Friday, May 11, 2018

1117: Mausoleum chamber miasma

#1117: Mausoleum chamber miasma
Comments 7
Mau­soleum cham­ber deep as­ton­ish­ment, led the way in the strong foul air was very long, the chan­nel like ini­tial was as be­fore nar­row, Yun Che was main­tain­ing Stealth and thun­der hid­den con­di­tion, fol­low­ing cau­tiously be­hind three peo­ple, through­out be­fore is un­able to cir­cle, al­though in the heart was even more rest­less, but is not ir­ri­ta­ble.
„How to have? Here deep?”
„Foul air is get­ting more and more heavy...... The chan­nel be­came has lev­elled, should quickly to ex­port­ing.”
„Wait / Etc....... What fla­vor is this?”
„Is deadly poi­son! Quick re­treat!!”
Sound sud­denly dras­tic change that the front trans­mits, three Great Realm King aura ap­proaches to the di­rec­tion that Yun Che is at sud­denly, in Yun Che heart one star­tled, the foot­steps stop, has not ac­tu­ally lost pres­ence of mind re­treat, but de­cides stub­bornly in same place, turns very quiet...... Is good be­cause, three Great Realm King aura also im­me­di­ately stop, then stag­nated there, not, be­cause dis­tance sud­denly pulled closer to dis­cover his ex­is­tence.
deadly poi­son? Yun Che re­treat, the brow moves grad­u­ally.
Three Great Realm King the front, in strong gloomy foul air, were many sin­cere dark blue, these dark blues flooded the the front chan­nel, the smog have flut­tered slowly, likely was ac­tu­ally dead­locked in that re­gion, did not dis­si­pate out­ward.
Mu Baimei, Great Em­peror Nan Lie and Han Kuan three peo­ple stand be­fore the gas cloud, look very much at­trac­tive, their fast luck does not drive the toxin, crossed some lit­tle time, the com­plex­ion fi­nally was more nor­mal.
„Good fierce toxin! If re­sponded that again slowly, feared that must con­fess here.” Han Kuan has a lin­ger­ing fear to say.
„Under after is Pri­mor­dial Era leaves be­hind the thing.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie slightly re­treat half step. From var­i­ous Era of Gods pass­ing in­nu­mer­able years, here gas cloud should also nat­u­rally dis­si­pate to di­lute did not have the sev­eral fold, but is still not the mor­tal can with­stand eas­ily.
„Here foul air sup­pressed pro­found strength, meets such toxin again...... Feared that some­what was dif­fi­cult to man­age.” Mu Baimei brow big wrin­kle.
„Must try to rush di­rectly.” Han Kuan said sud­denly.
„Han Sect Mas­ter, if dis­likes the life to be long, can try ac­tu­ally.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie quiet sound track: „This gas clouds do not know that spreads where, if the con­tin­u­ous sev­eral li (0.5km), feared that has the life to go, dies.”
Yun Che is hear­ing their voice silently, un­der­stood them to en­counter any­thing...... The end of chan­nel, im­pres­sively is one gas cloud areas. More­over the fear­ful­ness of this gas cloud, mak­ing these three Great Realm King deeply feel to dread, is un­able to con­tinue to for­ward.
A ful­mi­na­tion sound trans­mits from the front, the mau­soleum cham­ber chan­nel trem­bles slightly, re­sounds the Great Em­peror Nan Lie dis­ap­pointed sound: „It is not good, is un­able to shake the pow­der.”
„So fierce toxin, wants safe and sound pass­ing through, at least wants Di­vine Sov­er­eign to achieve. Dif­fi­cult to be in­ad­e­quate we only to be able Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass to cup one hand in the other across the chest to give the Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm per­son?”
„Can at­tempt to seek for other en­trances?”
„Other real also en­trances, rad­i­cally with­out enough time. The news has trav­elled most that for a long time, six dou­ble-hour, will have the per­son ar­rival of Mid­dle-Rank even High-Rank Star Realm. We solely broke this en­trance seal to use en­tire the day, looked for other en­trances again, might as well sur­ren­dered some­thing sub­mis­sively!”
„How is that tries to rush? Per­haps this gas cloud we have not thought is so broad.”
„Is very good. That in­vited Han Sect Mas­ter first. Al­though Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass is good, but if must bet with the life, this King is not ab­solutely dry.”
