly, flashes in an­other Black-robed Man rear area, that per­son has not turned round with enough time, the en­tire body broke around the mid­dle.
The foot stepped on Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, the hand dance cruel sword, Yun Che such as has re­leased the blood­thirsty nat­ural dis­po­si­tion devil com­pletely, every time flick­ered the body with get­ting rid, will thun­der shock­ing, the blood rain spurted, a lee­way with has not en­dured. power under his lim­it­ing con­di­tion, can it be that or­di­nary Di­vine Soul pro­found prac­ti­tioner can with­stand.
When his ninth sword bang next, 16 Black-robed Man have then crushed in the blood rain, let alone com­plete corpse, the rem­nant corpse has not stayed be­hind. Even be­fore not hav­ing one to send out dead an un­timely death with enough time the piti­ful yell.
The time, only passed by the short four breaths.
Black-robed Man pupil of lead cow­ers, whole body shakes likely screen.
Be­fore count­ing breaths, they are self-sat­is­fied, be­cause this time they not only has con­tributed to the great merit, but also has har­vested the hap­pi­ness of huge ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised.
But, but in an in­stant, looked like fell into hell sud­denly, his be­hind all peo­ple died with­out the bur­ial ground com­pletely, these peo­ple ma­jor­ity of were in Di­vine Soul Realm Late Stage, was the pow­er­house so­cial stra­tum in Heiya Realm ab­solutely, in front of devil but who in this pre­sented sud­denly, the larva that looked like 16 feel­ing sorry, was bro­ken to pieces the pow­der in an in­stant.
When the Yun Che's vi­sion changes him sud­denly, his whole body shakes, com­plex­ion all of a sud­den pal­lid...... Op­po­site party pro­found en­ergy clearly only then Di­vine Soul Realm Sec­ond Level, must weakly in his en­tire Great Realm, but under his vi­sion and im­pos­ing man­ner, he un­ex­pect­edly be al­most the flash is scared.
Mas­sacres his 16 same side dur­ing sin­gle-handed count­ing breaths...... He is an idiot, naively to think­ing one can ex­ceed this tal­ent Di­vine Soul Realm ini­tial pe­riod the devil.
„You...... You...... You is who......” his re­treat, in the mouth makes this whole life most fright­ened sound step by step...... But im­me­di­ately, he has thought sud­denly stole the de­scrip­tion of per­son of pro­found strength and char­ac­ter­is­tics Wood Spirit to last night, star­tled sound track: „You are Ling Yun!!”
Shouted sud­denly re­gard­ing the op­po­site party Ling Yun this name, Yun Che does not have least bit ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised, tur­bu­lent hos­til­ity boil­ing in his chest cav­ity, he does not have the re­sponse of half char­ac­ter as be­fore, a sword rum­bles.
Black-robed Man looks panic-stricken, on whole body pro­found strength crazy welling up, does not dare to have Black Soul Spear that even if re­ten­tion, raises dodges paint black light­ning, ex­erts the life to keep off.
If Yun Che under Pur­ga­tory con­di­tion, he can also re­sist re­luc­tantly, but under Rum­bling Heaven con­di­tion, even if only sin­gle-handed, is far from he can re­sist. A bang, Black Soul Spear breaks ac­cord­ingly, Black-robed Man stuffy, flies ma­li­ciously hor­i­zon­tally, get lost dozens som­er­saults will to an­chor on the ground con­tin­u­ally.
Black-robed Man spits sev­eral rank blood con­tin­u­ally, he goes all out to stand up from fail­ure, trem­bling sound track in fear: „...... Wait / Etc.! We are the Black Soul Di­vine Sect per­son...... You...... You of­fend us not to have the good end! Also...... also! We not only know that you called Ling Yun, but also knows that you come from Clean Moon Realm! You...... You let off me now, then gives us Sect Mas­ter that small Wood Spirit...... Sect Mas­ter cer­tain...... Cer­tainly will not go into one's past...... Not, will also give you to re­ward!”
The in­for­ma­tion of Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce to un­der­ground trad­ing ob­ject con­trol­ling ex­tremely strictly strict, this per­son shouted that „Ling Yun” the name he does not change coun­te­nance, shouted that he came from Flame God Realm, he will not have least bit ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised......
But, he shouted is ac­tu­ally...... „Clean Moon Realm”?
Yun Che did not say a word, he brought not to have sound He Lin from be­gin­ning to end, was tow­ing Heaven Smit­ing Sword, ap­proached step by step.
Yun Che each about one step, that fear­ful in­com­pa­ra­ble aura then makes him feel that he left death abyss to be also near one step. re­treat that he tum­bles, said panic-stricken: „No...... Do not come! Our Soul Sect has...... Has the Di­vine Mar­tial Realm asy­lum, you of­fend Soul Sect, of­fends Di­vine Mar­tial Realm! At the ap­pointed time...... At the ap­pointed time you will not have the place of tak­ing shel­ter again, even if your Star Realm ab­solutely can­not pre­serve you...... You...... You stop now also...... Wuaaah!”
Phoenix Fire from the sword blade shoots sud­denly, flies the Black-robed Man bang to air­borne, the Yun Che form in a flash, twines strong blood en­ergy Heaven Smit­ing Sword to pass through Black-robed Man that the whole body lights a fire ma­li­ciously.
sword qi erupts, crack, the Black-robed Man en­tire body dis­rupts loudly, rank blood straight splash to sev­eral li (0.5km) be­yond.
The ex­e­cu­tioner of in­no­cent Wood Spirit cruel slaugh­ter, have un­rav­elled com­pletely.
Scar­let-red pro­found en­ergy van­ishes, the Yun Che's body shook in a flash, used for a long time, re­luc­tantly to de­press whole body hos­til­ity. He puts down He Lin, dou­ble is hand-held his shoul­der, looks at his eye: „He Lin...... Haven't you been in­jured?”
He Lin shakes the head, not ex­cited, does not have the tears, even can­not see sadly, the look only then a stretch of cav­ity, then, has re­vealed very pale smil­ing un­ex­pect­edly: „I am all right, thank you Big Brother Yun Che, you have res­cued my life.”
„......” Yun Che dull looks at He Lin, he hopes that He Lin after res­cue, can re­lease the pain to be sad heartily, cries great pain and grief, even if cries to faint...... But, he not only does not have the tears, in­stead in light and smil­ing, in­stead...... Thank him......
Yun Che stresses fiercely in the both hands of He Lin shoul­der one tight, the in­ner­most feel­ings surge the in­tense in­com­pa­ra­ble rest­less­ness: „He Lin...... Sorry, is I...... Has harmed your clans­man, if not I......”
He Lin shak­ing the head gen­tly: „No, this is not the Big Brother Yun Che mis­take, you are my bene­fac­tor...... Sav­ior, is I meets, best per­son.”
Yun Che: „......”
He Lin has turned around, is star­tled to look at dis­tant place...... That is the di­rec­tion of Wood Spirit se­cret place: „Big Brother Yun Che, you...... Can lead me to go home again a time? I...... Wants well the bur­ial they.”
„...... Good.” Yun Che heav­ily nods, brings He Lin, flew to the West.
Al­though, there mo­men­tar­ily pos­si­bly ar­rives at dan­ger, after the homi­cide these 17 Soul Sect's peo­ple, is the dan­ger in­creases, should not stay for a long time...... But he is un­able to re­ject.


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