Three Great Realm King, in three big Star Realm only hand cov­ers the sky char­ac­ters, ac­tu­ally by one gas cloud block­ing stub­bornly. They felt that Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass was near at hand, but is un­able to go for­ward again half step. The strength of for­mi­da­ble in­com­pa­ra­ble Di­vine King, does not have the op­por­tu­nity in front of this gas clouds.
But they are also not will­ingly turn the head to leave in light of this, aban­don the huge en­tice­ment of Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, they to drive out this mau­soleum cham­ber en­trance, have paid the enor­mous price, how could to be re­signed to fail when suc­cess seemed within reach.
The Yun Che in­ten­tion rac­ing, in the brain emerges sev­eral pos­si­bil­i­ties, in enough half quar­ter's re­lapse mea­sures, his silent re­treat, has with­drawn is very far, sud­denly re­lieves the con­ceal­ment con­di­tion, for­wards with the quite care­ful foot­steps slowly.
Re­lieves Stealth, even if there is a sup­pres­sion of foul air, Yun Che's aura in­stan­ta­neously was de­tected by three Great Realm King, fierce trans­mits from the deep place: „Any per­son!”
„Di­vine Soul Realm? Re­ally won­der­ful...... Ei­ther dies, ei­ther get lost!”
Three for­mi­da­ble op­pres­sion strength solidly lock Yun Che, Yun Che in­spires darkly, the foot­steps speed up, across layer upon layer the foul air, be­fore quickly ar­rived at the bod­ies of three Great Realm King.
Sees Yun Che, three peo­ple stare: „Is you?”
„Do you come in? Some en­trance not per­son of guards?” Han Kuan sink­ing sound track. What guard en­trance is three big Star Realm el­ders, they do not cer­tainly be­lieve that Di­vine Soul Realm pro­found strength Yun Che will be ca­pa­ble of rush­ing.
Yun Che whole face ter­ri­fied rest­less, said hastily: „ju­nior seeks for the chance in the an­cient bound­ary, was in­volved in space pro­found array by mis­take, then ar­rived here, has not thought un­ex­pect­edly is three Sir Realm King into mau­soleum cham­ber,...... In­tends to in­trude.”
„Space pro­found array?” Three Great Realm King still whole faces sus­pected, but does not be­lieve com­pletely, be­cause total im­pos­si­ble rushes from the en­trance hardly. Great Em­peror Nan Lie sneers: „this King re­mem­bers that you called...... Ling Yun? Space does pro­found array astray? Right?”
Mu Baimei ac­tu­ally lifts the hand: „In­deed very much has the pos­si­bil­ity. In the an­cient bound­ary the also in­nu­mer­able se­crets, such as seal pro­found array of this mau­soleum cham­ber en­trance, we also dis­cov­ered until yes­ter­day. Ling Yun, since astrays, you then up­wardly re­turn to the en­trance. Exits in the re­port the name of this King, some peo­ple will not feel em­bar­rassed you.”
„That goes.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie no longer looks at his one eyes.
Yun Che does not have im­me­di­ately to turn around to leave, more­over lifts first that such as they think: „When three Sir Realm King, ju­nior just now walks, has no in­ten­tion to hear you as if to be blocked by the gas cloud, is un­able to go down to the mau­soleum cham­ber, refers to this quiet green gas clouds?”
Mu Baimei looks at his one eyes: „Good, but this has noth­ing to do with you, fast de­parts.”
„If only this gas clouds, ju­nior has the means to scat­ter them ac­tu­ally.” Yun Che said.
His these words, make three Realm King also look askance with­out doubt, Great Em­peror Nan Lie laughs: „De­pends on you? Ha­ha­haha!”
Mu Baimei shakes the head, said res­olutely: „Lit­tle brother, you can say these words, per­haps you have at­tain­ments in the poi­so­nous tech­nique. But this is far from the com­mon toxin, oth­er­wise is also in­suf­fi­cient to per­plex three of us.”
„With three Realm King how that does ju­nior hit a gam­bling?”
„Oh?” the Mu Baimei brow moves, re­veals a faint smile, being in­ter­ested ex­pres­sion.
Yun Che lifts the hand, aims at the front like the quiet green gas cloud that the wan­der­ing soul flut­ters slowly: „ If ju­nior can scat­ter this gas clouds, mak­ing three Sir Realm King be able to enter the mau­soleum cham­ber, please per­mit
ju­nior fol­lows you to enter the mau­soleum cham­ber to­gether, seeks Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, how? ”
He has Sky Poi­son Pearl in the body, re­gard­less of through this gas cloud areas, scat­ters them, is easy as pie.
In de­tour­ing under non- gate con­di­tion, three Great Realm King were blocked by the gas cloud, to Yun Che with­out doubt is an op­por­tu­nity. Al­though he does not fear gas cloud, but must rush from three Great Realm King, with­out doubt courts death. He has thought comes in same method on own ini­tia­tive, re­laxes their vig­i­lance again, then looks for such as to give self up to probe the gas cloud depth for them the rea­son to enter, then en­ters the mau­soleum cham­ber alone...... But so does, is ex­tremely easy to ini­ti­ate the sus­pi­cion vig­i­lance, so long as own aura will soon be sep­a­rated from their Spirit Sense when the gas cloud, who they are ca­sual to get rid, he must die with­out doubt.
After all, these three peo­ple may be a king, is not any fool.
Fi­nally, he chose this type „to ben­e­fit”, will ini­ti­ate their vig­i­lance sus­pi­cion, but most will not ini­ti­ate kills the way of heart.
„Ha­ha­haha!” Great Em­peror Nan Lie slant­ing eye, on face is laugh­ing wildly that dis­dains, in the eye taunts and be­lit­tles how­ever: „The triv­ial Di­vine Soul Realm ju­nior, does dream bribe Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass with us un­ex­pect­edly to­gether? Old Man Mu, your this sav­ior is not only ig­no­rant ex­tremely ar­ro­gantly, is an am­bi­tious toad, Ha­haha.”
Han Kuan is also coldly snorted one, the whole face does not be­lieve and dis­dains.
„Nan Lie, the words do not say is too early.” Mu Baimei is light, when to Yun Che the com­plex­ion is ac­tu­ally aus­tere, does not have the mean­ing of ridicule: „Ling Yun, this gas cloud is fierce, must scat­ter is far from an easy mat­ter. If you can achieve, that then helped us be busy, nat­u­rally had the qual­i­fi­ca­tions al­to­gether to enter the mau­soleum cham­ber. this King is cer­tainly un­ob­jec­tion­able, they will not have any opin­ion.”
„Snort, if he can't achieve?” Great Em­peror Nan Lie sneers.
„How can't achieve?” Mu Baimei ironic [say / way]: „Achieved is the day helps, can­not achieve your not few hair. Your this was re­ally more live more pours.”
Great Em­peror Nan Lie sank under the eye­brow, the [say / way] of smil­ing: „Old Man Mu is Old Man Mu.”
These words are mean­ing­ful, but he has not said again.
Yun Che looks to feel grate­ful, said: „Thanked three Sir Realm King to help, ju­nior has self-con­fi­dently will not dis­ap­point you. How­ever, if ju­nior suc­ceeds, al­to­gether en­ters the mau­soleum cham­ber, when then found Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass first......”
„He He, that be­longs cer­tainly to you.” Stems from Yun Che's to ex­pect that he has not said that Mu Baimei is com­pli­ance with a laugh: „Be­fore en­ter­ing the mau­soleum cham­ber, three of us have the agree­ment, who found Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass first, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass then turns over to who pos­sesses, can­not seize. If you can scat­ter this gas cloud, mak­ing us be able to enter the mau­soleum cham­ber, that nat­u­rally also this so. After all, this King is not will­ing to work as that per­son of break­ing a promise, these two, it is es­ti­mated that are not will­ing to work as the bold vil­lain.”
„It seems like, Old Man Mu be­lieves that re­ally this boy can scat­ter this gas cloud, that this King may prob­a­bly broaden the out­look.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie is false smile, he from be­gin­ning to end, does not be­lieve the Yun Che's words.
„Good...... ju­nior does not cer­tainly dare to sus­pect three Sir Realm King.” Yun Che nods, then no longer talks too much, for­warded across three peo­ple, stands in gas cloud the front, lifted the left hand slowly, in the hand works on one to glit­ter deep green ray pro­found stone.
The pro­found stone half fist size, the blue light is clear, is re­leas­ing quite purely, but not in­tense aura, Great Em­peror Nan Lie snorts con­temp­tu­ously: „De­pends on this? Hey, sim­ply is huge smiles......”
The con­temp­tu­ous sound stops sud­denly sud­denly.


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